Worksheet 6B

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TEXT BOOK : Introduction to Academic Writing 3rd Edition by Oshima & Hague



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To do these activities and assignments, you need to look and read Chapter 6 of the Introduction to
Academic Writing, from page 99 to page 106.

Submit the file, with your name and answers written, to SIPEJAR Week 10

I. PAGE 105-6. DO EXERCISE 1, 2, 3.

Read the part on Skill Sharpeners on page 105 and do the exercises. Do these exercises with the
added directions below.

Exercise 1. HIGHLIGHT the commas that you added.

How to Make Scrambled Eggs

Scrambled eggs are a quick and easy light meal. You need two fresh eggs, milk, butter, salt, and
pepper. You also need a mixing bowl, a tablespoon, a fork, and a frying pan. First, break the eggs
into the bowl. Then add about three tablespoons of milk, the salt, and the pepper. Beat the
mixture with a fork until it is well mixed. Next, melt a small piece of butter in the frying pan over
low heat. Pour the egg mixture into the pan, and let it heat through. Then turn up the heat slightly.
As the eggs cook, push them around gently with the fork. When the scrambled eggs are done to
perfection, they should be light and fluffy. In just a few minutes, you can sit down and enjoy your
delicious meal.
Exercise 2 HIGHLIGHT the changes that you have made.

A Traditional Hindu Wedding

A traditional Hindu wedding lasts all day and well into the night. 0n the day of the ceremony,
one of the groom's brothers goes to the bride's home with gifts. These gifts seal the union of the
two families. Then the groom arrives at the bride's home with his family and his friends. Dressed in
rich clothing and wearing a special headdress. He usually arrives in a white car or on a white horse,
but sometimes he rides a white elephant. Then the wedding ceremony takes place. During the
ceremony, the couple sits around a sacred fire under a special canopy. A Hindu priest performs the
ceremony by chanting special wedding prayers. After that, the bride's dress is tied to the groom's
scarf, and they walk around the fire seven times. The groom makes seven promises. To make his
wife happy, to share his feelings with her, to share his possessions with her, to be faithful, to
respect her family, and to make her a part of his life. The seventh promise is to keep the other six
promises! The party begins after the ceremony. Musicians provide entertainment. Then a feast of
traditional Indian food is served. During the party, the bride, the groom, and their guests play some
traditional games. The party may go on until midnight. Everyone is pretty tired at the end.

Exercise 3

The sentences that break the unity is sentence number : 3 and 14 , because: the sentence is
out of topic.


Your summary MUST include these topics:

Definitions, and your own examples, of:

A. Clauses

B. Independent Clauses

C. Dependent Clauses
D. Simple Sentences (look at other parts of the book that discuss this)

E. Compound Sentences (look at other parts of the book that discuss this)

F. Complex Sentences

G. Comma Rule (definition only)

H. Subordinators

Your Summary should be 300 words minimum. You can use information from the book;
however, do not directly copy the examples from the book. You can use other sources beside the
book (Betty Azar’s Understand and Using Grammar book, other online sources, etc). You should
write your summary in this file as well.


A. Clauses : A clause is a group of word that contains at least one subject and one verb.
Example : Fira eats strawberries
B. Independent Clauses : A sentence that can stand by itself. Independent clause is another
name for simple sentence.
Example : I was late to school

C. Dependent Clauses : A sentence that cannot stand by itself because its meaning is not
complete. A dependent clause "depends" on something else to complete its meaning.

Example : you need to bring umbrella today because its gonna rain

D. Simple Sentences : A simple sentences is a sentences that consists of just one independent
clauses. A simple sentences has no dependent clauses.
Example : Shinta reads a book every week
E. Compound Sentences : A sentence that contains 2 or more independent clauses with a
coordinating conjunction like and or but.
Example : Dina want to buy a new phone, but she doesn’t has enough money
F. Comples sentences : combination of one independent clause and one (or more) dependent
clause(s) .
Example : John died because he had an accident
G. Comma rule :
1. Use a comma to separate independent clauses
2. Use a comma after an introductory clause or phrase
3. Use a comma between all item in a series
4. Use commas to set off non-restrictive clauses
5. Use a commato set off appositives
6. Use comma to indicate direct address
7. Use commas to set off direct quotations
8. Use commas with dates, addresses, titles, and numbers
Subordinators : Words, phrases, and clauses that make one element of a sentence
dependent on (or subordinate) another.
- although, even though, though, whereas, while (Contrast)
- Since, because (cause/effect)
- If, unless (condition)
- after, as soon as, before, whenever, when, until (time)

Example : If he doesn’t come, he would make his boss upset


After you finish answering, save this file containing your answers.



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