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Being a child isn’t easy – school, friends,

and ,especially, atmosphere at home. Sometimes it’s nice and sometimes it’s definitely not.
Parents have the biggest influence
in raising their child, if there are some issues between their relationship, it’s problem
for both.
But why some discords are happening? What are the main reasons for parents or children t
o start a fight? There are certainly many.

First of all – everyone has some problems in

the school. Either if you are a little kid, or responsible teenager, school isn’t so easy.
Of course, every parent wants their child to be
the best at everything, education aspecially. There are some situations, when parent is pushi
ng too hard and child can’t take this pressure anymore. “She told me
to study, when I have been planing to meet my friends for two weeks!
I couldn’t take this anymore, so I just left without permission!”:
my close friend had that kind of fight once. Even thought her mother wanted the best for he
r daughter, she admitted lately that it was too much. Sometimes it’s just better to let it go.

Second – different point of view.

How many times we were arguing with someone who had different opinion about somethin
g? Being worldaware, has its consequences, which means we can get in
the fight with somebody close to us –
for example, parent. There are cases that parents are supporting another politician than the
ir children and, if the politics topic is hot, something really harmful can take place. Once I
was arguing that seriously with my father, that we didn’t talk
to each other for week! It’s hopeless situation for both sides – child is angry on their parent,
so they can focus at school and work properly, parent, on
the other hand, is struggling with how apologize to their child or make their relationship ba
ck clear.
In that case it’s better to shake your hands and forgive each other – there is no better way t
o solve the problem than dialogue!

Like in every relationship between two people, there will be always some issues, some misun
derstings – but we are people,
we can solve every problem! Next time if that kind of situation happens to you, remember t
o just talk. You can achieve everything by talking and being polite.

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