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Marketing mix

1- Product
1.1. Type of product: Convenient product
1.2. Product concept:
1.2.1. Core customer value Treatment of pain
1.2.2. Actual product High quality brand with affordable price
1.2.3. Augmented product Bonus scheme & discounts to intermediaries
2- Price Competitive parity
3- Promotion
3.1. promotion strategy Profile strategy
Push (use discounts with intermediaries)
Pull (promotional ads with end users)
(pull more than push)
3.2. promotion mix
3.2.1. sales promotion i. B2C: samples & advertising specialty (giveaway)
ii. B2B: extra commission & bonus
3.2.2. personal selling i. Need of Well-trained field forces medical reps
ii. Preparing a product – orientation presentation
3.2.3. direct marketing i. Email marketing (customized according to customer’s benefit
sought) using CRM
ii. DRTV TV spots from 60 to 120 seconds
3.2.4. Advertising Factual advertising

4- Place
4.1. distribution strategy Intensive strategy (to increase coverage & availability)
4.2. distribution channels Manufacturer to wholesalers to retailers to consumers
(Push with wholesaler & retailers) (pull with consumers)

Online place:
Facebook page: influencers campaigns to increase reach & engagement
website: implement SEO
Offline place: sustain availability in all geographical zones
: participation in medical conferences & exhibition

5- People i. Increasing filed force numbers

ii. TNAs per each quarter

 Brand persona: care giver

 Building tactics:
1. Considering the below features in our promotional activities:
 Caring
 Compassionate
 Generous
 Warm
 Nurturing
 Reassuring
2. Highlighting Panadol in promotional activities is supportive and selfless, our ads pointing
out pain problems and then adding Panadol as an element of giving
3. Regarding social media imagery, it will family / community focused
4. Panadol’s tone of voice: to be shown warm hearted & empathetic

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