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Lesson 4
RAY EDWARDS: Welcome. You've made it to lesson two, congratulations. I know it
sounds silly that I'm making a big deal out of that but believe it or not, most people
who invest in a program like this never make it to lesson two. Weird, I know, but it's
true. Let's get going. The portal to paradise. This is it. You've seen this seven phase
model already and I'm going to spend the rest of this program going through this
model with you step by step so you can replicate the results if at all possible for you
and I believe it's possible.

I can't guarantee it but I believe it's possible for you. It's worked for me, it's worked
for my clients and students, I believe it'll work for you. This is really a seven-phase
money getting system. It's not just a trick or a hacker tool, it's a whole system for
getting money into your bank account. It starts with identification, moved to
investigation. You put people through a process of screening and qualification then
you practice the art of elimination.

Eliminating the things that irritate you in your business so that you're left with only
the things you enjoy. Simplification, removing the nonessential which allows you to
expend less energy to make more money. Monetization, which is not just getting
money but getting more money. Then, automation, how much of this can you put on
automatic pilot so you have to work less and make more. That is what we're getting
into now. Let's move on to lesson three and begin to deeply explore the identification
phase to get you started on this journey.

[00:01:55] [END OF AUDIO]

File name: GCF-MMN-M001-L002.mp3


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