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Name: Angelo S.

Chave Subject: Purposive Communication

Section and Program: BCAED 1A

Reflective Essay

It the present time communication is one of the crucial things that

everyone needs for their daily lives to communicate each other. Communication is one of the
integral parts of each individual to connect and to have mutually conversation with others, by
sharing thoughts and expressing their feeling. Through communication each individual gain
knowledge and experience to each conversation they make. Like a “Marites” that
communication with fellow Marites is necessary on their daily basis; one of the common
practices of Marites while using communication is by spreading gossip. Having “Maritres” this
day is one of the factors why fake news is spreading throughout whether online words or not, by
making their own interpretation and story for a particular event without thinking if the information
can be hurtful or not. Regardless from Catherine Morrow, stated on her video “What we believe
isn’t always right” the Marites just always engage in “Chismis” from time to time without
checking facts.

On top of that the “Marites” can define as a gossiper and love to

consume time just to spread rumors verbally and non-verbally, that have impact to each
individual. However, Marites is not always having a negatively impact moreover it has a positive
impact. In the video of Catherine Morrow, were she said that most of the people tell the different
stories by having “Self-talk,’’ “He said,’’ and “She said” perhaps one of the reasons why Marites
spread gossip without checking if it's true. We all know that each individual has their own
perspective and understanding for a particular situation, also as an individual we have our own
interpretation same as Marites. Most of us do the split second where we made up a story that
led to miscommunication that Marites does, that’s why Catherine Morrow precise about
miscommunication starts with “Me” because each of us is a Marites of our own self by making
quick reaction or thoughts before we speak. Not only Marites communicate gossip verbally but
also non-verbally along the lines of body language, such as pointing, snubbing, and making
intimidate facial reaction. Through the non-verbal communication of Marites might gain
miscommunication due to the fact that thousand of thoughts of everyone has and possibly one
of them are negative that led to miscommunication. Despite of having negative impact of
Marites there are also positive impact, one of them is building connection, information sharing,
and social awareness that may help each individual. Despite of being gossiper of Marites they
are also good listener for us to express feelings and thoughts that can make us actively build
connection. On the other hand, being negative Marites can be harmful and may damage
relationship, that’s why it’s better to communicate openly and respectfully by start consciously
communicate and self-control. Rather than engaging to negative gossip, engage to positive
gossip because according to Catherine Molloy “What you believe doesn’t make you a better
person the way you behave does” owing to the fact that changing your language can change
your life.
In sum up being a Marites can be described as impartial of positive and
negative by sharing gossip and idea, also they are the reason why some of us engage more in
communication that will help them to develop their socializing skill. Also, it taught us that all of
us is a Marites of our own self, we have our own perception to a situation and having our
opinion is natural but having our thinking skill to help us think before we speak is more important
to avoid miscommunication. Along with our conscious connection for us to start a consciously
communication with others by practicing our body language that might be misinterpret by other,
mindful to each conversation, understating behaviors when engaging to a conversation, and
setting a level of conversation to us to avoid miscommunication. For the reason that to avoid the
domino effect of miscommunication because of the “split second.”

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