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MULTIPLE CHOICE: Choose the best answer. Write only the letter of the correct answer.
1. An instrument used to enlarge small object or organism is .
a. mirror b. mortar and pestle c. microscope d. dissecting material
2. What parts of the microscope enlarge the objects or specimen?
a. Magnifying parts b. mechanical parts c. Illuminating parts d. chemical parts
3. An Englishman who spent much of his life working with microscope that discovered tiny
compartments in a thin slice cork and was called as “cells”.
a. Robert Hooke b. Anton Van c. Zacharias d. Newton
4. Support the entire weight of the microscope.
a. Base b. arm c. body tube d. stage
5. It is a type of microscopes that composed of two or more lenses that provide powerful
a. compound microscope c. electron microscope
b. simple microscope d. fluorescent microscope
6. Which two parts of the light microscope magnify the image of an object?
a. eyepiece and mirror c. objectives and mirror
b. eyepiece and objectives d. objectives and diaphragm
7. It is a type of microscopes that composed of two or more lenses that provide powerful
a. compound microscope c. electron microscope
b. simple microscope d. fluorescent microscope
8. Which two parts of the light microscope magnify the image of an object?
a. eyepiece and mirror c. objectives and mirror
b. eyepiece and objectives d. objectives and diaphragm
9. Why it is necessary for the specimen to be observed under the microscope must be thin?
a. So that the image will be clearer
b. So that the image would be bigger
c. So that light could pass through the specimen
d. So that a high magnification objective can be used
10. Reflects light from the source to the specimen.
a. Mirror b. diaphragm c. ocular d. objectives
11. Which of the following instruments would you see a plant cell?
a. Periscope b. telescope c. microscope d. kaleidoscope
12. To focus on a specimen, it is best to start with which objective lens?
a. Lowest magnification
b. Intermediate magnification
c. Highest magnification
d. None of the above
13. The circle below represents the field of view of the microscope. The square represents the plant
cell being viewed and the star represents the center. If you would be asked to bring the image of
this specimen to the center, how will you move the slide?
b. Away from you
c. Towards you
d. To the right
e. To the left
14. Which of the following shows letter “e” seen under the microscope?
e e
a. b. c. d.

15. The parts labelled Y and Z in the diagram are

a. the eyepiece and mirror respectively
b. the objective lens and the turret respectively
c. the mirror and the eyepiece respectively

d. the eyepiece and the objective lens respectively
is the smallest unit of particle that possesses physical and chemical properties .
a. atom b. molecule c. cell d. tissue
17. A group of organelles that are functioning together and known as the basic unit of life.
a. cell b. atom c. tissue e. molecule
18. Consists of all the populations of different species of organisms living together in a given area?
a. ecosystem b. community c. population d. organisms
19. Identify the level of biological organization that is being referred to in the following examples:
a. atoms b. organs c. tissue d. organisms

19. Arrange the following levels of organization from least complex to most complex: cells,
organelles, tissues, organs, organisms, and organ systems.
a. Organelles, cells, tissues, organs, organ systems, organisms
b. Cells, organelles, tissues, organs, organ systems, organisms
c. Organelles, cells, organs, organ systems, tissues, organism
d. Cells, organelles, organs, organ systems, tissue, organism
21. have distinct nuclei and contain several membrane- bound organelles.
a. eukaryotic b. prokaryotic c. animal cell d. plant cell
22. What is the primary function of the Cell Wall?
a. To protect and provide support for the cell. c. Convert solar energy to chemical energy
b. Builds proteins. d. Takes in carbon dioxide
23. Which organelle would you expect to find in a plant cell but not an animal cell?
a. Smooth endoplasmic reticulum c. Ribosome
b. Mitochondria d. Chloroplast
For item number 24: Refer to the figure below

24. Which is the control center of this cell?

a. Smooth endoplasmic reticulum b. Nucleus c. Ribosome d. Chloroplast
25. Structures found in a plant cell, but not an animal cell, include the following:
a. Chloroplasts, a cell wall, and a large vacuole
b. Chloroplasts, a cell wall, and mitochondria
c. Chloroplasts, centrioles, and Golgi apparatus
d. Centrioles, a cell membrane, and a nucleus
26. Which of the following microorganism have a high vitamin content?
a) bacteria b) yeast c) algae d) protozoa
27. Anti-bacterial means…
a. active against bacteria. c. has no effect on bacteria.
b. feeds bacteria and helps it grow. d. sometimes works against bacteria, but not
28. The shore of a beach was seen to have greenish color. What would have been present in the water
to cause such color?
a. algae b. bacteria c. molds d. yeasts
29. Which of the following practices will help prevent microorganism’s infections?
a. jogging, running, and doing regular exercise.
b. drinking a lot of water
c. wearing light-clothes during hot water
d. washing your hands before eating
30. Fungi cannot make their own food. What is the effect of their food getting activities?
a. Decomposition of living things b. Production of starch
c. Trapping of solar energy d. Release of oxygen
31. It is a process that involves the union of sex cells or gametes.
a. sexual reproduction b. natural vegetative c. asexual reproduction d. grafting
32. In sexual reproduction, what is the source of the genetic material in a zygote?
a. An egg cell only c. A pollen and a sperm cell
b. A sperm cell only d. An egg cell and a sperm cell
33. A farmer grew only one type of onion. All the onion plants died from the same disease. What can
be said of this onion plant population?
a. Only a few plants were resistant to the disease.
b. All the onion plants were resistant to the disease.
c. The onion plants were genetically identical.
d. The onion plants were genetically different from each other.
34. A farmer wants to propagate a good variety of a crop in a way which maintained all its desirable
traits. Which of the following methods should be used?
a. Self-pollination
b. Vegetative propagation
c. Growing seeds produced from this variety
d. Cross-pollinating this crop with another good variety and growing the seeds resulting from
the cross.
For item number 35, refer to the situation below; A group of students are studying the types of
reproduction. They have searched the following examples.
I. Mushroom reproduces by spore formation
II. Hydra reproduces by budding
III. Humans reproduce by fertilization
IV. Flowering plants reproduce when pollen meets egg producing the fruit and seeds

35. Which of the following is true about the group’s findings?

a. I and IV are examples of sexual reproduction
b. III and IV are examples of sexual reproduction
c. I, II and III are examples of asexual reproduction
d. I, II, III and IV are examples of sexual reproduction
36. What is a biotic factor?
a. any living components that affect another b. non-living things
c. an organism d. any living component
37. What is an example of an abiotic factor?
a. panda b. turtle c. butterfly d. Weather
38. Temperature, light, air, water, and soil are all _____ parts of the environment
a. alive b. biotic c. abiotic d. living
39. A plant needs water, radiant energy, minerals, oxygen, and carbon dioxide to live. This statement
shows that an organism depends on which of the following?
a. Abiotic components b. Climate c. Biotic components d. Minerals

40. Considering the following components of an ecosystem: freshwater, boat, water lilies, sunlight,
snails, algae, sediments and Lake. Categorize each of the components into biotic and abiotic
a. biotic: freshwater, boat, sunlight c. biotic: snails. Algae, sediments
abiotic: sediments, lake, water lilies abiotic: lake, boat
b. biotic: water lilies, snails, algae, d. biotic: water lilies, snails
abiotic: fresh water, boat, sunlight, abiotic: lake, water
41. A symbiotic relationship where one organism benefits and does not benefit but is unharmed?
a. parasitism b. commensalism c. mutualism d. predation
42. A symbiotic relationship where one organism benefits and one harmed
a. parasitism b. commensalism c. mutualism d. predation
43. A group of organisms that are freely interacting with one another.
a. population b. community c. biosphere d. ecosystem
44. Setting up an aquarium that represents a mini ecosystem must have which of the following
a. Fish and water only
b. Water, sand, soil, and light only
c. Populations of fish, snails, and plants only
d. Communities of different species of organisms, water, sand, soil, and sunlight
45. How does a crocodile benefit from a bird eating from its mouth?
a. it gets its teeth cleaned. b. it gets to eat the birds
c. it gets a defense against flies d. nothing happened
48. It shows how each living thing obtain food and how nutrients and energy passed on from one
organism to another.
a. food chain b. food web c. food pyramid d.none of the above
49. Which of the following is the correct food chain?
a. Grass →grasshopper→ maya bird→ hawk
b. Grass →grasshopper→ snake→ frog→ hawk
c. Grass → mouse →snake→ hawk
d. Grass →mouse→ crocodile
50. Give the following organisms: corn, mouse, and owl, bacteria, which of the following is well-
constructed food chain?
a. owl bacteria corn mouse
b. Corn mouse owl bacteria
c. Bacteria owl mouse corn
d. corn mouse owl bacteria

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Science Teacher Subject Coordinator
the parts and functions Identify parts of the S7LT - 7,8 10 10
of the compound microscope and their IIa - 1 Week 1 10 1,2,3,4,5, 9
microscope functions 6,
Focus specimens using 5 11,12 13,1 15 5
the compound 4
Week 2
the different levels of Describe the different S7LT - Week 3 5 16,17,18 19,2 5
biological organization levels of biological IIc - 3 0
organization from cell to
the difference between Differentiate plant and S7LT - Week 4 5 21,22 23,2 5
animal and plant cells animal cells according to IIc - 3 4,25
presence or absence of
certain organelles
Explain why the cell is S7LT - Week 5 5 26,27 28,2 30 5
considered the basic IIe - 5 9
structural and functional
unit of all organisms
reproduction being both Differentiate asexual S7LT - 5 31,32 33,3 35 5
from sexual IIg - 7 4
reproduction in terms
1 Number of individuals
involved; 2 Similarities of
offspring to parents

organisms interacting Differentiate biotic from S7LT - Week 6 5 36,37,38 39,4 5

with each other and abiotic components of IIh - 9 0
with their environment an ecosystem
to survive
Describe the different S7LT - Week 6 5 41,42,43 44,4 5
ecological relationships IIh - 10 5
found in an ecosystem
Predict the effect of S7LT - Week 7 5 46,47 48 49 50 5
changes in abiotic IIj - 12
factors on the
25 18 3 2 1 1 50

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