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The Year is 7906 the demon lord Orzathrus have seized the thorn of
heaven and changed the pantheons of god to his this era the
true gods live in exile in realm of socratius the lowest realm.

World structure:

this universe is composed of 10 realms

1st realm: realm of holiness(heaven)

2nd realm: lands of angel

3rd realm: residence of ice godesses

4th realm: land of phionex and dragon

5th realm: elves forest

6th realm: realm of midnight sun

7threalm; land of humans

8threalm: devils fortress

9th realm:holy soldiers barrack

10th realm: the forest of luminias(world tree or root of everything)

So in year 3025 the greatest war in human history was fought between
gods and demon. The war of luminias which eventually go down in
history where demon won.

Structure of human society:

In 3025 the united nation were no longer relevant super powers broke
up the organisation and set up their own empire,sphere of dominance

Currently world is divided into 6 empires- American empire,soviet

empire, european empire,indo-oceanic empire empire, sino-japanese
empire. 7th Islamic caliphate.

People in current era have awakening and get a mark according to their
awakening. The energy called is nish more one have the more stamna
they have.

Awakening are many types prominents are


Usually one person have one awakening. But in rare case 2 are found.




At lowest—null they are considered as trash as only magic they use is

invisible force the most basic form And treated bad.

A baby was born to American king- xemtheus (descendent of 4th demon

general.) king didn’t seem to care about his new born baby.but when
he checked the magic of baby he was utterly disappointed he saw his
baby was null so he sailed his baby in a basket of coast of America. That
basket sailed and touched the Malabar coast of oceanic . A family of
fisherman saw him and adopted him named him Vis. He grew up to be
extraordinarily genius. He aced his everyclass and in magic no one could
out skill him. But his teacher always seems suspicious as he has a high
amount of nish for a child of fishserman. Vis was happy with his simple

at age of 14 he passed the elementary school. And went into

prestigious magic university in city of bengalore. ST.dominuis magic
university.he got scholarship for his knowledge of magic and was
assigned into magic research club. One first day of school he
encountered the crown prince of Empire ryuis who was willing to
attend that school.when he arrived everyone bowed down except Vish
because he had no idea. Ryuis attention was quickly turned to him.
When vish understood the density of situation he was oing to bow
down but the Ryuis stopped him and said.finnaly who doesn’t see my
royal status. Everyone including vis was dumbfounded.then the prince
ordered everyone to raise their head. Ryuis folded his arm on the
vis.they both became friends.

Then they were assigned into class C. while running down the stair after
class vis bumped into another freshman named girl name Jennie. Ryuis
and vis both felt the strong aura getting emitted countinuosly from the
girl. When they tried interact to girl. The girl gave them cold stare which
frrezes them both. As jennie was leaving Ryuis saw her and said she’s
not a human……

Today is vis 2nd day he is still thinking what ryuis said about jennie
yesterday.he went to the for magical aptitude assasement . a test
where what magic does a kid have is known. All they have to do is keep
their hand on magical orb and chant “lay your blessing on me and tell
me what’s aptitude do I have? truth” everyone magic is found out its
now turn of ryuis he put his hand and chants. The device shows that
magical aptitude is. Fire and ice and his nish amount is 2,200.41
(average 1000).it’s jennie turn when she puts her hand on orb and emit
aura.orb emits a blinding light her magical aptitude is light mixture of
Fire and thunder.she have nish amount of 2,196.42. its now turn of vis
he puts his hand on orb the orb turns black and shows null and
suprisngly nish level is 19,536.00, everyone is astonished. Escepecillay
the girl has taken an interest on him. After assement he came to vis and
ryuis but this time she was calm.she introduced herself as Jennie
oactavian. Daughter of solar god and decendent of indian royal family.
So that make ryuis his long distant brother. So vis figured out what ryis
said about earlier she is not human but a demi god.

They became trio. Next day the exam was for survival in forest in
university they were teleported to forest for test in which they passed
the exam. Time flew by they were now 21 years Ryuis was rightful
owner to throne his coronation ceremony was near but his cousin
augustus invited sj emire and American empire to invade indian empire
and take over. Soon whole country ran into chaos and the invading
forces arrived. The America and british coliation invaded and the INDO-
oceanic empire surrenderd as result the india was left with 6 state
Bengaluru,andhrapradesh,area near varanashi and Mumbai and Bengal.

Devasted from the loss the trio organized a opreasion with code name
“CAPTIVATION” vis was given to recover the land claimed by white man
and jennie to recover land fom china.

Vis and his team was able to go swift through british army and destroy
them and they destroyed American army too but they were obstructed
by the xemthuas. He felt familiar aura and the American king said I
didn’t thought you would be this useless son and emit his strong aura
that can be felt from miles. Every soldier fell down against xemthaus
except vis. Till now vis also realized that whwere his strength came
from. He broke down and asked why abondoundd him. Xemthaus said
you are complete nuisance to me now I will do the same what I did to
your nation. Now vis was caught between his father and nation but
soon realized his real home is india so he went against the xamtheus
and they started fighting at full force. Xamtheus aptitude is
Magma,darkness. He used it very well against and dominated the fight
and knovked him out then he went to capture all of the india but then

His steps frozed up.


Body of vis was covered in dark aura his subconscious mind took his
control of his body. His conscious mind took was in completely white
place. A humanly figure with white energy was infront of him . that
figure had no face no bodily feture. Vis asked who are you . he
introduced himself as absolute zero. He is one who created everything.
He is present everywhere. So vis said “Are you creation of god”


“what are you then?”

“I am above the gods”

“above god?”

“I am truth,light yet I am darkness. I am nish,mana all living

being,gods,demon are my part,I am universe itself. You are human
manifestation of truth”
After this statement he is back into reality and saw the xemtheus on
the ground crushed.

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