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STUDENT NUMBER: …………………………………….



Wakiso District, Uganda
Business phone:
Email address:

Confidentiality Agreement
The undersigned reader acknowledges that any information provided by HEARTY SACCO in
this business plan, other than information that is in the public domain, is confidential in nature,
and that any disclosure or use of same by the reader may cause serious harm or damage to
HEARTY SACCO. Therefore, the undersigned agrees not to disclose it without express written
permission from HEARTY SACCO
Upon request, the undersigned reader will immediately return this document to HEARTY

Name (typed or printed)
This is a business plan. It does not imply an offering of securities.


Confidentiality Agreement........................................................................................................................................i
TABLE OF CONTENTS.........................................................................................................................................ii
LIST OF ACRONYMS...........................................................................................................................................iii
I INSTRUCTIONS: EXECUTIVE SUMMARY....................................................................................................1
II. Instructions: Company Description....................................................................................................................2
Company Description Worksheet............................................................................................................2
III. Instructions: Products & Services.....................................................................................................................4
IV. Instructions: Marketing Plan............................................................................................................................7
SWOT Analysis Worksheet......................................................................................................................................7
Competitor Data Collection Plan.............................................................................................................................9
Competitive Analysis Worksheet...........................................................................................................................11
Distribution Channel Assessment Worksheet.......................................................................................................12
V. Instructions: Operational Plan..........................................................................................................................13
Quality control........................................................................................................................................................13
Legal environment..................................................................................................................................................14
VI. Instructions: Management & Organization...................................................................................................15
Management Worksheet.........................................................................................................................................15
ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE....................................................................................................................17
VII. Instructions: Startup Expenses & Capitalization.........................................................................................18
Financial statements for HEARTY SACCO Ltd..................................................................................................19
BALANCE SHEET FOR (2022, 2023 & 2024).....................................................................................................20
.................................................................................................................................................................................. 21
Break-even Graph..............................................................................................................................22

SACCO: Savings and Credit Cooperative Society
ICT: Information Communication Technology
MFI: Microfinance Institution
SWOT: Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats

This business plan will cover three years and provides detailed explanations of actions proposed
to accomplish the primary functions of the Savings and Credit Cooperative Society (SACCO) to
fulfill its members’ economic and social needs.
HEARTY SACCO will off Business Loans, Education Loans, Emergency Loans and Agriculture
Loans: This loan is granted to members to support their agricultural activities. The loan
repayment period six months with an interest rate of 18 percent. Loan defaults are charged at
three percent. HEARTY SACCO will offer these financial services to farmers, business peoples,
school going students among others.

Our competitors are Finca Uganda and Pride microfinance institutions but given the strong core
values we shall out compete them in the financial market

HEARTY SACCO shall possess integrity where honest in our dealings with all stakeholders of
the Sacco as well as ensuring we fulfill the promises made to our members. We commit to be
open to our members through exercising full disclosure of terms and conditions of membership
and any products/ services on offer and shall take full responsibility for our actions. Equity and
fairness: We shall treat all our members fairly and without discrimination.
HEARTY SACCO Ltd embraces the organizational leadership model with a leadership team
capable of formulating and shaping a coherent vision combined with a management team skilled
in implementing and rejuvenating the vision over time. This team is comprised of an Executive
Director working closely with Governing Board chair, Advisory Board chairs, advisors and
members committed to constructing and executing the strategies. The Managers are responsible
for the implementation and management of the vision, specifically in the areas of microfinance,
education, social business, research, and entrepreneurial education. The management of the
corporation is vested in the Governing Board.

HEARTY SACCO Ltd will need a total of 600,000,000 million shillings to start. 450 million
shillings will be contributed by 4 shareholders and 150 million shillings will be borrowed from
Stanbic banks.

II. Instructions: Company Description
This section explains the basic elements of your business. Include each of the below:
Company Description Worksheet
Business Name HEARTY SACCO

In developing its mission statement, the SACCO

considered the economic, financial and technological
trends in the Society system nationally and regionally and
Company Mission Statement the financial industry as a whole. The Society identified its
internal strengths and challenges and external opportunities
and challenges. Finally, the SACCO identified those areas
that it could reasonably influence:

Integrity: We shall be honest in our dealings with all

stakeholders of the Sacco as well as ensuring we fulfill the
promises made to our members. We commit to be open to
our members through exercising full disclosure of terms
and conditions of membership and any products/ services
on offer and shall take full responsibility for our actions.
Company Philosophy/Values Equity and fairness: We shall treat all our members fairly
and without discrimination.
Confidentiality: We commit to maintain the privacy and
security of member information entrusted to us.
Excellent customer service: We commit to carry out our
responsibilities diligently and with no compromise to
service quality.

Our long-term vision is to become a SACCO that is

Company Vision competitive, viable and sustainable with capacity for

fulfilling members’ economic and social needs.

Goals & Milestones To be a strong, member-only financial cooperative
providing innovative financial services and products while
increasing the community’s savings, providing loans and
offering financial education to support to our members and
their communities in poverty alleviation efforts.
To manage effectively the physical and financial resources
of the SACCO, to maximize loaning while reduce bad
loans to three percent.
To promote, attract and encourage 100 new and active
memberships, 10 percent per year.
Community people, farmers, business people. To this end,
the SACCO will continuously collect feedback to develop
Target Market
or refine appropriate financial services and products that
address the changing needs and wants of current and
Industry/Competitors Pride Uganda and Finca Uganda

HEARTY SACCO will be incorporated by the registrar of

companies in the state of Uganda as required by the
Company’s Act 2012. HEARTY SACCO will be a
Legal Structure/Ownership partnership form of business that will be equally owned,
managed and taken care of partners i who both possess
extensive knowledge, skills and experience in the field of
business management.

III. Instructions: Products & Services
This section expands on the basic information about your financial services included in the
Executive Summary and Company Description. Here are some items to consider:
Financial service Description Worksheet
Business Name HEARTY SACCO
Financial Service Idea Loan and savings facilities. Use of savings facilities Most people
with money do not save it with a bank or financial institution. Of
those who save, four out of ten favor saving in-kind (even more
so in rural areas) and three out of ten say they keep money in a
secret hiding place (similar for urban and rural). Another
interesting aspect is that of the people with a bank account (9%),
many save with or borrow from informal providers (48%),
SACCOs (26%) or MFIs (15%) (Regarding money lenders and
market risk section)

Special Benefits SAVINGS: Sacco’s help you to save. As a member you are
usually required to contribute a certain amount of money towards
your savings. You all know how it’s hard to save especially if
you don’t have a specific goal in mind. But with a Sacco you can
continuously keep on saving until that day that you’ll come up
with an idea for something. It could be a business, buying land, a
LOANS: It’s much easier to secure a loan from a Sacco as
opposed other financials. It could be three or four times
depending on the Sacco policies. In addition to the ease of
acquiring a loan the interest charged on the loans is usually much
cheaper than financial banks.
DIVIDENDS: A Sacco member you are a co-owner of the Sacco
and therefore you are entitled to dividends annually. Sacco’s
usually paying a good dividend rate on your entire savings. The
dividend rate may be as high as 10-15%.. Imagine if you had
Ugshs 1,000,000 worth of savings and the Sacco declares a
dividend rate of 10%. That’s a whooping Ugshs 100,000 in your
pocket. Seriously, how better can it get
Unique Features Integrity: We shall be honest in our dealings with all stakeholders
of the Sacco as well as ensuring we fulfill the promises made to
our members. Equity and fairness: We shall treat all our members
fairly and without discrimination.
Confidentiality: We commit to maintain the privacy and security
of member information entrusted to us.
Excellent customer service: We commit to carry out our
responsibilities diligently and with no compromise to service

Limits and Liabilities General Meeting” shall be a meeting (either “annual” or
“special”) for all members duly convened by the society to
conduct its business.

Production and Delivery Loans and saving services

Financial Service Business Loans: This is a planned loan disbursed by the loan
Description committee once in a month. The highest amount disbursed is two
times the savings held in the Society by the respective member.
Currently repayment period is not to exceed 24 months with the
interest rate of three percent based on a declining balance. The
aim of this loan is to assist members in their business
development projects.
Education Loans: This loan is granted to members in an amount
not exceeding 2,000,000/= to the respective member. The interest
rate is three percent on a declining balance method with a
maximum repayment period of 12 months.
Emergency Loans: This loan is granted to members based on the
type of emergency with a maximum amount of Ugshs 100,000/=
and is charged a six percent interest rate with a repayment period
not to exceed one month. The aim of the loan is to assist
members facing an unexpected personal problem.
Agriculture Loans: This loan is granted to members to support
their agricultural activities. The loan repayment period six
months with an interest rate of 18 percent.
NB: Loan defaults are charged at three percent.

IV. Instructions: Marketing Plan
SWOT Analysis Worksheet
Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Threats
Financial Service Presence of the Low attendance Use of additional Lack safety for
Offering low rate of default in the SACCO collateral to keeping money
loans meetings include title deeds
Accountability to disburse higher
and transparency loan amounts
Brand/ Marketing The SACCO has Inadequate Awareness and Members over-
good reputations communication publicity burdened with debts,
and a positive between campaigns in the this limits their
corporate image members sustainable use of ability to borrow.
available coastal
and marine
Staff/HR Education and Inadequate Better Low attendance of
trainings in professional relationship members in the
business skills and executives management with SACCO meetings
entrepreneurship member
Finance Increase in interest Lack of certified Presence of other Lack of insurances
rate on loans collaterals for financial covering loans taken
increase revenue the some loan institutions and by individuals
for growth of the products Social Security
Society Funds willing to
work with

Operations/ Ability to plan Inadequate ICT Product and Poor timing of
Management sustainable system that can services inspection and
business activities meet the needs development by auditing
of the SACCOS diversification
members like M-PESA
Market Adequate space Slow process for Expansion of Competition from
for future various loan membership base other microfinance
expansion of the product geographically to institutions and
Society’s new offerings. capture other informal
business lines villages moneylenders
Can any of your strengths help with improving your weaknesses or combating your threats? If so,
please describe how below.
To strengthen the SACCO’s capital base, members will be educated on the importance of retaining
reasonable percentages of profit for future growth. This will address the SACCO’s challenge in
increasing institutional capital (retained earnings), which is the member’s preference for cash today
rather than wealth tomorrow.
The SACCO will work diligently to develop a strong relationship with members and to provide training
to committee members and staff. This will build member loyalty.
Charges lower interest rates on loans.
Creates different loan products to meet members need
Based on the information above, what are your immediate goals/next steps?
 To develop two new products and services to meet members’ needs.
 To review current product offerings and to establish new products
 To improve loan turnaround time to match best industry practice.
 To review loan policy to ensure additional security for loans from other financial sources.
 To develop effective credit administration strategy
 To develop two new SACCO products and two services annually.
Based on the information above, what are your long-term goals/next steps?
 To increase benefits from loans products.
 To enhance cost-effective management programs.

 To review the minimum monthly deposit contribution and shares every two years
 To develop an operational efficiency strategy

Competitor Data Collection Plan

 Fewer steps,  More expensive and detailed
 Simpler, less expensive  Traces costs in cause and
 Consistent with P&L accounts effect relationship
 Uses less data  Allows management to focus
 Starting point for additional on where to reduce costs
investigation  More precise and accurate
Benefits/Features The SACCO will improve service Service motive
delivery by addressing members’ needs, In Co-operative Society members are
such as timely credit provision and/ or provided with better services at
refunds when needed. This will also reasonable prices
consider; membership records, proper Saving discipline
accounting and enhancing customer care Return on investment
through training and establishment of a Cheap interest rates on loans
customer feedback mechanism. Inspires a Saving culture.
Limited liability.
Size/profitability Build Capital as a Percentage of In order for a SACCO to determine
Assets: The SACCO will pursue the whether its individual product lines
improving Assets Quality and are profitable, it must be able to
Composition structure that maximizes identify the revenues that are
earnings and reduces holding of resources generated from each product and
in assets not directly related to generating identify all costs that are related each
more business or have a risk of non- product line

Marketing Strategies: In order to Purchasing media advertising
achieve its financial goals, HEARTY (newspaper, radio, TV, yellow pages,
Market strategy
prepared to address the obstacles to etc.)
growth: Specifically, the SACCO’s work Organization direct mailing of
to alleviate social and economic problems announcement flyers, coupons,
while taking advantage of its strengths newsletters among others, to current
and opportunities in the marketplace. consumers and other target consumers.
Posting signs or posters in areas
frequented by target consumer.

Competitive Analysis Worksheet

For each factor listed in the first column, assess whether you think it’s a strength or a weakness
(S or W) for your business and for your competitors. Then rank how important each factor is to
your target customer on a scale of 1 to 5 (1 = very important; 5 = not very important). Use this
information to explain your competitive advantages and disadvantages.
FACTOR Me Competitor Competitor B Importance to
A Customer
Financial services S W S very important
Price S W W very important
Quality S S W very important
Selection S W S very important
Service S W W very important
Reliability S S S very important
Stability W W S very important
Expertise S W S very important
Company Reputation S S W very important
Location W S S very important
Appearance S W W very important
Sales Method S S W very important
Credit Policies S W W very important
Advertising W S S very important
Image S W S very important

Distribution Channel Assessment Worksheet
Distribution Channel Distribution Channel Distribution Channel
1 2 3

Ease of Entry Business website Social media Mobile marketing

Geographic Search engine Print marketing Content marketing
Proximity optimization
Costs Mobile marketing Social media Social media marketing
Competitors’ Email marketing Radio Cable television
Positions materials (brochures,
flyers, business cards)
Management Word-of-mouth Referrals Print
Staffing Social media Out-of-home Online
Capabilities marketing
Marketing Needs Public relation Trade shows Networking

V. Instructions: Operational Plan
This section explains the daily operation of your business, including its location, equipment,
personnel and processes.
Business loan: In future, the HEARTY SACCO Ltd intends to introduce the other new loans
products such as a Business loan. The Society intends to introduce such type of loans to enable
members improve their working capital. This will include coastal livelihoods and other business
based on the efficiency and sustainability of the business. HEARTY SACCO Ltd expected to
assess the members loan needs and their security/mortgage and apply for the loan in favor the
members to other financial and social security funds.
Agricultural loan: In addition, agricultural loans will be strengthened as the SACCO intends to
enable members who are interested in agricultural activities to purchase agricultural inputs and
be able to repay the loans as per agreement. The loans provided after a thorough feasibility study
has been done. HEARTY SACCO Ltd shall apply most updated, cost effective and efficient
tactics in its operation. Its operation head Centre will be Wakiso district. This is due to the
partner’s industrial experience and a favorable competitive environment in the region that will
guarantee a potential market for the company’s quality products and services.
Quality control
HEARTY SACCO Ltd is blessed with well-trained highly experienced and qualified managers
and employees in matters concerned with quality management and control. This will also be
strengthened through further job training, attending relevant seminars and ensuring a strong
research and development. The need to strengthen quality control measures is to meet the market
needs in order to derive consumer satisfaction and meeting the company’s primary objective of
ensuring high quality products.
HEARTY SACCO Ltd will position its premises in the heart of Wakiso district. The place is
advantageously well planned with ample packing yard, road for easy accessibility, tight security
surrounded by a relaxing and classy environment.
Legal environment
HEARTY SACCO Ltd is a yet to be established partnership company and will officially start its
operations after legally securing certificate of incorporation by the registrar of companies as
required by the company’s Act 2012. HEARTY SACCO Ltd is willingly ready to abide by all

legal requirements such as fair trading, paying taxes and license fees. Its management will seek
approval of our existence from relevant authorities such as Wakiso Town council Authority and
the Uganda Police. HEARTY SACCO Ltd products and services will be in line with the
standards as required by Microfinance institutions in Uganda. All other activities of the company
as required by Companies Act such as auditing of company at end of reporting period will be
compiled by.
As the personnel plan shows, HEARTY SACCO Ltd, expects to make significant investments in
sales, sales support, and product development personnel.
The following statement shows the HEARTY SACCO Ltd’s personnel plan.
Personnel Year one Year two Year three
shs shs shs
Managers 368,000,000 386,400,000 405,720,000
Others 0 0 0
Total payroll 809,600,000 850,080,000 892,584,000
Payroll/labour burden 121,440,000 127,512,000 133,889,440
Total payroll expenditures 931,040,000 977,592,000 1,026,473,440
Total Headcount 13 13 13

VI. Instructions: Management & Organization
Management Worksheet
Board and Management: HEARTY SACCO Ltd embraces the organizational
Bio/s leadership model with a leadership team capable of formulating and shaping a
coherent vision combined with a management team skilled in implementing and
rejuvenating the vision over time. This team is comprised of an Executive
Director working closely with Governing Board chair, Advisory Board chairs,
advisors and members committed to constructing and executing the strategies.
The Managers are responsible for the implementation and management of the
vision, specifically in the areas of microfinance, education, social business,
research, and entrepreneurial education. The management of the corporation is
vested in the Governing Board.
Governing Board: Board members are nominated and appointed for staggered
terms of three years. Board members serve a maximum of three successive terms;
initial terms would be for three, six, on nine years. A full board meeting would
occur annually in the month of April supplemented by quarterly conference call
meetings. Every third year the annual board meeting take place in Uganda. The
board members represent groups deemed critical to managing a micro‐finance
organization, banking, legal, accounting, education, pastoral, business,
organizational development; government, financial planning, and women are well
represented in the board. Three members come from Uganda, in which one of
them represents MFI clients of the EEA. The Board delegates responsibilities for
day-to-day operations to the corporation‘s Executive Director and Committees.
The board receives no compensation other than reasonable expenses.

Gaps in
Management or At Board Level
Experience  Some of the elected board members would frequently be non-professional
volunteers yet they assume highly technical responsibilities such as loan
analysis and disbursement, budgeting and financial expenditure control.
 Lack of clear guidelines on where, for example the Credit Committees
authority ends and where the Executive Committee begins, and where the
staff members authority begins hence delayed decision making.
 Board members succumbing to political pressure from external forces to
implement activities that counter the management ethics and standards.
 Unrealistic office tenure that ends up being costly in mainstreaming
governance interventions in respect of training and instilling
At Staff Level
 Weak terms and conditions of service leading to job insecurity and poor
 Unprofessional process of recruitment that encourages favoritism,
tribalism, and nepotism sometimes attracts incompetent personnel
 Absence of appropriate personnel, administration and accounting policies
and procedures, human resource manual, job descriptions, specifications,
Advisors  Attorney
 Accountant
 Board of directors
 Advisory board
 Insurance agent
 Consultants
 Banker


Annual General

Supervisory Committee

Board Committee

Loan Committee


VII. Instructions: Startup Expenses & Capitalization
HEARTY SACCO Ltd will need a total of 600,000,000 million shillings to start. 450 million
shillings will be contributed by 4 shareholders and 150 million shillings will be borrowed from
Stanbic banks.
Sources of startup capital
Required startup capital 600,000,000
Sources of startup capital
Owner’s equity 450,000,000
Loan 150,000,000
Totals 600,000,000

Financial statements for HEARTY SACCO Ltd
DETAILS 2022 2023 2024
(Shs) (Shs) (Shs)
Sales 370,305,000 425,966,000 580,627,000
Cost of sales (42,000,000) (48,000,000) (52,000,000)
Gross profit 328,305,000 377,966,000 528,627,000

Less Operating Expenses

Salaries and wages (750,000) (750,000) (750,000)

Carriage outwards (17000000) (15000000) (14500000)

Electricity (20,000,000) (21,000,000 ) (20,000,000)
Fuel (40,000,000) (38,000,000) (39,000,000)
Depreciation (30,600,000) (27,540,000) (24,480,000)
Bad debt written off (2,000,000) (1,860,000) (1,500,000)
Water (12,000,000) (11,000,000) (10,000,000)
Telephone (600,000) (500,000 ) (450,000)
Interest payable (21,600,000) (17,458,000) (12,571,000)
Legal fees (12,000,000)
License fees (5,000,000) (6,000,000) (7,000,000)
Profit before tax 166,755,000 218,858,000 379,376,000
Corporation tax (30%) (50,026,500) (65,657,400) (113,812,800)
Profit after tax 116,728,500 153,200600 265,563,200

BALANCE SHEET FOR (2022, 2023 & 2024)

Noncurrent assets 2022 2023 2024

(Shs) (Shs) (Shs)
Land and buildings 167,755,500 297,515,000 157,140,000

Machinery and equipment 157,755,500 288,515,000 40,500,000

Delivery van 64489,000 40,030,000 17,820,000

Current assets
Stock 102,500,000 131,000,000 135,500,000

Debtors 1 60,000,000 148,400,000 1 60,000,000

Cash & bank 170,000,000 197,000,000 300,000,000

NET ASSETS 822,500,000 1102,460,000 919,500,000

Share Capital 450,000,000 450,000,000 450,000,000

Accumulated Profits 159,217,500 180,430,600 201,299,200

Current Liabilities
Creditors 24,875,000 29,784,000 96,131,000
Interest payable 21,600,000 17,458,000 12,571,000

Corporation Tax 46,807,500 62,327,400 78,556,800

Noncurrent liabilities

Loan 120,000,000 94,400,000 80,942,000

822,500,000 1102,460,000 919,500,000

10.3Pro forma statement of profit and loss

As the pro forma statement of profit and loss and other comprehensive incomes below states,
Victor’s Java and Bakery looks forward to register a success in profitability for the forecasted
three years of operation and many more years to come.




Shs Shs Shs
Sales 1,806,880,000 2,086,946,400 2,410,422,080
Direct cost of sales 282,440,000 326,217,280 376,780,480
Total cost of sales 282,440,000 326,217,280 376,780,440
Operating expenses
Advertising and 8,832,000 36,800,000 165,600,000
Payroll expense 809,600,000 850,080,000 892,584,000
Rent 88,320,000 92,736,000 97,372,800
Payroll burden 121,440,000 127,512,000 133,889,440
Depreciation 220,800,000 253,920,000 292,008,000
Utilities 4,416,000 4,636,800 4,868,640
Others 2,208,000 0 0
Total operating 1,255,616,000 1,365,684,800 1,586,322,880
Profit before interest 268,824,000 395,044,320 447,318,720
and taxes
Interest expense long 35,596,640 32,704,160 28,104,160
Taxes incurred 58,305,920 90,586,880 104,802,720
Net profit 174,921,440 271,756,960 314,411,840

The following are the assumptions of the pro forma profit and loss statement;

 Registering normal profits in the first three years of the company’s operations.
 Depreciation on fixed assets of 10% per year.
 A steady growth in sales and sales revenues

JULY 2024
Fixed Cost Variable Cost
Computer 112,500,000 Raw Materials 1,014,550,000
Cover Van 350,000,000 Factory Overhead Cost 8,000,000
Air Conditioner 72,000,000 Miscellaneous expenses 9,000,000
Photocopy Machine 55,000,000 Salaries & wages 109,000,000
Gas Generator 145,000,000 Marketing Van 16,000,000
Staff Vehicles 239,500,000 Utility Bill 9,900,000
Furniture & Fixture 185,432,500 Advertisement 290,000,000
Freezer 252,650,000 Packaging Cost 230,000,000
Land & Building 509,496,500 Telephone Bill 9,000,000
Total Fixed Cost 1,921,546,500 Total Variable Cost 1,695,450,000

Total Cost = Total Fixed Cost + Total Variable Cost

= Shs. (1,921,546,500+ 1,695,450,000)
= Shs. 3,616,996,500
Selling price per unit: Shs. 4000
Variable cost per Unit: Shs.3,150
Break even quantity = Fixed Cost / (Selling Price Per Unit – Variable Cost Per Unit)
= Shs. 3,616,996,500/ Shs (40.00 – 31.50)
= Shs. 3,616,996,500/ 9.50
= 3,807,365 Units (Approximately)
Break even Sales = Total produced unit * Revenue

= 3,850,365 * 9.50
= Shs. 36,578,468 (Approximately)
Break-even Graph







Abigail and Samson research consultants limited

Address: Kampala Uganda, plot 1, Kyambogo

Date of Birth: 28th/Feb/1980

Nationality: Ugandan


 Master s in Management science of Makerere University

 A bachelor’s of accounting and finance, Makerere University
 Project planning and management, or monitoring and evaluation reviews)
Skills obtained

 Proven experience analyzing surveys and writing project evaluation reports

 Excellent interpersonal and communication skills
 Excellent time-management skills
 Computer skills

English: Excellent proficiency in speaking, reading and writing

French: bilingual

Employment Record

Research fellow, Ministry of foreign affairs: 2016

Partner, Fraser & Housty Attorneys-at-Law - 2014 - Present

Registered Patent and Trademark Agent

Practicing Mediator 2014 - 2015

Intellectual Property Rights for the Small and Medium Size Enterprise.- August, 2008 – November, 2008.

Consultant to the Program Coordinating Unit of the Trade Sector Support Program the Ministry of Trade
and Industry

Consultant to UNDP Capacity Building for the Management of Natural Resources and the Environment
Project Drafting of Wildlife Management and Conservation Regulations; - July, 2013 - December, 2014.

MR. Okiror Ben

Highlights of Experience

2015 – 2018

Consultant, Hamilton & Associates, on assignment of management consulting and business legal
advisory projects

Associate Attorney at Williams, Wilson & Sexton P.A. (Kampala, Uganda)

Law Clerk at Bryant, Miller & Olive P.A. (Kampala, Uganda)


 Masters in Project planning and management, Uganda Management Institute (, UMI, Kampala)
 Bachelor of Science Degree, in Economics & development (Kyambogo University)


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