Activity 1 Action Research - Computation Results and Discussions

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Activity 1 Action Research


Year and Section:

1) Compute for the percentage.

Respondents f Percentage
Section A 25
Section B 35


T-Test Computation

Situation: Your group gave a pre-test and post test to 15 students. Below were the results of 10 item

Mary 6
Mark 4
Jude 5
Matthew 3
John 2
Simon 4
Peter 3
Luke 6
Diana 7
Ester 5
David 5
Paul 3
Noah 4
Moses 6
Sara 4
The result of Post Test:

David 7
Paul 5
Noah 6
Moses 8
Sara 6
Mary 8
Mark 6
Jude 5
Matthew 7
John 5
Simon 8
Peter 9
Luke 7
Diana 8
Ester 9
Problem: Compute for t-test

Fill-out the needed answer:

Test Mean t stat t critical α p -value Decision Interpretation

Post Test

Null Hypothesis: There is no there a significant difference between the respondent’s pretest and post-
test in playing of the board game PREPOseaTION.

3. Compute for the Mean

Guide Card 5 4 3 2 1 Mean Verbal Description

1. Gives a preview of what students will
learn 10 15 12 5 3
2.Stimulates interest in the topic 3 26 15 1 0
3. Presents the focus skills 8 18 10 9 0
4. Mentions the learning competency (LC) 5 5 10 10 10
5. States at least 3 sub-tasks (activities) 15 25 5 0 0
6. Builds on prior learning/ prerequisite
skills 5 5 5 20 10
Sub Mean

Activity Card 5 4 3 2 1 Mean Verbal Description

1.Translates the focus skills into at least 3
activities 20 20 5 0 0
2. Provides activities that: 10 10 10 10 5
-have clear directions. 17 17 5 6 0
3. Provide examples to concretize the
concepts, 5 5 5 20 10
4. Particularly those drawn from real-life
experience. 40 5 0 0 0
5. Students can complete independently, in
pairs, or in small groups. 4 11 15 15 0
Sub Mean
Criteria Mean Description
Guide Card
Activity card
Grand Mean

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