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An Internship report submitted to the Department of Microbiology and Parasitology of the

University of Buea, Faculty of Science in Partial Fulfilment for the Award of a Bachelor of
Science (B.Sc.), Degree in Microbiology.








1. Acknowledgment…………………………………...
2. Executive summary………………………………..
3. Period of internship
4. Place of internship and Profile of organization ………………………….
5. Activities carried out during internship…
5.1 reception
5.2 collection
5.3 parasitology
5.4 biochemistry
5.5 hematology
5.6 serology\ ms
5.7 blood bank
5.8 microbiology
6. Comment and suggestions
7. Appendices
7.1 introduction letter
7.2 organization chat


I would like to first of all thank God almighty for a successful internship. I
equally thank the director and G.S of Buea Regional Hospital for the permission
to do this internship.

I also thank Madam Ayah Flora B. the lab supervisor for supervision, for
scheduling my time being at the laboratory and assigning me to each unit of the
lab, and also following up to see that I’m at the right unit and learning as well

I sincerely say THANKS to all laboratory STAFF of B.R., for this experience
wouldn’t have been a success without you. For teaching, training, orientation,
assignments, cautioning among many others

Special thanks to Staff like madam Alida kome, Mr Randjit ongum, Sir
Rollins,Sir Thompson, Mr fopa Richard ,Madam Erica ,Mr Charles, Mr Ojong,
Mr Besong, Madam Magaret, madam Enjema

I equally appreciate my sponsor and parents back home for what done so far

Lastly I appreciate my department for the initiative of integrating academics and

professional training at the University of Buea


I did my internship at the Regional Hospital Buea for a period of one month.
Within this time I went through eight unit of the laboratory. These units were

 Reception
 Collection bench
 Parasitology bench
 Biochemistry bench
 Hematology bench
 Serology bench
 Blood bank
 Microbiology unit
The R.H.B has a standard clinical lab which serve as a research lab and
diagnostic laboratory as well.
Some of the test for diagnosis include:
HGB, B\C time, HBA1C, Malaria RDT, Hb electrophoresis, D-dimer, EID POC
mPIMA all done at the collection bench
PT, S\A, Urinalysis, Salmonella Ag, Blood Filaria, Skin snip, Hb\Alb\Sug,
FOB, H.pylori Ag, MP done at parasitology
FBC, ESR, BG\Rh done at hematology
ASLO, CRP, RF, HBs Ag, HCV, TPHA, VDRL, MS, Toxoplasm, Hep B profile
KOH, Urethral swipe, Vagina swipe, Culture (stool, urine, and blood),
susceptibility testing, spermogram, (microbiology)
TB test.
The lab equally has a blood bank and a pathological unit

I spent three days in each bench except for microbiology, parasitology and
reception units here I spent a week, four days respectively.

My first day on each bench was marked by self-introduction, orientation, keen
observation, reading of work aids\IOPs, and review of class work, cleaning of
work bench and answering questions patterning classwork from the technicians
on duty.

Day two was marked by running simple test under strict supervision of the
technicians on duty, asking question on what is done (usually why and how

Day three was marked by mastery of the test learnt, and explaining and getting
to explanation on those. Also carrying tasks as directed by the technicians on

As an intern, I was also involved in the monthly cleaning campaign of the


It was also my duty daily to clean work bench, carry reagent and set the work
space before work start and do same to end the day.

I was as well doing disinfecting already processed samples before discard

I also worked with some MSc students doing research to help them select sample
of interest while doing disinfection and discard of sample


I did my internship for a period of one month.

This internship was at the regional hospital Buea.


Buea regional hospital is located at Long Street that is along the road Tole,
situated near the police station “Campaigni de gendamerie”.

. It is about 2km away from the mile 17 motor park. It is situated precisely between
the delegations of education and the army barracks, along the highway to the
Bokwango neighborhood.

The hospital is made up of many units/departments/centers including the

following: the medical unit (male and female), the surgical unit, the paediatrics
unit, the maternity unit, the HIV/AIDS unit, the Laboratory unit, the X-ray unit,
the haemodialysis center, the Tuberculosis center, the Diabetes center, the
theater department and the Outpatient department (OPD).

Each of the Unit/Department/Center is headed by a specialist doctor (Surgeons,

Gynecologist, Paediatrician, etc). But control of the wards is done by the ward
charges like senior nurses and midwives.

Also present in the hospital are nurses of all categories ranging from Nursing
assistants (NAS), State Registered Nurses (SRN), Higher National Diploma
Nurses (HND), Degree (BNS) and even master degree holder Nurses (MNE).

The hospital is headed by a medical doctor who occupies the position of the
director assisted by the general supervisor who supervises the activities of the
technical staff, the econome, who is in charge of finances, and other
administrative staff.

The Buea Regional Hospital (B. R. H) serves clients from all over Buea and its
environs. These clients either come to the hospital for consultation and treatment
and treatment or they are referred from other health centers and clinics around.
It admits clients for as long as they can stay and get well and also carries out
minor and major surgery.

After I was accepted to be an intern in the lab at R.H.B, I was sent to the lab
supervisor who together with me drew my shift at the lab.
Below is a description of my internship at various unit, what I learnt, what i
practiced and skill acquired.

5.1 Reception:
This is the unit that receive patient seeking laboratory test. In this unit I work
with four staff for four day. What I learnt
 When patient come with their form, their location and contact are filled on the
form then registered on the lab record book
 A number is also assign to the patient and the patient is sent to the collection
 For patient at the ward, the type of collection tube is stated ant the form is sent
back for the nurses to collect the sample
 The time of arrival is also specified on the patient’s form
 I equally learn how to filled the lab record book and the lab receipt record book
 I learnt also that, no patient is sent forward from the reception without the form
written by the doctor and the receipt showing payment for the lab tests
What I did
 In this unit I was involve in distributing signed lab results to patient and
keeping record
 Submitting signed lab results to the nurses at the ward for admitted case
 I also explained to patient how to collect their stool and urine for test
 I participated in the lab use sensitization campaign aimed at educating lab users
on how to go people the lab and what improvement to be done to reduce
turnaround time.

5.2 Collection bench

This is the unit that is specialized in collecting patient sample and carrying out
some rapid test. The samples are collected and sent to the units to be processed.

o Receiving a form. In receiving a form, the sample type is written on the form
The site of collection of sample is also stated
Date and time are also included then the initial of the technician collecting the
o Blood collection
I also collected blood by veiny puncture, capillary puncture in red tubes,
purple tubes, and gray tube depending on the test to be done
o I also learnt and performed bleeding time (B|t) and clotting time (C|T)
o To continue, I did thin and thick film for MP
o At this unit I learnt different tubes that collects what sample examples:
TPHSA, CRP, VDRC, and all biochemistry sample (ASAT\ALAT, urea,
serum electrolyte, creatine. etc) except FBS
Purple -Top Tube for
All hematology samples I.E FBC, BG, HB
o Some of the test done here that I also performed were:
HB which is done with the aid of Hb machine
RDT for malaria test
HbA1C and D-dimer (didn’t do this but observed only)
CT|BT which is done for patient awaiting sugary
o Moreover, I learnt alcohol dilution using the GAY-LUSSAC TABLE.
o I also got familiar with using the Hb machine

5.3 Parasitology bench

This is the bench that is focus on carrying test that involve pathogenic
parasites with most of their samples being stool and urine. I spent 4 days at
this unit and learnt and performed the following.

 Bench cleaning: The work space in the lab are clean with BLEACH. 0.1%
for cleaning surfaces: 0.5 for cleaning samples. I also leant how to prepare
these disinfectant
 Stool analysis (S\A). which is done in two steps
Macroscopic observation (Color, consistency, presence of food particle)
Microscopic observation (with the aids of normal saline and iodine on a slide
under the microscope.
Urine analysis is done in three steps
1) Macroscopic observation ( color, turbidity)
2) Biochemistry; done with the urine strip. This measures pH, S.G among
3) Microscopic observation of urine sediment. What I saw in most urine
sediment include: crystals, epithelial cells, bacteria, pus cells RBC
 On the other hand, I also did Salmonella antigen test and H.pylori test. Both
of which were done by mixing the sample (stool) with buffer and dropping
on the test cassette, the result read after 15min.
 MP: perform on a slide stained with 10% giemsa stain and vied at *100
 Albumin sugar for pregnant women to check the functioning of the kidney
 FOB( fecal occult blood) this check for colon cancer
 Skin snip
 Blood filaria
 PT ( pregnancy test ) done using HCG cassette to check for pregnancy

 I equally learn how to differentiate between bacteria, epithelial cells, pus
cells, RBC, under the microscope
 I learnt how to use a centrifuge and oven

5.4 Biochemistry bench

This is the bench that focuses on measuring biochemical compounds, molecules

and elements to understand medical conditions.

Test that were perform at this unit were:

1. Serum electrolyte check for fluid balance acid-base balance
2. Lipid profile Monitor cholesterol level
3. ASAT \ALAT Check for cirrhosis
4. FBS\RBS Check for diabetes and pre-diabetes
5. Uric acid Check for gout
6. Urea Check kidney function
7. Creatinin Check for kidney disease
8. Gamma GT Check liver function at the level of bile duct
9.Bilirubin T\n Investigate jaundice
10.Phosphorus Check for phosphorus concentration
11.Albumin Liver\kidney function

What I learnt

 Preparation to run a test

Before running any sample prepare:
First the blank, standard, controls, and then sample and pass them in that

 Serum electrolyte compromises of Na+, K+, Ca2+, Cl-, Mg2+,
 Furthermore, I learnt pipetting with micro-pipette
 Lipid profile also compromise of total cholesterol, low and high density
lipoprotein(HDL,LDL), and total protein
 How to use and already programmed electrolyte analyser and
spectrophotometer which were the two machines use in that unit
 Precautions
Always read the LOT number and references of every reagent
Read the leaflet of each reagent, understand it and then program your
Do not pipette directly from the stock solution
5.5 Hematology bench
This is the unit of the laboratory that do analysis on whole blood for
diagnoses. In this unit I worked with 3 different lab staff members and
students from other schools
The test I learnt during my internship on this bench include:
 FBC. This is the measurement of blood parameters.
These parameters are:
Number of WBC in g|dl
Number of RBC in g|dl
Hb in g|dl
These were done using the Hematology analyzer
 Blood group and rhesus factor
This was done to determine the blood group of patients. To determine the
blood group, the plasma of the individual was mixed with a drop of antisera
A, B, AB, and O. agglutination with either anti-sera gives the blood group

of the individual. Agglutination with the Rhesus factor is term rhesus
positive and vice versa.
 D.C. This was done to count the different white blood cells in a patient’s
plasma. Here a thin film was made, air dried, stain with may-gruwald and
giemsa for 5 and 7mins respectively, dried and view under oil immersion.
High WBC indicate viral infection
Low WBC indicate bacterial infection
ON a film I learnt WBCs, RBCs, Parasites, Sickled cells and platelet could
be seen
 ESR ( Erythrocyte sedimentation rate) This was done using a graduated
5.6. Serology\ms bench
This is the bench that does analysis on blood serum to identify specific
anti-bodies for diagnoses. On these benches I worked with 3 staff
The test that I learned on this bench were;
1. CRP Check for inflammation
2. TPHA Test for syphilis
3. VDRL Check for any viral disease
4. RF Check for rheumatoid arthritis
5. HCV Check for hepatitis c antibodies
6. ASLO Quantify antibodies against streptolysin O
7. MS Check for HIV anti-bodies
8. Hep-B profile Check for hepatitis
9. HBS-Ag Check for anti-bodies against hep-B virus

Likewise, I learnt how to do serial dilution in running CRP, ASLO, RF.
CRP has a multiplying factor of 6, 8 for RF, AND 200 FOR ASLO

5.7 Blood bank

This is the unit that deals with blood transfusion
At this unit I worked with 4 technicians and 3 other students
At this unit I learnt:
Procedure for blood transfusion. This involves the following steps
1) Filling of a questionnaire form by a donor between 17-55years
2) Measure of vital signs I.E mass (50-180Kg) blood pressure(90-150\50-
100) temperature(26.-37.5) Hb(13-17 for males and 12-17 for females
3) Blood group determination
4) Blood screen. TPHA, VDRL, HIV, HBS-Ag, and HCV is done
6) Compatibility check\cross match
7) Transfusion.
Cross match. Here the donor’s Red cells are wash thrice with
normal saline.
Recipient’s blood is centrifuge to obtain serum
Mix 50ul of the washed red cells of the donor and 50ul of the
recipient’s serum on a slide and check for agglutination
If there is agglutination even if the two are of same blood group the
individuals are not compatible hence no transfusion
I was also able to collect blood by veiny puncture for blood
grouping and screening from donors
I was involve in taking blood bags and blood from bank to the ward
for patients
Again I guided donors fill the questionnaire form.

I also learnt about TTIs (Transfusion Transmitted Infection) as the
main reason for blood screening before transfusion.

5.8 Microbiology unit.

This is the unit of the lab that was concern in the diagnostic identification
of microorganisms of medical importance such as fungi, bacteria. I sent a
week in this unit with 5 other students and 7 laboratory staff who worked in
set of 2

In my one week at this unit I learned the following

 Sample Culture ( stool, blood, urine

As a general rule there is MACROSCOPIC EXAMINATION of the
sample followed by INOCULATION on the appropriate medium then
INCUBATION for hours, days, or even weeks. After incubation at
standard temperature there is MACROSCOPIC OBSERVATION OF
COLONIES. Thereafter STAINING which can be ZN or Gram or both.
The next step was BIOCHEMICAL TEST and lastly followed by
 I equally learned and did VS. After collecting the sample either with a
swap, (virgins and regnant or speculum.
There was macroscopic observation here report is done on the quantity of
discharge, color, odor, and shape of the cervix.
A wet mount was reared and also a dry mount
On the dry mount ZN and gram staining was performed.
What could be seen in a VS include G. vaginalis, Candidises, normal flora,
 I also learned how to do KOH which was a test to check for skin infection
particularly fungi skin infection.
 I learned how to do C.S.F. what is peculiar about C.S.F is that, the sample
is centrifuge and indian ink is also use for staining aside ZN and Gram
 I equally learned differential growth media
Media Purpose
i. NA General purpose
ii. CLED Urine culture
iii. B.A Fastidious organism
iv. C.A Mostly for respiratory pathogen
v. M.S.A S. aureus
vi. Mconkeys Enterobacteriaceae
vii. Al=peptoneH2O Salmonella
viii. Taurochocolate Transorting media for vibrio
ix. TCBS Vibrio ssp

 Staining. This is one of the most often and most practiced aspect I did in
this unit. I did gram staining and ZN as many as about 12 times daily.
 Preparation of media. This is also one of the things I did frequently at this
unit, at least once daily. Media were often only in quantity needed within
two days and as described by the manufacturer.


1) KOH Check skin disease
2) VS Check Pathogens in the
3) US Check for pathogens along
the urethra
4) Stool culture Identify pathogens along the
5) Urine culture Identify pathogen along the
6) Blood culture To identify systemic
7) Spermogram Check of fertility in men
8) Susceptibility testing To identify the best
9) C.S.F\P.F\A.F Diagnose of infection the
body cavity
10) Mycolasma Check for respiratory


As a matter of fact this was my first exposure to a clinical laboratory. It
was an amazing experience on my side.
My joyous experience was getting to class work solve problems when
Interestingly for me I saw many things under the microscope for my
very first time these include bacteria, sperm cells, fungi, different WBC,
Lab setting
The Buea Regional Hospital laboratory is a good laboratory overall,
well-constructed, equipped and organized.
The staff
I must salute the teaching nature of the staff. Even though with much
work at hand they still devoted time to teach, give one the necessary
The staff is equally very committed to their duty, and very welcoming.

With all due respect and humility I wish to suggest, base on my
observations that;
1) Hand sanitizer be install along the corridors of the lab
2) Also the number of workers per duty time at parasitology bench be
increase this is because the unit is always overloaded with just two
3) A bigger room be provided for microbiology and collection benches
their present room seem choked up
4) More machines be employed and some old once be ungraded for
instance a better microscope for parasitology unit, UV chamber and
colony counter for microbiology unit,
5) A modern rest room for staff and a better one for patients

6) More laboratory technicians be employed to reduce turnaround time
and increase efficiency


The organization chat

Blood bank blood grouping



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