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Scholastica’s College of Tacloban

Maharlika Highway, Brgy. Campetic Palo, Leyte
1st SEMESTER A.Y. 2023-2024


NCM 107 Maternal and Child Nursing

1. A body organ that produces the cells necessary for reproduction.
2. The term intrauterine means?
3. At what week of intrauterine life do the mesonephric and paramesonephric ducts, the tissue that will become ovaries and
testes have already formed?
4. Mesonephric duct is also known as?
5. Paramesonephric duct is also known as?
6. What significant formation happens in the intrauterine development during week 7 or 8?
7. Under the influence of testosterone, the ____ duct develops into male reproductive organs and the ____ duct regresses.
8. If testosterone is not present by week ___, the paramesonephric duct becomes dominant and develops into female reproductive
9. At about week 12 of intrauterine life, what certain development happens?
10.The stage of life at which secondary sex changes begins.
11.FSH and LH are generally termed as?
12.Although it is not proven, the general consensus is a girl must reach a critical weight of approximately 95 lb (43 kg) or develop
a critical mass of body fat before the hypothalamus is triggered to send initial stimulation to the anterior pituitary 221 gland to
begin the formation of FSH and LH.
13.These hormones are responsible for muscular development, physical growth, and the increase in sebaceous gland.
14.In girls, testosterone influences enlargement of?
15.What is thelarche?
16.What is adrenarche?
17.The average age at which menarche occurs is?
18.Testes in a fetus first form in the pelvic cavity and then descend late in intrauterine life about ___ weeks?
19.FSH in men is responsible for the release of?
20.Meanwhile, ___ hormone is responsible for the release of testosterone from the testes.
21.Hormones/substance that combine to promote sperm formation.
22.____ muscle at the base of the penis, under stimulation of the parasympathetic nervous system, then contracts, trapping both
venous and arterial blood in the three sections of erectile tissue. This leads to distention (and erection) of the penis.
23.At the distal end of the organ is a bulging, sensitive ridge of tissue called the?
24.The epididymis is tightly coiled spanning about ____ long.
25.It takes how many days for the sperm to fully travel the length of the epididymis?
26.Sperm reach its full maturity averagely for how many days?
27.Absence of sperm is known as?
28.Oligospermia is?
29.The gland’s purpose is to secrete a thin, alkaline fluid, which, when added to the secretion from the seminal vesicles, further
protects sperm by increasing the naturally low pH level of the urethra.
30.Enumerate the components composing the semen.
31.The structures that form the female external genitalia are termed?
32.Secretions from both of these glands help to lubricate the external genitalia during coitus.
33.The anterior portion of the vulva derives its nerve supply from the?
34.The posterior portions of the vulva and vagina are supplied by the?
35.What is the function of the ovary?
36.Gametes or sex cells are haploids or diploids cell?
37.What is autosome?
38.In intrauterine life, oocytes divide by one typical mitotic division. Division activity then halts until puberty, when a second
type of cell division?
39.After a pregnancy, the uterus never returns to exactly its nonpregnant size but remains approximately
40.What is the function of the uterus?
41.During pregnancy, the body of the uterus is the portion of the structure that expands to contain the growing fetus. The fundus
is the portion that can be palpated abdominally to determine the amount of uterine growth during pregnancy, to measure the
force of uterine contractions during labor, and to assess that the uterus is returning to its nonpregnant state after childbirth.
42.During pregnancy, this portion also enlarges greatly to aid in accommodating the growing fetus. It is the portion where the
incision most commonly is made when a fetus is born by a cesarean birth.
43. The central cavity of the cervix is known as?
44. The mucous membrane that lines the cervix is termed the?

45. The myometrium, or muscle layer of the uterus, is composed of three interwoven layers of smooth muscle, the fibers of which
are arranged in?
46. Known as the female reproductive cycle.
47. In the physiology of this cycle involves four body structures namely?
48. When the level of estrogen rises, release of GnRH is repressed and no further menstrual cycles will occur (the principle that
birth control pills use to eliminate menstrual flows). Excessive levels of pituitary hormones can also inhibit release.
49. The first day of menstrual flow is used to mark the beginning day of a new menstrual cycle.
50. Menstrual flow only contains ___ of blood.
51. The iron loss in a typical menstrual flow is approximately?

1. Gonads (F: Ovary & M: Testis aka Testicles)
2. Inside the uterus/in the uterus
3. Week 5
4. Wolffian
5. Mullerian
6. Formation of testosterone
7. Memory trick: Mesonephric duct = M for male & Paramesonephric duct (woman)
8. Week 10
9. External genitalia
11.Gonadotropin (Gonad= ovary + tropin = growth)
13.Androgenic hormones
14.The labia majora and clitoris and the formation of axillary and pubic hair
15.The beginning of breast development which usually starts 1-2 years before menstruation.
16.The closure of growth plates in long bones (via testosterone)
17.12.4 years old
18.34th to 38th weeks
*Because this descent occurs so late in pregnancy, many male infants born preterm still have undescended testes. These infants
need to be monitored closely to be certain their testes do descend at what would have been the 34th to 38th week of gestational
age because testicular descent does not occur as readily in extrauterine life as it does in utero. Testes that remain in the pelvic
cavity (cryptorchidism) may not produce viable sperm and have a four to seven times increased rate of testicular cancer
19.Androgen-binding protein (ABP)
21.ABP and Testosterone
22.Ischiocavernosus muscle
24.20 feet
25.12-20 days
26.65-74 days
28.Fewer than 20 million sperm per milliliter
29.Prostate gland
30.Prostate gland (60%)
Seminal Vesicle (30%)
Epididymis (5%)
Bulbourethral gland (5%)
31.Vulva (Latin for covering)
32.Skene glands and Bartholin glands
*The alkaline pH of their secretions helps to improve sperm survival in the vagina.
33.Ilioinguinal and genitofemoral nerves (L1 level)
34.Pudendal nerve (S3 level)
35.Produce, mature, and discharge ova (the egg cells)
36. Haploid cells (have only half the usual number of chromosomes)
*This is so that, when sperm and egg combine (fertilization), the new individual formed will not have twice the needed
number but, rather, 46 chromosomes.
37. Paired matching chromosome
38. Meiosis (cell reduction division)
39.The function of the uterus is:
 To receive the ovum from the fallopian tube
 Provide a place for implantation and nourishment
 Furnish protection to a growing fetus
 At maturity of the fetus, expel it from a woman’s body.
40.9 cm long, 6 cm wide, 3 cm thick, and 80 g in weight
43.Cervical canal
* secrete mucus to provide an alkaline, lubricated surface to reduce the acidity of the upper vagina and to aid the passage of
spermatozoa through the cervix; the efficiency of this lubrication increases or wanes depending on hormone stimulation.
45. Longitudinal, transverse, and oblique directions.
*This intertwining network of fibers is what offers extreme strength to the organ so when the uterus contracts at the end of
pregnancy to expel the fetus, equal pressure is exerted at all points throughout the cavity.
*Another function of the myometrium is to constrict the fallopian tubes at the point they enter the fundus, preventing
regurgitation of menstrual blood into the tubes.
*The myometrium also holds the internal cervical os closed during pregnancy to prevent a preterm birth.
46. Menstrual/uterine cycle
47. Hypothalamus, Anterior Pituitary, the Ovaries, and Uterus
48. …..
49. Beginning of a new menstrual cycle.
50. 30-80mL of blood
51. 11mg

Mucus produced by the vaginal lining has a rich glycogen content. When this glycogen is broken down by the lactose-fermenting
bacteria that frequent the vagina (Döderlein bacillus), lactic acid is formed. This causes the usual pH of the vagina to be acidic, a
condition detrimental to the growth of pathologic bacteria, so even though the vagina connects directly to the external surface,
infection of the vagina does not readily occur.

A cystocele. The bladder has herniated into the anterior wall of the vagina.
A rectocele. The posterior of the vagina is herniated.


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