GSO F Appointment of Adviser

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Appointment as Dissertation/Thesis Adviser


College of ________________________________
This Institution


This is to appoint you as thesis/dissertation adviser of MR/MS. _____________________

whose specialization is _____________________________________________ from the College
of of the Graduate Studies, Bukidnon State University. As an adviser, you
are to accept and assume the major responsibility to work directly with the advisee in the
thesis/dissertation. The thesis/dissertation adviser will work closely with the advisee in all aspects
of the thesis/dissertation experience, including the development of the research proposal,
implementation of the research design, analysis of the data or supporting evidence, and the writing
of the thesis/dissertation. The thesis/dissertation adviser has the responsibility to edit the
thesis/dissertation for accuracy in terms of both content and format. Prior to the submission of the
thesis/dissertation to panel or committee, it is the responsibility of the thesis/dissertation adviser to
review the document and ensure that it is of high quality in content and literary style. Attached is
the detailed duties and responsibilities of thesis/dissertation adviser for proper guidance.

Very truly yours,

Signature over Printed Name Program Coordinator

Recommending Approval:
Signature Over Printed Name of Graduate Studies Coordinator

Signature over Printed Name of College Dean

Conforme :

Signature over Printed Name of Adviser
A. Proposal Stage

1. Help the advisee establish a timeline for the thesis/dissertation writing;

2. Read thoroughly the manuscript of the advisee;
3. Assist advisee in the improvement of proposal;
4. Give judicious criticism of proposal;
5. Advise the advisee if the proposal is ready for defense; and
6. Assist advisee in clarifying points/issues to be raised by panel during proposal.

B. Data-gathering Stage and Data Analysis

1. Ensure that ethical standards are followed by the advisee;

2. Check if the suggestions of the panel are followed prior to data gathering;
3. Help the advisee in the pilot analysis of the data (if required);
4. Supervise carefully the data-gathering following the approved proposal;
5. Guide in collating, organizing, coding, and sanitizing of data gathered prior to data processing;
6. Examine the results of the printout in the case of quantitative data and discuss it with the advisee prior to
analysis and interpretation;
7. Assist in the mechanics of data analysis and interpretation.

C. Preparation of Research Report

1. Inform advisee after pre-editing if the paper is ready for oral defense, otherwise, require advisee to
substantiate the manuscript before the oral defense;
2. Discuss with the advisee on the schedule of the oral defense;
3. Orient advisee on school requirements, i.e., honorarium of thesis committee, payment of oral exam fee,
etc. prior to oral examination;
4. Discuss with the advisee on procedure, date and schedule of oral examination;
5. Make sure that the manuscript is subjected to grammarly and plagiarism detection tests; and
6. Require advisee to have the manuscript edited by an accredited editor.
7. Inform the advisee to subject the manuscript to grammarly and plagiarism detection tests;
8. Make sure that the originality index and similarity index are attained;

For MA: Originality Index is 80%; Similarity Index is 20%

For Doctorate: Originality Index is 90@; Similarity Index is 10@; and

9. Require advisee to have the manuscript edited by an accredited editor.

D. Oral Examination

1. Introduce formally the advisee highlighting the meaningful and significant events;
2. Guide advisee if there are important issues and concerns raised in the paper; and
3. Clarify and simplify questions raised by the panel if it is not clear to the advisee (but do not answer the
questions on behalf of the advisee).

E. Post Oral Examination

1. Examine carefully the minutes or proceedings and clarify the

minutes/salient points raised by the panel;
2. Assist in incorporating relevant and doable suggestions/recommendations of the panel;
3. Advise the advisee if the manuscript needs final editing;
4. Read thoroughly the final manuscript before it will be submitted for binding.
5. Certify the final manuscript to the panel and the dean;
6. Direct the advisee to comply with the requirements;
7. Assist the advisee in the conversion of the thesis/dissertation into a journal article following the
prescribed format of the University.
8. Help the advisee in the publication of the thesis in a refereed journal and dissertation in an
internationally/nationally indexed journal.

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