Physics Test 1

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Question Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
Max marks 8 24 8
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Part-1 (Mcqs)
1-A number 62690 can be expressed in scientific notation as
A: 6.269 × 10 power 3
B: 6.269 × 10 power 2
C: 6.269 × 10 power 4
D: 6.269 × 10 power 5
2- All the quantities that are measurable are called

A: Physical quantities
B: thermodynamics
C: non-physical quantities
D: mechanics
3- The Volume, area, speed, electric charge, force and work are the
examples of

A: base quantities
B: quartile quantities
C: derived quantities
D: prefixes

4- In laboratories, a one meter long tool to measure length of an object or

distance between two points is called

A: physical balance
B: screw gauge
C: Vernier calipers
D: meter rule
5-Which of the following can be measured using a micrometer?
A: screw gauge
B: Vernier caliper
C: meter rule
6-KITAB UL MANAZIR is name of book written by
A: yaqub kindi
B: Ibnal Haithm
C: Al Beruni
D: None
7- The study of the charged at rest and in motion, their effects and their
relationship with magnetism is called

A: mechanics
B: plasma physics
C: atomic physics
D: electricity and magnetism
8- If zero line of the Vernier scale coincides with the zero of the main scale,
then zero error is

A: positive
B: zero
C: negative
D: one
Section B
Q2: Write down answers of short questions attempt any eight parts:
1: How technology is shaped by physics?
2: How can we find the volume of small pebble with the help of measuring cylinder?
3: Define quantum and nuclear physics with examples.
4: Find numbers of seconds in a year and write its standard form or scientific notation?
5: Why area is a derived quantity?
6: What is least count? How least count for Vernier calipers is measured?
7: Define base and derived quantities with example.
8: What is standard form or scientific notation?
9: Define prefixes with two examples.

Section C
Attempt any two parts:
Q1: What is meant by the significant figures of measurement? What are the main points
to be kept in mind while determining the significant figures of a measurement?
Q2: Describe the construction and use for measurement of the following instrument:
a) Screw gauge
Q3: Define physics and also define any four branches of physics

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