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Concordances of the Five Elements

Element Wood Fire Earth Metal Water

Season Spring Summer Late summer Autumn Winter
Colour Green Red Yellow White Blue/Black
Direction East South Centre West North
Climate Wind Heat Dampness Dryness Cold
Zang Liver Heart & Spleen Lung Kidney
(Yin organ)
Fu Gallbladder Small Intestine Stomach Large Intestine Bladder
& Triple
(Yang organ)
Body Tissue Tendon Blood Flesh Skin Bones
Sense Organ Eyes Tongue Mouth Nose Ears
Emotion Anger Joy & Shock Reminiscence Grief & Fear
Associated Depression Up & Down Obsession Anguish Fearful
Diurnal Cycle Morning Noon Afternoon Evening Night
Taste Sour Bitter Sweet Pungent Salty
Development Birth & Growth Growth & Transformation Harvest Storage
Sound and Shouting Laughing Singing Crying Groaning
Voice (Humming)
Body Fluid Tears Sweat Lymph & Mucus Parotid
Saliva Sputum &
Odour Rancid Scorched Fragrant Rotten Putrid
Orifice Eyes Tongue Mouth & Lips Nose Lower Orifices
& Ears
Planet Jupiter Mars Saturn Venus Mercury
Spiritual Hun (Soul) Shen (Spirit) I/Yi (Ideas & Po (Instinct & Zhi (Will)
Storehouse Thoughts) Animal Spirit)
Expands into Nails Complexion Lips Body Hair Scalp Hair

Note. Adapted from The foundations of Chinese medicine (p.26), by G. Maciocia, 2015, Elsevier. Copyright [2015] by
Elsevier Ltd.

Australian College of Natural Medicine Pty Ltd trading as Endeavour College of Natural Health, FIAFitnation (National CRICOS #00231G, RTO #31489)
CMPR111_SN02_Handout Last modified: 29-Nov-2021

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