Culture Activity 1

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“Identity SHORT FILM”

Every one of us has an identity. An Identity is defined as a person's sense of self, established by
their unique characteristics, affiliations, and social roles. In the short film, “Identity”, which takes
place in a school setting, students are wearing masks that represent their identities. A girl wearing a
unique mask is trying to figure out where she fits in. As she is figuring out where she belongs, it
makes her go through a lot of stress and pressure, causing her to break down, but that is when she
decided to remove her mask for her happiness and well-being.

The masks represent the image the people want to show and how others see them, it hides their
true selves or who they really are, that is why some change their masks in order to fit in with other
groups. The masks also determine what group or part of society they belong to. The girl wearing a
unique mask seems to be an outcast who does not belong to any clique. She is going through an
Identity crisis, making her confused and insecure of who she is. She might also be going through
some family problems as seen through her drawings in her sketchpad during class time. At some
point she got tired of the stress and pressure she was under, and her mask started to break. She
wanted to be free from having to choose a group so she could fit in in society, so that day she
changed and took off her mask because it was the only thing hiding her identity, her true self.

The message of the film is to be yourself. Each of us is unique in our way. We may have our flaws
but learning to love who you truly are will help you have a positive outlook on life. It is not easy for
some to accept who they are, that is why being yourself is a road towards personal growth and
accepting oneself. As you grow, you will slowly start to accept who you are and eventually find
people who will accept you. Being yourself also builds confidence or boosts your self-esteem, which
can establish good relationships. Instead of hiding one's true self for fear of social criticism, one
should strive for realness and let their true selves shine.

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