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Computers & Security 125 (2023) 103053

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Computers & Security

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A Systematic Security Assessment and Review of Internet of Things in

the Context of Authentication
Manasha Saqib∗, Ayaz Hassan Moon
School of Engineering and Technology, Islamic University of Science & Technology, Kashmir, India

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The Internet of Things is emerging globally as an intriguing trend expected to connect 15 billion devices
Received 30 May 2022 by the end of 2022. Its ability to bring intelligence and automation to various application domains pro-
Revised 7 October 2022
vides a plethora of opportunities while posing severe security challenges. Lack of proper authentication
Accepted 4 December 2022
has been attributed to data disclosure’s perils over wireless communication channels. Therefore, authen-
Available online 6 December 2022
tication as an essential security tenet continues to be a highly researched area, especially in resource
Keywords: constraint networks like IoT and IIoT. This paper constructs a comprehensive systematic literature review
Internet of Things (IoT) to identify and synthesize security issues in IoT from the perspective of authentication mechanisms. Ini-
Systematic literature review tially, the prevalent security and privacy issues are identified, followed by the explanation of security
Security threats across various layers of the IoT architecture. Additionally, the countermeasures available for ad-
Authentication dressing security issues are also covered. The highlight of the review is to present a literature review of
various authentication mechanisms and different formal security evaluations holistically required for IoT
authentication. Moreover, a comparative analysis of some of the popular existing authentication mech-
anisms designed for the IoT in terms of various performance parameters like computational, communi-
cation overhead, and energy consumption has also been covered. Finally, the paper discusses the typical
methods for assessing network security and network simulator tools used to evaluate the performance
parameters of authentication schemes. This review paper attempts to assist researchers in identifying the
existing research gaps in various forms of authentication employed in a typical resource constraint net-
work like IoT that would lead them to develop new solutions. The protocol provided by Kitchenham and
Charters has been used to perform this Systematic Literature Review.
© 2022 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction lion by 2030 (Strategy Analytics 2022). Additionally, the prolifer-

ation of network-connected devices has considerably contributed
The Internet of Things is defined as a global information in- to the alarming security challenges confronting the IoT world. The
frastructure for the digital age in which connected objects, soft- perpetual increase in the number of IoT devices creates additional
ware applications, and smart systems collect and process data susceptibilities if these devices are not authenticated before com-
from the physical world, providing various services to end-users municating perilous data, with the risk of disclosing users’ private
(itu.int 2022). IoT is emerging as an important enabling tech- information in a wireless environment. Its ability and ambient in-
nology to bring intelligence and automation to different applica- telligence provides a plethora of opportunities to achieve Sustain-
tion fields. Smart cities, smart health, smart homes, smart manu- ability Goals but pose several security challenges. The most signif-
facturing, smart environment, wearable devices, etc., use impact- icant challenges pertaining to the security and privacy of IoT de-
ful IoT technology (Zeng et al., 2017,Sosa-Reyna et al., 2018). The vices (Zhao and Ge, 2013). These devices lack adequate computing
premise of IoT is to enable access to anything by anyone, from platforms, and their communications are frequently wireless, mak-
anywhere, at any time. Some key tailwinds identified for this ex- ing them vulnerable to several attacks. In addition, the number of
pansion include maturing technologies like AI, 5 G, Cloud services, devices that connect to the public network grows over time.
etc. According to Strategy Analytics, more than 38 billion con- Proper security measures will protect both devices and data,
nected objects will be connected by the end of 2025 and 50 bil- as the data will be relied upon to make informed decisions.
Inadequate security makes it easy for attackers to gain network
access and thereby compromise the confidentiality, integrity,

Corresponding author.
availability of both devices and data, and nonrepudiation which
E-mail address: manasha.saqib@islamicuniversity.edu.in (M. Saqib). can be life-threatening in some cases (El-Hajj et al., 2019). For

0167-4048/© 2022 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
M. Saqib and A.H. Moon Computers & Security 125 (2023) 103053

example, maliciously compromising a node can result in the com- (Kitchenham and Charters, 2007) is used to perform this SLR. They
plete failure of the network. Therefore, security must precede data defined systematic literature review as identifying, evaluating, and
management, storage, and processing. Numerous security solutions interpreting all available research pertaining to a specific research
have been proposed and developed in recent years. But, due to the question, topic area, or phenomenon of interest. We attempted to
unique nature of the IoT landscape, some of these solutions are follow a logical sequence from planning to execution to reporting
inept, unfeasible, and inapplicable. Authentication is one example to facilitate the formal assessment of the gathered literature.
of a critical security tenet. It is necessary to consider the various
layers when addressing the security challenges of IoT. The Internet 2.1. Identification of requirements and research questions
of Things comprises 3 layers: perception layer, network layer, and
application layer, each of which presents unique challenges. The The first step in conducting an SLR is recognizing the need for
application layer, nearest to users, should appropriately handle the study. In our case, we accomplished this task by identifying
authentication aspects while dealing with the heterogeneity of the the need to identify gaps and patterns in the IoT security aspects
network devices (El-Hajj et al., 2019). examined in this study. As a result, some research questions (RQ)
Authentication is considered the standard security measure must be identified and addressed using the information gleaned
(Schiller et al., 2022). Each connected device must be authenticated from the review of relevant studies, which will serve as the pri-
to ensure that the correct device has access to the proper resources mary studies. The following are the proposed research questions
in the right location. It is a method for avoiding various common (RQs) for this study:
attacks, including replay attacks, man-in-the-middle attacks, imper-
sonation attacks, and denial of service attacks (Ogonji et al., 2020). If • RQ1: What are the most prevailing security and privacy issues
an authentication algorithm is not implemented correctly in a net- in IoT Environment?
work, an attacker can steal critical credentials, posing a risk to the • RQ2: What are the security threats, and what countermeasures
network or user. Thus, authentication is a vital security element for are available to address them in the IoT environment?
IoT networks because it enables various devices to communicate • RQ3: Which authentication schemes have been developed for
with one another and share data in a trusted manner. The user or the IoT environment?
device can be validated in the network based on authentication. • RQ4: How is IoT authentication subjected to formal security
Authentication is the initial and most critical step in establishing evaluations?
secure communication between various IoT users/devices on a net- • RQ5: What are the authentication scheme’s overall computa-
work. IoT authentication validates the device/user’s identity. If the tional, communication overhead, and energy consumption?
device’s/identity user is negotiated, the network may become vul- • RQ6: How security of the network in IoT is measured?
nerable to various attacks (Saqib et al., 2021). • RQ7: Which network simulator tools have been used to assess
Several studies have also demonstrated that authenticating de- the performance parameters of authentication schemes?
vices is challenging owing to the variety of connected devices.
Numerous authentication schemes for IoT devices have been pro- 2.2. Search process
posed and developed (El-Hajj et al., 2019). This paper presents a
Systematic Literature Review of the Internet of Things, emphasiz- The complete search strategy used to carry out this SLR entails
ing authentication-related issues and solutions. It should serve re- the following step-by-step procedure:
searchers to know the state-of-art authentication frameworks, an-
alyze them, benchmark them against performance parameters, and 2.2.1. Selection of databases
identify the research gaps to design appropriate solutions suitable This survey included the following digital libraries:
for resource constraint networks like IoT.
The layout of this paper consists of the following sections: The • Springer (https://link.springer.com/)
applied research method comprises research questions, searching • MDPI (https://www.mdpi.com/)
strategy, and selection criteria are described in Section 2. The pre- • ACM Digital Library (https://dl.acm.org/)
vailing security and privacy issues in IoT Environment are dis- • Google Scholar (https://scholar.google.co.in/)
cussed in Section 3. The security threats and countermeasures • Science Direct (https://www.sciencedirect.com)
available to address them in an IoT environment are highlighted • IEEE Xplore Digital Library (https://ieeexplore.ieee. org/)
in Section 4. Section 5 presents a literature review of various au-
thentication mechanisms in IoT. Section 6 deals with how IoT au- 2.2.2. Search terms
thentication is subjected to formal security evaluations. A compar- The search terms’ primary objective is to include as much liter-
ative analysis of some of the popular existing authentication mech- ature as possible in the survey. The keywords focus on IoT security
anisms designed for the IoT in terms of various performance pa- and several parameters that affect privacy and security. The search
rameters like computational, communication overhead, and the en- strings incorporated into the paper selection process to adhere to
ergy consumption is presented in Section 7. Section 8 discusses the specifications are (IoT OR Internet of Things) AND (Elliptical curve
typical methods for assessing network security. Network simula- cryptography OR Fuzzy) AND (Authentication OR Identity OR Data se-
tor tools used to evaluate the performance parameters of authen- curity OR lightweight) AND (Threat OR Attack OR Security).
tication schemes is discussed in Section 9. Section 10 presents key
challenges and future opportunities of IoT. Lastly, Section 11 con- 2.2.3. Search procedure
cludes the paper. The first step in the search is selecting the literature field using
the previous search string. The second step is to filter out rele-
2. Research method vant titles and keywords from the literature. The third step entails
choosing the use of abstract selection. Finally, we obtain full-text
After reviewing the available literature on authentication mech- articles for review.
anisms in IoT, it was discovered that a systematic literature review
(SLR) is required to accurately assess the amount of work done 2.2.4. Selection criterion
on IoT security. As a result, we conducted the same study to fill To eliminate ambiguity during the selection process, the basis
a research gap. The protocol provided by Kitchenham and Charters for selecting a specific research article that corresponds to the pro-

M. Saqib and A.H. Moon Computers & Security 125 (2023) 103053

posed research work must be pre-defined. As a result, the follow- it interacts with through key management systems in an IoT con-
ing inclusion and exclusion criteria must be followed: text (Khan and Salah, 2018). Authentication primarily safeguards
the framework’s privacy, respectability, and accessibility. Suppose
➢ Inclusion criteria:
an adversary authenticates as an authentic client. In that case, they
The following criteria are used to select research arti- can access and modify any client information. They can see (bar-
cles/papers: gaining privacy), alter (compromise the trustworthiness), and delete
or restrict access (bargaining accessibility) in the same way the user
• Discuss the IoT framework.
can (Maple, 2017). Client authentication and recognizable proof
• Discuss security and privacy concerns related to the IoT frame-
remain critical in the Internet of Things. While username/secret
key pairs are the most frequently used structure for authenticat-
• Discuss security threats in the IoT environment.
ing and distinguishing clients in electronic frameworks, other sys-
• Discuss authentication schemes that address any security issue.
tems like shared keys or biometric qualifications can also be used
• Discuss authentication schemes based on Elliptical curve cryp-
(Gessner et al., 2012Maple, 2017).
tography and fuzzy commitment.

➢ Exclusion criteria: 3.3. Authorization

If one or more of the following conditions are not met, the pa- Authorization entails defining access rights to information se-
pers are rejected: curity and access control resources, such as healthcare devices.
• The study is unrelated to the Internet of Things. Humans, services, machines, internal objects (network devices),
• The study is irrelevant to IoT security. or external objects can all be users in the IoT (devices that are
• The study does not address IoT authentication schemes present outside the network). Sensors, for example, should avoid
• No abstract is available for the study, or the full text is unavail- disclosing data collected to an unauthorised neighbouring node
able. (Abdmeziem and Tandjaoui, 2014; Aazam et al., 2016). How data
• The study is not written in English, the most frequently used may be managed and controlled in a heterogeneous IoT framework
language in scientific publications. is another authorization-related challenge. The IoT users must be
• There is no proposal for resolving the issue in the study. aware of the data management mechanisms and the procedure or
administration. They should take steps to protect data throughout
3. Security and privacy issues the process (Moosavi et al., 2015).

While IoT offers a plethora of benefits to end-users, it also 3.4. Availability

raises many security concerns. Because personal data is trans-
mitted across the network for computational analysis and other Availability is determined by ensuring that data and resources
purposes, it is susceptible to various attacks. Before achieving are available to authorized users when and where they are needed
widespread adoption of the Internet of Things, security concerns (at any time and in any location). The IoT vision is to connect
must be addressed. The following table summarizes the critical se- as many smart devices as possible. Time is a factor that influ-
curity issues in the IoT framework, as determined by the primary ences availability, which means making data available without de-
studies reviewed, and is shown in Fig. 1. lay. Data is now stored either locally or in the cloud. Attackers
can disrupt availability by launching one of three malicious at-
3.1. Access control tacks: a flooding attack, a black hole attack or denial of service
attack. Initially, it is almost certainly used in a situation of avail-
Access control is a security system that enables an administra- ability. Pirates can either conduct a simple DoS attack or a dis-
tor to restrict access to specific zones and resources within a given tributed DoS attack, which requires the cooperation of multiple
installation. It protects confidentiality by limiting access to infor- resources. The adversary can flood networks with unwanted mes-
mation to authorized people and protecting integrity by ensur- sages to exhaust device resources in a flooding attack. This at-
ing that the data is indeed what it appears to be. Recent propos- tack degrades bandwidth, CPU, and memory performance. As a re-
als address access control through centralized methods in which sult, the device may become unavailable or slow communications
a central entity manages authorization mechanisms and approves (Shah and Venkatesan, 2018).The impact of Route Request flood-
or denies requests from external entities (Hernández-Ramos et al., ing attacks on several network performance indicators was investi-
2013). These methods, however, do not ensure complete security gated in (A.H. Moon et al., 2016). The Route Request flooding attack
between devices and any Internet host. On the other hand, tra- degrades the performance of a wireless sensor network by rapidly
ditional access control models do not meet the requirements of exhausting the network’s limited resources. This analysis will aid
IoT scenarios, resulting in a shortage of flexibility, usability, and in the development of necessary security procedures to counteract
scalability in frameworks with billions of devices. These concerns Route Request flooding attacks.
can be addressed through a distributed method where "things"
make authorization decisions autonomously from another entity. In 3.5. Big data management
(A.H. Moon et al., 2016), a complete Access Control framework by
leveraging computationally light Hash chains and Elliptical Curve As connected devices grow exponentially, IoT-based solu-
Cryptography has been proposed. tions generate an enormous amount of data called Big data
(Manyika et al., 2011) ( John Walker, 2014). The first consideration
3.2. Authentication for an IoT developer is data extraction, which is collecting data
from the appliances and extracting valuable information from
Authentication is a vital security primitive in any type of them. Extracting data can significantly impact such a framework,
network both at the entity and message level (Moon and Um- particularly as the number of devices exceeds a certain threshold.
mer, 2016). Authentication is the process of clarifying and assur- Data representation is a critical research area with data extrac-
ing an object’s identity. Each object should be able to categorize tion because it enables the exchange of information between IoT
and authenticate all other objects in a specific part of the system systems and other technologies, like ontology and semantic web

M. Saqib and A.H. Moon Computers & Security 125 (2023) 103053

Fig. 1. Security Issues in Internet of Things.

technologies (Das, 2015). To deal with the complex and large confidentiality-related operations like encryption and key manage-
amount of data collected from sensors installed on structures, big ment.
data solutions are introduced in (Tokognon and Gao, 2017). Big
data service architecture is a new service economic model that 3.7. Heterogeneity
uses data as a resource to load and extract data from many data
sources. For service users, this service architecture offers a variety Data is frequently collected in IoT scenarios from many widely
of customizable data processing methods, data analysis, and visu- distributed objects. The data contained in various ways and
alization capabilities. The general big data service architecture and through different protocols typically have a variety of formats. As
the technical processing framework encompassed data collecting a result, such data cannot be effectively analyzed, processed, or
and storage was introduced in (J. Wang et al., 2020). They dis- stored without a standard format. This lack of standardization also
cussed big data processing and analysis concerning various service complicates integrating data from disparate sources. As a result,
requirements, which can provide useful data to service users. development is necessary.

1. Standardization of data encoding for unified data

3.6. Confidentiality 2. Information-exchange protocols allow effective and continuous
data collection from heterogeneous IoT objects.
Confidentiality is confirming that only authorized individuals
have access to information. Wireless communication is the pri- 3.8. Identity management
mary communication between devices and the gateway, which in-
troduces security risks. Eavesdropping, for example, is a significant Integrating zillions of objects into an IoT environment and
issue in WSN’s. Unfortunately, unlike many other WSN’s, like Wi-Fi maintaining their details is time-consuming. How these issues are
networks and cellular, IoT networks struggle to maintain the trans- addressed necessitates the presence of uniqueness, which is an-
mission of data confidentiality owing to the limitations of low-end other task that must be accomplished. Numerous critical technolo-
devices that comprise the majority of IoT devices (Trappe et al., gies, including smart cards, tags and pins, are viewed as a means
2015). Compared to traditional wired and wireless network de- of addressing IoT devices (Sicari et al., 2015). As a result, provid-
vices like smartphones, personal computers, tablets, and routers, ing identities has become a more critical task in most IoT security
most IoT devices will be active sensors or passive Radio Frequency frameworks because they assist institutions and organizations in
Identification tags with extremely limited resources and capabili- detecting fraudulent activities. Thus, identity management ensures
ties. Restraints on an IoT device’s power, storage, computational ca- that these intelligent entities in the Internet of Things applications
pacity, and other characteristics create a significant barrier to data are who they claim to be (P.N. Mahalle et al., 2013).

M. Saqib and A.H. Moon Computers & Security 125 (2023) 103053

3.9. Integrity 3.15. Resource-Constrained nature

Integrity ensures data consistency, precision, and dependability The key characteristics of IoT nodes are their processing, mem-
throughout its life. Concerns about data integrity arise due to the ory, and energy limitations. Any "viable" IoT-based solution should
unattended nature of IoT devices. The majority of these devices consider these constraints from the start. This also makes such so-
will be self-sufficient once deployed. Data manipulation is signif- lutions’ performance and energy consumption analysis critical ele-
icantly more accessible in a supervised wired network, with little ments for their initial acceptability and later deployment.
or no maintenance. Additionally, whether due to natural calibra-
tion loss or deliberate manipulation by an adversary, IoT devices 3.16. Scalability
collect data expected to be of poor quality and may contain en-
vironmental corruption. In short, data from the Internet of Things There is a strong possibility that IoT will face scalability issues.
can be unreliable and easily fabricated. The rapid growth of IoT devices such as sensors has dramatically
increased data collected (Das, 2015). One strategy for expanding
the IoT environment is to ensure the devices’ longevity and secu-
3.10. Lightweight solutions
rity. As a result, addressing scalable issues highly depends on the
network’s number of entities and the information they generate
Due to IoT devices’ computational and power limitations,
(P.N. Mahalle et al., 2013).
lightweight solutions are a new security feature. It is not a goal in
and of itself, but rather a constraint that must be considered while
3.17. Secure middleware
designing and developing protocols for data transmission, encryp-
tion, and device authentication in the Internet of Things. Since
Because different types of devices interact in IoT, various mid-
these algorithms are used on limited-capability IoT devices, they
dleware layers affect the security and integrity of data and devices
must be compatible with those capabilities.
used within the same network. Data is provided in IoT by estab-
lishing interactions between machine-to-machine, consumers and
3.11. Non-Repudiation machines, and users. As a result, the design and development of
middleware are critical regarding security concerns.
Non-repudiation is a security feature that ensures commu-
nication participants can send and receive data in its entirety 3.18. Security
(Umadevi et al., 2012). Additionally, it provides unmistakable data
transfer between two IoT objects (Samaila et al., 2018). Non- Because of the rapid integration of IoT in various aspects of our
repudiation ensures that a source node sends its data and that a daily lives and their use in critical infrastructures, IoT security is
receiving node will authenticate that the data received matches the vital, if not necessary, given that insecurity can be life-threatening.
source (Airehrour et al., 2016). IoT systems are becoming a popular target for attackers, either as
a target or an attacking tool. Owing to the increasing popularity of
3.12. Policy enforcement IoT systems as a target for hackers looking to create IoT botnets,
the latter is no longer a hypothetical threat model. An IoT bot-
Policies and standards must be in place to confirm that data net comprises compromised devices used to execute various tasks
is managed, protected, and transmitted efficiently. Still, even more without the knowledge of their legitimate users. As a result, mali-
importantly, an enforcement mechanism must be in place to en- cious attackers increasingly use IoT networks as attack platforms.
sure that all entities adhere to the standards. Each service must
3.19. Standardization and interoperability
clearly define its SLAs (Service Level Agreements). Because the In-
ternet of Things is dynamic and heterogeneous, existing computer
Any practical application of the Internet of Things involves
and network security policies may be inapplicable. Implementing
a symbiotic relationship between infrastructure actors, such as
such policies will increase public trust in the IoT paradigm, facili-
things and users. As a result, the roles of these elements vary
tating growth and scalability.
according to application types, such as aggregation or collection.
Their primary contribution to the IoT is their ability to communi-
3.13. Privacy
cate. As a result, standards and interactions are critical for achiev-
ing IoT communication goals. (Sarkar et al., 2015).
The growing number of devices in IoT technology raises privacy
concerns. It is critical to secure data to increase IoT user’s ease of 3.20. Trust establishment
use and comfort while resolving ownership issues related to data
privacy. As a result, whenever data is gathered, the primary objec- A considerable trust mechanism is necessary to develop trust
tive should be to identify who owns it. This ensures that the per- among physical entities and IoT events, for example, intercon-
missions to use the shared data are restricted to the owner. Each nected wireless sensor networks, mobile phones, and RFID-based
object can enforce its own privacy rules when communicating via systems (Akhunzada et al., 2016). The application server’s sensi-
the internet (Whitmore et al., 2014). tive user data may be compromised, resulting in the forging of
legitimate user credentials across the network. The network de-
3.14. Reliability vices have validation mechanisms in place. However, no effective
tool for establishing trust in network application verification ex-
The tension that binds the process to the technology ecosys- ists. As a result, trust is necessary for proper device interoperabil-
tem is "reliability." The reliability aspect is concerned with data ity. Trust entails the adaptability of user privacy, for example, per-
and communication management. The goal of reliability is to en- sonal user data, to the Internet of Things user’s policies and expec-
sure the availability of information over time by employing effi- tations (Jøsang et al., 2007). Due to the portability and mobility of
cient methods of managing data repositories. The redundancy pro- IoT devices, they are physically transferred from one owner to an-
vided by multiple paths ensures the reliability of communication other; as a result, trust between both parties is required to ensure
links. that access control and authorization function properly.

M. Saqib and A.H. Moon Computers & Security 125 (2023) 103053

4. Security threats and countermeasures 4.2. Network layer security threats

A security threat is an act that exploits a system’s security flaws The typical threats at the network layer are summarized below:
and has a detrimental effect on the system by lowering its quality
of service. Each layer of IoT, corresponding to the perception, net- a. Traffic Analysis Attack: When using any web browser, the pri-
work, and application layers, is susceptible to security threats and mary security attack on the network layer is the traffic analy-
attacks (M. Saqib et al., 2020). These attacks can be either active sis attack. Due to the wireless nature of RFID technology, the
or passive, and they can originate from either external or internal adversary has access to confidential information and other use-
sources. A passive attack analyses the IoT’s network data without ful data. The attacker gathers information and data about the
interfering with its operation, whereas an active assault immedi- network to which it is connected before launching this attack
ately disables the service. The following sections detail the security (Hossain et al., 2015). This work uses sniffing operations such
threats at different levels of IoT architecture. as port scanning and packet sniffing applications.
b. Routing attacks: An attacker can modify and distribute routing
information throughout the network to create loops for rout-
4.1. Perception layer security threats ing, advertise bogus routes, drop network traffic, or send error
messages (Wu et al., 2008).
Fundamental technologies such as WSN’s, Zigbee, RFID, and c. Sinkhole Attack: The attacker constructs a sinkhole and lures
other identification and sensing techniques are used in the per- all traffic from wireless sensor network nodes into it. The sink-
ception layers. Because of the impetus offered by the internet of hole attack jeopardizes data confidentiality and privacy, and by
things and cyber-physical systems, the antenna and sensor com- interrupting packet transmission (Jing et al., 2014) rather than
munities have seen significant integration of radio frequency iden- delivering them to their destination, the network is denied a
tification tag antennas and sensors in recent years. Because of their resource.
passive, wireless, simple, tiny size, and multimodal nature, such d. Man in the Middle Attack: By controlling, monitoring, and in-
sensors have potential uses in structural health monitoring, partic- terfering with the network, the adversary can gain access to
ularly in large-scale infrastructures throughout their existence. The confidential data, violate node privacy, and cause communica-
massive data generated by these ubiquitous sensors is likely to im- tion between two sensor nodes to fail. Compared to other phys-
pact intelligent monitoring (Zhang et al., 2017) significantly. The ical attacks, the attacker need not be physically close to the
processing and storage capabilities of sensors are their main draw- target but must focus on network protocol communication be-
backs. Data collection involves wireless transmission of the infor- tween nodes in an IoT system at the network layer (Conti et al.,
mation, which makes it susceptible to eavesdropping. Fig. 2 illus- 2016).
trates the available countermeasures to the perception layer secu- e. Wormhole attack: Bits can be redirected away from their origi-
rity threats. The following are the primary security threats identi- nal network location (Pongle and Chavan, 2015). The relocation
fied at the perception layer (Li and Zhang, 2008): mechanism is carried out from the bits channel with the lowest
a. Node Capture: The attacker can easily control nodes such as
f. Sybil attack: This type of attack occurs when a single malicious
the gateway node, critical information leakage such as the ra-
node assumes the identity of several nodes and pretends to be
dio key, matching key, group communication key, and so on,
them. These malicious nodes cause significant damage by de-
endangering the security of the entire network.
laying Wireless Sensor Networks’ election process or dissemi-
b. Malicious Data and Fake Node: The adversary introduces a fake
nating erroneous routing information (Newsome et al., 2004).
node and malicious data into the system. They avoid actual data
g. Eavesdropping Attack: Information is gathered through sniffing
transmission and keep the energy-constrained node from sleep-
tools such as packet sniffers.
ing. The valuable energy of nodes is consumed, with the poten-
h. Hello Flood attack: A Hello Flood attack involves the attacker
tial to control or destroy the entire system.
broadcasting a hello message to the network via a power-
c. Replay Attack: The adversary transmits a message that has al-
ful transmitting antenna (Karlof and Wagner, 2003). When a
ready been received by the destination host to undermine sys-
node receives a message via a routing protocol, it considers the
tem trust.
source a neighbor and incorporates it into its routing. However,
d. Denial of Service Attack: Denial of Service and Distributed De-
the source is beyond a typical node’s radio range. As a result,
nial of Service attacks are dangerous in Wireless Sensor Net-
the authentic node repeatedly tries to connect to the fake node
works and the Internet (Tewari and Gupta, 2020). These attacks
and finally dies.
diminish network resources, causing the service to become un-
i. Scalability Issues: The IoT is a vast network of connected de-
available. A multi-objective optimization-based feature selec-
vices. More devices enter and exit the network, causing security
tion (FS) method has been presented for detecting distributed
issues such as congestion, lack of authentication, etc. It depletes
denial of service (DDoS) attacks in an internet of things (IoT)
resources as well.
network (Roopak et al., 2020).
e. Side Channel Attack: A side-channel leakage of information in Fig. 3 shows the available countermeasures to the network layer
the device operating process, such as time and power consump- security threats.
tion, or electromagnetic radiation, is used by an attacker to at-
tack encryption devices. 4.3. Application layer security threats
f. Tampering: The adversary can harm the IoT device physically
to result in a denial of service. When used in open and closed The different application layer security threats are summarized
locations, IoT devices are susceptible to physical damage. below. Fig. 4 shows the available countermeasures to the applica-
g. Social Engineering: In a Social Engineering attack, the at- tion layer security threats.
tacker exploits an IoT system user to obtain secret and valu-
able information and complete a task using private informa- a. Data Access Permissions: This attack entails the unauthorised
tion (Ghafir, 2016). Social Engineering is a physical attack as access and manipulation of sensitive data, thus invading user
the attacker communicates with the IoT network to complete privacy (Jia et al., 2017; E. Fernandes et al., 2016; E. Fernan-
his task. des et al., 2016). Typically, this attack exploits permissions

M. Saqib and A.H. Moon Computers & Security 125 (2023) 103053

Fig. 2. Attacks and countermeasures at the Perception Layer.

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Fig. 3. Attacks and countermeasures at the Network Layer.

model design flaws (Nan et al., 2015). Attackers have used b. Data storage and recovery: Data storage entails data transmis-
permission model flaws to seize application control in smart sion through various channels to various locations, which in-
homes, resulting in issues such as theft and break-ins (Jia et al., volves user privacy and data integrity. And the subsequent re-
2017). covery of that data on time. Many security threats occur during

M. Saqib and A.H. Moon Computers & Security 125 (2023) 103053

Fig. 4. Attacks and countermeasures at the Application Layer.

data transmission. As a result, proper data storage and retrieval and malicious code may be executed (for example, when the
should be incorporated at every data transmission stage. sequence encroaches on a segment of code, the program’s con-
c. Handling large amounts of data: Many network nodes are pro- trol flow may be destroyed. Common exploits comprise stack
cessing large amounts of data, which causes some data loss or heap-based buffer overflows, integer errors, format string at-
during the communication process, affecting the network’s effi- tacks, and double-free (Mitrokotsa et al., 2010; Zhu et al., 2011;
ciency. Simmons et al., 2014). Buffer overflows are a very common at-
d. Buffer Overflow: This attack uses programming flaws to over- tack against software and applications.
flow a code or data buffer. Numerous programs store code and e. Code injection: This attack exploits program errors to in-
data segments using a pre-defined memory layout. The adver- ject malicious code into the system (Farooq et al., 2015;
sary writes a lengthy data sequence to a specified area, causing Mitrokotsa et al., 2010). Code injection is a technique that can
the sequence to overflow beyond its predefined boundary. As be used for various purposes, such as data theft, system control,
a result, other data may be modified (for instance, when the and worm propagation (Zhang and Qu, 2013; Yampolskiy et al.,
sequence encroaches on a data region of another data buffer), 2013). The 2 common attacks are HTML script injection and

M. Saqib and A.H. Moon Computers & Security 125 (2023) 103053

shell injection. The code injection attack can result in the sys- 5.3. Usage of tokens
tem losing control, exposing the user’s privacy to an adversary,
or shutting down of system completely. a. Token-based authentication (Naveed Aman et al., 2019): This
f. Impersonation Attack: Attackers could pose as a valid reader to type of authentication authenticates a user or device using a
trick tags into revealing sensitive data stored in the tags. server-generated identification token (a piece of data like the
g. Phishing Attack: The phishing attack involves an adversary im- OAuth2 protocol (Chae et al., 2015; Emerson et al., 2015) or
personating a legitimate user or institution to attain the user’s open ID (Blazquez et al., 2015). OAuth2 is an open standard for
sensitive information, such as credit card information and pass- authorization and authentication using tokens.
word (Farooq et al., 2015; Thakur and Chaudhary, 2013). Email b. Non-Token-based authentication: Requires credentials such as
is a common medium for this attack, in which an attacker ob- username and password each time data is exchanged (e.g.,
tains sensitive information when users open the email. TLS/DTLS (Shang et al., 2016, ; Kothmayr et al., 2013, ;
Kothmayr et al., 2012).
5. Authentication schemes
5.4. Hardware-based authentication
Authentication’s primary objective is to classify network users
Hardware-based authentication processes the authentication
and devices to confine access to legitimate individuals and non-
using the physical characteristics of the hardware. Based on this
manipulated entities and to safeguard user data if user signals are
criterion, one can differentiate between
interrupted or intercepted. Numerous security solutions have been
proposed and developed in recent years. But, due to their unique a. Implicit hardware-based solutions: These use "existing" hard-
nature, some of these solutions are incompetent, infeasible, and in- ware during authentication (e.g., Physical Unclonable Func-
applicable in the IoT environment. Authentication is a critical factor tion (PUF) (Marchand et al., 2017) (Bendavid et al., 2018) or
when developing a secure IoT communication system. One of the True Random Number Generator (TRNG) (Yang et al., 2017)
most difficult challenges is to provide a lightweight, bulletproof, (Hussain et al., 2016)).
and distributed authentication scheme for total security solutions b. Explicit hardware-based solutions: These require the use
for IoT applications (P. Mahalle et al., 2013). of an additional component dedicated to the operations
According to recent research, devices can enter and exit net- (cryptographic or otherwise) performed during authentica-
works without being authenticated. IoT has many heterogeneous tion (e.g., Trusted Platform Module (TPM) (Hamadeh et al.,
devices connected and ranges in size, shape, storage, compu- 2017) (Tan et al., 2017), Trusted Execution Environment (TEE)
tational power, and battery capacity. With so many network- (Lesjak et al., 2015) (Gomes et al., 2017) (Ayoade et al., 2018).
connected devices, determining who does what, when, where, and
so on is time-consuming. Several studies have also shown that it 5.5. Procedure-based authentication
is difficult to authenticate devices due to the range of devices con-
nected. Furthermore, communication can occur between small and Procedure-based Authentication includes one-way authentica-
large devices and between small and small devices. As a result, nu- tion, two-way authentication (mutual authentication), and three-
merous authentication schemes for the IoT environment have been way authentication.
proposed and developed (El-Hajj et al., 2019). These schemes can
be generally classified into the following categories, as displayed in a. One-way authentication: When two parties wish to communi-
Fig. 5. cate, only one authenticates the other, leaving the other unau-
b. Two-way authentication: This is also known as mutual authen-
5.1. Identity-based authentication (Kim and Lee, 2017; wazid et al., tication. In this type of authentication, two entities authenticate
2018; gope and sikdar, 2019; aman et al., 2018; zhao et al., 2018) one another.
c. Three-way authentication: In this case, a central authority au-
Identity-based authentication requires one party to present in- thenticates both parties and helps them mutually authenticate
formation to another party for authentication. This type of authen- themselves.
tication is a straightforward approach to implement. Credentials
such as passwords and key values are stored in device memory to 5.6. Context-based authentication (Wang et al., 2017; Alizai et al.,
validate identity. 2018)

5.2. Cryptography-based authentication This is the process of reconciling data about the physical con-
text to improve the verification process. The features collected can
The cryptographic algorithms used during the authentication be sent to other gadgets, which process them to determine the lo-
phase can also be used as a classification criterion. Cryptogra- cation of the device and the message’s origin time. This informa-
phy algorithms are divided into 3 types: symmetric, known as tion can be used to enhance the authentication process. Two types
secret-key cryptosystems; asymmetric, known as public-key cryp- of context-based authentication exist:
tosystems; and hash functions. Because symmetric algorithms have a
a. Physical: The biometric data that is derived from an individual’s
lower overhead than asymmetric algorithms, some authentication
physical characteristics, for example, fingerprints, hand geome-
mechanisms rely solely on them. Data Encryption Standard (DES),
try, and retinal scans.
Advanced Encryption Standard (AES), and Rivest Cipher 4 are the
b. Behavioral: A biometric-based on an individual’s behavioral
three types of symmetric algorithms. Another kind of solution re-
characteristics, such as keystroke dynamics (the timing and
lies solely on asymmetric cryptography during the authentication
rhythm pattern generated when a person types), voice ID (voice
phase. It is further subdivided into Rivest, Shamir, Adleman (RSA),
authentication using the individual’s voiceprint), gait analysis (a
Elliptical Curve Cryptography (ECC), and Digital Signature Algorithm
technique used to assess how we walk/run), and so on.
(DSA). Due to its lightweight nature, hash functions are used in the
third category of solutions. In more complex cryptographic proto- As a result, we summarize and discuss relevant work on IoT
cols, hash functions are typically used as data integrity primitive. authentication schemes. Existing authentication schemes based on

M. Saqib and A.H. Moon Computers & Security 125 (2023) 103053

Fig. 5. Taxonomy of Authentication Schemes.

different authentication schemes are compared and analyzed in all examples of cryptographic operations. In general, researchers
Table 1 , demonstrating their contributions and limitations by clas- use it to determine the reachability of security, establish the se-
sifying authentication schemes. crecy of session keys, and authenticate.

6. Formal security evaluation

6.2. Burrows–Abadi–Needham (BAN) logic

To determine whether an authentication scheme is vulnerable,

Authentication protocols are the foundation of security in a
its security must be evaluated using a variety of security analysis
wide range of distributed systems, thus they must work properly.
metrics. The following formal security analysis must be conducted
A simple logical calculus based on an agreed-upon set of deduc-
to ensure the security of scheme:
tion rules can be used to model the beliefs and evolution of trust-
worthy parties involved in authentication protocols (Sierra et al.,
6.1. Proverif 2004). BAN logic is a formal protocol verification technique used
to determine whether a protocol is working correctly.
Proverif is a formal verification tool for cryptographic proto- Burrows, Abadi, and Needham created logic to analyze authen-
cols that verifies their security properties. Bruno Blanchet devised tication protocols. The logic is known as BAN-logic. The logic for-
this. This tool verifies the protocol many times with an infinite malizes all public - and shared key primitives and concepts of a
amount of message space. The Proverif tool can attack reconstruc- ’fresh message.’ This allows for the formalisation of a challenge-
tion, which means that if a property is not established, it will con- response protocol. The following questions can be answered using
struct an execution trace that falsifies the desired property. This BAN-logic:
tool accepts data in two formats: Horn clauses and Pi calculus. The
output of the tool is essentially identical in both cases. It is not • What are the protocol’s implications?
necessary to model the attacker explicitly. The attacker’s state can • What assumptions will be required for this protocol?
also be specified as active or passive (Blanchet, 2001). Hash func- • Does the protocol include any unnecessary actions that could
tions, symmetric encryption/decryption, and bit-commitment are be omitted?

M. Saqib and A.H. Moon Computers & Security 125 (2023) 103053

Table 1
Comparison Analysis of Different Authentication Schemes.

Author Contribution Result Obtained Drawbacks

(de Meulenaer et al., 2008) Proposed an enhancement to • Provide a cost comparison of the Kerberos • It is applicable only in the presence of
the remote user authentication key agreement scheme and the Elliptic a trusted third party.
scheme based on dynamic ID- Curve Diffie–Hellman key exchange with • The listening cost raises the
for multi-server environments elliptic curve digital signature communication cost.
authentication (ECDH-ECDSA).
• Discovered that Kerberos is approximately
one order of magnitude less expensive
than the ECDH-ECDSA key exchange and
confirms that it should be preferred in
situations involving a trusted third party.

(Hsiang and Shih, 2009) Presented a secure remote • Improved computation cost. • Susceptible to incorrect password
user authentication scheme • Enhanced the authentication scheme’s change, impersonation attack, and
based on dynamic id security and efficiency. replay attack.
enhancement in a multiserver
(Li and Hwang, 2010) Proposed a biometric-based • Minimized the computation cost • Lack of security enhancement.
remote user authentication • Discards timestamps to eradicate serious
scheme based on smart cards time synchronization problems by using
that are both efficient and random numbers.
secure. • Allows users to change their passwords
freely and establishes mutual
authentication between them and the
remote server.

(Yeh et al., 2011) Designed an authentication • Provides mutual authentication to protect • Increase in the computational cost.
method for remote users both internal and external security.
based on elliptical curve • Improves the security of the
cryptography. authentication scheme.

(Vaidya et al., 2011) Presented a scheme for a • Satisfies some common security • Vulnerable to key-share attacks.
Smart Energy Home Area properties.
Networks (SE-HAN) • Robust and secure.
authentication device that
uses a novel authentication
and key formation algorithm
based on the Elliptic Curve
(Xue et al., 2013) Presented a lightweight • The scheme provides a greater number of • Vulnerable to a variety of attacks,
mutual authentication and key security features including server spoofing and smart
agreement scheme based on • Offers a high level of security without card theft
the user, GWN, and sensor significantly increasing communication,
node’s temporal credentials. computation, and storage overhead.

(Chang et al., 2013) Designed a user authentication • Ensures both anonymity and uniqueness. • Incapable of delivering multiple layers
scheme that uses biometrics • Resistant to offline attacks, impersonation of security and secure authentication.
for connected health care. attacks, DoS, and stolen smart card • Inappropriate for distributed systems
attacks. with multiple servers, such as the IoT
• Only the authorized user/patient can framework.
access the remote server, and nobody can
track them using the data transmitted.
• No malicious user can use transmitted
data to track down a specific user as the
transmitted identities are distinct.

(Gubbi et al., 2013) Concentrated on developing a • Avoid jamming attacks. • No empirical evidence to claim that
unified authentication scheme • Provides a secure authentication solution the scheme would improve data
for the Internet of Things that for IoT devices. security.
works across multiple layers • The extraction procedure incorporates
and terminal nodes. some irreversibility properties (which are
relatively light in weight) that help
ensure the security of IoT-connected

(Ndibanje et al., 2014) Presented a secure key • Improved device authentication. • The IoT sensor nodes had a high
establishment scheme that is • Enhanced security analysis authentication communication overhead.
simple and efficient, based on and access control for IoT. • No practical experiments were
ECC for the IoT. • Implemented Role-Based Access Control conducted on the proposed security
to accomplish access control policies for valuation.
IoT network applications.

(continued on next page)

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Table 1 (continued)

Author Contribution Result Obtained Drawbacks

(Turkanović et al., 2014) Designed a new user • Allows a remote user to securely • Security faults like DOS attacks, replay
authentication and key exchange a session key with a general attacks, and the capture of sensor
negotiation scheme for sensor node without personally node attacks result in the formation
heterogeneous ad hoc WSN’s. connecting to the GWN. of a malicious node.
• Enables mutual authentication between • Ineffective phases of login and
all parties. authentication.
• Tailored to the WSN’s • An issue with the calculation of the
resource-constrained architecture, it only hash function.
employs simple hash and XOR • Prone to perfect forward secrecy,
computations. offline identity, and password
• Less computationally intensive. guessing attack.
• Provides high security since it is resilient
to session key security, stolen smart card,
smart card breach attacks, stolen verifier
attacks, impersonation attacks, and GWN
bypassing attacks.

(Singh et al., 2015) Suggested a secure variant of • The suggested scheme uses • The scheme is inefficient since it
MQTT and MQTT-SN for sensor Attribute-Based Encryption (ABE) based needs nodes to register with the
networks. on a Key Policy (KP-ABE), Cipher Text Broker by transmitting a list of
Policy (CP-ABE), and ECC. attributes resulting in unwanted
• CP-ABE adds some overhead as well,
and its complexity is higher in terms
of computation and storage.
• Finally, minor ABE problems include
key escrow, key coordination, and key
and attribute revocation.

Chen et al., 2015; Devised a user authentication • Summarizes the threats and security • Due to their ineffective verification
(Shunmuganathan et al., scheme for WSN’s that is requirements for 2-factor user method, they are prone to smart card
2015) resistant to smart-card loss authentication in wireless sensor loss attacks and DoS attacks.
attacks using symmetric key networks (WSNs). • Does not provide user anonymity
techniques • Withstand smart-card loss attacks simply during login requests; the user’s
by using symmetric key techniques. identity is transmitted in plaintext
• Highly secure and efficient. form.
• Due to the delay in identifying wrong
login credentials, such as passwords,
the scheme wastes both the user’s
and sensor nodes’ resources
concerning communication and
computational overheads.

Das et al., 2016; Designed a 3-factor • Demonstrated that the scheme offers • Susceptible to attacks based on user
(Chen et al., 2015) multi-gateway user mutual authentication using the widely tracking.
authentication protocol for known BAN logic. • A session key is different for each of
WSNs. • The scheme is secure. the three participants.
• Resistant to several cryptographic attacks,
including sensor capture and
impersonation attacks.

Amin and Biswas et al., Developed a smart card-based • Enables registered users to securely • Vulnerable to sensor capture, session
2016 (Das et al., 2016) authentication framework for access confidential data stored on all key disclosure, impersonation,
a distributed cloud framework. private cloud servers. desynchronization, and offline
• The scheme offers secure mutual guessing attacks.
authentication using the widely accepted • Susceptible to attacks based on user
Burrows–Abadi–Needham logic. tracking attacks.
• Offers session key agreement property • Fails to offer mutual authentication.
between the entities involved securely.
• SAFE under the OFMC and CL-AtSe
• Numerous security concerns confirm that
the scheme is adequately safe against
related security attacks.
• Meets all security requirements,
particularly energy efficiency, user
anonymity, and an easy-to-use password
change phase.
• Ensures that the scheme is efficient in
terms of complexities.

(continued on next page)

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Table 1 (continued)

Author Contribution Result Obtained Drawbacks

Farash et al. 2016 Introduced a new and • Offers a high degree of security. • Susceptible to stolen smart card
(Amin and Biswas, 2016) improved user authentication • Provides defense against a wide range of attacks, user impersonation attacks,
and key exchange protocol for attacks, e.g., man-in-the-middle attack, offline password guessing, and known
diverse WSN’s. replay attack, stolen verifier attack, session-specific temporary
privileged-insider attack, smart card information (KSSTI).
attack, GWN bypassing attack,
impersonation attack, Password change
attack, and DoS attack.

Maitra et al., 2016 Designed a 2-factor password • Aware users easily of incorrect inputs • The scheme is based solely on theory,
(Farash et al., 2016) authentication scheme for during the login and password update with no empirical evidence to back it
client-server- IoT applications phases. up.
built on the hardness • Preserves user anonymity and dynamic
assumption of the elliptic identity, ensuring that no adversary can
curve discrete logarithm identify a specific user based on
problem and one-way hash communication messages between the
functions. user and the server.
• Immune to all potential security threats
due to the hardness of the Elliptic curve
discrete logarithm problem and the
one-way hash function.
• Resistant against all potential attacks.
• Provides a trade-off between
computational and communication cost,
storage cost, and security requirement.

Chang et al., 2016 Introduced a dynamic user • Used Dynamic identities to guard against • Prone to temporary session and
(Maitra et al., 2016) authentication and key attacks to users’ privacy. offline password guessing attacks.
agreement scheme for • Validated that the scheme attains key • Susceptible to key session breach
heterogeneous WSN’s using exchange and mutual authentication attacks.
smart cards. among user nodes, a base station, and • Inefficient during the authentication
cluster heads. and password-changing phases.
• Withstand the majority of potential
• Increased efficiency
• Suitably adaptable for WSN’s.

Kaul and Awasthi et al., Designed a smart-card-based • Offers a small storage capacity and a low • Susceptible to user impersonation
2016 (Chang et al., 2016) remote user authentication computation and communication cost. attacks.
and key agreement protocol. • Achieves mutual authentication.
• Withstand various security attacks,
making the protocol secure and efficient
for practical use.
• Justified the authentication protocol’s
security against active and passive attacks
using the widely known OFMC and
CL-AtSe back-ends of the AVISPA tool.

Roy et al., 2017 (Kaul and Presented a novel, secure • Provides a lightweight and efficient • The chaotic map’s computational
Awasthi, 2016) 3-factor remote user authentication scheme by avoiding complexity is inappropriate for an IoT.
authentication protocol using computationally intensive operations such
biometrics, expanded chaotic as elliptic curve point multiplication or
map, and fuzzy extractor for modular exponentiation.
crowdsourcing IoT • Demonstrates that the scheme is secure
using the widely used verification tool
• Practical for limited battery devices in
healthcare applications due to the
combination of high security and
appreciably low communication and
computational overheads.

Dhillon and Kalra et al., Designed a lightweight, secure • Safe against potential attacks like offline • Prone to user masquerading attacks
2017 (Roy et al., 2017) multi-factor remote user password guessing, parallel session, and a stolen verifier attack.
authentication and key password change, DoS, and • Violates the anonymity and
agreement protocol for the IoT impersonation. traceability of a user.
framework • Cost-effective in terms of communication
and computation.
• The simulation, conducted using the
AVISPA web-based tool, verifies the
system’s security in the presence of a
potential intruder.

(continued on next page)

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Table 1 (continued)

Author Contribution Result Obtained Drawbacks

Katsikeas et al. 2017 Investigated the security • The authors used a WSN test bed • MQTT insertion payload encryption
(Dhillon and Kalra, 2017) implementation of the MQTT (Raspberry Pi) and a simulator to evaluate required extra memory, energy, and a
(Message Queue Telemetry and compare the secure and lightweight high delay.
Transport) protocol in the MQTT implementation.
industrial area utilizing • During the assessment process, two nodes
payload encryption (with AES, are used: the Publisher to encrypt the
AES-CBC, AES-OCB) and link data and simulate IIoT sensors and the
layer encryption (with Subscriber to decrypt the data and
AES-CCM). emulate IIoT actuators. Latency, energy
consumption, and memory utilization are
all considered for comparison.

Wazid et al., 2017 Presented a new • The one-way hash function, symmetric • Relies on a verification table stored in
(Katsikeas et al., 2017) authentication scheme for encryptions/decryptions, and the XOR the database of the Gateway node,
remote users in a smart home operation are suitable for having disastrous consequences if
environment. resource-constrained devices. stolen by an attacker.
• Since it relies on a timestamp to
resist replay attacks, the scheme was
vulnerable to synchronization attacks.

Moon et al., 2017 Suggested Improved • Ensures efficiency, anonymity, and • Prone to impersonation attack and
(M. Wazid et al., 2017) Biometric-Based security. Known session key.
Authentication Schemes for • Proved the proposed scheme’s security • The scheme has inefficient login and
WSN’s with Smart Card via a formal proof based on the random password change phase.
Revocation/Reissue oracle model.
• Eliminated impersonation attacks and
other security flaws.
• Minimized the computational cost.

Nikooghadam et al., 2017 Proposed a lightweight key • Immune to various security attacks and • Fails to resist insider attacks, replay
(Moon et al., 2017) agreement and authentication provides user anonymity. attacks, and password guessing
scheme. • Demonstrate the correctness using BAN attacks.
• Offers acceptable computation cost
• Suitable for implementation in
resource-constrained environments.

Challa et al., 2017 Presented a new • Mutual authentication is achieved using • Insufficient computation and
(Nikooghadam et al., 2017) signature-based scheme for the broadly-accepted BAN logic. communication overheads.
establishing authenticated • A rigorous simulation using the widely
keys in an Internet of Things known NS2 simulator is used to
environment. determine various network parameters.

Koya et al., 2018 Proposed a hybrid scheme • Incorporates additional security features • Susceptible to sensor node capture
(Challa et al., 2017) based on ECG for anonymous to safeguard against hub node and lacks forward secrecy.
mutual authentication and key impersonation attacks and the key escrow • The physiological signal-based
agreement. issue. authentication schemes typically
• The correctness of the scheme is require sensors to monitor specific
demonstrated using physiological signals, such as the
Burrows-Abadi-Needham (BAN) logic. electrocardiogram (ECG), limiting
• Security is evaluated using the Automated their universality.
Validation of Internet Security Protocols
and Applications (AVISPA).

Kang et al., 2018 Proposed a user authentication • Used a dynamic identity technique to • It cannot withstand privileged insider
(Koya and Deepthi, 2018) and key exchange scheme conceal the user’s identity attacks or Ephemeral Secret Leakage
using biometrics for an IoT • Used biometrics information in attacks.
framework that is both conjunction with Biohashing to prevent
efficient and secure impersonation attacks and offline
password guessing attacks.
• Discards timestamps to eradicate serious
time synchronization problems by using
nonce numbers to prevent replay attacks.
• Improves security and ensures efficiency.

Shah et al., 2018 Introduced Secure • Offers mutual authentication between IoT • Issue in authentication
(Shah and Authentication of IoT Device servers and IoT devices. • Physical attacks on IoT devices at the
Venkatesan, 2018) and IoT Server through the use • Protects side-channel attacks on IoT perception layer are possible.
of Secure Vault devices and the server.

(continued on next page)

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Table 1 (continued)

Author Contribution Result Obtained Drawbacks

Chandrakar et al., 2018 Introduced a 3-factor • Presented its security in formal and • Vulnerable to perfect forward secrecy
(Kang et al., 2018) authentication protocol for informal ways, demonstrating its and replay attack.
TMIS. resistance to different security attacks.
• Validate the scheme using BAN logic
• Offers a high degree of security with
efficient complexity.

Alotaibi et al., 2018 Developed an enhanced • Preserve the security by primarily using • Proves unsuccessful in offering
(Chandrakar and anonymous user the formal BAN-logic method to verify the protection against perfect forward
Om, 2018) authentication and key accuracy of mutual authentication. secrecy, known session key, and smart
exchange protocol using • Defensive against various active and card stolen attack.
biometrics and a symmetric passive attacks, such as
cryptosystem for WSN’s man-in-the-middle attacks, forgery, and
replay attacks.
• The scheme is suitable for WSNs based on
comparing computational efficiency and
security requirements.

Amin et al., 2018 Proposed a robust, • Resistant against known active and • Prone to perfect forward secrecy,
(Alotaibi, 2018) untraceable, and anonymous passive attacks. impersonation, and known session
password authentication • Presented a more realistic architecture for key attacks.
scheme for WSNs. WSNs deployment with low-power sensor
• Demonstrated that the proposed protocol
incurs lower computation and
communication costs without
compromising the level of security.

Park et al. 2018 Introduced direct • Reduce network congestion and data • Lack of security solutions like
(Amin et al., 2018) multicast-Message Queue transmission delays in dispersed edge authentication and authorization.
Telemetry Transport for huge networks.
IoT communications.
Lu et al., 2019 (Lu et al., Presented a 3-factor • Ensure the mutual authentication • Lack of robust session key security
2019) anonymous key exchange for properties using the BAN logic cannot provide three-factor security
WSN’s using ECC. • Can withstand a variety of attacks using due to KSSTI attacks.
rigorous security analysis.

(Shuai et al., 2019) Designed an anonymous • Did not require the storage of the • It cannot thwart offline password
authentication scheme that is verification table for authentication guessing attacks, insider attacks,
efficient for smart home purposes. replay attacks, and gateway bypass
frameworks using Elliptic • The random number technique protects attacks.
Curve Cryptography. against replay attacks and circumvents • Insecure session key agreement
the clock synchronization issue. problem.
• Heuristic analysis and rigorous formal • Increase in computational and
proofs demonstrated that the scheme has communication costs.
the required security features and can
withstand all possible attacks.
• Strikes a delicate balance between
security and efficiency, making it more
suited to real environments.

(Zhou et al., 2019) Introduced a • Offers a mutual authentication scheme • The gateway device can generate a
Privacy-Preserving that protects user privacy by identifying message indistinguishable from the
Authentication and Key the user solely through the getaway node. message received from the user,
Agreement Scheme with • The accuracy of the scheme is established posing a non-repudiation issue.
deniability for the Internet of via BAN logic. • Users may deny sending this message,
Things. • Security is verified via the ROR model. potentially causing a security problem
• Enhances the efficiency of the scheme if the gateway device is hacked.

(Ostad-Sharif et al., 2019) Presented an authentication • Maintains perfect forward secrecy with a • Vulnerable to key compromise
and key agreement protocol high degree of efficiency. password guessing and key
that is secure and lightweight • Minimized communication and compromise impersonation attacks.
for IoT-based WSN’s. computational overhead. • The system administrator selects the
• Provides enhanced security functionality master key.
and lower storage costs.

Garg et al., 2019 (Garg and Proposed OAuth, an open • Middleware exposes device information • OAuth protocol at middleware
Dave, 2019) authorization protocol that via a REST API while concealing details requires a username, password, and
allows users to access and serves as a link between the user and tokens for authentication.
middleware by providing a sensor data. • The likelihood of a data breach at the
username, password, and middleware is high.
(continued on next page)

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Table 1 (continued)

Author Contribution Result Obtained Drawbacks

Martinez et al., 2019 Devised an improved • Establishes mutual authentication and key • Does not provide mutual
(Martínez-Peláez et al., IoT-based authentication exchange, allowing cloud servers to access authentication
2019) scheme that is lightweight in securely. • Susceptible to replay attack,
a cloud computing framework. • Prevents eavesdroppers from learning the impersonation, known session key
user’s identity, secures the session key, smart card stolen, anonymity and
and incorporates a challenge-response trace attacks.
• Incorporates a sub-phase known evidence
connection attempt, demonstrating any
connection attempt among a user node
and a server to the control server.
• Resists impersonation, privileged-insider,
and replay attacks.
• Minimizes computational power

Banerjee et al., 2020 Presented an efficient, robust, • Resistant to a variety of potential attacks, • Fails to resist anonymity and trace
(Banerjee et al., 2020) anonymous authentication which is necessary for a smart home attack.
protocol for Smart Home framework
Environments. • Demonstrate the proposed scheme’s
superior security and functionality
• Provided a practical perspective on the
proposed scheme’s applicability via a
network simulator (NS3) simulation study.

Suresh et al. 2020 Introduced an enhanced • Informally tested against a variety of • The scheme is computationally
(Sureshkumar et al., 2020) mutual authentication and key security threats. expensive
exchange protocol for the • Achieves mutual authentication using the • Vulnerable to desynchronization
Telecare Medical Information formal method BAN logic. attacks.
System using a chaotic map. • Highly efficient and secure.

Vinoth et al. 2020 Developed an authenticated • Used Chinese remainder theorem and • Vulnerable to various attacks,
(Vinoth et al., 2020) key agreement protocol that is secret-sharing technology to create a including sensor node capture, DoS
secure for Industrial IoT based group key between authentic sensing attacks, replay attacks in the 4th
on multifactor to enable devices, which is then used to help in phase, and desynchronization attacks.
legitimate users to access exchanging a session key securely among • Consumes a lot of power at the
sensing devices remotely. the user and multiple sensing devices. sensor node and is thus unsuitable for
• Because the scheme uses only symmetric Industrial IoT, especially in the vast
cryptography, XOR, and a hash function, it expanses of IIoT.
is well-suited for resource-constrained
• Minimized communication and
computational costs
• Immune against a wide range of known

Deebak et al. 2020 Introduced a scheme for smart • Ensure secure communication between • Increases transmission delay and
(Deebak, 2020) IoT-assisted systems based on computing devices. throughput rate due to the additional
lightweight authentication and • Accelerates the authentication process by authentication phases.
key management (L-AKM). utilizing continuous user authentication • Fails to resist user anonymity and
sessions. privileged insider attack.
• Uses a token technique to determine the
battery capacity of devices by
continuously sensing their activity.
• Conducts formal and informal analysis to
ascertain the l-security AKM’s robustness
and time consumption.
• Improves security efficiency to withstand
various potential attacks such as forgery,
replay, password guessing, etc.

(Bae and Kwak, 2020) Presented a smart card-based • The security of the authentication • Susceptible to traceability,
authentication scheme in a protocol is validated using the formal impersonation, session key disclosure
multi-server environment verification tool AVISPA. attacks, anonymity, and gateway node
• Immune against user impersonations, spoofing.
session key leakage attacks, and other • Fails to provide secure mutual
attacks. authentication.
• Used in smart card-based applications
such as a key exchange.

(continued on next page)

M. Saqib and A.H. Moon Computers & Security 125 (2023) 103053

Table 1 (continued)

Author Contribution Result Obtained Drawbacks

(Yang et al., 2020) Introduced framework for • Resist sensor node capture attack • Not immune against forward secrecy,
exchanging authentication • Developed a dynamic contacting known session key attack, password
information in WSN for IoT mechanism to prevent attackers from guessing attack, DoS attack, and
applications. guessing the communication period impersonation attack.
between the HGWN and the sensor.
• Validate the scheme using three methods:
security evaluation, BAN logic evaluation,
and performance evaluation,
demonstrating that the authentication
information exchange protocol satisfies
security requirements and objectives.

(Rana et al., 2021) Devised an improved • Ensure secure communication across the • It cannot thwart KSSTI attacks.
lightweight authentication entire channel. • Does not provide user anonymity.
protocol for the next • Demonstrated that the scheme is safe
generation of IoT frameworks against major security threats.
• Minimized communication, computation,
and storage resources.
• Excellent candidate for deployment in
6 G/IoT infrastructure.

(Kaur and Kumar, 2021) Proposed a 2-factor user • A formal security analysis of the proposed • Prone to the disclosure of session key
authentication protocol for scheme is shown using the random oracle attack and impersonation attack.
smart homes based on an model. • Fails to support mutual
elliptic curve cryptosystem. • The Proverif tool is used to verify mutual authentication.
authentication and key agreement.
• Effectively resists replay attack, DoS
attack, Password guessing attack, forward
secrecy, and session key attack.
• Highly effective and reliable.

(Yu et al., 2021) Developed a 3-factor • Resistant to various security attacks such • Fails to offer mutual authentication
authentication scheme based as impersonation attacks and disclosure due to a crucial design fault.
on privacy-preserving that is of session key attacks.
lightweight and secure for • Offers the security functionalities such as
IoT-enabled smart home anonymity, mutual authentication, and
environments to offer secure privacy.
home services for legitimate • Verified the proposed protocol’s formal
users. security using the AVISPA, which assesses
security against various security attacks.
• Offers better security and efficiency,
making it more appropriate for
IoT-enabled smart home environments.
• Conducted a formal (mathematical)
security analysis using the ROR model to
determine the AKA scheme’s session key

Amoretti et al. 2021 Presented a multi-stage • The single trustworthy authentication and • Heavyweight authentication due to
(Amoretti et al., 2020) broker-based secure and authorization server is in charge of client the high processing requirements of
scalable MQTT communication authentication and the production of RSA and TLS makes it unsuitable for
system for the Industrial IoT. access tokens to define a client’s right to resource-constrained IoT devices.
subscribe to or publish a topic. • Because the central AS cannot keep
• The 2048-bit RSA asymmetric key is used up with the exponential expansion of
to sign the cryptographic access token, IoT devices, scaling is prevented,
and authentication occurs during the TLS resulting in a bottleneck or single
handshake protocol. point of failure.
• Neither clients nor brokers
authenticate one another.

(Shilpa et al., 2022) Suggested the Secure Reliable • The scheme employs a lightweight • No security analysis or performance
Message Communication encryption technique to transfer data review of the proposed scheme
protocol for MQTT. securely at the transport layer for MQTT. • The proposed scheme does not
• The results reveal an enhancement in account for broker bridging, which
packet delivery ratio (PDR) and energy occurs when brokers contact one
utilization. another to transfer messages between
MQTT clients.

M. Saqib and A.H. Moon Computers & Security 125 (2023) 103053

• Does the protocol encrypt anything that could be sent in plain of agent-to-agent message exchanges, such as authentication and
text without compromising security? secrecy of data. The HLPSL specification includes a separate sec-
tion dubbed the goal section that defines the security properties.
6.3. Scyther Therefore, the security protocol is evaluated to determine whether
it is SAFE or not based on predefined goals. The HLPSL2IF con-
Scyther tool is used for automatically verifying, falsifying, and verter automatically transforms HLPSL specifications into the In-
analyzing security protocols (Cremers, 2008). The tool includes a termediate Format, a lower-level language (IF). The fundamental
graphical user interface that aids protocol verification and compre- goal of these translations and the design of the IF language is
hension. It is employed to to offer and aid with appropriate input to many back-ends of
the AVISPA toolset. The following are some of AVISPA’s back-end
• Check the security protocol written in Scyther for correctness. tools:
• Conduct security protocol analysis to identify potential attacks
and vulnerabilities and the ability to detect a variety of attack a. On-the-Fly Model-Checker: The OFMC performs demand-driven
types. state space exploration by utilizing various symbolic methods
• For each attack, create a graph corresponding to the asserted and algebraic properties.
claim. b. Constraint-Logic-based Attack Searcher: The CL-AtSe translates
any security protocol definition expressed in the IF language as
Security Protocol Description Language is the protocol writing a transition related to a set of constraints that may be used to
language used in Scyther. The Scyther tool can be used in 3 differ- effectively determine any protocol attacks.
ent ways: c. SAT-Based Model Checker: The SATMC creates a propositional
formula from an Intermediate Format specification’s Transi-
v To determine whether the protocol description’s security claims
tional state. The propositional formula represents any violation
are true or false.
of the security properties to be converted into an attack.
v To develop and validate appropriate security claims for a proto-
d. Tree Automata Automatic Approximations for the Analysis of
col automatically.
Security Protocol: Using an accurate estimation of the capabili-
v To conduct a complete characterization of the protocol to ana-
ties of intruders, the TA4SP identifies a protocol’s susceptibility
lyze it.
or predicts its accuracy.
The three modes are as follows:

a. Claim Verification: Scyther’s input language supports the se- 6.5. Real-or-Random (ROR) model
curity specification properties concerning claim events; for in-
stance, in a role specification, one can assert that a given value The Real-or-Random (Abdalla et al., 2005) model is a function
is confidential or those specified properties maintain for au- used to map all possible inputs and outputs randomly. The Real-or-
thentication for communication partners. Scyther enables the Random model is a well-known technique for proving a protocol’s
verification or falsification of these properties. security (Banerjee et al., 2019).
b. Automatic Claims: Scyther may generate security claims auto-
matically if the protocol specification does not provide them. 7. Computational, communication overhead, and energy
Following each role, authentication claims assert that the ap- consumption
parent communication partners must follow the protocol’s re-
quirements. For all locally produced values (nonces) and vari- The following section compares the overhead of various
ables, confidentiality claims are added. Scyther then applies the lightweight authentication schemes’ computational, communica-
same analysis to the enhanced protocol description as in the tion, and energy consumption. Tbp , Tecm , Teca , Tf , and Tse denote the
former scenario. This allows users to easily examine the prop- time required to compute "bilinear pairing", "Elliptical curve point
erties of a protocol. multiplication", "Elliptical curve point addition", "fuzzy extractor oper-
c. Characterization: The protocol role is "characterized" for pro- ation for biometric verification", "hashing operations", and "symmetric
tocol analysis. Scyther can analyze the protocol and generate a encryption/decryption", respectively. Because registration and pass-
finite trace representation containing the protocol role’s execu- word change are not repeated, only the costs related to login and
tion. This representation typically consists of no more than a authentication are considered and compared. Since the exclusive
few execution patterns. Manually evaluating these patterns en- OR operation takes so little time to execute, it has been excluded
ables rapid identification of potential protocol problems and, if from the computation cost calculation. Table 2 lists each crypto-
necessary, protocol modification. graphic operation’s computation time and notations based on ex-
perimental results (Wu et al., 2021).
6.4. Automated validation of internet security protocols and Table 3 displays the comparison of various authentication
applications (AVISPA) schemes based on computational overhead.
Table 4 summarizes the communications overheads and the
AVISPA was introduced by Armando et al. (Armando et al., message exchange rates for the different authentication schemes.
2005) as a toolkit for validating and evaluating Internet Secu- For communication cost comparison, ECC point multiplication is
rity Protocols and Applications. The authors assessed the specifi- assumed to be 320 bits, a cryptographic hash function of 160 bits,
cations of numerous standardized industrial-scale security proto- and an identity of 160 bits. Similarly, random number and times-
cols to demonstrate proof of concept (Vigano, 2006). AVISPA is a tamp output sizes are 160 bits and 32 bits, respectively. Further-
role-based programming language where each agent performs a more, the symmetric cryptography block size is 128 bits.
distinctive function during the execution of the protocol. Through Table 5 shows authentication schemes comparison based on
the High-Level Protocol Specification Language, the AVISPA tool en- energy consumption. The battery consumption model is used
ables the definition and specification of security protocols (HLPSL). from (Shnayder et al., 2004), in which the energy required to
The primary aim of High-Level Protocol Specification Language is send and receive a bit is assumed to be 4.602 mJ and 2.34 mJ
to offer a mechanism for authenticating the security properties (Karuppiah et al., 2019).

M. Saqib and A.H. Moon Computers & Security 125 (2023) 103053

Table 2
Time requisite for different cryptographic operations.

Notation Description Computation time (in milliseconds)

Tbp Bilinear pairing 11.43 ms

Tm Elliptic curve scalar point multiplication 8.8 ms
Tf ∼ Th Fuzzy extractor function 0.0058 ms
Th Hash function 0.0058 ms
Tpa Elliptic curve point addition 0.057 ms
Tse Symmetric 18.37 ms

Table 3
Comparative analysis of computations performed during the login and authentication phases.

Elliptical Elliptical Symmetric Fuzzy

Hashing curve point curve point encryption/ extractor Bilinear Total time in
Schemes operations multiplication addition decryption operation pairing Total cost milliseconds

(Xue et al., 2013) 20 – – – – – 20Th 0.116 ms

(Turkanović et al., 2014) 7 – – 6 – – 7Th +6Tse 110.26 ms
(Kalra and Sood, 2015) 9 7 – – – – 9Th +7Tm 61.65 ms
(Porambage et al., 2015) 18 15 4 – – – 18Th +15Tm +4Tpa 132.33 ms
(Choi et al., 2016) 26 4 – 4 1 – 26Th +4Tm +4Tse 108.83 ms
(Challa et al., 2017) 12 14 – – – – 12Th +14Tm 123.26 ms
(M. Wazid et al., 2017) 22 – – 8 1 – 22Th +8Tse +1Tf 147.09 ms
(Li et al., 2017) 19 3 – 8 1 – 19Th +3Tm +8Tse +1Tf 173.47 ms
(Kumari et al., 2018) 7 8 – – – – 7Th +8Tm 70.44 ms
(Das et al., 2018) 30 – – – 1 – 30Th +1Tf 0.179 ms
(Yu and Li, 2019) 26 47 – – – 4 26Th +47Tm +4Tbp 459.47 ms
(Renuka et al., 2019) 27 26 – – – – 27Th +26Tm 228.95 ms
(Naoui et al., 2019) 26 4 – 7 – – 26Th +4Tm +7Tse 163.94 ms
(Ma et al., 2019) 19 17 – – 1 – 19Th +17Tm 149.71 ms
(Banerjee et al., 2020) 26 – – – 1 – 26Th +1Tf 0.156 ms

8. Network security assessment

Table 4
Comparative analysis based on Communicational Overhead.
The following are typical methods for assessing network secu-
Schemes No. of Messages No. of bits rity:
(Xue et al., 2013) 4 1984 bits
(Turkanović et al., 2014) 4 2720 bits 8.1. Vulnerability scanner
(Kalra and Sood, 2015) 3 1760 bits
(Porambage et al., 2015) 4 2688 bits Using vulnerability scanners is an efficient approach to detect-
(Challa et al., 2017) 3 2528 bits
ing various devices connected to a network. This might be consid-
(M. Wazid et al., 2017) 4 2592 bits
(Li et al., 2017) 4 2688 bits
ered a beneficial IoT testing tool for improving IoT security. In con-
(Kumari et al., 2018) 3 1760 bits junction with a regular scanning schedule, a vulnerability scanner
(Das et al., 2018) 3 1536 bits can detect known flaws in linked devices.
(Yu and Li, 2019) 8 8576 bits
(Ma et al., 2019) 4 3200 bits 8.2. Penetration testing
(Karuppiah et al., 2019) 2 1984 bits
(Fakroon et al., 2020) 3 2528 bits
(Bhuarya et al., 2021) 3 1280 bits Penetration testing is a technique for evaluating the security
Sahoo et al., (Sahoo et al., 2021) 4 1312 bits of a system or computer network by simulating an attack. Pen-
etration testing has been shown to help assist with network se-
curity challenges. Penetration testing techniques are not only fo-
cused on applications but can also be applied to networks and op-
Table 5 erating systems to discover and then exploit flaws discovered in
Comparative analysis based on energy consumption.
prior evaluations of particular technologies. The Penetration Test-
Schemes Total Energy Consumption ing Methodology Overview for Internet of Things is shown in Fig. 6
(Xue et al., 2013) 9.130 mJ (Gupta, 2019).
Turkanovic et al., (Turkanović et al., 2014) 12.517 mJ Penetration testing is classified into three types:
Kalra et al., (Kalra and Sood, 2015) 8.099 mJ
Porambage et al., (Porambage et al., 2015) 12.370 mJ a. Black-Box Penetration testing: Black-Box Penetration testing is
Challa et al., (Challa et al., 2017) 11.633 mJ without knowledge of an organization’s systems or networks
Wazid et al., (M. Wazid et al., 2017) 11.928 mJ b. White-Box Penetration Testing: White-Box Penetration Testing
Li et al., (Li et al., 2017) 12.370 mJ is based on an organization’s infrastructure information.
Kumari et al., (Kumari et al., 2018) 8.099 mJ
Das et al., (Das et al., 2018) 7.068 mJ
c. gray-Boxing Penetration Testing: It is a penetration test that
Yu et al., (Yu and Li, 2019) 39.466 mJ combines black-box and white-box techniques (Satria et al.,
Ma et al., (Ma et al., 2019) 14.726 mJ 2018).
Karuppiah et al., (Karuppiah et al., 2019) 9.130 mJ
Fakroon et al., (Fakroon et al., 2020) 11.633 mJ 8.3. Common vulnerability scoring system (CVSS)
Bhuarya et al., (Bhuarya et al., 2021) 5.890 mJ
Sahoo et al., (Sahoo et al., 2021) 6.037 mJ
According to (Johnson et al., 2016), the CVSS is a metric-based
vulnerability scoring system that was first proposed by the Na-

M. Saqib and A.H. Moon Computers & Security 125 (2023) 103053

Fig. 6. Penetration Testing Methodology Overview for IoT.

tional Infrastructure Advisory (NIAC) and then built by the Forum 9. Network simulator tools
of Incident Response and Security Teams (FIRST). CVSS aims to give
a method for determining the severity of vulnerabilities. Essen- Based on a decade’s worth of research on IoT security, the most
tially, the CVSS strategy is predicated on these vulnerabilities’ im- frequently used tools are Cooja and Network simulator NS3. These
pacts or characteristics. A CVSS is made up of three metrics: base, tools are beneficial for assessing the performance of Internet of
temporal, and environmental. According to CVSS V2.0, the base met- Things protocols.
rics are Access Vector, Access Complexity, Authentication, Confidential-
ity, Integrity, and Availability (Rufi, 2006). This gives the vulnera- 9.1. Cooja
bility’s intrinsic characteristics. The Base metric is used to access
vulnerabilities based on their exploitability, impact, and scope, re- The Contiki Operating System, an embedded operating system
vealing the extent to which a vulnerability can cause change when that is network-centric and focuses on Internet of Things sensor
attacked. The temporal metric emphasizes the vulnerability’s char- networks, powers Cooja, a network simulator (Romdhani et al.,
acteristic as it changes over time, whereas environmental metrics 2016). It is used to evaluate the performance of applications, net-
depict the vulnerability’s characteristics based on how unique they works, and protocols connected to the Internet of Things. IoT appli-
are to the user environment (Maghrabi et al., 2016). cation development and testing are made simpler and faster with
the Cooja network simulator. Contiki is a C-based operating sys-
a Combining CVSS Scores
tem optimized for sensor nodes with limited resources. Cooja is a
The method for calculating an aggregate score per device that graphical user interface-based simulator that enables users to cre-
can encapsulate the total security risk indicated by a set of CVSS ate simulation applications easily. The cooja simulator includes the
scores and be used to measure risk reduction efforts. following windows for interacting with the node:
The strategy would take into account the following realities a Network widow: The Network window displays the network
(https): mote’s layout and can be extensively customized to display var-
• The device’s risk must directly match its greatest severity find- ious network traffic and factors.
ing. b Simulation Control window: This window allows viewing the
• The greater the number of findings, the higher the overall risk simulation’s time and speed and starting, pausing and stopping
score should be. it. Additionally, this window allows for a complete reload of the
• The severity of ALL findings should be considered and repre- simulation, though other options exist.
sented in the overall score. c Mote Output window: The Mote Output window displays the
output window for the motes. This is especially useful in more
Riskdevice = F ∗ (H + A ) complex networks requiring finer-grained results analysis. The
mote’s actual source code can be modified at various levels, re-
sulting in the appearance of messages in this window. Addi-
The total risk of a device is determined by the number and tionally, any print messages used to determine the flow of the
severity of vulnerabilities connected with it. code will be included here.
Where: d Timeline window: The Timeline window displays events over
• F denotes the number of findings consolidated into a single e Collect view: The collect view can be used to analyze network
score {0-} performance in terms of Packet Delivery Ratio (PDR), Latency,
• H is the greatest severity rating of the aggregated findings {0 – Throughput Node Power Consumption, Packet Drop, Received Sig-
10} nal Strength (RSS), and Link Quality Indicator (LQI). Contiki sup-
• A is the average severity of the pooled findings {0 – 10} ports protocols such as MQTT, 6LoWPAN, Rime, RPL, and CoAP
Due to the infinite number of findings, the resulting value can- via packages.
not be normalized and is a non-negative rational number. As a result, the cooja simulator is used to test the performance
a CVSS Scores for the Entire Network of real-time applications that interface directly with protocols.

Instead of comparing individual device aggregate scores, it is 9.2. Network simulator (NS3)
more useful to broaden the computation to include multiple de-
vices: NS-3 is open, extensible networking research and edu-
cation platform employing discrete-event network simulation
Risknetwork = F ∗ (H + A )/N
(nsnam.org 2018). NS-3 can provide a simulation engine that al-
A network’s aggregated risk is a ratio of the number and sever- lows users to efficiently simulate the real system, concentrating
ity of vulnerabilities connected to the number of network nodes. on the Internet protocols and network modeling. When develop-
As the network grows, this approach dilutes the significance of the ing in C++ or Python, NS-3 can be used with external animators,
number of discoveries. For example, this reflects the reality that data analysis, and visualization tools. The NS-3 allows for studying
the risk of ten findings on a single node is greater than the risk of complex network parameters such as end-to-end delay, network
ten findings in a network of 100 nodes. throughput, packet loss, latency, and packet delivery ratio.

M. Saqib and A.H. Moon Computers & Security 125 (2023) 103053

The following modules are used in NS-3: (Selinis, 2014) 10.1. Interoperability

a Node: In NS-3, a node is the basic computing device that may The major hurdle to organizations adopting this technology is
be expanded with numerous functionality. Depending on the interoperability, which encompasses syntactic, semantic, and cross-
demands of the simulated network, any number of nodes can domain interoperability (Megouache et al., 2020). Businesses must
be generated and maintained using a NodeContainer. apply several tactics, including operational, tactical, and strategic
b Application: In NS-3, an application is a user-written pro- trials and technological trials, which require more time and delay
gram that generates a simulated activity. UdpEchoClientApplica- the product’s early market introduction, to deploy these factors en-
tion and UdpEchoServerApplication are two subclasses of Appli- tirely without error and guarantee QoS. Due to the lack of a uni-
cations used to implement UDP client and server applications. form design, each device must select its architecture based on its
c Channeling: A channel is the medium through which data requirements, increasing algorithm and device complexity. Provid-
is transmitted. A CsmaChannel represents a wired network, ing intelligence to devices using various current technologies and
whereas a WifiChannel represents a wireless medium. The user intelligent algorithms enables them to detect and respond to other
can modify the channel properties, such as bandwidth and devices and services automatically. Use semantic web technologies
propagation loss. and related application programming interfaces to prioritize cross-
d Network Device: A Network Interface Card is installed on a domain interoperability. Context-adaptive workflow management
node to enable communication with other nodes and network is a critical enabler technology for realizing the user-centric vision
connectivity. NetDevices is responsible for managing these pe- (Ahmad et al., 2019). There is no common standard for IoT device
ripheral cards. CsmaNetDevice, WifiNetDevice, and PointToPoint- interoperability, and most tasks are either organization-specific or
NetDevice are all examples of these optimized NetDevices. de facto.
e Topology Helpers: Topology Helpers connect the elements that
the user creates, such as Nodes, Channels, and NetDevices. The 10.2. Security and privacy
Topology Helpers simplify the task of creating NetDevices, at-
taching them to Nodes, connecting them to Channels, and con- Because IoT has become an essential component of the inter-
figure protocol stacks on Nodes. net’s future with rising usage, it demands the necessity to address
v NodeContainer: NodeContainer offers the user a variety of security and trust functions appropriately. Researchers are aware of
node creation and management options. When a node is the flaws that exist in many IoT devices nowadays. Various threats
created, it is purposeless. To connect the newly constructed and flaws in IoT systems demonstrate the necessity for compre-
network nodes, the user constructs a topology. A point-to- hensive security designs that safeguard data and systems from end
point connection between 2 nodes is the simplest type of to end. Many attacks often use flaws in specific devices to gain
network that ns-3 can make. access to their systems and, as a result, make safe devices suscep-
v PointToPointHelper: In reality, the Channel and NetDevice tible (Daia et al., 2018). This security gap further stimulates com-
objects correspond to a network cable and a peripheral card, plete security solutions, which include efficient applied cryptogra-
respectively. To configure and connect NS-3 PointToPoint- phy research for data and system security, non-cryptographic secu-
NetDevice and PointToPointChannel objects, a single PointTo- rity techniques, and frameworks that assist developers in develop-
PointHelper object is used. The PointToPointNetDevice has the ing secure systems on heterogeneous devices.
attribute "DataRate", whereas the PointToPointChannel has a
"Delay" attribute. Both attributes, in this example, PointTo- 10.3. Using emerging naming and addressing for IoT identity
PointHelper, can be defined using the appropriate Topology management
Helper. It assists the user with device creation, configuration,
and installation. Each device requires a unique identifier to communicate over
v NetDeviceContainer: Like a NodeContainer, a NetDeviceCon- the network. As a result, a technique for assigning a unique iden-
tainer stores the created NetDevices. Later, procedures such tifier to each network object is needed (Matharu et al., 2014). In
as Install are used to configure the devices and channels. the early days of the Internet of Things, IPv4 was used to issue a
Later, the devices and channels are configured using meth- unique identifier to each network node. As the number of Internet
ods such as Install. After that, devices are programmed to of Things devices grows, IPv6 addresses are assigned. Named Data
communicate data at a specified rate over the specified Networking is one of the next-generation network architectures
channel. that can be used for naming and addressing in Internet of Things
v InternetStackHelper: After configuring the nodes and de- applications. IPv4 and IPv6 addresses can be substituted by named
vices, they need to be configured with protocol stacks. Each data objects in the Internet of Things. Named Data Networking has
node created with this Helper can be configured to use any been mentioned by several academics (Datta and Bonnet, 2016) in
Internet Stack, such as Transmission Control Protocol (TCP), IoT architecture. Additional research in this topic can be performed
Internet Protocol (IP), or User Datagram Protocol (UDP). as the Internet evolves to a more content-centric design.
v Ipv4AddressHelper: The established node’s devices must
now be assigned IP addresses. The user’s only input required 10.4. Blockchain of things (BCoT): a hybrid of blockchain technology
to perform this address assignment function is a base Inter- with the IoT
net Protocol address and a network mask.
The Internet contains several unsecure features that make IoT
10. Key challenges devices vulnerable to attacks. Researchers develop and optimize
the Internet of Things device network regarding network security
IoT deployments vary by application, ranging from smart health and algorithms, which still lack an effective way of preventing at-
to critical cyber-physical systems and their different security con- tacks and privacy leaks. Blockchain technology is expected to be a
cerns need to be addressed in order to overcome the existing IoT potential approach to address data security issues in the Internet of
adoption impediments. It is recommended to incorporate security Things (Zhang et al., 2020). Blockchain can record historical data by
design principles at an early stage of the design process. The key constructing a collectively maintained and tamper-resistant public
challenges are as follows: ledger to assure the security and dependability of data kept in a

M. Saqib and A.H. Moon Computers & Security 125 (2023) 103053

distributed network. The blockchain can be thought of as a form security threats, and available countermeasures in an IoT environ-
of decentralized distributed database that is not controlled by any ment proposed in the form of numerous authentication schemes
entity or authority (Matharu et al., 2014). It has the potential to distinct from one another and applicable to multiple domains. We
deliver innovative solutions to many industries, including informa- followed a meticulous and systematic process to obtain the stud-
tion tracing and privacy protection. ies for analysis in this paper. The formal verification analysis per-
IoT and Blockchain, according to Miraz, can mutually reinforce formed on the authentication schemes by the various verification
each other by addressing their fundamental architectural limita- tools such as Proverif, BAN logic, Scyther, AVISPA, and ROR model
tions (J. Wang et al., 2020). The inherent security, immutabil- is also described. Finally, the paper discusses the typical meth-
ity, trust, and transparency of blockchain are the primary rea- ods for assessing network security and network simulator tools
sons for its adoption in nonmonetary applications. These features used to evaluate the authentication scheme’s performance param-
are enabled via blockchain’s consensus mechanism and Distributed eters. While these IoT authentication schemes have led to a se-
Ledger Technologies (DLTs), which rely largely on participating cure design, they still have flaws that must be addressed in terms
nodes. As a result of the combination of these two technologies, of computational, communication overhead, energy consumption
Blockchain and the Internet of Things (IoT), a new concept known costs, session key negotiation, resilience to cryptographic attacks,
as the Blockchain of Things (BCoT) is created, in which blockchain and mutual authentication between nodes to guarantee greater se-
strengthens IoT by adding an extra layer of security, while IoT curity and privacy. As a result, additional research in this area is
"things" can serve as participating nodes in blockchain ecosystems necessary, as developing a robust authentication scheme remains
(Miraz, 2020). As a result, blockchain-enabled IoT networks will an open question.
improve overall security while mutually benefiting.
11.1. Future opportunities
10.5. Authentication and authorization
This part will discuss the future potential for enabling depend-
able IoT applications. We address three critical prospects for im-
Authenticating users can be done in various ways. Alternative
proving the reliability of future IoT applications. Machine learning
methods include digital signature, access cards, voice recognition,
techniques, blockchain-enabled security and 6 G communications
retina scans, fingerprints, and the traditional login and password.
are among the opportunities.
Authorization can also be accomplished through access control. It
(a). Machine Learning Methods
is a security approach that regulates and manages who or what has
Because future IoT applications will produce a significant quan-
access to or uses a system’s resources. Because of the large number
tity of data, effective machine learning techniques will be required
of objects in the network, it has become complex. As a result, tra-
to analyze the data and gain meaningful visions to increase IoT re-
ditional authentication and authorization approaches have failed in
liability (Mittal et al., 2021). Many machine learning algorithms ap-
large networks. Because of the one-time registration, multi-server
ply to IoT applications. Some of them are as follows:
authentication allows you to access services from different servers
via a trusted agent. Users are generally hesitant to register them- ➢ Regression-based techniques: Many critical metrics in IoT can
selves separately with all service providers due to the difficulty be predicted using regression-based algorithms. Regression can
of remembering several passwords. The multi-server authentica- be used to forecast data flow and network load.
tion enables speedy access to services through real-time consumer ➢ Reinforcement learning techniques: These can be used in the
validation across the public channel (Akram et al., 2020). A new Internet of Things to improve resource allocation and load bal-
paradigm for providing authentication and data integrity in a dis- ancing. Optimal behaviours like transmission power selection,
tributed and interoperable environment that enables identity au- job offloading ratios and cache location in fog nodes can be de-
thentication and interoperability with processes operating on dif- termined using reinforcement learning algorithms.
ferent cloud providers has been suggested (Tang et al., 2008). ➢ Classification techniques: Classification techniques, such as the
k-nearest neighbor and decision trees, can be used to solve
10.6. Discovering new internet of things applications in DTN and CCN problems such as anomaly detection for increased security. Ma-
licious nodes can target IoT nodes by sharing misleading data
The Internet of Things connects physical things by enabling or blocking signals. As a result, recognizing anomalous traffic is
them to sense, compute, and communicate. Traditional IoT commu- crucial for ensuring the stability of the IoT network.
nication can be enhanced by including delay tolerance, which al- (b). Blockchain-Enabled Security
lows objects to communicate even when connectivity is disrupted. For IoT applications, robust security techniques must be devel-
As a result, designing IoT applications that can withstand delays oped. Some IoT applications, such as health monitoring and data
is a fascinating field of research. Similarly, as Internet applications exchange for vehicle safety, are critical. As a result, attacks on these
shift toward peer-to-peer (P2P) Content-Centric Network (CCN) ap- applications may raise concerns about human safety. Because of its
proaches (M. Saqib et al., 2020), academics must consider how IoT distributed record-keeping and proof-of-work method, blockchain
may integrate into such a situation. is an efficient technique that may assure safe data transmission
(Jameel et al., 2020). While blockchain technology has many appli-
11. Conclusion and future opportunities of IoT cations in the Internet of Things, significant difficulties like mining
task computation and consensus algorithm selection require addi-
This research endeavor demonstrates the Systematic Review tional investigation. Furthermore, the amount of energy required to
of Literature (SLR) to highlight the importance of authentica- mine blockchain transactions is a significant hurdle that must be
tion in a typical resource constraint network like IoT from a re- overcome by developing energy-efficient algorithms. IoT can bene-
searcher’s perspective. The protocol provided by Kitchenham and fit from blockchain-based smart contracts, which have applications
Charters was employed to carry out the SLR. Various authentica- in supply chain, healthcare, and industrial automation. However,
tion frameworks developed for IoT were reviewed, analyzed, and more research is needed to assess the performance and security
benchmarked against quality performance parameters like compu- of a blockchain-enabled smart contract (Ngabo et al., 2021).
tational, communication overhead, and energy consumption costs. (c). 6 G Communications and Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces
The paper brings out the prevalent security and privacy concerns, (RISs) for IIoT

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93–107. terest includes Internet of Things, Network Security and Cryptography.


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