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Uncomfortable Situations

October 29, 2021

On a sabbath Jesus went to dine at the home of one of the leading Pharisees, and
the people there were observing him carefully. Luke 14:1 This famous Pharisee
invited Jesus to dinner at his home, and Jesus accepted. The guests at the dinner
were “closely watching him.” It's easy to visualize the setting. For most people,
being invited to a dinner with a large number of strangers who are closely
watching them might make them feel uneasy and self-conscious. However, Jesus
arrived with complete assurance and an unrelenting commitment to deliver the
Gospel. One thing we may take from this supper and Jesus' demeanor is that
difficult situations can be excellent occasions to share your beliefs. We will all be
put in difficult situations at some point in our lives. Consider getting asked to a
celebration for a distant relative or a new neighbor, for example. You made the
decision to come despite the fact that you knew relatively few individuals who
would be there. Shy people are prone to showing there, finding someone they
know, and then spending the rest of the time with that individual. But think about
what Jesus did. At this dinner, he presumably knew relatively few individuals.
Jesus' major motivation for attending was not to just relax and have a good time
while meeting new people. Instead, He was primarily concerned with preaching
God's saving message to those who were in need. As a result, He went to those
who were in need and did it with assurance. Consider the simple reality that these
settings are fantastic opportunities to express your faith, whether you enjoy
socializing and meeting new people or you despise them. If you, like our Lord, are
willing to put yourself out there and put yourself in new and unexpected settings,
you may find that chances abound. New places and individuals present new
opportunity for evangelism. True, they provide opportunity to meet new people
and have fun. If, on the other hand, you have a strong desire to communicate the
Gospel, you will be on the lookout for fresh ways to share your faith with others
on a daily basis. Consider today's Gospel scene of Jesus having a dinner with a
large group of people He didn't know in order to share his religion with them.
Consider joining our Lord for this dinner. What would you have done if you had
been in that situation? Would you have felt self-conscious and uneasy in that
situation? Or would you have regarded it as a chance to preach the Gospel?
Consider how ardent you are in your efforts to evangelize others and renew your
commitment to this sacred task. Tell our Lord that you are ready and willing to
serve Him wherever He leads you, and then strive to see each new adventure and
encounter as an opportunity to share Christ's saving message with others. You
want Your saving message to be spread far and wide, to the ends of the earth, my
rescuing Lord. Please instill in me a desire to save souls. Give me a burning desire
to share the Gospel with everyone I come into contact with. Please, dear Lord,
use me in the way You wish, so that Your mercy and love can reach those who are
in need. I put my faith in You, Jesus.

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