Excel Training Program

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lnter Office Memorand um

All Employees Listed Under

Cc: Director, IFB Customer Accounts and Operations

Director, Share Management
Director, Credit Appraisa!
Manager, Construction Projects Office
Central Finfinne District
Dire Dawa District
From: Manager, Talent Development Technical Team
September 11,2023
Subject: lnforming You to Attend T

As part of facilitating different technical training programs for our employees, we have arranged a
training program titled "lntermediate Microsoft Excel" in collaboration with Addis Ababa University
School of Commerce for five consecutive days. The training is scheduled to be conducted from
September 18, up to 22, 2023, on full day basis starting from 8:00 am to 5:30 pm each day at Addis
Ababa University School of Gommerce whichlocated at Mexico.

This is, therefore, to inform you that you are selected to attend the progranl as''per the schedule. As a
result, you are advised to avail yourself on the program. Please don't forget to bring your valid lD card
on the training program.

By copy of this memo, respective work units and districts required to provide the trainees with a
necessary support to avail themselves for the training.

With Regards,

Genet Bogale
Manager, Talent Development Technical Team

Enclosure: One page list of trainees selected for the program.

Com mitted to B reakth rough !
Cooperative Bank of Oromia
Human Capital Development and Center of Expertise Sub-Process

List of Trainees Selected for "lntermediate Microsoft Excel" Training

sflHp Date of the Program: From September 18 up to22,2023

Facilitator: Addis Ababa Universitv School of Commerce
No. Name SJork Units/ District Sub-Process/Branch
1 Ararso Lemu Tita Banking Operations Process Central Finfl nne District

2 Enclale Gerba Jote Banking Operations Process Central Finfinne District

3 N/eskerem Duquma Kumsa Bankinq Operations Process Oentral Finfi nne District

4 Iiqist Roba Shoba Bankinq Ooerations Process Oentral Finfinne District

5 Jabir Amin Abdule 3ankinq Operations Process Dire Dawa Diskict

6 )ebela Dame Debele Appraisal and Portfolio Management Process Sredit Appraisal

7 lula Tesfaye Kabeta Credit Appraisal and Portfolio Management Process 3redit Appraisal

B Semeda Alemayehu Etana Credit Appraisal and Portfolio Management Process 3redit Appraisal

I Leul Mesfin Abeqaz Credit Aooraisal and Portfolio 3redit Appraisal

10 Muleta Negasa Tolesa Credit Appraisal and Portfolio Management Process Credit Appraisal

i1 Iseqa Tesema Teshome Credit Appraisal and Portfolio Management Process Credit Appraisal

12 rlar,vine Abdisa Olana Finance and Facilities Manaqement Process Share Manaqement

13 Tigist Tadesse Wakweya Finance anC Facilities Management Proces-s Share Management

14 Aduqna Fikedu Aiemu Human Capital and Projects Management Process Construction Proiects Manaqement

15 Derara Emana Kenea Human Capital and Proiects Manaqement Process Construction Projects Management

16 Efirem Legese Tamene Human Capital and Projects Management Process Construction Projects Management
lt \rlosisa Shelema Gurmesa Human Capital and Projects Management Process Construction Projects Management

18 Tesfahun Fekadu Keiela Human Capital and Projects Management Process Construction Projects Management

19 Maqarsa Tadasa Gobana lnterest Free Bankinq Process IFB Customer Accounts and Operations

20 l/ustefa Jeldo Anota Interest Free Bankinq Process IFB Customer Accounts and Operations

21 Nuredin Awel Mohammed I nterest F req,S46ffiFqeess IFB Customer Accounts and Operations


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