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It doesn’t have to be one answer but a few answers.

Doing this envisioning exercise is about getting clarity of what you want. Defining
a direction that you care about. This direction can be the exact same one you
were working on before. It can be a similar direction to what you were doing
before but altered based on your new priorities in life. It can be a totally different
one. Take this as a good timeout to think about what you want vs. just going
through the motions.

For example, my course participant L told me that she felt lost because she had
been working so hard on her career/business all this while and made sacrifices,
yet the people there for her during her darkest hour were her family and
husband. While she is working on her business today, all she can think about is
her baby and family. All these things that I was chasing, that I thought that I
wanted, what for? she couldn’t help but wonder.

I told her to think about what she wants to see down the road. “What do you want
to see in your future, 5 years from now?” This future can involve being a full-time
mom. It can involve running a successful business. It can involve having a
family and running a business of meaning to you. Alternatively, it can involve
returning to employment while starting a family. There are no right or wrong
answers, only what inspires you and what you want to do.

The most important thing is to know that there is no right or wrong answer, only
what matters to you. There is pride and joy in being a full-time mom and caring
for the household. There is great fulfillment in being a single business owner.
You can also be a multi-tasking parent and entrepreneur, managing family and
business. Or you can be married with no kids by your choice, dedicating yourself
to your goals, career, partner, and family members.

Your vision can also change along the way, and it is okay. L said to me, “I don’t
want to set [a vision] that I realize I don’t really want, or that if I set a mediocre
one I would feel restless after a while.” Know that our visions are meant to be
dynamic reflections of what we want at this current moment. We will change, and
our goals will change, and it is okay. What’s more important is that we have a
vision that inspires us enough to take us forward, and we continuously update
that to reflect what inspires us now. Read: When Goals Stop Working

Likewise if you are a guy, you can be a full-time dad if this is what works for you.
You can be a full-fledged entrepreneur building your business. You can be a
family man having a stable job and raising your family. You can be a nomad
traveling across countries and speaking at different places where you go. This is
no one fixed path, but the path that holds the most meaning to you. None of the
path is better or more superior than the other, just different.

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