Language, Literature

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NX650 2007-038513 978-0-87013-819-5 P40 2008-013680 978-0-8077-4914-2

Esoteridsm, art, and imagination. On discourse analysis in classrooms; approaches to

Title main entry. Ed. by Arthur Versluis et al. (Studies in esoteridsm) language and literacy research.
Michigan State U. Press, ©2008 327 p. $29.95 (pa) Title main entry. Ed. by David Bloome et al. (Language and literacy
Despite its pervasive influence on Western culture, esotericism has largely series)
been discounted as the antithesis of both rationality and traditional faith, Teachers College Press, ©2008 166 p. $25.95 (pa)
rather than viewed as a quest throughout history to unveil the reality With its strong introduction to topics not generally addressed in discourse
behind illusion. In this first book in a new series, Versluis (arts &> letters, analysis of language and literacy events, this classroom text doubles as a
Michigan State U.) and other academics explore this realm of the imagi- book of ideas fbr new research. The authors begin by framing discourse
nation in the visual, literary, and horticultural arts. Critiques of Gnostic analyses of language and literacy events in classrooms and define dis-
films (e.g. The Matrix) and Lucy Summer's Hex and the City (2003) will course as both a noun and a verb, opening up variations in discourse
be of particular interest to students of popular culture. Images includes analysis that expand to encompass classroom research and applications
medieval art. of research. Amongst those variations are an interactive sociolinguistic
perspective on an institutional conversation, a socio-cognitive view on the
discourse of language literacy lesson, the moral order of questions and
LANGUAGE, LITERATURE answers, and interrogative black female identity (in this case as found in
Alice Walker's Everybody Lies). The result can double as an in-service
P35 2007-048548 978-0-415^2630-5 training guide or as a fbcus of selfstudy and preparation for research.
Grassroots hteracy, writing, identity, and voice in centred
Africa. P51 2007-037249 978-1-84553-250-5
Blommaert, Jan. (Literacies) Sociocultural theory and the teaching of second
Routledge, ©2008 219 p. $44.95 (pa) languages.
Blommaert (linguistic anthropology, U. of Jyvädklä, Finland and Tilburg Title main entry. Ed. by James P. Lantolf and Matthew E. Poehner.
U.) explores the fiuid nature of literacy and its refiection of fluid iden- (Studies in applied linguistics)
tifies in an Africa embedded in a globalized world. He takes as case Equinox Publishing Limited, ©2008 422 p. $3700 (pa)
studies an autobiography by an anon3'mous Congolese man, and a Researchers and teachers of education and language from all the
history of Zaire by Tshibumba Kanda Matulu, a popular painter from Americas surest how Russian psychologist L.S. Vygotsky's sociocultural
Lubumbashi. theory can be applied to teaching a second or fbreign language to adults.
Most of the 13 studies report on classroom based studies where the prin-
P39 2008-014130 978-0-415-99123-0 ciples were implemented in courses as long as a semester, teadiing
Framing discourse on the environment a critical English, French, or Spanish in North America. Distributed in North
discourse approach. America by The David Brown Book Company.
Alexander, Ridiard J. (Routledge research in critical discourse analysis;
1) P53 2007-052034 978-3-11-019595-8
Routledge, ©2009 239 p. $95.00 Cognitive approaches to pedagogical grammar.
A linguist, perhaps German or British, Alexander analyzes how various Title main entry. Ed. by Sabine De Knop and Teun De Rycker.
parties articulate environmental problems both to themselves and to (Applications of" cognitive linguistics; 9)
others. His topics include ecological commitment in business, talking Mouton de Gruyter, ©2008 444 p. $141.00
about sustainable development, resisting imposed metaphors of value, Nineteen international academics contribute 14 chapters discussing
engineering agriculture, and language and Orwell's problem. studies on cognitive linguistics and grammar, and the relevance of the
research findings to second and fbreign language learning. Opening
P40 2008-000250 978-0-415-38274-8 chapters consider the question of what the "basic fbrm- meaning units"
An introduction to language and society, 3d ed. of language are, as the authors look at defining grammar, rules, models
Montgomery, Martin. and corpora. Subsequent papers discuss the tools fbr conceptual
Routledge, ©2008 314 p. $30.95 (pa) teaching—contrastive and error analysis—and analyses of learning
Montgomery's Qiterary linguistics, U. of Strathclyde, Scotland) textbook problems in the areas of construal of motion events, temporal structure,
fbr students of communication and language first appeared in 1986, and and dynamic action. A sampling of topics: the relevance of Cognitive
in a second edition in 1995. Much has changed since then, he notes, not Grammar fbr language pedagogy, conceptual errors in second-language
only in the world itself, but in how people talk about it and how scien- learning, motion events in Danish and Spanish, appl3áng cognitive
tists study that talk. Most notably, he has added a chapter on gender dif- grammar to tense-aspect teaching in the German EFL classroom, and the
ferentiation in language use. Overall, he covers language development, use of passives and alternatives in English by Chinese speakers.
linguistic diversity and the speech community, social interaction, and rep-
resentation. P53 2008^10429 978-90-272-1983-1
Dictionary use in foreign language writing exams; impact
P40 2008-012759 978-1-84769-095-1 and implications.
Language planning and policy in Asia; v.l: Japan, Nepal, East, Martin. (Language learning 6^ language teaching; v.22)
Taiwan and Chinese characters. John Benjamins Publishing Co., ©2008 228 p. $158.00
Title main entry. Ed. by Robert B. Kaplan and Richard B. Baldauf. In order to compare the performance of students in writing tests when
(Language planning and policy) and not using a dictionary. East (U. of Auckland, New Zealand) designed
Multilingual Matters Ltd,, ©2008 307 p. $89.95 and conducted three experiments, two using his Oivn intermediate and
Kaplan (applied linguistics, U. of Southern California) and Baldauf advanced students of German, and one with recruited high school stu-
(TESOL, U. of Queensland, Australia) present three language policy and dents studying German for an A level equivalent examination. He con-
planning polity studies related to three countries in Asia as well as a siders not only whether they got the answer right, but also the quality of
study of the modernization of Chinese characters—the dominant script their writing, the types of words they used, and the students reactions to
form in the region—in the digital era. Two of the contributing authors the difference between the two tests.
are indigenous; the other two have been participants in the language
planning context in these countries. Each study explains the linguistic
diversity, the historical and political contexts and the current language
situation. The studies raise issues about overcoming widespread illit-
eracy; the challenges of selecting, standardizing, and modernizing char-
acter systems; the increasing use of, demand fbr, and teaching of English
as a first foreign language; and the status of minority languages in each
of these polities. No subject index. Distributed in the U.S. by UTP

-239- Refereiwe & Research Book News November 2008

P53 2007-030024 978-0-8058-6053-5 P53 2008-026251 978-0-7734-5066-0
Gesture; second language acquisition and classroom The role of music in second language acquisition; a
research. bibliographic review of seventy years of research, 1937-
Title main entry. Ed. by Steven G. McCafTerty and Gale Stam. (ESL 6» 2007.
applied linguistics professional series) Sposet, Barbara A.
Lawrence Erlbaum, ©2008 327 p. $49.95 (pa) Edwin Mellen Pr., ©2008 134 p. $89.95
There exists a large body of research on gesture across a number of dis- Sposet (education, Baldwin-Wallace College) analyzes research on the use
ciplines including anthropology, communications, psychology, sociology, of music in second language instruction, and also discusses the rationale
and child development. Now McCafferty (U. of Nevada) and Stam for using music with students from preschool through college. She sum-
(National-Louis U.) provide readers with the first book focusing on the marizes teaching models and gives examples of implementation
study of gesture in applied linguistics. Featuring 14 chapters by 15 inter- strategies, then analyzes research done from 1937 to 2007, specifically 23
national academics the text provides an overview of gesture studies and studies, and their findings and commonalities.
review of second language (L2) gesture research followed by discussion
of the sodocultural aspects of gesture in second language acquisition P85 2008-018912 978-0-8264-8662-2
(SLA); the use and comprehension of gesture as an aspect of communi- Chomsky; a guide for the perplexed.
cation in SLA; gesture and linguistic structure in the L2, and how gesture Collins, John. (Guides for the perplexed)
relates to proficiency; and teachers' gestures, students' gestures, and how
students interpret teachers' gestures. For academics, researchers, practi- Continuum Publishing Group, ©2008 229 p. $90.00
tioners, and undergraduate and graduate students in applied linguistics, The first perplexation, perhaps, is why the Father of Modern Linguistics
TESOL, education, and related fields. Lawrence Erlbaum is an imprint of appears in a series with philosophers. Collins (U. of East Anglia) explains
Taylor 6» Francis. that Noam Chomsky has changed the landscape in which scientists and
the public think about thinking. To the extent possible, he avoids tech-
P53 2007-052786 978-1-59904-994-6 nical detail about linguistics as he sets out the reasoning involved.
Among the topics are methodological foundations, the cognitive turn, the
Handbook of research on e-leaming methodologies for review of Skinner, developments in syntax, and the minimalist program.
language acquisition. He does not deal with Chomsky's political views.
Title main entry. Ed. by Rita de Cassia Veiga Marriott and Patricia
Lupion Torres. P90 2008-017668 978-1^129-4153-2
Information Science Reference, ©2009 611 p. $265.00 Hie beisics of communication; a relational perspective.
Sixty international academics contribute 33 chapters reporting on Duck, Steve and David T. McMahan.
research and studies of innovative theoretical and practical approaches
to language learning and teaching in the area of computer assisted lan- Sage Publications, ©2009 448 p. $65.95 (pa)
guage learning (CALL), using current available teaching resources for Duck (U. of Iowa) and McMahan (Missouri Western State U.) have com-
face-to-face (F2F), distance, and hybrid (F2F combined with distance) bined what they consider the best features of the various approaches to
courses. Featuring chapters covering the areas of pedagogy, methodology, introducing the field of communications. They emphasize the link
assessment, current and future challenges of online language learning, between communication and the relational context, for example how a
and teaching, the text aims to contribute to the education of language stu- personal relationship impacts one person's ability to another person with
dents, novice teachers, academics and researchers who want to keep up- health advice, and the role of cell phones and the Internet as relational
to-date on current developments and are interested in introducing tools.
innovative methodologies and approaches in their own practice.
P91 2007-923331 978-1-4129-2371-2
P53 2008-012755 978-1-84769-084-5 Careers in media and film; the essential guide.
Investigating pragmatics in foreign language learning, Gregory, Georgina et al.
teaching and tesung. Sage Publications, ©2007 218 p. $115.00
Title main entry. Ed. by Eva Alcón Soler and Alicia Martínez-Flor. This guide to finding a career in film and media is designed fbr students
(Second language acquisition; 30) who want to be in the industry, but haven't quite figured out how to get
Multilingual Matters Ltd., ©2008 266 p. $54.95 (pa) hired after graduation. The authors take a no-nonsense approach to the
Fifteen international academics contribute 12 chapters concerned with subject, offering straightforward and practical advice on how far to take
pragmatic learning, teaching, and testing in foreign language contexts. a film degree, how to find employment prospects, how to fill out appli-
Following an overview of the topic, the text addresses issues related to cations viath film companies and how to network with fellow trades-
learning and teaching in a variety of contexts—traditional classrooms, people to find future gigs. Real world advice is also offered from a
context-based instruction, computer- and internet-mediated learning variety of people within the industry, and separate approaches are out-
opportunities, translation and interpretation, and teacher training—and lined for film, TV and broadcast work.
then turns to how foreign language pragmatics can be assessed using a
variety of approaches, including oral and woitten discourse completion P91 2008-004613 978-3-11-018832-5
tasks, roleplay, self-assessment, video prompting, and conversation Handbook of communication in the public sphere.
analysis. Data is presented from learners of a broad range of languages, Title main entry. Ed. by Ruth Wodak and Veronika KoUer. (Handbooks
and the chapters draw on a variety of theoretical approaches: psycholin- of applied linguistics; 4)
guistics, language socialization, conversation analysis and sociocultural Mouton de Gruyter, ©2008 462 p. $25700
theory. For graduate students, foreign language teachers, and researchers. Nineteen international academics contribute 19 chapters examining lan-
No subject index. Distributed in the U.S. by UTP Distribution. guage and communication in the public sphere from a variety of per-
spectives, including discourse analysis, genre theory and media studies.
P53 2008-012756 978-1-84769-089-0 Following a section on the theoretical foundations for the study of com-
Languag[e learners with special needs; an international munication in the public sphere, the remaining chapters explore the
perspective. public spheres of business, politics, and the media. Topics addressed
Title main entry. Ed. by Judit Kormos and Edit H. Kontra. (Second lan- include public relations and advertising; the integration of corporate and
guage acquisition) marketing communications; creating a "green" corporate image; New
Multilingual Matters Ltd., ©2008 233 p. $44.95 (pa) Labour's discourse on British national identity, political terminology in
the UK and U.S.; political speeches; dissemination and implementation of
The purpose here is not only to study the population, but to advocate for political concepts; discrimination, prejudice, and stereot)^es in political
them, casting into high relief the various disadvantages they endure and discourse; tabloidization of political communication; genre in global
the discrimination they are frequently subjected to. Researchers and media communication; genre features of new mass media; radio and tel-
practitioners more of psychology and education that of linguistics and evision debates; state censorship and self-censorship; and technology,
language learning discuss such topics as second language assessment in democracy and participation in space. For students and researchers in
dyslexia, deaf learners of the English as a foreign language (EFL) outside the social sciences.
the school system, and teachers' and trainers' perceptions of inclusive
education within TEFL certificate courses in Britain. There is no index.

Reference & Research Book News November 2008 -240-

P93 2008^17666 978-1-4129-5695-6 P94 2007-036556 978-1-4129-3851-8
Quantitative research in communication. Engaging theories in interpersonal communication;
Allen, Mike et al. mmtiple perspectives.
Sage Publications, ©2009 242 p. $69.95 Title main entry. Ed. by Leslie A Baxter and Dawn O. Braithwaite.
While most concentrate on qualitative research in communication, Allen Sage Publications, ©2008 423 p. $79.95
(communications, U. of Wisconsin, Milwaukee) and his coauthors, both Baxter (U. of Iowa) and Braithwaite (U. of Nebraska, Lincoln) have edited
academics give even the least-confident of students a solid grounding in this survey of current theories of interpersonal communication, dividing
quantitative research. In assessable language they cover statistics, inde- the essays between those that favor an individually-centered perspective,
pendent samples (or the student's t test) one way analysis of variance those that stress the need for interaction with others and those that rely
(ANOVA), factorial ANOVA, analysis of covariance, multivariate ANOVA, entirely upon relationships. Each theory examines a specific component
chi-square statistics, simple bivariate correlation, multiple regression, of communication, whether it be a feminist perspective, the practice of
factor analysis, advanced modeling techniques, and meta-analysis. They being polite or the exchange of affection. The editors have approached
also provide a wealth of appendices with technical information and this volume with one objective—to provide a detailed theory behind each
advice on preparing statistical information for reports and papers. The type of interpersonal communication, and to dispel all discussions that
text is well-illustrated and each chapter contains its own references. lack an empirical basis. Written for students and practitioners in the field
of interpersonal communication, this book cross-references each theory
P93 978-0-596-52234-6 for easy comparisons.
Slide:olog}r, the art and science of creating great
presentations. P95 2007-032454 978O-313-34167-0
Duarte, Nancy. Battleground; the media; 2v.
O'Reilly Media, Inc., ©2008 274 p. $34.99 (pa) Title main entry. Ed. by Robin Andersen and Jonathan Gray.
With visual aids becoming the norm for all types of professional settings, (Battleground)
from businesses to education and nonprofits, Duarte writes an accessible Greenwood Press, ©2008 633 p. $175.00
book on creating ideas and translating them into useful and interesting Part of a series, this excellent two-volume ivork presents current issues
displays; this title is not an PowerPoint manual. The book progresses and events concerning the media in thought-provoking chapters that will
through the stages of presentation development from ideas to delivery, be of interest to high school and undergraduate students as well as the
each page presents one thought in both a visual and textual manner. The general reader. As the series' name implies, the focus is on controversies,
book's website provides extra content on some concepts. Recommended and the authors do not shy away from critically engaging with current
for anyone who provides presentations in any professional context. media trends and practices, such as, for example, embedded journalists
and their tendency to offer a one-sided view of war that's centered on the
P93 2007-041866 978-1^129-4919-4 military, omitting the impact upon the civilians around them. Other
Visual rhetoric; a reader in communication and American topics include independent cinema, media watch groups, satire, online
publishing, and paparazzi and photographic ethics. The editors teach
culture. communication and media studies at Fordham U. The authors are aca-
Title main entry. Ed. by Lester C. Olson et al. demics in the US, Canada, Australia, and the UK.
Sage Publications, ©2008 437 p. $49.95 (pa)
Photographs, prints, television, film and even postage stamps can P95 2005-056785 978-1-84545-135-6
influence public perceptions when it comes to rhetoric, and this Media and nation building, how the ïban became
anthology shows how visual images can be used to confront, resist,
govern, authorize and persuade. Editors Olson (U. of Pittsburgh),
Malaysian, (reprint, 2006)
Finnegan (U. of Illinois at Champaign-Urbana) and Hope (Rochester Postill, John. (Asia Pacific studies; v.l)
Institute of^ Technology) have assembled these commentaries on visual Berghahn Books, ©2008 231 p. $27.95 (pa)
rhetoric in the United States to show how images can instill values and Malaysia was formed from the British colonies Malaya, Singapore,
promote agendas, especially when it comes to concepts of race, gender, Sarawak and Sabah in 1963 in that era's wave of state formation in
sexuality and social class. Plenty of pictorial evidence to support these Africa and Asia. Singapore seceded about two years later, but the rest
theories is provided in this volume, which should interest students and remained united, despite a deeply divided multiethnic population and an
scholars of modern American culture. economy completely dependent on export commodities. The Iban people
of Sarawak, on the island of Borneo, is one of those ethnic groups, and
P94 2008-009789 978-1-4331-0326-1 here Postill (media, Sheffield Hallam U.) examines the anthropology of
Communication ethics: between cosmopolitanism and the media that made Iban a nation of "longhouse villages" into part of
the Malaysian nation. He shows how perceptions of nationality were con-
provinciality. sciously merged into each other over time, Isringing the Iban into the per-
Title main entry. Ed. by Kathleen Glenister Roberts and Ronald C. ception of also being, if not wholly being, Malaysian. This is a paperback
Arnett. (Critical intercultural communication studies; v.l2) reprint of the 2006 hardback edition.
Peter Lang Publishing Inc, ©2008 297 p. $34.95 (pa)
The contributors of these 13 articles modestly propose to initiate a con- P96 2007-033759 978-3-11-019464-7
versation that considers that there is more than merely self-interested
wisdom, and that "my" theory or "our kind" of people may not contain Self-reference in the media.
all the answers. Contributors describe what the bias of their work sug- Title main entry. Ed. by Winfried Nöth and Nina Bishara. (Approaches
gests when considering cosmopolitanism and provinciality in communi- to applied semiotics; 6)
cation ethics, covering such topics as the aspect of the universal in Mouton de Gruyter, ©2007 340 p. $157.00
humans, aesthetic love and romantic love, discourse promoting cos- Print advertising, photography, film, television, and computer games are
mopolitanism, Levinas on communication ethics outside of originative among the media in which contributors whose fields are not identified
agency, globalization in dialogic ethics, religion and dialogue, com- find examples of messages about messages and communication about
munity at the end of the world, Grimké's dialogic ethic, eros and logos communication. Their topics include the semiotic framework, Marilyn as
is Plato's Sophia, scripting Jewishness within the satire The Hebrew a paragone of the camera gaze, self-disclosure as audiovision reflexivity,
Hammer, the reasonableness of bias, Limbaugh and public dismis- and the artist and her bodily self.
siveness, and the concepts of response, responsibility and commitment in
Arendt, Adorno and Benjamin. Suitable for upper-level undergraduate
and graduate students.

-241- Reference & Research Book News November 2008

P99 2007-051984 978-3-11-019670-2 P120 2008-020175 978-1-60497-538-3
Developing contrastive pragmatics; interlanguage and Language and gender in the military; honoriñcs, narrative
cross-cultural perspectives. and ideology in Air Force talk.
Title main entry. Ed. by Martin Putz and JoAnne NefT-van Aertselaer. Disler, Edith A.
(Studies on language acquisition; 31) Cambria Press, ©2008 219 p. $109.95
Mouton de Gruyter, ©2008 437 p. $157.00 Research into links between language and gender have shied away from
Grown from those presented at a March 2006 conference on intercultural the military so far, but Disler (English and humanities, US Air Force
pragmatics held in Landau, Germany, these 15 papers use linguistic, Academy) takes the plunge. She covers gender in military life, the lin-
sociocultural and cognitive approaches to promote language competence guistic background, the military use of ma'am and sir, narrative and gen-
and the study of language acquisition. Focusing on everyday multilingual dering of institutional identity, and how ideology in language reflects
interactions in language, including building meaning in online commu- ideology in institutions.
nication, these articles describe systematic research into the teaching and
learning of second (or more) foreign languages. Topics include intercul- P120 2007-019397 978-1-84553-075-4
tural pragmatics and discourse markers, including socio-cultural con- Sexed texts; language, gender, emd sexuality.
ceptualization, cultural scripts, metadiscourse markers, reframing one's Baker, Paul.
experiences in the classroom, strategies of indirect complaint, bilingual
informal discussion, learning with humor, and six papers detailing Equinox Publishing Limited, ©2008 300 p. $24.95 (pa)
learning how to make requests. This would serve well as a readers in a Baker (linguistics and English language, Lancaster University) looks at
undergraduate or graduate course on pragmatics as well as a profes- how the use of language, particularly in advertising and the media ofien
sional resource. belies the belief that gender equality has been achieved. He examines the
subject starting with recent publications that attempt to define gender
P107 2008-026866 978-1-4128-0825-5 difTerences. He moves on to how gender is expressed in conversation.
Then he takes up the question of deciding what is normal in terms of
Language &> human nature, (reprint, 2006) sexual identity. This leads to the theme of masculine hegemony, in which
Halpern, Mark. even violent behavior is somehow acceptable within the framework of a
Transaction Publishers, ©2009 386 p. $39.95 (pa) heterosexual relationship. Applying queer theory to the situations of
American writer and editor Halpern set out to describe the faults of lan- anyone living outside the one man/one woman matrix, Baker demon-
guage usage that caused or contributed to serious social and political strates how it can shed light on our continued perceptions of what is the
problems. Along the way, he also took up such issues such as the status norm as evidence in the texts we encounter every day. Distributed in
of linguistics and linguists, authority in language usage, language as a North American by the David Brown Book Co.
medium for a fantasy or alternative life, and specialized languages such
as programming and calculus. The original was published in 2006 by P142 2007-050434 978-3-11-019869-0
Regent Press, Oakland, California. This reprint contains a new intro- Variation, selection, development; probing the
duction and index.
evolutionary model of language change.
P118 2007-028663 978-0-8058-5497-8 Title main entry. Ed. by Régine Eckardt et al. (Trends in linguistics,
studies and monographs; 197)
Second language acquisition; an introductory course, 3d Mouton de Gruyter, ©2008 408 p. $157.00
ed. Evolutionary models of linguistic change are attractive to scholars of his-
Gass, Susan and Larry Selinker. torical linguistics, because they explain patterns for directed processes
Routledge, ©2008 593 p. $49.95 (pa) rather than language changes being random fluctuations. In introducing
Gass O'nguistics, Michigan State U.) and Selinker (linguistics. New York 11 chapters by international contributors, Eckardt (English/linguistics, U.
U.) present an updated textbook for introductory courses on second lan- of Göttingen) further notes that these patterns represent opposing
guage acquisition (SLA), suitable for undergraduate and graduate stu- selective pressures for brevity and for clarity, and trends for improvement
dents with background in languages and/or linguistics as well as rather than eventual decay as Humboldt's stage model proposed. Among
students with little or no background in these two areas. Reflecting new recent approaches represented are computer simulation models to
findings in the field since publication of the 2001 second edition, the examine replication and selection processes in creóle genesis, the role of
third edition includes a new chapter on SLA and related disciplines, and analogy in driving structural changes, and empirical research on the dif-
new sections on the relationship between first and second language ference between the understanding of situations and understanding com-
acquisition, language transfer, sociocultural theory, and working municative intentions to answer the question of "Why don't apes point?"
memory. An accompanying workbook by Gass, Sorace, and Selinker— Authors' contact information is listed.
Second Language Learning: Data Analysis (Lawrence Erlbaum Associates,
1999)—is a supplement to the text. P149 2008-001737 978-1-84553-395-3
Invitation to systemic functional linguistics through the
P119 2008-017060 978-3-11-019591-0 Cardiff grammar, an extension and simplification of
Mapping linguistic diversity in multicultural contexts. Halliday's sj^temic functional greimmar, 3d ed.
Title main entry. Ed. by Monica Barni and Guus Extra. (Contributions Fawcett, Robin P. (Equinox textbooks and surveys in linguistics)
to the sociology of language; 94) Equinox Publishing Lim.ited, ©2008 272 p. $29.95 (pa)
Mouton de Gruyter, ©2008 348 p. $157.00 Fawcett Ginguistics emeritus, Cardiff U.) is writing for two groups of
Barni (educational linguistics. Université per Stranieri di Siena, Italy) and readers: students who seek an extended treatment of Hallday's classic
Extra's Qanguage and minorities, Tilburg U., The Netherlands) text is a Introduction to Functional Grammar and experienced linguists who want
foUowup to an international exploratory workshop held in Siena in to compare the Sydney approach to grammar to the Cardiff approach.
September 2006. Fifteen international academics and researchers con- Focusing on recent research the structure of the clause in English,
tribute 13 chapters dealing with methodological issues and empirical Fawcett explains the place of syntax in an overall model of language,
findings in the domain of mapping linguistic diversity in a variety of introduces the sjTitax of transitivity and mood (by way of example), and
multicultural contexts, both in Europe and abroad, at the level of nation- builds a set of guidelines for developing reliable analysis skills. He
states and at the level of metropolitan cities. Following an introductory follows through by explaining a minimal theory of syntax; reviewing a
overview, the text includes sections focusing on regional languages in systematic functional grammar for the structures introduced; describing
Europe, with case studies of Welsh, Basque, and Frisian; the immigrant three types of auxiliary verb, one type of "theme" and another of
languages in Europe, with case studies on the distribution and vitality of "newness;" and the concept of "polarity." He reviews the syntax of tran-
immigrant languages at the multicultural city and nation-state levels- sitivity, mood, and circumstance, providing guidelines for clause analysis.
France, Switzerland, and Italy, and case studies of mapping linguistic Distributed in North America by The David Brown Book Co.
diversity abroad, in Turkey, South Africa, Australia, and Japan.

Reßrence & Research Book News November 2008 -242-

P158 2006-039459 97&-1-84553-121-8 P281 2007-034254 978-3-03911-300-2
Optimality theory, phonological acc^uisition and disorders. The semantic salience hierarchy model; the L2 acquisition
Title main entry. Ed. by Daniel A. Dinnsen and Judith A. Gierut. of psych predicates.
(Advances in optimality theory) Zhang, Jingyu. (Linguistic insights; v.53)
Equinox Publishing Limited, ©2008 1513 p. $45.00 (pa) Peter Lang Publishing Inc, ©2007 253 p. $72.95 (pa)
For linguists, psychologists, and other scholars and practitioners, Within both generative and topological frameworks, Zhang (linguistics,
researchers with the Learnability Project at Indiana University and affil- Shaanxi Normal U., Xi'an, China) investigates the process by which adult
iated sites discuss their approach and empirical findings into some Chinese speakers come to understand English psychological predicates,
aspects of phonological theory. Among their perspectives are the funda- those that describe how people feel about someone or something, such
mentals of experimental design and treatment, innovation in treating as like, fear, and annoy. The model, which he introduces here, provides
chain shins, the prominence paradox, and a typological evaluation of the a theoretical basis for identifying key variables for empirical research.
split-margin approach to syllable structure in phonological acquisition.
Distributed in North America by The David Brown Book Company. P299 2008-018245 978-3-11-020065-2
P165 2007-026713 978-0-8058-5352-0 Agreement restrictions.
Handbook of cognitive linguistics and second language Title main entry. Ed. by Roberta D'Alessandro et al. (Interface explo-
rations; 15)
acquisition. Mouton de Gruyter, ©2008 325 p. $157.00
Robinson, Peter and Nick Ellis. The majority of the key research of recent years on agreement restric-
Lawrence Erlbaum, ©2008 566 p. $69.95 (pa) tions in grammar is scattered in journals, conference proceedings,
Twenty-one international academics from the fields of psychology, lin- working papers and dissertation chapters. This text assembles in one
guistics, and second language acquisition (SLA) contribute 19 chapters to place a collection of ten articles by 15 international academics offering
a resource for students and researchers, which describes the implications various perspectives on agreement restrictions within a generative
of cognitive linguistics (CL) for the study of SLA. The text includes framework. The chapters are grouped into a person-case constraint set
chapters summarizing current CL perspectives on patterns of language, addressing the restriction on the co-occurrence of agreement markers
of language use, and of child language acquisition, followed by chapters and case markers; a person/number-restriction set examining the
demonstrating the relevance of the basic CL concepts, and theoretical restriction on agreement features of a lexical item agreeing with a case-
frameworks for researching them, to the fields of SLA and language ped- assigning head; and an anti-agreement or Uwk of agreement set that treats
agogy. Lawrence Erlbaum is an imprint of Taylor 6» Francis. the same restrictions with the surface result of no agreement or anti-
agreement. Collectively they provide an extensive overview of the results
P211 978-2-503-51758-2 achieved so far, but also underline the shortcomings in the theory and
Stratejgies of writing studies on text and trust in the can help to indicate a path for future research.
middle ages; proceedings.
Trust in Writing in the Middle Ages Conference (2002: Utrecht, The P299 2008-001064 978-3-11-020266-3
Netherlands) Ed. by Petra Schulte et al. (Utrecht studies in medieval lit- Impoliteness in language; studies on its interplay with
eracy) power in theory and practice.
Brepols Publishers, ©2008 413 p. $116.00 Title main entry. Ed. by Derek Bousfield and Miriam A. Locher.
The underlying notion is that the written word established itself as a (Language, power, and social process; 21)
medium because credulity was attached to what had been written down. Mouton de Gruyter, ©2008 346 p. $125.00
In a 1998 conference on German and Dutch literacy, questions arose The idea of a volume on impoliteness arose during a linguistics con-
about why and how trust in writing came about, and under what cir- ference, of course, and survived the initial comments on it, its originators,
cumstances was trust withdrawn from the written word. Participants and their genetic heritage. Focusing on Enghsh, linguists consider theo-
from that gathering were invited to contribute here, and the 20 papers retical issues impacting the research, political interaction, interaction
address those issues, mostly but not entirely viathin Germanic spheres. with legally constituted authorities, workplace interaction, code
Besides general themes, they consider charters, historiography, letters, switching, and the FAQ, in an electronic community.
and political communication. There is no index. Distributed in North
America by The David Brown Book Company. P299 2008-018243 978-3-11-019629-0
Q^adverbs as selective binders; the quantiñcational
P271 2007-050816 978-3-11-019867-6 variability of free relatives and definite DPs.
Tlie noun phrase in functional discourse grammar. Hinterwimmer, Stefan. (Interface explorations; 14)
Title main entry. Ed. by Daniel Garcia Velasco and Jan Rijkhoff. Mouton de Gruyter, ©2008 289 p. $157.00
(Trends in linguistics. Studies and monographs; 195) Hinterwimmer presents a revised version of the Ph.D. thesis he com-
Mouton de Gruyter, ©2008 376 p. $157.00 pleted at the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. Based almost exclusively on
Eight papers from a September 2004 conference in Gijón, Spain use func- analysis of English and German data, the text deals with the interpre-
tional discourse grammar as a framework within which to analyze the tation of adverbially quantified sentences containing definite DPs and
noun phrase. They consider such aspects as prototj^ical and non-proto- free relatives (FRs), concentrating on the origins of Quantificational
typical noun phrases, problems with reference and ascription and some Variability Ejects (QVEs). Coverage includes QVEs in sentences with FRs,
possible solutions, and the dynamic expression of terms and what can singular definites and universally quantified DPs, and QVEs in sentences
go wrong. The introduction explains how functional discourse grammar with FRs or plural definites. The text will interest linguists working in
differs from the functional grammar that preceded it. formal semantics and the syntax-semantics interface, and philosophers of
language interested in adverbial quantification and situation and event
P261 2008^19878 978-90-272-05704 semantics; it also offers graduate students an introduction to the core
Interdependence of diachronlc and synchronie analyses. issues of situation semantics and adverbial quantification.
Title main entry. Ed. by Folke Josephson and Ingmar Söhrman.
(Studies in language companion series; v.lO3) P302 2008-006978 978-90-272-2305-0
John Benjamins Publishing Co., ©2008 350 p. $165.00 Corpora and discourse; the challenges of different
Focusing on the investigation of syntactic structure, these 14 essays settings.
describe a diverse set of modern and ancient languages, including Hittite, Title main entry. Ed. by Annelie Adel and Randi Reppen. (Studies in
the classical languages, old Norse, Coptic, Bantu languages, Australian corpus linguistics; 31)
languages and Creoles. Contributors cover such topic as synchronie and John Benjamins Publishing Co., ©2008 295 p. $158.00
diachronic evidence for parallels between noun phrases and sentences, Only very recently have the two areas of linguistics begun to overlap, and
the development of Creole languages, oppositions from proto-Indo- the 12 papers here describe research into discourse in academic settings,
European to Latin, the development of early to late Latin, the history of workplace settings, and news and entertainment; and through specific
two Greek tenses, actionality and aspect in Hittite, imperfèctivity and linguistic features. The topics include integrating corpus ancl discourse
complete events, transitions in Portuguese and Spanish, the old Nordic tools in the study of cross-disciplinary variation, determining discourse-
middle voice, tense and aspect in Semitic languages, the verb phrase in based moves in professional reports, evidentiality in US newspapers
the Kerebe language, comparative TAM morphology in Niger-Congo, during the 2004 presidential campaign, and place and time adverbials in
indexicals in Australian languages, and differential object marking in native and non-native English student writing.
Sahidic Coptic.

-243- Reßrence & Research Book News November 2008

P302 2008-002051 978-3-11-019619-1 P327 2008-005502 978-90-272-2335-7
Language in the context of use; discourse and cognitive Pedagogical specialized lexicography; the representation of
approaches to language. meaning in English and Spanish business dictionaries.
Title main entry. Ed. by Andrea Tyler et al. (Cognitive linguistics Fuertes-Olivera, Pedro A and Ascensión Arribas-Baño. (Terminology
research; 37) and lexicography research; v.ll)
Mouton de Gruyter, ©2008 365 p. $157.00 John Benjamins Publishing Co., ©2008 165 p. $135.00
Originally presented at a 2003 conference held at Georgetown U., the 18 Contributing to the study of language for a specific purpose (LSP),
papers in this collection offer research from various cognitive and dis- Fuertes-Olivera and Arribas-Baño (both U. de Valladolid) analyze how
course perspectives that emphasize the shared notions that the properties some business dictionaries in English and Spanish treat the represen-
of language and the process of language learning crucially involve how tation of meaning. They focus on the main tenets and methods put
language is used in context and how these patterns relate to cognition forward by the proponents of the didactic role of the LSP dictionary.
more generally. The contributions are organized into two sections: dis- Among the aspects they examine are access structure, definitions, equiv-
course resources in meaning construction and language processing, and alence, and examples.
applying discourse and corpus perspectives to issues in Cognitive
Linguistics. A sampling of topics: the role of compound pragmatic PA881 2008-028603 978-1-59856-325-2
markers in the construction of Catalan oral narrative, analyzing nar- Compact Greek-English lexicon of the New Testament.
rative informativeness in speech and writing, mental spaces and mental Title main entry.
verbs in early child English, French split intransitivity, metaphors and Hendrickson Publishers, ©2008 192 p. $24.95
similes in spoken news discourse, and "superschemas" and the grammar
of metaphorical mappings. Mark A. House has revised and expanded Alexander Souter's Compact
Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament, published by Clarendon Press
P302 2007-049146 978-3-11-020244-1 in 1916. Among his changes are rearranging the order of elements in the
entries, revising definitions to account for changes in English, adding
Theorizing narrativiiy. help to identify difficult forms, changing Biblical references from Roman
Title main entry. Ed. by John Pier and José Angel Garcia Landa. to Arabic numerals, and dropping the Latin equivalents.
(Narratologia; 12)
Walter de Gruyter, ©2008 464 p. $98.00 PA2087 978-1-84217-331-2
Contributors identified only by name explore detlnitions and boundaries Intermediate Latin.
of narrative, its features and resources, and its translation from one Reyes, A.T.
medium to another. Their topics include functions and forms of event-
fulness in narrative fiction, narrativity and performativity from Oxbow Books, ©2008 361 p. $29.95 (pa)
Cervantes to Star Trek, diegetic and mimetic narrativity, and twisting the Reyes teaches Latin and Greek at Groton School in Massachusetts. Based
twice-told tale. on materials prepared at Groton School, his textbook is designed for stu-
dents with roughly a year's worth of previous study of Latin, who are
P306 2008-013780 978-90-272-1686-1 making the transition from beginning Latin primers to the actual texts
of ancient authors. The text includes a concise outline of Latin grammar
Ilie didactics of audiovisual translation. (CD-ROM followed by selections from Livy's history of early Rome, which are sup-
included) plemented with a chronology of Roman history, significant points of
Title main entry. Ed. by Jorge Diaz Cintas. (Benjamins translation geography, and Latin-English and English-Latin glossaries. Illustrated
librar)^ 77) with maps, photographs, and architectural renderings. Distributed in
John Benjamins Publishing Co., ©2008 263 p. $149.00 North America by The David Brown Book Co.
While exploring the state of the art of translator training, the focus of this
coDection of 15 essays is on one of the most complex and dynamic areas PA3968 2007-031855 0-415-98849-7
of the translation disciplines. Contributors describe the nature of the Empedodes Redivivus; poetiy and analogy in Lucretius.
audiovisual text, the challenges of translating screen to writing need and Garani, Myrto. (Studies in classics)
screenplays, the scripted and unscripted language of the screenplay and Routledge, ©2007 324 p. $95.00
what subtitlers need to know about both, the discipline as it applies to
special needs including translation for those with hearing and vision dif^ Garani argues that Roman poet Lucretius (95-55 BC) applauds discoveries
ferences, the use of subtitled materials for foreign language instruction, by Greek philosopher Empedocles (490-430) in order to highlight his epis-
and personalized subtitling as a means to enhance second language temological methods of inquiry into the unseen, methods that Lucretius
acquisition. Hands on experience essays are especially interesting and himself draws on and creatively modifies. Quotations are in the original
include subtitler training as part of a general program in language pro- Greek and Latin followed by English translation. The study is revised
fessions, teaching and learning to subtitling and academic environment, from his Ph.D. dissertation for the University of London in 2004.
learning to subtitle online, and teaching overdubbing.
PA4167 2008-036483 978-1-4331-0475-6
P306 2008-021887 978-&415-39693-6 The suitors in the Odyssey, the dash between Homer and
Introducing translation studies; theories tind applications, Archilochus.
2d ed. steinrück, Martin. (Hermeneutic commentaries; v.2)
Munday, Jeremy. Peter Lang Publishing Inc, ©2008 153 p. $61.95
Routledge, ©2008 236 p. $28.95 (pa) Steinrück (classical languages, U. of Fribourg) argues that Penelope's
Munday (Spanish studies and translation, U. of Leeds, UK) presents a suitors in the epic represent—possibly parody-audiences for iambic, a
revised text for students, teachers, and professional translators which pro- particular kind of poetry associated with partying and entertainment.
vides a critical but balanced survey of many of the most important Just as the iambic and the epic are mutually exclusive, he says so too are
trends and contributions to translation studies. Various contemporary their audiences, therefore the suitors cannot hear the Odyssey itself.
models are applied to sample texts from a broad range of languages in
brief case studies. Revised and updated throughout, the second edition PA6139 2008-003832 9780^232-2892-8
includes a new chapter on translation and new technologies, focusing on The Vatican m3^ographers; an English translation.
audiovisual translation, and including globalization/localization and Mythographi Vaticani. English.
corpus-based translation studies; an updated discussion of the future of Fordham. University Press, ©2008 357 p. $65.00
translation studies; revised exercises and updated further reading lists, One's name is known—Alberic of London—but not even so much for the
web links and bibliography; and a new companion website. other two who compiled Latin compilations of classical myths composed
during the Middle Ages. The texts were discovered and published in 1831,
P311 2007-046043 978-l-8451*-256-3 and have recently been translated into French. Ronald E. Pepin (emeritus.
Toward a theory of cognitive poetics, 2d ed. Capital Community College, Hartford, Connecticut) presents the first
Tsur, Reuven. English translation of them, and discusses them as a group and
Sussex Academic Press, ©2008 683 p. $54.95 (pa) individually.
Tsur (emeritus Hebrew literature and literary theory, Tel Aviv U.) syn-
thesizes his thinking over 25 years that led to the notion of cognitive
poetics. He discusses such aspects as the sound stratum of poetry, regu-
lative concepts, and poetry of altered states of consciousness. No date is
noted for the first edition; the second includes responses to critics.
Distributed in the US by ISBS.

Reference & Research Book News November 2008 -244-

PA8527 2003-070860 978-0-86698-381-5 PC1121 2007-040644 978-0-7818-1149-1
Tlie poetic works of Helius Eobanus Hessus; v.2: Language and travel guide to Sicily. (CD-ROM included)
Joumqonan yeiirs, 1509-1514. La Marca, Giovanna Bellia.
Hessus, Helius Eobanus. Ed. and trans, by Harry Vredeveld. Hippocrene Books Inc., ©2008 270 p. $29.95 (pa)
(Renaissance text series; v.2O, Medieval and Renaissance texts and Sicily native La Marca pens a cultural and language guide to Sicily with
studies; 333) sections on the land, food, architecture, arts, language, and family and
ACMRS, ©2008 703 p. $95.00 customs. Each cultural chapter includes a section on helpful phrases that
When the second volume opens, we find Hessus (1488-1540) reneging on is doubled in audio form on the two included CD- ROMs. The second half
his pledge to teach for two years at Erfurt in pa3Tiient for his education, of the book gives information on locations such as Ragusa, Siracusa,
and fleeing to Leipzig at age 21. The poems covered here are A Nuptial Messina, Palermo, and others, with closing sections listing annual events
Encomium for the Godlike Sigismund, King of Poland; Two Impromptus: and festivals, organized tours, and hotel and restaurant listings for the
Prussia and Love; and letters of Christian heroines. The Latin original and locations discussed.
English translation are on facing pages. Vredeveld provides explanatory
footnotes, supplementary endnotes, and a battery of indexes. Published PC2640 200&-271797 978^0-06-114182-9
by the Arizona Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies, Tempe. Collins French dictionary, 4th ed.
Title main entry. Ed. by et al.
PB41 2007-043072 978^>415-41002-l HarperCollins, ©2007 254 p. $15.00 (pa)
llie language and literature reader. This dictionary not only translates English to French and vice versa, it
Title main entry. Ed. by Ronald Carter and Peter Stockwell. also includes a Quick Reference Grammar Section that allows novices to
Routledge, ©2008 306 p. $41.95 (pa) construct sentences in either language. Over 230,000 entries and transla-
Designed primarily for student use but also suitable as a professional ref- tions are provided, including separate listings,for numbers, dates, time,
erence, this ofïèrs an integrated approach that includes linguistics in the common abbreviations, phonetic transcriptions and verb conjugation.
mix. Editors Carter and Stockwell (modern English language and literary Each entry is highlighted in blue for quick and easy reference.
linguistics, respectively, U. of Nottingham) work chronologically from the
1960s to ensure students of stylistics understand both concepts and PC4120 2007-049159 978-0-8138-0687-7
trends. With such exemplars as David Lodge, John Sinclair, Henry Spanish for veterinarians; a practical introduction, 2d ed.
Widdowson, Elizabeth Closs Traugott and Mary Louise Pratt they explain Frederick, Bonnie and Juan Mosqueda.
early theory and practice through example. With such as Michael Toolan,
Walter Nash, Keith Green, Alison Täte and Guy Cook they track devel- Blackwell Publishers, ©2008 133 p. $30.00 (pa)
opment of stylistics criticism and in no less than ten examples (including For veterinarians, this text serves as a practical guide to learning Spanish
works by Weber, Simpson, Stubbs, Emmott and Sotirova) track the tra- for use in clinical conversations with clients. Frederick (Spanish, Texas
jectories of several alternative developments. They provide a very good Christian U.) and Mosqueda (immunology. School of Veterinary Medicine,
summary of what has been done and what is to come, in part to pique Autonomous U. of Queretaro, Mexico) cover pronunciation, specific terms
the interest and initiate new work. relating to body parts, verbs, taking a history and doing an exam, and
vocabulary relating to specific animals. Conditional verbs are excluded
and grammar terms are omitted for easier understanding. There is no
PB1227 2007-025225 978-0-415-38129-1 index.
Colloquial Irish.
Ihde, Thomas et al. (The colloquial series) PC4582 2008-014855 978-0-313-34804-4
Routledge, ©2008 245 p. $23.95 (pa) Spanglish,
Focusing on the Connaught dialect of Galway, this tutorial builds upon Title main entry. Ed. by Ilan Stavans. (The Ilan Stavans library of
each chapter and provides short dialogues, vocabulary lists and exercises Latino civilization)
which cover words and phrases likely to be useful to business or recre- Greenwood Press, ©2008 144 p. $55.00
ational travelers in Irish-speaking areas of Ireland. In addition to
chapters covering topics such as health, shopping, weather, employment, Ten American academics, journalists, writers and activists contribute 11
music, and food and drink, the authors also provide a summary of Irish sociolinguistic essays on the history and linguistic development of
grammar, a glossary, answers and translations for the exercises, and an Spanglish and the challenges it poses in a number of areas, among them
appendix describing differences between the three Irish dialects. Two 60- education. Included are opinion pieces, both pro and con, as well as rep)-
minute CDs (sold separately) are referred to in many of the exercises (a resentative artistic samples, and a chronology about the politics of lan-
bundled edition is also available). guage in the U.S. Designed for students, specialists, and general readers,
the text is intended to enrich the reader's understanding of the richness
and complexity of Latinos in the U.S., to invite people to engage in critical
PB1306 978-0-7165-2959-0 thinking, to generate debate and foster research.
the 'tinkers' in Irish literature; unsettled subjects and the
construction of difference. PC5348 2007-023921 978-0-415^1997-0
Lanters, José. A frequency dictionary of Portuguese: core vocabulary for
Irish Academic Press, ©2008 238 p. $65.00 learners.
Subtitled Unsettled Subjects and the Construction of Difference, this book Davies, Mark and Ana Maria Raposo Preto-Bay. (Routledge frequency
follovi^ the history of the traditional Irish "tinker," travelers who were dictionaries)
once thought of as primitive nomads but who evolved into a more Routledge, ©2007 336 p. $33.95 (pa)
nationalistic identity. Lanters (U. of Wisconsin-Milwaukee) focuses on This is an index/dictionary of the 500 most frequently used Portuguese
how the tinker came to symbolize both regression and resistance well words that is intended to serve as a learning resource for the English
into the 20th century, and how these figures were represented in liter- speaker who is learning Portuguese. The dictionary is based on a 20-
ature, especially children's stories and crime novels. Written for students miUion-word corpus evenly divided between spoken, fiction, and non-
and scholars of Irish literature, this book also explains the relationship fiction texts from Portugal and Brazil. The entries, organized according
between tinkers and Celtic mythology. Distributed in the US by ISBS. to frequency, provide the word's English equivalent, a sample Portuguese
sentence viáth English translation, and indication of major genre vari-
PB2123 2007-041448 978-0415^6113-9 ation. Interspersed throughout the dictionary are 31 thematic vocabulary
Colloquial Welsh; a complete language course for lists. Also included are an alphabetical index and a part of speech index.
beginners, 2d ed.
King, Gareth. (CoUoquials)
Routledge, ©2008 316 p. $23.95 (pa)
King, a towering figure in Welsh language teaching, updates his 1995
course book for learning spoken informal Welsh. He has expanded it a
bit and tinkered with it some to make it more useful. To facilitate self-
study, recordings of the example conversations by native speakers are
available on compact disk or in MP3 format.

-245- Reference & Research Book News November 2008

PD369 2007-051988 978-3-11-019864-5 PE1068 2008-000303 978-1-84769-081-4
Derivations and evaluations; object shin in the Germanic Language teacher identities; co-constructing discourse and
languages. community.
Broekhuis, Hans. (Studies in generative grammar, 97) Clarke, Matthew. (New perspectives on language and education)
Mouton de Gruyter, ©2008 382 p. $15700 Multilingual Matters Ltd., ©2008 214 p. $49.95 (pa)
Broekhuis (linguistics, Leiden U., The Netherlands) presents an extensive As part of its modernization efforts, the United Arab Emirates recently
investigation of object shin in the Germanic languages within a deri- started training young women as English language teachers for its
vation-and-evaluation framework developed by the author, in which the primary schools. After noting the historical relationship between female
strengths of minimalist program and optimality theory are combined. gender and teaching as a career in the US, Clarke (education, U. of Hong
The study demonstrates that Scandinavian object shin and so-called A- Kong) examines what he terms the heretofore "invisible" (i.e., in conven-
scrambling in the continental Germanic languages are the same. tional analysis) social and political discourses constructing these student
Representations created by a simplified version of the computational teachers' identities and their "community of practice." From their
system of human language CHL are evaluated in an optimality theoretic responses to questionnaires, he treats the role of the English language as
fashion by taking recourse to a very small set of output constraints. The "a ramp to a different world" for these teachers as agents of change. The
text brings together in a single book research begun by the author is foreword is by a U. of Michigan professor of education and international
1997; much of the material has been presented orally by the author in training.
classroom settings and workshops, and parts of five of the six chapters
have been previously published elsewhere over the past decade. PE1074 978-87-7674-255-3
Irregularities in modem English, 2d ed.
PD5112 2007-039675 978-0-415-45800-9 Hansen, Erik and Hans Frede Nielsen. Rev. ed. by Erik Hansen. (North-
Swedish; an essential grammar, 2d ed. western European language evolution supplement; v.2.)
Holmes, Philip and Ian Hinchliffe. (Routledge essential grammars) U. Press of Southern Denmark, ©2007 382 p. $57.00 (pa)
Routledge, ©2009 243 p. $35.95 (pa) The 1980 Danish Uregelmassigheder i moderne engslsk first appeared in
A former teacher of Scandinavian studies at the U. of Hull, Holmes is English translation in 1986, and included comparison with German and
now a freelance translator, Hinchliffe is a freelance translator based in Dutch as well as to the original Danish analogues. It takes modern
Sweden. Suitable for independent study or for classroom- based English as the starting point, and only refers to Middle and Old English
instruction, the second edition of their text provides beginning-level to explain irregular forms in the difïèrent parts of speech and in vowels
learners of Swedish with a concise description of the structure of the lan- and consonants. The second edition incorporates shifts in grammar
guage, as well as some basics of spelling, punctuation, word formation theory. Distributed in the US by ISBS.
and differences between spoken and written Swedish. The second edition
contains numerous changes of detail and examples throughout, all aimed PE1075 2008-002316 978-0-415-44430-9
at clarifying explanations and updating the idioms and advice on current Histoiy of English; a resource book for students.
usage. Mclntyre, Dan. (Routledge English language introductions)
Routledge, ©2009 209 p. $125.00
PE68 2008-016235 978-O8141-1083-6
Mclntyre (English language, U. of Huddersfield, Britain) begins with an
Deranging English/education; teacher inquiiy, literary external history of the English language, that is, an account the people
studies, and hybrid visions of English for 21st century who spoke it, how they spoke it, and other ways that they influenced its
schools. spread and evolution. Then he describes internal changes over the cen-
staunton, John A (Refiguring EngUsh studies) turies in case and number, dialects, vocabulary, speech sounds, writing,
NCTE, ©2008 229 p. $39.95 (pa) and other features. Other sections look at varieties of Modern English
Staunton (Eastern Michigan U.) explores the possibility of cleaving around the world, and present short readings in the history of English.
English and education to transform teaching, drawing on the word
"deranging" in light of the evolving state of the field of English as a dis- PE1128 2007-046123 978-0-8058-6337-6
cipline and a practice in the twenty-first century. Specifically themed International English in its sociolinguistic contexts;
chapters discuss carr3áng teacher-research across country in Williams's towards a sodalJy sensitive EIL pedagogy.
The Red Wheelbarrow, found poetry, found pedagogy, and the transposi- McKay, Sandra and Wendy D. Bokhorst-Heng. (ESL &> applied lin-
tions of student/teacher inquiry; connecting students and American lit- guistics professional series)
erature through inquiry; and images and models of what counts as Routledge, ©2008 209 p. $39.95 (pa)
knowledge in English/education. Appendices include materials for
"deranging English/education." This title is intended for educators in the There is a great diversity of social and educational contexts in which
field and those interested in teaching English. English is being used and learned around the world today, which, McKay
(English, San Francisco State U.) and Bokhorst-Heng (National Institute of
Education, Singapore) argue, needs to be taken into account in order to
PE1066 978-0^264-9734-5 make effective pedagogical decisions about the teaching of English. They
English for occupational purposes; one language? ofïèr an examination of the sociolinguistic contexts of English language
Kim, Dan. learning and how it is affected by the larger social, political, and
Continuum Publishing Group, ©2008 227 p. $150.00 educational setting, and how the linguistic features of English as an
Kim (English writing/global business administration, Sungkyunkwan U., international language (EIL) are affected by the social context in which
Seoul, Korea) presents the first book to join scholarship from the field of" the interaction takes place. The text is designed for pre-service and
teaching English for occupational purposes (EOP) with findings from practicing teachers of English whose students will be using English for
general occupational training, in an effort to discover how the theories international purposes. It contributes to the understanding of EIL,
and practices of both fields might complement each other to develop language planning and policy issues, and the need to develop socially
effective foreign language training for adult occupational learners. sensitive EIL pedagogy.
Combining interviews, observations, surveys, and impromptu conversa-
tions with students and faculty involved in workplace English training in PE1128 2008-017958 978O-8077-4904-3
Korea, Kim investigates the students' perceptions and the practice of EOP. Literacy essentials for English language learners
He then compares their experiences and perceptions of^ general work- successful transitions.
place training to determine issues and challenges of EOP as training, and Uribe, Maria. (Language and literacy series) (Practitioner's bookshelf)
possible ideas and resources from general training that could enhance Teachers College Press, ©2008 141 p. $21.95 (pa)
the quality and efficiency of EOP instruction. For researchers, practi-
tioners, and scholars in English for specific purposes, applied linguists, Drawing on research evidence from both the National Reading Panel and
and workplace education. the National Literacy Panel on Language-Minority Children and Youth,
this guide shows how to develop effective literacy instruction for English
language learners (ELLs) in kindergarten through 5th grade. The author,
an elementary principal, challenges conventional wisdom about literacy
teaching for second language learners, arguing that teachers should
provide academic information, strategies, and language all at once, and
that ELLs need different reading instruction from struggling native
English speakers. Sample lesson plans are included. Uribe is an adjunct
professor at the University of Colorado. She received the Colorado
Association of Bilingual Education president's award in 2007.

Reference & Research Book News November 2008 -246-

PE1128 2007-051687 978-0-8058-5533-3 PE1471 2008-270291 978-0-768*-248&«
A synthesis of research on second language writing in Peterson's essays unzipped.
English. Bennett, CJ. (Unzipped guides)
Leki, Ilona et al. Peterson's, ©2007 160 p. $13.00 (pa)
Lawrence Erlbaum, ©2008 259 p. $44.95 (pa) This handy, student-priced pocket guide busts myths about essay writing,
Leki (English, U. of Tennessee), Cumming (education, U. of Toronto), and explains what teachers are really looking for in essays, and offers a
Silva (ESL writing, Purdue U.) present a thematically organized synthesis wealth of tips and tricks for figuring out the assignment, understanding
of 20 years of published research on second language (L2) writing in the parts of an essay, writing different types of essays, using idea maps,
English, and provide an analytical discussion of the most significant and revising, and getting a handle on plagiarism and research. The simple
infiuential findings of that research. Designed to promote understanding writing style, step-by-step guidelines, and clear explanations will reassure
of L2 writing in English and to provide access to research developments new and returning students. A few blank pages are lefl at the end for
in the field, the text is intended for L2 writing researchers worldwide, L2 notes. Author information is not given, and there is no subject index.
writing practitioners, graduate students in TESOL methods courses, LI
English writing professionals and practitioners, and graduate students in PE1483 2008-007237 978-0-7679-2827-4
teacher education courses and writing centers. Coverage includes The art of the personal letter; a guide to connecting
research on L2 writing in various contexts; pedagogical and assessment through the writien word.
issues in courses and institutions; and basic empirical research on L2 shepherd, Margaret.
writers, composing processes, and texts. Lawrence Erlbaum is an imprint Broadway Books, ©2008 218 p. $16.00
of Taylor &> Francis.
Shepherd, calligrapher and author of The Handwritten Note, reclaims the
disappearing art of the letter in this compact (5.5x7.5") guide. She pro-
PE1128 2007-033945 978-1-4129-3781-8 vides guidelines for enhancing the letter vniter's unique voice and
Ten languages need most in the classroom; a guide choosing the right words, the right pen, and the right computer font.
to communicat with English language learners and Example letters offer inspiration for all occasions, including holidays,
their families. thank you, sympathy, fundraising, reconnecting with old friends, and the
Sundem, Garth et al. entire relationship cycle, from courtship through breakups and getting
Corwin Press Inc., ©2008 260 p. $80.95 back together.
This reference for teachers working with English language learners in
any type of classroom provides resources for basic communications and PE1574 2007-046889 978-1-4022-1135-5
information-gathering in the ten languages of students who most com- Eveiything you know about English is wron^, why
monly do not also speak English—Spanish, Vietnamese, Hmong, English ain't from England, and "ain't" ain't a bad word.
Cantonese, Korean, Haitian, Creole, Arabic, Russian, Tagalog, and Navajo. Brohaugh, William.
Each language's section provides brief information about its pronunci- Sourcebooks, Inc., ©2008 243 p. $12.95 (pa)
ation as well as the culture and religion that surround it. This is followed
by a list of useful phrases for communicating with parents and students; Brohaugh, former editor of Writer's Digest, explains common misconcep-
reproducible picture dictionaries on classroom supplies, school tions about the English language, from the history of specific words to
mechanics, assignment words, playground and physical education vocab- grammar rules to confusion about meaning and spelling. In a humorous
ulary, science and math vocabulary, and social studies vocabulary. fashion, he describes many examples, such as the real origins of the term
Finally, translations for letters to parents about behavior, tardiness and computer bug, why the use of "ain't" is not bad English, double nega-
absence, and school resources are provided. The final chapter contains tives, and the use of figurative vs. literal.
reading tests in each language to help assess the learner's first language
literacy level. PE1576 2008-396966 978-0-86491-291-6
A linguistic introduction to the history and structure of
PE1135 2007-050665 978-O415-42514-8 the English lexicon.
Practical phonetics and phonology; a resource book for McFetridge, Paul.
students, 2d ed. (CD-ROM included) Simon Fraser University Publications, ©2008 351 p. $60.00 (pa)
Collins, Beverley and Inger M. Mees. (Routledge English language intro- Explanations of the development of the English language are oflen
ductions) extremely dense, filled with technical, mathematical terms. This is not
Routledge, ©2008 305 p. $35.95 (pa) the case with McFetridge's introduction to English linguistics. The Simon
Fraser professor covers the language from Indo-European roots through
For students of language and linguistics and those training for a cer- the Germanic language that was forcibly blended with French and many
tificate in TEFL, this introductory textbook covers English phonetics and times infiuenced by Latin and Greek. His explanations are clearly stated
phonology. Collins (Leiden U. Centre for Linguistics, UK) and Mees (inter- and terms carefully explained. There are a number of word lists giving
national language studies and computational linguistics, Copenhagen examples of the ways in which words changed. He ends with the Great
Business School, Denmark) focus on practice rather than theory, Vowel Shift, a change that created our modern pronunciation and
explaining concepts and accent variations, and including readings by destroyed phonetic spelling. This book is intended for undergraduate
those in the field on topics such as pronunciation, phonetics and teaching classrooms but would be of interest to anyone who wonders why "cough"
the deaf, and using phonetics in criminal investigations. This edition has doesn't rhyme with "though."
added readings on spelling reform and the social perception of British
regional and social varieties, a section on spelling-to-sound relationships,
and information on Estuary English. Activities and examples have been PE1591 2008-024081 978-0-19-530169-4
revised and updated. The accompan3dng CD contains speech samples of Pocket Oxford American thesaurus, 2d ed.
25 English accent varieties from the UK, US, Canada, Australia, South Title main entry.
Africa, India, Singapore, and West Africa, with new samples of British Oxford U. Press, ©2008 938 p. $12.95 (pa)
Estuary English and New York English. This terrific reference presents 15,000 words and over 350,000 S3Tionyms
in a newly-designed format that's clear and accessible. Each entry pro-
PE1408 2008-001821 978-1^128-0746-3 vides a brief sentence or phrase using the word, followed by a list of syn-
The soul of creative writing. on3mis. Many detailed usage notes are interspersed throughout the text,
Goodman, Richard. supplying a thoughtful discussion of a word or group of words' usage
and history. Other inset boxes contain helpful advice on choosing the
Transaction Publishers, ©2008 132 p. $34.95 right word, often listing related words of increasingly strong meaning,
Goodman (New York Writers Workshop) explores the elements of lan- with sentences and phrases for illustration. A central 'wordfinder' section
guage such as style, rhythm, sound, and the choice of the right word. He presents lists of terms in many categories.
collects examples from writers of the past and present, both great and
less-known, and uses them to illustrate how each element of our written
language can be used. The book begins with an analysis of words and
how they can be used to create music on the page, then moves on to dis-
cussions of shades of meaning, finding titles, and creating nonfiction
work that is vivid and memorable through the use of the same tech-
niques that fiction writers employ. Goodman teaches vmting at Spalding
University's MFA in Writing Program.

-247- Reference & Research Book News November 2008

PE1628 978-0-19-530163-2 PG3015 2007-050733 978-O8156-3182-8
Pocket Oxford American dictionary, 2d ed. Neither with them, nor without them; the Russian writer
Title main entry. and the Jew in the age of Realism.
Oxford U. Press, ©2008 978 p. $12.95 (pa) Katz, Elena M. Qudaic traditions in literature, music, and art)
Requiring a big pocket to hold it, the 2d edition of this essential reference •Syracuse U. Press, ©2008 366 p. $29.95
contains short and snappy definitions for 140,000 words, and a handy Katz (Russian literature and Eurasian studies, St. Anthony's College,
reference section. The layout has been improved from the 1st edition and Oxford) offers a perspective on representations of Jews in 19th-century
features a clear, bright font and accessible format, with the defined word realist Russian literatiire differing from the typical characterization of
in bold and the subsequent lines indented. Usage tips, focusing predom- authors as either philo- or anti-Semitic. Focusing on Dostoyevsky, Gogol,
inantly on confusing synonyms, are inserted throughout the work. and Turgenev, she interprets their ambiguous views of Jews as Other in
historical and personal contexts. For example, from her readings of
PE1771 978-0-77344954-1 Turgenev's writings with Jewish characters including "The Yid" (1847)
Common grazing in the Noräiem English Uplands, 1800- and An Unhappy Girl (1869), she points out that none of his works advo-
1965; a history of national policy ancl local practice with cates for equal rights for Jews despite his empathy for them as liberals.
special attention to the case of Cumbria. Reproduced art illustrations show conceptions of Jewish types.
Straughton, Eleanor A.
Edwin Mellen Pr., ©2008 29G p. $119.95 PH610 2007-038795 978-0-415-45054-6
Most studies of commons describe its demise, says Straughton, but she Colloquial Estonian; the complete course for beginners, 2d
makes a case here for a rich modern history of upland common land, ed.
clarifying some of the many misconceptions about its use and character. Moseley, Christopher. (Colloquial series)
A researcher in common resources and environmental governance based Routledge, ©2008 257 p. $26.95 (pa)
in Lancaster, she traces the evolution of common sheep grazing in the Suitable for both self^study and classroom use, this text introduces stu-
territory surrounding. Her focus is grazing culture, but that incorporates dents to the written and spoken Estonian used in a wide range of
political, economic, and social dimensions. everyday settings and activities—a conversation between two old friends,
a telephone conversation, talking in a cafe, weather and the seasons, days
PE2839 2008-017659 978-1-59102^25-9 of the \veek, shopping, work, invitations, traveling in Estonia, birthdays
Let's talk turkey, the stories behind America's favorite and holidays. Revised throughout to refiect present-day Estonia, the
expressions. second edition of the text also includes a glossary of grammatical terms,
Estonian-English and English-Estonian glossaries, and a grammatical
Ostler, Rosemarie. index. Two hours of audio material recorded by native speakers is also
Prometheus Books, ©2008 252 p. $18.95 (pa) available on CDs or in MP3 format to supplement the book.
Ostler applies her doctorate in linguistics to entertainingly trace the
origin and usage of some 150 distinctly American figures of speech PJ1488 978-0-900416-87-3
organized into the categories of: the natural world (e.g., "talk turkey");
business, politics, and society at large ("wheel and deal"); culture and Crowns in Egyptian funerary literature; royalty, rebirth,
amusements ("cash in your diips"); and the home front ("paint the town and destruction.
red"). Indexing is by phrase. Goebs, Katja. (Griffith Institute monographs)
Griffith Institute Oxford, ©2008 470 p. $130.00
PE2846 2006-933530 978-1-904859-60-4 Goebs (Egyptology, U. of Toronto) presents a new approach to analyzing
How the Irish invented slang; the secret language of the the image of ancient Egyptian kings and gods, studying the textual evi-
crossroads. dence instead of the iconography and focusing on the king's White and
Cassidy, Daniel. Red Crowms, which possess symbolism encompassing the terrestrial and
AK Press, ©2007 303 p. $18.95 (pa) divine spheres. Extensive sections discuss the celestial hereafler in the
early funerary literature and the role of the crowns, the crowns as items
Cassidy reveals how the Gaelic of Irish immigrants to North America has of insignia in the funerary sphere, crowns as metaphors and personifi-
infiltrated into slang and other informal and non-elite realms of English. cations, and implications of the symbolic functions of crowns in the
Among the words he traces to Irish are slum, dude, and rookie. funerary sphere for the image of the terrestrial ruler. This study is
intended for Egyptologists but could also be of interest to those who
PE3721 2008-005409 978O-415-37182-7 study royal and divine symbolism in other ancient cultures. Distributed
The RouÜedge dictionary of modem Americiin sUing and in North America by The David Brown Book Co.
unconventional English.
Title main entry. Ed. by Tom Dalzell. PJ1531 2008-003238 978-1-60239-271-7
Routledge, ©2009 1104 p. $49.95 Discovery at Rosetta.
Dalzell, a leading authority on American slang, has previously served as Downs, Jonathan.
senior editor on Routledge's The New Partridge Dictionary of Slang and Skyhorse Pub. Co., ©2008 262 p. $22.95
Unconventional English, and uses excerpts of that masterwork here to Intended for the general reader, this title marks the path of the Rosetta
provide over 25,000 entries that he has collected since 1945. Each entry Stone from its discovery by Napoleonic engineers in 1799 through its
includes etymology, cultural contexts, country of origin and the date the interpretation in the early nineteenth century. A brief epilogue describes
word was first used. Assembled as a general reference, this massive the current repatriation request to the British by the Egyptian gov-
volume explores slang usage from literature, television, film, music and ernment, and among the appendices is the translation of the writing of
even Internet user groups. the Stone. With its fiuid writing this book will find favor with members
of the public looking to increase their knowledge of the topic, though
PF112 2007-049201 978-0-415-43231-3 readers should be warned that the book is filled with more military
Dutch; a comprehensive grammar, 2d ed. history of the Napoleonic era than Egyptian history.
Donaldson, Bruce. (Routledge comprehensive grammars)
Routledge, ©2008 438 p. $58.95 (pa) PJ5012 978-0^5303-770-5
Donaldson taught Dutch, German, and Afrikaans at the U. of Melbourne, Hebrew writing of the First World War.
Australia from 1973 to 2004; he now focuses on linguistic research. Abramson, Glenda.
Originally published as Dutch Reference Grammar (Routledge, 1997), Vallentine Mitchell, ©2008 405 p. $75.00
Donaldson's resouree text has been updated to cover the new spelling In 11 original and reprinted chapters, Abramson (emeritus, Hebrew and
system introduced in 1997 and reformed in 2005, and includes a new Jewish studies, U. of Oxford) notes that World War I— with new tech-
section on modal particles. Featuring examples of Dutch as used by nologies of war wreaking unprecedented carnage— brought changes to its
present-day native speakers, the text is designed for tertiary and upper literary representations. Focusing on the writings in Hebrew of Jewish
secondary students as well as private students with a reasonable soldiers and affected civilians, she studies their themes (e.g., Zionism, the
knowledge of grammatical terminology, whose knowledge has gone war as the end of the Enlightenment) in light of their relation to mod-
beyond what the more basic beginners' grammars and courses ofïèr. ernism. She draws attention to some of the lesser-known works in the
Hebrew canon or less-studied aspects of better-known works, e.g., S.Y.
Agnon's Ad Hena (Until Now) and U.Z. Greenberg's poem cycle Emah
gedolah veyareah (Great Fear and the Moon). The glossary includes
Hebrew, Yiddish, and English terms such as "New Jew." Distributed by

Reference & Research Book News November 2008 -248-

PJ5059 2008-020815 978-1-59534-052-8 PJ7864 2008O23760 978-1-4331-0363-6
Hebrew writers on writing. Mohammad Ali Taha's "A rose to Hafeeza's eyes" and
Title main entry. Ed. by Peter Cole. (The writer's world) other stories
Trinity University Press, ©2008 321 p. $24.95 (pa) Taha, Muhammad Ali. Trans, by Jamal Assadi.
Cole has followed his instinct rather than any theoretical route as he Peter Lang Publishing Inc, ©2008 136 p. $60.95
gathered notebook entries, poems, stories, speeches, notes for talks, tran- Yaha (b. 1942) is a Palestinian writer well known throughout the Arabic-
scribed interviews, letters, and other short pieces in which 20th-centuries reading world, but barely known in the West. Assadi (English, College of
writers talk about the many facets of writing itself. Sakhnin for Teacher Education) seeks to change that by translating 17
stories demonstrating various themes, styles, and characters.
PJ5801 2008-422296 978-3-447-05710-3
The Jewish Neo-Aramaic dialect of Betanure (province of PJ8390 2007-043393 978-0-415-95818-9
Dihok). Literature and development in North Africa; the
Mutzafi, Hezy. (Semitica viva; v.43) modernizing mission.
Harrassowitz, ©2008 412 p. $121.00 Giovannucci, Perri. (Literary criticism and cultural theory)
In the late 1940s, the dialect was spoken by only 17 large families in the Routledge, ©2008 245 p. $95.00
Jewish village of Betanure in northern Iraq. In 1951, the village emigrated The modernizing zeal that underlies the development industry rests on
en mass to Israel, and the number of speakers has steadily declined several logical fallacies, argues Giovannucci, among which are the neat
since. Spoken now by some three dozen people in their 70s and 80s, it division of the world into modern and traditional spheres, and the pre-
is among the most gravely endangered varieties of Aramaic still spoken. tense that colonization never happened. Showing how the whole system
Mutzafi (Tel Aviv U.) sets out the phonology and morphology and operates in a particular region, he discusses the anti- colonial critics
assembles 16 texts, folk tales and descriptions of life in the village, with Fanon and Sartre, the non-color of nonviolence in Camus and Djebar,
English translation on facing pages. A glossary is provided, but no index. Paris on the Nile and Egypt on the plantation, letters of a lost generation
encompassing Said and Durrell, and the radical surgery of women doctor
PJ6307 2007-939740 978-1-59257-703-3 Nawal El Saadawi.
The complete idiot's guide to Arabic. (CD-ROM included)
Habel, K.F. PK1936 978-0-7566-3857-3
Alpha Books, ©2008 389 p. $21.95 Hindi English bilingual visual dictionaiy.
This addition to the popular "idot's guide" series provides travelers with Title main entry. (Bilingual visual dictionary)
the bare bones of Arabic vocabulary, grammar, and phrases, along with DK Publishing, Inc., ©2008 360 p. $12.95 (pa)
a crash course in Arabic culture. The phrase chapters deal with common Each chapter of this illustrated English-Hindi dictionary tackles many
travel scenarios including meeting new people, using transportation, topics within a theme common to everyday life and travel—people,
sightseeing, eating out, and speaking in a business environment. The appearance, home, services, shopping, food, study, work, transport,
appendices contain a pronunciation guide, a brief English-Arabic dic- sports, environment, and reference (including time telling and maps).
tionary, and an introduction to written Arabic. The accompanying CD- Photographs labeled in Devnagari script and accompanied by pronunci-
ROM contains 90 minutes of language practice. ation and translation in English illustrate topics under a specific
heading—for example, the page titled "fiorist" contains pictures of about
PJ6773 2007-927039 978-1-58901-168-7 30 diffèrent flowers. Additional vocabulary without illustrations is also
Ilie acqmsition of Egyptian Arabic as a native language. listed. A detailed guide to Hindi pronunciation concludes the text.
Omar, Margaret K. (Georgetown University classics in Arabic language
and linguistics) PK6035 978-3-89500-624-1
Georgetown U. Press, ©2007 205 p. $29.95 (pa) Iranian loanwords in Sjniac.
This is a reprint of Omar's 1968 dissertation on language acquisition. Ciancaglini, Claudia A (Beiträge zur iranistik; v.28)
Most studies up to then had dealt exclusively with Indo- European lan- Reichert Verlag, ©2008 315 p. $116.00
guages. Omar (Arabic, Georgetown University) chose a town with little In the first third of this monograph concerned with linguistic bor-
variation in socio-economic levels. She noted the stages of development of rowings from Iranian languages into Classical Syriac (a literary and litur-
particular grammatical forms both in terms of complexity and social- gical Aramaic dialect attested from the first to thirteenth century CE)
ization. Children in the study developed language at rou^ly the same discusses features of Syriac and various historical moments of contact
stages as in other languages, implying that language learning is hard- between the language and Old and Middle Iranian languages, Parthian,
wired. Omar details the process with translations and transliterations of Greek, and Middle Persian. The remaining text comprises entries on
the forms. sounds, words, phrases, morphemes, and other lexical items believed to
have been borrowed accompanied by definitions, a description of
PJ7519 2008-024031 978-1-57003-754^2 probable source, and related items. An index of loanwords is included.
Self and secrecy in early Islam. This book is distributed in North America by The David Brown Book Co.
Khan, Ruqayya Yasmine. (Studies in comparative religion)
U. of South Carolina Press, ©2008 186 p. $39.95 PK6427 2007-036608 978-0-415-43778-3
Secrecy and revelation serve as a marker in early Arabo-Islamic dis- Modem Persian literature in Afghanistan; anomalous
course, textual productions, and material cultures, contends Khan visions of histoiy and form.
(Islamic studies. Trinity U., Texas), pointing to the centrality of ciphering, Ahmadi, Wali. (Iranian studies)
deciphering, coding, decoding, signs, and semiotics. She looks at the Routledge, ©2008 184 p. $140.00
Qur'an; self as cipher in the Book of Concealing the Secret; love, sexuality, To fill a gap in contemporary Persian literary studies, Ahmadi (Near
and the body, and toward a literary archaeology of the private and the Eastern studies, U. of California, Berkeley) presents an analysis of the
secret. complex attitudes toward cultural and literary modernity refiected in the
works of Af^an writers in the Persian language (Dari)-^n official lan-
PJ7577 97&O-86356-436-9 guage along with Pashtu—over the past century. In socio-historical
Modem Arabic short stories; a bilingual reader. context, he reads such literature from the journal Siraj al-Akhbar of
Husni, Ronak &= Daniel L. Newmian. Mahmud Tarzi (1866-1935) to literature produced in response to the
Saqi Books, ©2008 296 p. $24.95 (pa) oppression and chaos of the Taliban and current Afghan regimes,
Husni (Arabic language, literature, and translation; Heriot-Watt U.) and including exiled poet Wasef Bakhari and novelist Razzaq Ma'mun. In
Newman (Arabic/English translation, U. of Durham) present and conclusion, he quotes a description of the current uncertain
introduce 12 recent stories by authors who are mostly still alive and cultural/political scene as a "condition of anti-literature."
writing. They can be enjoyed on their own merit or used by students of
modern Arabic literature, but the facing pages of English and Arabic,
and the language notes at the end of each are particularly helpful to stu-
dents of the Arabic language or of translation.

-249- Reference & Research Book News November 2008

PK6541 2007-061330 1-58814^058-X PL1171 2008-007488 978-0-8232-2868-3
The Gulistan (rose garden) of Sa'di; bilingual English and The Chinese written character as a medium for poetry.
Persian edition with vocabulary. Fenollosa, Ernest and Ezra Pound.
Sa'di. Fordham University Press, ©2008 216 p. $25.00
Ibex Publishers, ©2008 253 p. $60.00 American modernist poet Pound (1884-1972) edited and published the
Shaykh Mushrifuddin Sa'di of Shiraz finished his collection of moral essay by American scholar Fenollosa (1853-1908) in 1919, and it quickly
tales in 1258 AD, and over the centuries it has been one of the most became a classic reference in American poetics. This edition, first pub-
widely read and influential books in the Persian sphere. The first English lished in 1936 by Stanley Nott, London, incorporates FenoUosa's original
translation was during the 18th century; Wheeler M. Thackston (Persian, manuscript and the additions, deletions, and other changes made by
Harvard U.) presents a new edition and new translation on facing pages. Pound. No index is provided.

PL524 978-(>8264-8961-6 PL1171 2007-042986 978-041546047-7

Japanese applied linguistics; discoiu^e and social A dictionary of Chinese characters; accessed by phonetics.
perspectives. Paton, Stewart.
Title main entry. Ed. byjunko Mori and Amy Snyder Ohta. Routledge, ©2008 255 p. $44.95 (pa)
Continuum Publishing Group, ©2008 364 p. $150.00 For intermediate students of Chinese characters who do not speak
Linguists and language teachers explore a range of issues surrounding Chinese, Scottish language scholar Paton offers an aid with two features
first and second language speakers of Japanese. Among them are not provided in standard Chinese-English dictionaries. First, he groups
designedly ambiguous turn completion points, a case study from Osaka together the most frequently used characters that have the same phonetic
concerning the use of regional and standard Japanese in conversations, element and links them with cross-references. He also prints characters
laughter and learning in Japanese foreign language classes, and critical that are often confused right next to each other, and again links them
approaches to teaching Japanese language and culture. with cross-references. Both of these features are intended to help students
memorize the characters.
PL524 2008^12758 978-1-84769-100-2
Socializing identities through speech style; learners of PL2474 2008400550 97&-3447-056694
Japanese as a foreign language. The Book of Mendus and its reception in China and
Cook, Haruko Minegishi. (Second language acquisition; 32) beyond.
Multilingual Matters Ltd., ©2008 225 p. $49.95 (pa) Title main entry. Ed. by Chun-chieh Huang et al. (Veröffentlichungen
Drawing on Och's two-step model of indexical relations. Cook (East Asian des Ostasien-Instituts der Ruhr-Universität Bochum; v.52)
languages and literatures, U. of Hawaii, Manoa) examines how learners Harrassowitz, ©2008 239 p. $105.00 (pa)
of Japanese as a foreign language QFL) and their host family members Scholars of history, literature, philosophy, and politics consider internal
express their identities through style shifts between use of the polite and external aspects of the work attributed to Mengzi (371-290 BC), the
speech-level marker, the masu form, and non-honorific plain form during second sage of Confucianism, just after the master himself. Their topics
family dinnertime conversations. The study analyzes data from 25 din- include a hermeneutic interpretation by Zhu Xi, Kaibara Ekiken and
nertime conversations—videotaped and audiotaped simultaneously—of ethics from a cross-cultural perspective, the Mencius in the writings of Hu
nine JFL learners, three British and six Americans, ranging from novice Shi, and contemporary studies of Mencius in Taiwan. The 13 essays are
to advanced proficiency levels, enrolled in a year-in-Japan program in from a June 2005 conference in Karlsruhe, Germany that drew atten-
Tokyo-area universities. The research explores how host family members dants from Taiwan, Japan, and Europe. They are not indexed. The price
teach learners language socialization, both implicitly and explicitly, as is 68 euros.
evidenced by the shifting use of the masu form to index diffèrent social
situations. It demonstrates the positive impact of study abroad experi- PL2658 978-0-7734-5008-0
ences on the development of second language pragmatics. Mythic and folk elements in modem Chinese literature; a
study of six writers.
PL528 2007-038896 97&4-8053-0946-9 Li, Ningyi.
250 essential Japanese kanji characters, 2d ed.; v.l. Edwin Mellen Pr., ©2008 275 p. $109.95
Title main entry. Ed. by Kanji Text Researeh Group, The University of Chinese literature of the 20th century is primarily concerned with a quest
Tokyo. for modernity and revolution, according to mainstream literary history
Tuttle Publishing, ©2008 239 p. $26.95 (pa) in both China and the West. Li challenges that view by teasing out some
Created by a group of teachers from the prestigious U. of Tokyo, this text literary trends from the New Culture Movement to the late 1980s and
provides beginning students of Japanese with 250 Japanese kanji char- early 1990s. She draws heavily from cultural anthropology, and the core
acters used in everyday situations. The text uses authentic materials, chapters cover anthropological themes: the development of studies in
periodic quizzes, and memory aids to assist learners in acquiring the Chinese mythology. May Fourth folklorists' translation and introduction
ability to understand and use kanji in natural contexts. The two volumes of the European and Japanese folklore movements, and the development
in the set have been revised to include all the 410 kanji required for the of studies on cultural ethnology.
College Board Advanced Placement Japanese Language and Culture
Course Exam. PL2722 2008^20137 978-0-89581-0014
Strange tales from Liaozhai; v.l.
PL667 2008-061750 978-0-89581-894-2 Pu, Songling. Trans, by Sidney L. Sondergard.
A handbook for analyzing Chinese characters. Jain Publishing, ©2008 394 p. $75.00
Title main entry. Ed. by Zhifang Ren. In his collection of 494 short stories that delve into the supernatural,
Jain Publishing, ©2008 995 p. $225.00 (pa) folklore, and sometimes just the odd, Songling (1640-1715) sought to
With China's expanding role as a 21st-century global entity, interest in educate and entertain, but also to criticize the bureaucratic structure of
stud3áng Chinese is also increasing. Ren's (English, China Medical U.) China during the early Qing dynasty. Sondergard (English and Asian
book is a welcome addition to the reference texts available to those who Studies, St. Lawrence University, New York) presents first English trans-
are studying Chinese as a second language. A product of ten years of lation of the entire collection, and includes a substantial introduction and
research and compiling, Ren's (English, China Medical U.) text contains footnotes explaining references. This is the first of six volumes; each (like
5073 Chinese characters most frequently used in reading and writing. To this one) will contain 83 stories.
help learners identify the most and least important characters, the 5073
characters are grouped into five différent levels of frequency use. The
characters are arranged in alphabetical order, with each carefully ana-
lyzed based on its structure, to better explain the meaning, and each
described with the property of a certain character and clarified by an
illustrative sentence. The text includes an index of Chinese characters
arranged in radical order; the radicals are arranged in strokes of Chinese

Reßrence & Research Book News November 2008 -250-

PL4113 2007-046237 978-0-7007-1457-5 ÇRIUCISM, THEATER, FILM, JOUENALISM, ETC.
Tlie Tai-Kadai languages.
Title main entry. Ed. by Anthony V.N. Diller et al. (Routledge language PN45 2008-399157 978-1-55111-177-3
family series) Contemporary readings in the philosophy of literature; an
Routledge, ©2008 683 p. $320.00 anal3^c approach.
Diller, Edmondson, and Luo present' 23 chapters describing recent Title main entry. Ed. by David Davies and Carl Matheson.
research on Tai-Kadai, one of the world's major language families. Broadview Press, ©2008 440 p. $44.95 (pa)
Coverage includes an introduction to the current state of research, debate Articles and book chapters reprinted from publication over the past three
and speculation about Tai-Kadai's ultimate linkages; overviews and decades delineate the field and contours of the discipline, and sample a
resources relating to the Tai languages; discussion of some special Tai range of perspectives on various issues. The 29 readings cover ontology
features often overlooked in standard treatments but of linguistic interest; and categorization; the epistemology of reading; literature, imagination,
chapters dealing with aspects of diachronic change and grammatical- and the emotions; and the values of literature. No index is provided.
ization, of particular relevance as linguistic theory confronts languages
of the Tai-Kadai type; and information on the little-described Kam-Sui PN49 2008-004332 978-1-55753-368-5
languages. For undergraduate and postgraduate students of linguistics
and language, and scholars and professionals in historical linguistics, lin- On the cultures of exile, translation, and writing.
guistics anthropology and language development. Coeditors and authors Bartoloni, Paolo. (Comparative cultural studies)
Diller, Edmondson, and Luo are with the Australian National U., the U. Purdue University Press, ©2008 166 p. $34.95 (pa)
of Texas Arlington, and the U. of Texas, respectively; credentials for the Drawing primarily on Nazi philosopher Martin Heidegger (1889-1976),
other 18 contributing authors are not stated. Bartoloni (comparative literature and Italian, U. of Sydney) seeks to con-
textualize such notions as potentiality and suspension by making them
PL7101 978-1-86465-070-9 interact with translation, time, exile, and writing.
Eastern and Central Arremte picture dictionary.
Title main entry. Ed. by Neil Broad. (IAD Press picture dictionary PN56 2007-025831 978-0404-6372(>0
series) Companion to emblem studies.
IAD Press, ©2008 179 p. $24.95 (pa) Title main entry. Ed. by Peter M. Daly. (AMS studies in the emblem;
There are only about 1,500 native speakers of Arrernte in the world no.20)
today. This picture dictionary was compiled by Neil Broad with the help AMS Press, ©2008 632 p. $225.00
of linguists and native speakers. Its main purpose is to aid Australian Generally defined as a combination of image and words that elicit recog-
teachers in helping Arrente-speaking children to retain their language. nition on the part of the observer (occasionally, the image is enough),
The organization of the dictionary is also intended to give non-native emblems are on furniture, posters, clothes, and automobiles—almost any-
readers a sense of the culture. Rather than being arranged alphabetically, thing people create. Daly (McGill University, Montreal, Canada) covers the
the words are presented by topic as Arrente society organizes them. history of emblems in his introduction to this collection of essays, noting
Translations are provided in a separate section as are pronunciation that the criteria for emblems are fluid. The essays themselves demon-
guides. The dictionary will interest anyone fascinated by languages and strate the fluidity and variety of the broad subject, offering a broad
Aboriginal society. The only thing lacking is an explanation of gram- spectrum of approaches and ranging from discussion of Neo-Latin
matical forms. This might be derived from the text but an outline of the emblem books to contemporary uses of emblems as advertising tools.
language structure would be helpful. Distributed in the US by ISBS. Among the topics are theory, bibliography, the use of emblems in various
countries (e.g. Hungary and Spain), their function in different eras (the
PL8158 2008-018209 978-3-11-020440-7 Italian Renaissance, early modern England), and emblems on flags, in
A grammar of Eton. tournaments, and among the Jesuits. This comprehensive reference
includes a long list of books for further research.
Velde, Mark L. O. van de. (Mouton grammar library; 46)
Mouton de Gruyter, ©2008 432 p. $237.00
PN56 2008-006694 978^)-8047-5855-0
Velde presents a grammar of Eton, an undescribed language from a sub-
group of the Bantu family spoken in the Centre province of Cameroon. Housing problems; writing and firchitecture in Goethe,
The author's study provides a basically theory-neutral synchronie Walpole, Freud, and Heidegger.
description of Eton that will be useful to typologists and comparativists Bernstein, Susan. (Meridian, crossing aesthetics)
and that offtrs a solid base for any future research on the language. Stanford U. Press, ©2006 193 p. $21.95 (pa)
Following an introductory overview of the Eton language and the study, Relationships and tensions between design and function, between
the text contains sections on the components of the Eton language building and self, and between space and text are among the themes
including its phonology; nouns; verbs; other word classes; nomináis; Bernstein (comparative literature and German studies. Brown U.)
tense, aspect, mood and negation; the clause; and complex constructions. explores as she looks at the actual houses of the four thinkers and at
Also included is a short Eton-English lexicon of wonls from the open their ideas and representations of architecture.
word classes noun and verb, and sample transcriptions of recorded texts
used in the study. PN56 978-1-84682-099-1
Law, literature and society.
PM3969 2008-029556 978-0-7734-5055-* Title main entry. Ed. by Joseph F. Eska. (CSANA yearbook; 7)
The lost notebooks of Robert Burkitt, Maya linguist; a Four Courts Press, ©2008 133 p. $75.00
record of languages of ancient Guatemala. This edition of the Celtic Studies Association of North America's Yearbook
Burkitt, Robert James. explores the relationship between law and literature and discuss what
Edwin Mellen Pr., ©2008 659 p. $149.95 each can do for the study of the other in medieval Celtic studies. The
Born in Ireland and educated in North America, Burkitt (1869-1945) spent volume's six papers discuss literary narratives found in the early Irish
three post-university years working in Boston as a surveyor before trav- encyclopedic glossary, the Sanus Cormaic, the composition of legal triads
eling to Central America. There he began his long career as an archae- of medieval Wales that focus on the law of women; exonerating
ologist and linguist, during which time he compiled numerous notebooks Derbforgaill, the 12th century woman blamed by many Irish writers of
documenting the languages of Guatemala. Only four notebooks have sur- bearing responsibility for the Norman invasion, through study of Irish
vived; discovered in 1979, they are held at the U. of Pennsylvania marriage law and the politics of the time; the mythologizing of
Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology. They supply linguistic, cul- Derbforgaill as a marker of the transition from Gaelic to Norman Ireland;
tural, and historical scholars with detailed analysis of the vocabulary, the law of kinship and the assassination of Diarmatt mac Cerbaill, King
phonology, grammar, and cultural meanings of six Maya languages, of Uisnech, in 565; and the origins of the ethnic designations of the Celts
including information on diverse dialects for each language, as well as used by early Greek writers. Distributed in the US by ISBS.
an extensive comparative word list. Weeks and Danien (both U. of
Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology) provide an
introductory essay on Burkitt's work and notes at the beginning of each
chapter explaining the background of the languages.

-251- Reference & Research Book News November 2008

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