Hồ Sơ Môn Học Soil Mechanics-800052-02!0!2022-1

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Họ tên giảng viên (Full name): Trần Minh Tùng Email giảng viên (Email):

Môn học (Subject name): Soil Mechanics Mã môn học (Subject code): 800052

Khoa/Lớp (Faculty/ Class): Kỹ thuật công

Chuyên ngành (Major):

Cơ sở (Campus): 19 Nguyen Huu Tho, Tan

Số lượng sinh viên (Number of students): 28
Phong ward, District 7, HCMC

Hệ : Đại học chính quy - Chương trình Chất

Nhóm: 02 Tổ thực hành: 0
lượng cao (VN)

Thời gian bắt đầu (Date start): 22/08/2022 Thời gian kết thúc (Date end): 05/12/2022


Buổi Nội dung Mục tiêu bài học Chiến lược giảng dạy Các hoạt động sinh viên
(Day) (Content) (Learning objectives) (Teaching Strategies) (Student Activities)

Chapter 1: Shear strength and bearing capacity of soils

The learners
understand the shear
strength characteristics
of various types of soil
(clayey, sandy soils) Attending the class and
1-2 Shear strength of soil thus enabling them to Lecturing + Discussing finish the practice
be capable of analyzing exercises
the shear strength
resistance of soil
subjected to different
external impacts.
1. Understanding some
typical tests for
determining the shear
strength resistance of
soils e.g., direct shear
test, triaxial test, and
1.2 Shear strength tests Engaging of class
vane shear test.
3 1.3 Shear strength of Lecturing+Discussing activities+Complete
2. Understand the
different soils practice exercise
traits of soil behaviour
under a shear stress of
various types of soils
e.g., dense sand, loose
sand, heavily over-
consolidated clays,...
Understand the
theories for estimating
1.4 Ultimate bearing the load bearing
capacity of ground capacity of ground e.g., Engaging of class
4 1.5 Allowable bearing limit equilibrium, and Lecturing+Discussing activities+complete
capacity of cohesion and plastic deformation practice exercise
cohesionless soils restriction thus being
capable of conducting
relevant calculations.

Chapter 2: Stress distribution in soil mass

Understand theoretical
background and
methodology for
2.1 Introduction
estimating the total
2.2 Stresses due to soil
stress, effective stress, Lecturing and Engaging of class
4-5 mass
and pore water discussing activities+Discussion
2.3 Stresses due to applied
pressure under various
point load
impacts such as self-
weight, external load,
ground water table.
Being capable of
2.4 Stresses due to computing stresses
Engaging of class
distributed loads due to the external Lecturing and
5-6 activities+Complete
2.5 Stresses underneath distributed load as well discussing
practice exercises
foundation as underneath

Chapter 3: Settlement and consolidation of ground

3.2 Types of ground

Understand the kernel
movements and causes of Lecturing and
07 of consolidation and its Engaging class activities
settlement discussing
estimation method
3.3 Consolidation
Understand the
theoretical background
Rate of consolidation and Lecturing and Engaging of class
08 and methodology for
creep discussing activities
estimating the rate of
Being capable of
calculating the
Calculate the settlement
settlement caused by Lecturing and Engaging of class
09 using layerwise summation
the consolidation using discussing activities
the layerwise
summation method
Understand the
3.1 Compressibility and principles of ground Lecturing and Engaging of class
volume strains of soils settlement and its discussing activities

Chapter 4: Earth pressures and slope stability

4.1 Type of retaining wall 1. Identifying the pros

4.2 Earth pressures at rest and cons of various Engaging of class
10 Teaching and lecturing
4.3 Rankine's theory of types of retaining walls activities+Discussion
earth pressure and their application
2. Being capable of
determining the earth
pressure at rest
3. Understand
Rankine's theory and
its application
1. Understand the
theoretical background
of Coulomb's theory
2. Identify the pros and
cons of earth pressure
4.4 Coulomb's theory of
theories e.g. Rankine, Engaging class
earth pressure Lecturing and
11 Coulomb, limit activities+Complete
4.5 Application of the discussing
equilibrium, and its exercise
theories of earth pressure
state of the art
3. Being capable of
dealing with earth
pressure problems in
1. Understand the
theoretical background
and methodology to
analyze slope stability
4.6 Slope stability of of purely cohesive soils
Lecturing and Engaging class
12 cohesive soils 2. being capable of
discussing activities+Discussion
4.7 slice method conducting some
typical calculation of
slope stability using the
slice method

1. Being capable of
analyzing the slope
4.8 Analysis of plane strain
stability under plane
problem in slope stability Lecturing and Engaging of class
13 strain circumstances
4.9 Discussion on slope discussiing discussion
2. Comprehend the
slope stability e.g.
theory, application, ...

Chapter 5: Soil reinforcements and improvements

Understand the
principle, pros and
5.1 Compaction method cons, scope of use of
Lecturing, discussing, Engaging of class
14 5.2 Replacement method compaction method,
presentation discussion
5.3 Deep vibro techniques replacement method,
and deep vibro
Understand the
principle, pros and
5.4 Preloading method cons, scope of use of
Lecturing, discussing Engaging of class
15 5.5 In-situ soil mixing Preloading method, In-
and presentation discussion+presentation
5.6 Reinforcement soils situ soil mixing method,
and Reinforcement


Chương Nội dung đánh giá Phương pháp đánh giá
(Chapter) (Assessments based on Learning Objectives) (Methods of assessment)
Process evaluation 1 - (10%) - Process Exercise

Presentation on the topic soft-soil improvement

5 Group presentation

Process evaluation 2 - (20%) - Process Exercise

10 homework exercises regarding the content of
The average score from the ten exercises'
1-4 chapters 1-4 (each chapter will have two to three
Mid-term test - (20%) - Constructed response test

Constructed-response test using examination

1-2 Constructed response test
questions approved by the university

Final examination - (50%) - Constructed response test, Report

Constructed response test using the
1-5 Constructed response test examination questions approved by the

Duyệt của Trưởng bộ môn Giảng viên phụ trách lớp (Lecturer)

Đỗ Nguyễn Văn Vương Trần Minh Tùng

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