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Course Details

Class : II Year, B. Tech Semester: II Year: 2022-23

Course Title:Data Base Management Systems Course Code : Credits: 3
Program/Dept.: ECE Batch : 2021-25
Faculty: S.SUNANDA Regulation: R-21

MID Questions
Topic Learning Outcomes/ Question Bank/ MCQ/ Lab Experiments/ Tutorial Task
Question Marks
TLO. Unit No: Labels to the right indicate: CO=Course Outcome, BL=BLOOMS level. CO BL
No per Q
No: On completion of the Lecture/ Tutorial/ Lab on a topic, students must be able to:
MODULE -I (Introduction to Database Concepts and Modeling )
Define DBMS. What are the Functions of DBMS ? What are the Advantages and Disadvantages of
1. 1 1 DBMS ? 1 2 12

a) Write brief notes on “Purpose of Database Systems”.

1 2 06
2. 1 2
b) Write short notes on “View of Data” in DBMS. 1 2 06
3. 1 3 Write notes on “Data Models”. 1 2 12
Write notes on “Database Languages”.
4. 1 4 1 2 12

5. 1 5 Explain syntax of “DDL / DML” commands with examples. 1 2 12

6. 1 6 Explain syntax of “DCL / TCL” commands with examples. 1 2 12
7. 1 7 Write notes on “Different types of Database Users”. 1 2 12
8. 1 8 Write notes on “Database System Architecture”. 1 2 12
9. 1 9 Explain Conceptual Design with ER (Entity Relationship) Diagram. 1 2 12
10. 1 10 Write notes on Entity Sets, Relationship Sets, and Attributes. 1 2 12
11. 1 11 Explain Strong Entity Sets and Weak Entity Sets with examples. 1 2 12
12. 1 12 Define Generalization. Explain Constraints on Generalizations and Aggregation. 1 2 12
MODULE-II ( Relational Model and Relational Algebra )
13. 2 1 Write notes on Relational Model with an Example 2 2 12
Topic Learning Outcomes/ Question Bank/ MCQ/ Lab Experiments/ Tutorial Task
Question Marks
TLO. Unit No: Labels to the right indicate: CO=Course Outcome, BL=BLOOMS level. CO BL
No per Q
No: On completion of the Lecture/ Tutorial/ Lab on a topic, students must be able to:
14. 2 2 Briefly Explain Database Schema and Database Instance. 2 2 12
15. 2 3 How do you query Relational Data ? Explain. 2 2 12
16. 2 4 Write notes on Fundamental Operations in Relational Algebra with Examples. 2 2 12
Define Integrity Constraint. Explain Integrity Constraints over Relations. How do you enforce
17. 2 5 2 2 12
Integrity Constraints ?
18. 2 6 Explain Logical Database Design with an example. 2 2 12
19. 2 7 Explain Tuple Relational Calculus and Domain Relational Calculus. 2 2 12
20. 2 8 Write notes on Selection and Projection with examples. 2 2 12
21. 2 9 Explain Set Operations with examples. 2 2 12
22. 2 10 Explain rename operation in relational algebra (DBMS)? 2 2 12
23. 2 11 Write notes on Joins in Relational Algebra (DBMS). 2 2 12
24. 2 12 Explain Division operations in relational algebra (DBMS) ? 2 2 12
Write Basic form of SQL Query and explain (a) the select clause (b) the where clause (c) the from
25. 3 1 3 2 12
clause (d) the rename operation (e) the tuple variables (f) string operations.
26. 3 2 Explain Set Operations in SQL with examples. 3 2 12
27. 3 3 Explain Aggregate Functions with Examples. 3 2 12
28. 3 4 Explain Nested and correlated queries. 3 2 12
29. 3 5 What is view in SQL ? How is it defined ? Explain with an example? 3 2 12
30. 3 6 Write notes on Arithmetic Operators in SQL with examples. 3 2 12
31. 3 7 Write notes on Security or Authorization. 3 2 12
32. 3 8 Define Complex Queries. Explain Derived Relations and the With clause. 3 2 12
Explain DDL (Data Definition Language) and DCL (Data Control Language) Commands with
33. 3 9 3 2 12
Explain DML (Data Manipulation Language) / TCL (Transaction Control Language) Commands
34. 3 10 3 2 12
with Examples.
35. 3 11 What is Join ? Explain different types of Joins with Examples. 3 2 12
36. 3 12 Explain the Concept of Enforcing Integrity Constraints Querying Relational Data.
MODULE-IV ( Normalization)
37. 4 1 Write Notes on Pitfalls in Relational Data Base Design (RDBD). 4 2 12
38. 4 2 Write notes on Problems caused by Redundancy. 4 2 12
39. 4 3 Explain Denormalization and its advantages and disadvantages. 4 2 12
Topic Learning Outcomes/ Question Bank/ MCQ/ Lab Experiments/ Tutorial Task
Question Marks
TLO. Unit No: Labels to the right indicate: CO=Course Outcome, BL=BLOOMS level. CO BL
No per Q
No: On completion of the Lecture/ Tutorial/ Lab on a topic, students must be able to:
40. 4 4 Write Notes on Functional Dependencies. 4 2 12
41. 4 5 Write Notes on Decomposition. 4 2 12
42. 4 6 Write Notes on Loseless-join Decomposition. 4 2 12
43. 4 7 Explain Boyce-Codd Normal Form. 4 2 12
44. 4 8 Explain 1st and 2nd Normal Forms. 4 2 12
45. 4 9 Explain 3rd and 4th Normal Forms.. 4 2 12
46. 4 10 Explain 5th Normal Form in detail with example. 4 2 12
47. 4 11 How do you compare BCNF with 3NF. 4 2 12
48. 4 12 Explain Multivalued Dependencies. 4 2 12
MODULE-V ( Transaction Management )
49. 5 1 Define Transaction. Explain Transaction Processing. 5 2 12
50. 5 2 Write notes on Transaction Concept. 5 2 12
51. 5 3 Write notes on Transaction State. Draw State diagram of a transaction and explain. 5 2 12
52. 5 4 Write notes on ACID. 5 2 12
Explain Shadow-copy technique for atomicity and durability. (Implementation of Atomicity and
53. 5 5 5 2 12
54. 5 6 Briefly Explain Concurrent Executions. 5 2 12
55. 5 7 Explain Lost Update Problems (W-W Conflict) and Dirty Read Problems (W-R Conflict) 5 2 12
Define Serializability and Conflict Serializability.
56. 5 8 5 2 12
Write notes on View Serializability.
57. 5 9 Write notes on Recoverability. 5 2 12
58. 5 10 Explain Indexing with examples. 5 2 12
59. 5 11 Explain Static Hashing and Dynamic Hashing. 5 2 12
60. 5 12 What are the differences between Hashing and Indexing ? 5 2 12

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