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- is the act or process of using paint. The paint can create an artwork known as a
painting, or it can be used more practically as a protective coating or form of
- are a form of visual art that captures the expression of ideas and emotions on a
two-dimensional surface.
Types of Painting
1. Realism
- is a style of art most people consider to be “real art.” This is because it
attempts to depict the topic as it appears in real life but stops short of
appearing like a photograph.
- is without stylization or following the rules of formal artistic theory. Instead,
the artist spends a fair amount of time and effort paying attention to
creating an accurate depiction of life forms and objects, perspective, good
composition, lights and darks, and color and tone.
2. Photorealism
- is an art style where the artwork looks as realistic as a photo. The illusion
of reality is so minutely fine-tuned that the painting looks exactly like a
large, sharply focused photograph on canvas or other paint support.
3. Painterly Art
- is distinguished by visible brushstrokes and texture in the paint. This style
can be created using oils, acrylics, watercolors, gouache, and any other
medium where a brush is used.
4. Impressionism
- is a style of painting that has the appearance of being rough and
unfinished and is characterized by small, thin visible brushstrokes. The
subject matter is usually common and ordinary subjects, emphasizing the
accurate depiction of light.
- are often painted outdoors to capture the natural sunlight and color of their
subjects. Black is rarely used since impressionist artists prefer mixing and
using dark tones and complementary colors. Impressionism is more a
representation of an artist’s impression. It does not try to be accurate in its
detail, but rather, it is more like an expression of the heart.
5. Abstract
- is artwork that doesn’t resemble anything from “real life.” It’s an art style
that is intentionally non-representational and seeks to achieve its point or
subject using shapes, forms, colors, and textures. Every object on the
canvas is represented by either colors or shapes. For example, colors can
represent emotions, and shapes can symbolize objects.
- The purpose of abstract is to let the viewer interpret its meaning for
themself. At its worst, abstract art looks like an accidental mess of paint.
At its best, it has an impact that strikes you from the moment you see it.
6. Surrealism
- is a modern art style that juxtaposes various abstract concepts to give a
startling effect. Fully recognized images are realistically painted, then
reconstructed or structured within an ambiguous, contradictory, or
shocking framework, removed from their usual settings and
7. Pop Art
- is a modern art style that started back in the 1950s and drew inspiration
from commercial and consumer aspects of everyday life, especially in the
American culture. Such imagery included advertising, mass media, comic
books, celebrities, and elements of popular culture, like magazines,
movies, and even bottles and cans.
- pop art paintings tend to focus on bold colors and realistic imagery. There
is usually no hidden meaning in the composition either. Pop artists rarely
use any of the traditional techniques of perspective to create an illusion of
realism in the painting. Some pop artists use mass production techniques
such as silk screening to replicate their works, mirroring the manufacturing
process of consumer goods. Because of its commercial imagery, pop art
is one of the most recognizable modern art styles.

1. Mona Lisa
- The Mona Lisa is a half-length portrait painting by Italian artist Leonardo
da Vinci.
2. The Starry Night
- is an oil-on-canvas painting by the Dutch Post-Impressionist painter
Vincent van Gogh. Painted in June 1889, it depicts the view from the east-
facing window of his asylum room at Saint-Rémy-de-Provence, just before
sunrise, with the addition of an imaginary village.
3. 'Girl With A Pearl Earring'
- is an oil painting by Dutch Golden Age painter Johannes Vermeer, dated
c. 1665. Going by various names over the centuries, it became known by
its present title towards the end of the 20th century after the earring worn
by the girl portrayed there.
4. The Last Supper
- is a mural painting by the Italian High Renaissance artist Leonardo da
Vinci, dated to c. 1495–1498.
5. Café Terrace at Night
- is an 1888 oil painting by the Dutch artist Vincent van Gogh. It is also
known as The Cafe Terrace on the Place du Forum, and, when first
exhibited in 1891, was entitled Coffeehouse, in the evening. Van Gogh
painted Café Terrace at Night in Arles, France, in mid-September 1888

Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519)
Renaissance painter, scientist, inventor and more. Da Vinci is one of the most famous
painters in the world due mainly to Mona Lisa and the Last Supper. In fact, this May
marks the 500th anniversary of his death, and many events in his honor are taking
place across Europe.

Vincent van Gogh (1853-1890)

Dutch post-impressionist painter. Lively, his work was not a success, nor was he
recognized as an important artist, but after his death, his fame spread and he was
recognized as one of the most important painters of all time.

Rembrandt (1606-1669)
Dutch teacher and one of the greatest painters, most of whom admire him for his lively
realism. Rembrandt played masterfully with the light in his paintings. One of his most
famous works is the Jewish bride. His name symbolizes the period of the “golden age”
of the Netherlands, to which his work belongs in terms of time.

Michelangelo (1475-1564)
Italian sculptor, painter, architect and poet of the Renaissance, who greatly influenced
the development of Western art. Today he is recognized as one of the greatest creators
in the history of art.

Claude Monet (1840-1926)

French Impressionist painter. Claude Monet was one of the most important
representatives of the Impressionist movement.

Pablo Picasso (1881-1973)

Spanish, modern “cubist” painter. In addition to being a painter, he was an engraver,
sculptor, poet, set designer and playwright. His contribution to the shaping and evolution
of modern and contemporary art has been capitalist and invaluable.

Raphael (1483-1520)
Italian painter. Raphael, Da Vinci and Michael Angelos are the top three Renaissance
painters. Raphael was born in the duchy of Urbino, which at the time was an important
spiritual center.

Salvador Dali
Dali is a very eccentric figure in modern art, a friend of the famous poet Federico Garcia
Lorca. He was inspired by the current of symbolism, surrealism and especially
dandaism, that is, deliberate irrationality. The works of the great creator are clearly
influenced by Freud’s theories about the world of dreams. In the early 1930s, Daly
invented the Paranoid-Critical Method, a surrealistic technique for accessing the
unconscious. This is why in all his works he uses associations and connects images
that are logically unrelated to each other. His most important work, The Obsession with
Memory, is also one of the greatest works of all time.

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