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To: Anna

From: Neeraj
Subject: Company’s Details

Hello mam.

You may find it useful to format your email using the following table – we have given an example for one of the
companies below

Company Description Relevance to WorldWide Recommendation


HappyHour HappyHour Co. is the largest It has similar operations to HappyHour Co. has the
Co. player in Singapore and WorldWide Brewing across the potential for further
Malaysia, in the segments of same segments and is the growth, but it should
beer, spirits and non- leading player in Singapore and carefully plan and
alcoholic beverages. Its Malaysia, suggesting the execute its strategies to
operations include potential for strategic benefits navigate the challenges
manufacturing facilities, and synergies. It has solid and opportunities in the
distribution and direct sales financial results and an beverage industry in the
and it has demonstrated ownership structure that is Asia-Pacific region
strong growth in EBITDA in owned by 3 families, rendering a effectively.
FY2020 which was up 20% potential acquisition relatively
pcp and amounted to simple and feasible. HappyHour
US$300mm. Co. would be appropriate to
Spirit Bay Spirit Bay seems to be a Market Leadership in Indonesia: Spirit Bay appears to be
significant player in the Capitalize on the company's in a strong position for
beverage industry, especially position as the #1 player in growth, but it should
in Indonesia where it holds Indonesia by strengthening and carefully plan and
the top position expanding operations in this execute its strategies to
market.Competitive Position in maintain and enhance its
Singapore and Malaysia: competitive position in
As the #2 player in Singapore the beverage industry
and Malaysia, evaluate across multiple markets.
strategies to challenge the
market leader. This might
involve product innovation,
aggressive marketing, or
strategic acquisitions.
Global Sponsor and Employee
Ownership:Maintain a balance
between the interests of the
global sponsor and employee
shareholders to ensure long-
term stability and alignment
with corporate goals.
Financial Growth:Continue to
aim for strong financial growth,
building on the impressive 40%
year-over-year EBITDA increase.
Develop strategies to sustain
and potentially accelerate this
growth rate.
Hipsters’ Hipsters' Ale, with its unique Collaborative Expansion: Hipsters' Ale has a
Ale business structure of a Continue fostering collaboration distinct advantage with
consortium of independent and synergy among the its consortium model,
microbreweries, presents an independent microbreweries to but it should carefully
interesting scenario in the collectively grow the brand and navigate the complexities
beverage industry. share best practices. of managing multiple
Market Diversification: breweries and markets
Explore opportunities to while maintaining the
diversify into new markets or authenticity and quality
regions where craft beer and that craft beer and spirits
spirits are gaining popularity, enthusiasts appreciate.
such as the United States,
Europe, or other parts of Asia.
Product Innovation:
Encourage innovation in brewing
and spirit production to create
unique and exciting offerings
that resonate with the target
audience. Craft beverages are
often known for their
creativity.Quality Control:
Implement stringent quality
control measures to maintain
consistency in product quality
across the consortium, ensuring
that customers receive a
consistent experience.
Distribution and Logistics:
Optimize the distribution and
logistics network to reduce costs
and ensure timely delivery of
products. Consider centralizing
distribution or partnering with
logistics providers.
Brew Co. Brew Co., as the leading Market Leadership in Malaysia: Brew Co. has the
alcohol manufacturer in Strengthen its dominant position advantage of being the
Malaysia, has a strong in Malaysia by expanding market leader in
position in the market. product offerings, improving Malaysia but should
distribution, and enhancing remain proactive in
brand recognition. adapting to market
Product Portfolio Diversification: changes and optimizing
Consider diversifying the its operations to ensure
product portfolio to include new long-term growth and
beer and spirit variations that profitability.
cater to evolving consumer
preferences and trends.
Quality Control and Innovation:
Prioritize quality control and
innovation in manufacturing
processes to ensure consistent
product quality and differentiate
the brand in a competitive
Cost Optimization:
Analyze the cost structure and
identify areas for optimization to
counteract the recent decline in
EBITDA. This could involve
streamlining operations,
reducing waste, or renegotiating
supplier contracts.
Bevy’s Bevy's Direct appears to have Geographic Expansion: Bevy's Direct has an
Direct a widespread presence across Leverage the presence in various excellent opportunity to
multiple countries in the countries to expand product capitalize on its broad
Asia-Pacific region, primarily distribution and reach a broader geographic presence and
focusing on wholesale customer base. Explore new the upward trend in
distribution in the beverage markets within the Asia-Pacific EBITDA. Strategic
industry region or potentially consider planning and execution
entry into other global markets. across the various
Product Diversification and locations will be key to
Innovation: sustained growth and
Diversify the product portfolio success in the
by introducing new beverages or competitive beverage
variations to cater to different industry.
tastes and preferences.
Encourage innovation to stay
ahead of market trends.
Customer-Centric Approach:
Focus on understanding
customer needs and preferences
in each market. Tailor product
offerings and distribution
strategies to meet these specific
Supply Chain Optimization:
Streamline the supply chain to
enhance efficiency, reduce costs,
and ensure timely delivery of
products across various

Neeraj Gour

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