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The blue dictionary

Chapter 1: Leaving the earth

Louis, Herrman, and Andrew are going to a new
planet. Louis is the second tallest, has straight hair and
likes to eat a lot. Herrman is the shortest and does not
like to eat vegetable. Andrew is the tallest and likes to

Planet earth has been dying. Rains have become bad

storms; summer has become drought and winter has
turned everything into ice. Louis has been working
restlessly day and night to build a spaceship and now
they are finally leaving. Louis is joyous and anxious
because he didn’t know what would be up words that he
doesn't know.

They were only a couple of hours away from the

planet and they realized that they were going to Jupiter.
Herrman was reading his dictionary when suddenly an
asteroid came and hit the spaceship. The engine was
terribly damaged, and they crashed on a different planet.
Chapter 2: the wrong landing

After a few minutes, Louis, Herrman, and Andrew

woke up due to lack of oxygen and heat. They didn’t
know what happened. All I remember was an asteroid hit
their spaceship and then everything went black.

Thankfully, no one was hurt. They looked around

and Louis found his blue dictionary. However, they were
not on Jupiter. The floor was purple, the sky was in bright
red color. Suddenly, it started raining. They saw a weird
shelter, so they quickly ran towards the shelter.

When they went in, they saw a big shadow in front

of them. It was a creature with 7 eyes, three heads and it
is colossal. The creature started talking in a weird
language, so they didn’t understand. They showed the
creature the dictionary and suddenly talked in English.

The creature said that they were no mars. Andrew

started running around and screaming. The creature told
them that they should stay inside because it is dangerous
outside. However, they had no food to survive.
Chapter 3: mythical mars rock

After a few hours, it stopped raining rocks. Andrew

went to find some food. Suddenly, a rock started cracking
and it exploded. Then a dog came out and it was green,
and it talk English. It was called Vanice. Louis starts
smacking it with a dictionary.
Suddenly, Venice started eating the rock. The alien
told them that it was magical mars rocks. Louis searches
for it with its dictionary. It said that it was full of vitamins,
and it was delicious. Louis started eating one of the rocks
he said it was edible, so they all ate the rock. Suddenly
the dictionary started glowing and floating in the sky, the
alien told them to take cover and boom. (Pew, Pew, Pew
BOMB!) the dictionary shot out a huge laser beam at
Herrman’s hand also started glowing. Turns out the
dictionary could cast spells. The magical rock could also
enhance the dictionary.

Chapter 4: The legendary Edward

Suddenly, the ground started shaking and cracking.
There was a loud shriek “oh no" said the alien it was the
awakening Edward. Andrew asks, "what is that? The alien
said that it is a legendary part dragon part butterfly
mutant. Its name is Edward
Edward was very big, green and black in color, had
four wings and red eyes. Edward started breathing out
black fire at them. Herrman used the dictionary to shoot
a huge laser beam at it However, it had no effect. Edward
started attacking them as it attacks. He could easily
incinerate them with one attack. Herrman makes all of
them fly and gave them all weapons.
They started attacking Edward. They're attacks were
useless Herrman shot out an ice beam and froze Edward.
Then Venice turned into a giant monster and killed
Edward. Edward dropped many resources.
Herrman, Andrew, Louis, Venice used the resources
to build a spaceship to fly to Jupiter.

644 words

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