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Report Teks

2. General naun
3. Relating verb

4. E.g. is lare. Seen . look,
taste, etc
Fungsion 5. Technical terms
6. Pasif voice
To present information about
something in geeal to the reader
Type of report teks
General structure
1. Animals
1. Title 2. Plants
-judul umum 3. Natural phenome
4. Social phenome
2. General Structure 5. Things
6. Place
-Bagian yang berisi pernyataan
umum yang menjelaskan topic
dari report teks

3. Description
-bagian ini memberikan fakta /
ciri cirri tentang topic report
teks ( kebiasaan /perilaku ,
kegunaan,dll )

Leanguage feauture
1. Simple present Tense

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