Common Violations Comprehensive Transport Traffic Code

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Comprehensive Transport &

Traffic Code

[CITY ORDINANCE NO. 0334-12, S. OF 2012]

Sec. 6 Erection & Interference with Traffic
Control System – any display that interferes,
alter any official traffic control sign or item (P500)

Section 9 Display of Dazzling lights – any display

of light that may prevent driver from clearly
seeing the road ahead. (P500)
Sec. 189 Violating Requirement of
Transport/Traffic Impact Assessement (P2,000)
- Requires all commercial, industrial, housing and
other similar developments to submit a TIA to the
CTTMO for approval of the CTTMB
- Prepared, signed and sealed by a licensed EnP or a
Transportation Engineer
Sec. 56b Operating without approved TIA
- Includes establishment of PUvan transport terminals
Why is TIA necessary?
- determine the existing traffic condition and the
condition during the onset of the development
and its future effect
- Estimate traffic to be generated by the
- Assess the impact of additional traffic on the road
- Identify road improvements and changes in the
SDP necessary to minimize traffic impact
Sec. 56c Violation of Off-street PUvan Transport
Terminal (P5,000)
- Shall be located at least 100m from nearest

Sec. 56d Violation/Non-compliance re. Security

Guards, CCTV, facilities, etc. (P5,000)
Sec. 57b Private garage for vehicles for hire
w/out permit (to regulate construction, opn of
private garage) (P5,000)
- a permit from the CTTMO must be secured
first before operating a garage
- Soliciting, loading/unloading of passengers in
private garage for vehicle for hire is
prohibited (P2,000)
Sec. 58 Non-Provision of 6m setback for Angle
Private Parking (P2,000)
(commercial, industrial, institutional bldgs.)
- Requires to be incorporated in the dev’t plan
the provision of a minimum of 6m setback (NBC)
from property line to city street/road/highway
for vehicle angle parking and maneuvering
Sec. 168 Putting glass etc. on City Road or
Highway (P1,000)
- Shards of glass, bottles, wires, tacks, used tires,
any substance like automobile oil/fluid that may
cause injury
Sec. 169 Tracking Mud Unto City Road or Highway
- Tracking mud or dirt unto traveled portion that
may constitute hazard to motorists and other road
users. Offending vehicle shall cause the removal of
such immediately. (P1,000)
Sec. 185e Obstructing Roads or sidewalk by
residential, vendors or comm’e establishment

- Includes stalled vehicles (P500)

- Prohibition contain in this section shall apply to
the use of sidewalk by vendors, repair shops of
any business establishment as an extension for
display of their merchandise or services. (P500)
Sec. 188 Unlawful restriction of road access

- No person shall obstruct, close, prevent or

refuse the public or vehicular traffic the use
of free access to any subdivision road or
community street owned by government
Sec. 186 Street Diggings and Road Closure
without Permit (P2,000)

- It is unlawful for any person to excavate, to dig

without first securing an excavation permit from
Sec. 190 Prohibition on Production of Road
Sign (P1,000)

- It is unlawful for any person except for

CTTMO to manufacture, fabricate, install,
erect traffic signs/road signals, pavement
markings on city roads
Sections 10,11,12,13 (P500)

Disobedience to :
Official Traffic Signal
Official Traffic Signs
Official Traffic Road & Pavement Markings
Traffic Signs & Instructions
General Driving Rule
Sec. 18 Giving way to overtaking vehicles

- Driver of vehicle being overtaken shall not

increase speed until it has been completely
passed (P500)
Sec. 19 Driving through Roundabouts (P500)

- In passing a roundabouts driver shall drive

to the right of the central traffic island
Sec. 29 Not Giving way to Emergency vehicle

- Driver should give way to allow uninterrupted

passage to every emergency vehicle sounding
sirens or using other signals to indicate
emergency (P500)
Sec. 32 Violating Speed Limit (P500)

- No person shall drive a speed exceeding the

design limits for the street by numerals on
signs set up along the road

*EO 39

a. A physician or his driver when

the former responds to
emergency calls;
b. The driver of a hospital
ambulance on the way to and
from the place of accident or
other emergency;
c. Any driver bringing a wounded
or sick person for emergency
treatment to a hospital, clinic or
any other similar place;
d. The driver of a motor vehicle
belonging to the Armed Forces
while in use for official purposes
in times of riot, insurrection or
e. The driver of a vehicle, when he or
his passengers are in pursuit of a
f. A law-enforcement officer who is
trying to overtake a violator of Traffic
Laws; and
g. The driver officially operating motor
vehicle of any fire department,
provided that exemption shall be
construed to allow useless or
unnecessary fast driving of drivers
Sections 43(P500)
Parking, Waiting, Standing in Prohibited Areas
- No person shall leave a vehicle waiting in a
“No Waiting Area” and park in a “No Parking
Area” ( except when loading/unloading goods or
Sec. 44 Parking in Prohibited Areas (P500)
Such as:
• Between pedestrian zone and nearest
• Upon a bridge or elevated structure
• Upon an intersection
• Within 3 meters of any fire hydrant
Section 45. Parking during Certain hours
prohibited (P500)

a. A driver shall not stop, wait, stand or park a

vehicle “any longer than necessary” to
load/unload passengers or goods upon any city
streets between specified hours indicated on
the official sign.
Section 51. Loading Zones (P1,000)

- a driver of a PUV shall STOP, PICK-UP or UNLOAD

passengers only at designated “PUJ
Loading/Unloading Zones”.

- Road sections without such prohibition, driver may

load/unload provided that it is 30m away from a
signalized intersection
Sec. 64 Careless Driving (P500)
- Driving along road shoulder to overtake
- Driving in a continuous zigzag motion
- Using cellphones or texting/calling while
vehicle is in motion
Sec. 65 Reckless Driving (1,500)

- A person shall not drive recklessly or

at a speed or in a manner dangerous to
public safety
Sec. 66 Driving a Motor vehicle while Under the
Influence of Liquor or Incapacitating Drugs (P5000)

- Driver is considered DUI if after a competent

examination performed or with the use of a DOH
approve Alcohol Breath Analyzer within an hour
of apprehension, the person is found to have at
least 0.06% alcohol.

- * RA 10686
Sec. 148 Truck Routes & Limited Truck Ban (P1,000)
- The entry and exit of cargo trucks, sand and
gravel trucks & other heavy cargo trucks with
more than 6 wheels and up of whose Gross
Weight exceed 4,500 kg. (including tractor
trailers, containerized haulers or refrigerated
vans --- not allowed to travel city streets on the
prescribed truck ban hours(7am-9am, 5pm-8pm)
Exemptions without corresponding permit:
- gov’t owned and gov’t contracted garbage trucks,
government and private towing vehicles
responding to emergency
- Fire trucks
- Trucks carrying fuels, donations for distribution
- Armored trucks, vans of banks
Exemptions with corresponding permit

- Private transit concrete mixers, dump trucks

for government projects
- Private cargo/trucks carrying unprocessed
fruits, vegetable, fresh water and marine
products, live fowls, and the like which are
perishable in nature
Amended Truck Ban
City Ordinance No.0227-17, Series of 2017
* Truck Ban hour starts at
Extended AOC: Southbound to Northbound coming from Gen.
Santos City and Cotabato: from vicinity of GTH up to Crossing
Mergrande Beach Resort
Coming from Cagayan and Bukidnon: from Catalunam
Pequeño up to corner Greenhills Subd
Nothbound to Southbound: from Bunawan proper to the
vicinity of SUMIFRU
Sec. 156 Violating Pedestrian Crossing Rules
- Remain in a crosswalk longer than necessary
- standing on any portion of the thoroughfare
while waiting for a ride
- Proceed towards a vehicle not yet fully
- Alight from or board a moving vehicle in
prohibited areas
Sec. 165 No PUV Drivers ID (P1,000)

- No person shall drive a PUV without bearing

an official ID issued by the CTTMO and shall
be displayed conspicuously inside the vehicle
• Sec. 176 Non-Production of Driver’s License to
Traffic Enforcement Officer (P500)

• Sec, 180 Non-Production of Vehicle

Registration Documents to Traffic
Enforcement Officer (P500)
• Sec. 172a-c Non-wearing of safety helmet for
Motorcycle (P500)

- A person shall not drive or ride an MC without

safety helmet, that complies with the standard
by the DTI

(RA 10054) An act mandating all MC riders to wear standard

helmets while driving a MC
Sec. 172 Violating Operation of Public Utility
Jeepneys (P1,500)

a. Prohibits driver/owner to install car stereo,

radio and any audio gadgets in PUJ
b. No wearing of short pants, sleeveless shirts,
slippers, cellphone use and smoking while
driving for both drivers and conductors.
Sec. 172 Violating Operations of PUJs
c. Operators shall be required to register their
drivers and owners to the CTTMO

d. Prohibits the conduct of passengers outside

their routes approved by the LTFRB

e. Prohibits “trip-cutting” to the disadvantage if

the riding public.
Art. XVIII Lighting, Warning signs, Equipment
etc. (P300.)
- Failure to dim headlights or tilt the beam
downward whenever approached by other
vehicle travelling from opposite direction.
- Operating with defective headlight
Sec. 174d (P1,000)

- Having a working headlights but failed to turn

it on

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