A.C. Mechanical Fuel Pump

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Mechanical Fuel Pump:

mechanicaleno t es.co m/ac-mechanical-fuel-pump-and-su-electrical-fuel-pump/

February 26, 2020

Hey guys, in t he last art icle, we had discussed t he Fuel Supply syst em in S.I.Engine and in
Today's art icle, we can discuss t he Types of Fuel Pumps in S.I. Engines in a det ailed way.

Note: Download Mechanical Fuel Pump PDF at the end of the article.

Types of Fuel Pumps Used in SI Engine:

There are two types of fuel pumps used in SI Engine, and those are:

1. A.C.Mechanical Fuel Pump

2. S.U.Elect rical Fuel Pump

This is a diaphragm t ype of pump as shown in t he figure. The diaphragm used is made out of a
high-grade cot t on impregnat ed wit h synt het ic rubber.The valves are made up of bakelit e
which is being light er and keeps t he inert ia st ress minimum.
Component s of A.C. Mechanical Fuel Pump:
The components of A.C. Mechanical Fuel Pump are:

Eccent ric or Cam

Pull rod
St rainer
Inlet Valve
Pressure Valve
Out let valve t o Carburet t or

Working of Mechanical Fuel Pump:

The drive for t he pump is t aken from t he camshaft by means of an eccent ric or cam. The
eccent ric operat es t he rocker arm which is in conjunct ion wit h t he diaphragm ret urn spring,
which pushes t he diaphragm up and down.

The downward movement of t he diaphragm causes vacuum in in t he chamber which causes

t he inlet valve t o open and t he fuel t hen goes t hrough t he st rainer int o t he chamber.The next
upward movement of t he diaphragm causes t he inlet valve t o close while t he out let valve
opens and t he fuel goes out t o t he carburet t or float chamber.

In t his way, t he pressure in t he pet rol pipeline bet ween t he fuel pump and t he carburet or is
kept under a pressure of 20 Kpa and 35 Kpa.

The exact pressure range is being det ermined by t he st iffness of t he diaphragm ret urn
spring. If t he pressure is low, t he pet rol supply will not be able t o keep pace wit h t he demand
under high speed or high load condit ions. On t he ot her hand, if t he pressure is excessive, t he
needle valve of t he
carburet or float
chamber may be
forced open causing
t he flooding of t he
carburet or.

There is no need t o
pump more fuel when
t he float chamber of
t he carburet or is
complet ely filled up.
But if t he engine
cont inues t o run at
light load, t he
camshaft will be
running all t he t ime
and if no ot her means
are provided t he pump will build excessive pressure which may damage t he pump it self.

This is t aken care of by t he diaphragm ret urn spring, which remains part ially or fully
compressed depending upon t he line pressure even t hough t he rocker arm cont inues t o be
moved up and down by t he eccent ric.

Thus t he movement of t he diaphragm get s rest rict ed or even zero which decreases or even
st ops t he supply of pet rol from t he float chamber from t he pump unt il engine consumpt ion
uses some of t he pet rol in t he carburet or float chamber.

For furt her suret y against damage, t he connect ion bet ween t he rocker arm and t he pull rod is
made flexible and when t he float chamber is full, t he diaphragm is not operat ed t hough t he
camshaft is running all t he t ime.

S.U. Electrical Fuel Pump:

In t his t ype also, t he diaphragm is used. Alt ernat e vacuum and pressure are produced due t o
t he movement of t he diaphragm which is caused elect rically in t his case.

Component s of S.U. Elect rical Fuel Pump:

S.U. Fuel pump is consists of following components:

Breaker Point
Power from t he Ignit ion swit ch
Armat ure

Working of S.U. Elect rical Fuel Pump:

Closing t he ignit ion swit ch energizes t he solenoid winding and t he magnet ic flux is creat ed,
which pulls t he armat ure t o which t he diaphragm is at t ached. Thus t he diaphragm moves t o
cause suct ion in t he pump chamber and t he fuel is drawn int o t he chamber.

But as soon as t he armat ure moves, it int errupt s t he elect ric supply by disconnect ing t he
breaker point s, t he solenoid is de-energized and t he armat ure falls back causing t he
diaphragm t o move so as t o creat e t he pressure in t he pump chamber which opens t he out let
valve and t he fuel goes out t o t he carburet or float chamber.

This movement of
t he armat ure,
however, complet es t he circuit again and t he solenoid again get s energized. The whole cycle
is again repeat ed and t he fuel cont inues t o be pumped.

Elect rical pumps need not be sit uat ed necessarily close t o t he engine, but t hey are most ly
locat ed near t he fuel t ank. Thus t hese are not subject ed t o engine heat .

Furt her, an elect rical pump does not need t o wait for t he engine t o st art . It st art s operat ing
immediat ely as t he ignit ion is swit ched on.

This is a det ailed explanat ion of Mechanical Fuel Pump and Elect rical Fuel Pump. If you have
any doubt s, feel free t o ask from t he comment s sect ion.

So t his all about t he S.U. Elect rical Fuel Pump, and A.C. Mechanical Fuel Pump. If you have
any doubt s, feel free t o comment down below, and don't forget t o share t his art icle on your
favorit e social channels


How a fuel pump works | How a Car Works

(PDF) Fuel Pump (Hammad Hassan)

Media Credits:
Mechanical Fuel Pump: By Sonet t 72 at English Wikipedia - Transferred from
en.wikipedia t o Commons., Public Domain, ht t ps://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?
Electrical Fuel Pump: By The original uploader was Mechanic at English Wikipedia. -
Transferred from en.wikipedia t o Commons., Copyright ed free use,
ht t ps://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=1860028

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