Soc101 - Activity 2 (The Structures of Globalization) Sacurat

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Name: Sacurat, Norjane Kyla E. Date: September 12, 2023

Course & Section: 3CpE-A Prof: Ms. Donna Estrada

Instructions: Dress the human outline with the apparel and accessories that you are currently
wearing. Draw at least 10 items and label them. Then, write your own definition of economic
globalization and elaborate on it on the space provided.

Sony Headset

Charles & Keith

H&M basic

Nike Dri-fit

Economic globalization, in my opinion, is a phenomenon that enhances any nation's ability to
compete globally by allowing the exchange of goods, services, technology, and information. It aids
in the economic development of the nations and enables them to market their goods and services
globally. Additionally, it gives locals the chance to select from a variety of goods from around the
globe that are high-quality but affordable. Because it takes advantage of labor markets with lower
wages and has the potential to displace workers, it has serious disadvantages for the majority of
developing nations like the Philippines.

Name: Sacurat, Norjane Kyla E. Date: September 12, 2023

Course & Section: 3CpE-A Prof: Ms. Donna Estrada

Group Members:
1. Malana, Mary Joy
2. Millena, Jojo
3. Sacurat, Norjane Kyla
4. Reyes, Roel Vincent
5. Añedez, Ryan Mark

1. Form groups with five (5) members each.
2. Discuss among yourselves whether economic globalization is something that unites or
further divides the world.
3. Write a short explanation of your stand.

a. Economic globalization has brought people together by encouraging interdependence

between countries. Countries are more intertwined than ever thanks to free trade agreements and
multinational enterprises. Through the interchange of commodities, services, and ideas across
national boundaries, this integration has promoted cross-cultural understanding and collaboration.

b. For me, globalization has connected the world more that it divided it. Globalization has served
as a channel for different people around the globe to look into and experience other cultures and
practices. With the help of technological advancements that emerged alongside the
phenomenon, it has now been made easier to build connections that surpass any national borders.
Additionally, globalization has made it possible for anyone to enjoy specific products and services
that otherwise would be most likely exclusive to certain, more-developed countries.

c. Economic globalization, in my opinion, is a phenomenon that enhances any nation's ability to

compete globally by allowing the exchange of goods, services, technology, and information. It aids
in the economic development of the nations and enables them to market their goods and services
globally. Additionally, it gives locals the chance to select from a variety of goods from around the
globe that are high-quality but affordable. Because it takes advantage of labor markets with lower
wages and has the potential to displace workers, it has serious disadvantages for the majority of
developing nations like the Philippines.

d. In my own opinion, globalization unites and divides the world at some points. It unites the world
through making connections in trading industry and economy because of importation and
exportation of products that helps other countries to improve their economy and connect cultures
of different countries. But because of the increase and decrease in the economy, some societal
classes emerge that made some countries to be classified into different classification in the
hierarchy of the society. That's why many people are separated from those who are privileged.

d. Economic globalization has brought people together by encouraging interdependence

between countries. Countries are more intertwined than ever thanks to free trade agreements and
multinational enterprises. Through the interchange of commodities, services, and ideas across
national boundaries, this integration has promoted cross-cultural understanding and collaboration.

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