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1. Calculate your BMR by using Mobile App or online calculator, yours now is around 1960 calories
a day.
2. BMR x 1.3 = Daily calories which is around 2600 calories a day for maintenances, so for fat loss I
am keeping it to 2200 calories a day (This is in prospect for one year)
3. I have Divided those calories into 3 major 3 minor meals – total 6 meals as I know your routine
4. Eat in every 3 hours.
5. Macro Breakdown would be around: C/P/F: 30% / 40% / 30%
6. Complex carbs (Slow Digesting) are: Oats, Brown Rice, Brown Bread, Sweet Potato, Quinoa,
Millet, Brown Rice cake, Wheat Roti, Wheat Pasta, Beans, lentils, etc.
7. Avoid Simple Carbs (Fast Digesting) or in Moderation are: Fruits (with low fiber), White Bread,
white potato, Fruit Juices, Sports drinks, etc.
8. Eat Protein food in every meal: Chicken, Fish, Eggs, Mutton, Milk, Yogurt, Greek Yogurt, Paneer,
Soy, Whey, Casein, etc.
9. Eat moderate Fat food: Peanuts, Almonds, Cashews, Walnuts, Peanut butter, Flaxseeds, Chia
seeds, Whole egg, Olive oil, coconut oil, etc.
10. Eat Green Vegetables: Broccoli, Green Beans, Asparagus, etc. if want to anytime in the day –
only you feel you can’t control the hunger.
11. Drink 1 cups of Green Tea.
12. Train 5-6 times a week.
13. Do compound movements, Super/Giant sets with 8 -15 reps.
14. Add Drop sets by end of every exercises.
15. Rest 45-90 sec.
16. Perform cardio 3 times a week for 10-20min.
17. Drink 3-4 liters of Water a day.
18. Watch motivation videos or workout videos before training every day.
19. Check your weight and measurements once a month.
20. AVOID CHEAT MEALS – If u need only twice a month
21. Discipline, consistency, positive mind set is important to achieve physical goal.

Your Brother

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