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ANRV297-EN52-19 ARI 21 November 2006 10:29

Current Status of the

Myriapod Class Diplopoda
(Millipedes): Taxonomic
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Diversity and Phylogeny

Annu. Rev. Entomol. 2007.52:401-420. Downloaded from

Petra Sierwald1 and Jason E. Bond2

Zoology, Insects, Field Museum of Natural History, Chicago, Illinois 60605;
Department of Biology, Howell Science Complex, East Carolina University,
Greenville, North Carolina 27858; email:

Annu. Rev. Entomol. 2007. 52:401–20 Key Words

The Annual Review of Entomology is online at Arthropoda, millipede phylogeny, millipede classification,
millipede fossils, millipede morphology
This article’s doi:
10.1146/annurev.ento.52.111805.090210 Abstract
Copyright  c 2007 by Annual Reviews. The arthropod class Diplopoda, the millipedes, ranks among the
All rights reserved
most diverse groups of terrestrial organisms, with over 12,000
0066-4170/07/0107-0401$20.00 species described. Although they play an important ecological role
in most terrestrial ecosystems, little is known about the group’s di-
versity, morphology, and phylogeny compared with other arthro-
pod groups. We review diplopod natural history and discuss the
historical and current literature pertaining to millipede morphol-
ogy, ecology, chemical defenses, and the paleontological record of
the group’s ancient history. Diplopod systematics, past and present,
are reviewed with a focus on taxonomy, collections, and biogeog-
raphy. The phylogenetics of the class is reviewed, with particular
attention on diplopod placement within the Myriapoda and empha-
sis on recent advances using molecular approaches to phylogenetic
reconstruction. We present (a) the first combined morphological
and molecular analysis of the millipede orders, and (b) a list of criti-
cally evaluated characteristics of nominal clades identifying putative

ANRV297-EN52-19 ARI 21 November 2006 10:29

INTRODUCTION view provides a brief introduction to milli-

pedes, outlines the current taxonomic status
The millipede class Diplopoda is a mega-
of the group, and presents an overview of mil-
Diplosegment diverse and ancient terrestrial group, with
(diplosomite): body lipede phylogeny based on a novel total evi-
more than 12,000 nominal species and an
ring consisting of dence analysis.
estimated diversity of approximately 80,000
two fused somites,
species (44). Despite their remarkable diver-
with two leg pairs
and two pairs of sity and importance as detritivores in tem-
tracheae, makes up perate and tropical forests (14, 19), ma-
most of the millipede jor problems persist at all taxonomic and Morphology
trunk phylogenetic levels within the group: The
BR: body ring The undisputed diagnostic feature for the
number of described species lags far behind
Diplopoda is the diplosegment condition. A
LP: leg pair diversity estimates. There are numerous
millipede body (Figure 1a) consists of the
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Collum (neck): monotypic genera; ordinal, subordinal, and

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head and a trunk section with four simple seg-

tergite of legless first familial relationships as well as placement
trunk segment in ments. The remaining body rings (BR) are
of millipedes within the Arthropoda are ei-
pauropods and composed of two segments, each of which
ther unresolved or controversial. Currently,
millipedes carries two leg pairs (LP). The diplosegment
16 orders of extant and 8 orders of ex-
status of the first four segments of the milli-
tinct millipedes are recognized. Taxonomic
pede trunk is still a matter of debate (21, 23,
millipede expertise has always been limited
30, 51, 52). The first trunk segment beyond
to a few researchers, resulting in under-
the head is the legless collum segment, which
representation in collections, especially from
is also found in the Pauropoda, the undis-
the tropics. Most millipede collections har-
puted sister group of the millipedes. Each of
bor large unidentified backlogs (79). This re-
the next three segments carries one pair of
a legs. They originate ventrally and consist of
Head Collum Body rings
seven podomeres (coxa, trochanter, prefemur,
femur, postfemur, tibia, and tarsus). The go-
nads open on or behind the second LP (third
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 trunk ring, progoneate position).
Millipedes have a single pair of antennae
with seven articles (eight in Penicillata) and
four unique sensory cones (diplopod apo-
morphy; see Supplemental Appendix 1, fol-
low the Supplemental Material link from the
Leg pair: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Annual Reviews home page at http://www. on the last antennomere.
The lateral patches of ocelli, found in most
b c but not all millipede groups, are considered
ocelli compound eye derivatives (83); median eyes
are absent. Several, but not all, millipede
TO orders have a conspicuous organ called the
Antenna Tömösvary organ (TO) (Figure 1b), which
is positioned at the base of the antennae.
Figure 1
The function of the organ is unknown and,
(a) Body organization of a helminthomorph millipede of the orders Julida at least for millipedes, the most recent mor-
and Spirobolida. Appendages at BR7 are modified to gonopods,
sperm-transferring gonopod is solid blue, ozopores indicated. (b) Head of
phological studies of the structure are from
glomerid millipede showing Tömösvary organ (TO). (c) Gnathochilarium 1906 (37). The mouthparts consist of a pair of
(order Julida). mandibles and the plate-like gnathochilarium

402 Sierwald · Bond

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(Figure 1c), the latter interpreted as the fused may consume up to 36% of the annual conifer
first maxilla (36, 48), or as consisting of both litter (14). Certain species feed on living
maxillae pairs (53a). Similarities in mandible plants and can be considered plant pests (6).
Tömösvary organ
structure between centipedes and millipedes Members of the Polyzoniida (Figure 2h,i ) (TO): pair of
are assumed to be homologous, supporting and Siphonophorida (Figure 2g) with sensory organs on
myriapod monophyly (24). The gnathochi- strongly modified mouthparts are thought to the head at the base
larium consists of several sclerites that vary suck plant juices (especially from roots) and of the antennae,
function unknown
among orders, the homology of which is un- may accumulate alkaloids from these plants in
(also called temporal
certain (37b, 39). The body end is formed by their tissue (17). Platydesmida (Figure 2a,b) organ)
the telson, which consists of a preanal ring, may feed on fungi, and Penicillata graze algae
pair of anal valves, and subanal scale. Several from bark. Some species are arboreal (e.g., (jaw-lip): plate-like
orders possess terminal spinnerets (42). Mil- Zoosphaerium arborealis; 91). Coprophagy is structure formed
lipedes have a rather uniform segmental sys- essential for weight gain and survival for from fused first
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tem of tracheae (assumed to be homologous some millipedes (60a).

to the tracheal system found in the pauropod Gonopods:
group Hexamerocerata), with either simple or modified legs of
branched tracheae, each being independent of Predators, Parasites, and Mimicry seventh body ring in
males, used for
the other (89). Members of the largest clade, Millipedes face assault from numerous preda- sperm transfer (clade
the Helminthomorpha, possess a segmental tors and parasites; commensals, especially Helminthomorpha)
system of lateral repugnatory glands, with a mites, are common. Often, mites are associ- Telopods: modified
single pair at each diplosegment beginning at ated with millipedes; the relationship is likely legs at the caudal
BR5 (Figure 1a). commensal but currently poorly understood. body end, function
Millipede males of the Helminthomorpha Quantitative records of predation on mil- partly in sperm
transfer and clasping
transfer sperm using modified appendages lipedes are sparse and even anecdotal evi-
the female (clade
(gonopods) on BR7. Gonopods provide the dence of known predators is rare. The evolu- Pentazonia)
predominant species-specific characters for tion of defense secretions and the occurrence
millipede taxonomy. Their functional mor- of aposomatic coloration in various groups
phology is poorly known (84), and the ho- with (e.g., the Nearctic Euryuridae; Poly-
mology of their sclerites with leg podomeres desmida) and without defense glands such as
is uncertain. Males of the other major, albeit Sphaeromimus (Sphaerotheriida) (92) indicate
much smaller, clade Pentazonia possess modi- the presence of visual predators. A wide range
fied legs at the caudal body end (telopods) that of animals, such as beetles (81), reptiles, birds,
function in sperm transfer and for clasping the and various mammals, prey on millipedes in
female. The aflagellate sperm is considered captivity. Predation by spiders (P. Sierwald,
another apomorphy of the class; sperm mor- personal observation), snails (37a), and am-
phology is rather complex within millipedes phibians (e.g., frogs) (17) has also been doc-
(5). umented. Millipedes are hosts to a variety of
parasites; nematodes are likely the most com-
mon (8). Dipterans of the family Phaeomyi-
Ecology idae are known parasitoids. Trichomycetes
Hopkin & Read (45) provide a detailed are obligatory symbiotrophic fungi in mil-
overview of the ecology of millipedes; we lipede intestines (55, 60, 99), usually oc-
provide a brief summary here. Most mil- curring in the hindgut. Millipedes are the
lipedes are detritivores; their main role in intermediate hosts for Macracanthorhynchus
decomposition is fragmentation of dead plant ingens (Acanthocephala) (12), which para-
material (including wood), thereby stimulat- sitizes raccoons as adults, thus indicating that
ing microbial activity essential for nutrient raccoons appear to be common predators of
cycling (35). In boreal coniferous forests they millipedes. • Millipede Diversity and Phylogeny 403

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Figure 2
(a) Platydesmus sp. from Costa Rica (order Platydesmida); (b) Gosodesmus claremontus Chamberlin, 1922
from United States (California) (order Platydesmida); (c) Choctella cumminsi Chamberlin, 1918 from
United States (Tennessee) (order Spirostreptida); (d ) Cambala sp. from United States (North Carolina)
(order Spirostreptida); (e) Falloria apheloriodes Shelley, 1986 from United States (Tennessee) (order
Polydesmida); ( f ) Nacrceus sp. from United States (Virginia) (order Spirobolida); (g) Illacme plenipes Cook
& Loomis, 1928 from United States (California) (order Siphonophorida); (h) Andrognathus corticarius
Cope, 1869 (left) and Brachycybe lecontii Wood, 1864 (right) from United States (North Carolina) (order
Platydesmida); (i ) Petaserpes sp. from United States (Kentucky) (order Polyzoniida). Photos by P. Marek.

Chemical Defenses cretions produced by millipedes, known to

be toxic to insects and vertebrate predators,
Despite their relatively docile appearance,
are of variable composition and span a num-
millipedes can inflict harm on potential preda-
ber of major chemical categories including p-
tors with an array of noxious chemical secre-
benzoquinones, p-cresol, phenols, quinazoli-
tions. With the exception of members of five
nones, alkaloids, terpenoids, and cyanogenic
millipede orders—Polyxenida, Sphaerotheri-
glycosides (2, 26). The small, noncalcareous
ida, Glomeridesmida, Chordeumatida, and
millipedes of the phylogenetically basal or-
Siphoniulida—all millipedes have repugna-
der Polyxenida lack repugnatorial glands but
torial glands and produce chemical secre-
have detachable bristles that entangle preda-
tions when disturbed (2, 25, 45, 61, 71). Eis-
tors (26). Six alkaloid compounds are known
ner and colleagues (25, 27) provide the most
from Glomerida and Polyzoniida species, all
comprehensive reviews of the chemistry of
of which are unique to millipedes (27, 61, 73,
millipede defensive secretions to date. Se-

404 Sierwald · Bond

ANRV297-EN52-19 ARI 21 November 2006 10:29

98) and cause paralysis in spiders (15). Re- (late Wenlock-early Ludlow, 423–420 Mya)
cent studies have found that polyzoniidans are and Lower Devonian (Lochkovian, 417–412
preyed upon by dendrobatid poison dart frogs Mya), respectively, are assigned to the su-
that then sequester these compounds for their perorder Archipolypoda Scudder 1882 and
own defense (17, 72). placed unequivocally in Helminthomorpha
The chemical composition of the ben- (95). The Devonian fossils display clear
zoquinone secretions of the orders Julida, diplosegments, an apodous collum segment,
Spirobolida (Figure 2f ), and Spirostreptida anterior trunk segments with single leg pairs,
(Figure 2c,d ) (Juliformia) is perhaps the most and modified appendages in proximity to the
thoroughly documented (2, 4, 22, 27, 62, 64, eighth ring. These early millipedes are in-
74). Studies have confirmed that the odors terpreted as fully terrestrial, because of the
produced by these compounds are repulsive inferred presence of a tracheal system (vis-
to potential vertebrate predators (63) and are ible spiracles). Members of the extinct or-
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Annu. Rev. Entomol. 2007.52:401-420. Downloaded from

toxic to fungi, nematodes, and bacteria (94). der Euphoberiida Hoffman 1969 are domi-
However, some mammal (e.g., capuchin mon- nant among the rich fossil millipedes of the
keys) and other vertebrate species use milli- Late Carboniferous (Pennsylvanian, 320–290
pede secretions to deter mosquitoes (86, 90) Mya). Euphoberiids were slightly larger than
and ticks (16), whereas juliform quinone ex- modern millipedes and had large eyes with
cretions actually attract some necrophagous numerous densely packed ocelli (sometimes
dung beetle species (74). Polydesmida species interpreted as compound eyes).
(Figure 2e) produce defensive secretions con- Composition and placement of the su-
sisting of mixtures of hydrogen cyanide, ben- perorder Arthropleuridea, containing gigan-
zylaldehyde, phenol, benzoic acid, benzoyl tic members (over 2 m in length) in the
cyanide, and mandelonitrile (27, 54, 85). order Arthropleurida Waterlot, 1934 (Early
Species in this order typically have bright Carboniferous –Viséan– to Early Permian,
aposematic coloration and form putative Mul- 342–271 Mya), smaller forms in the or-
lerian mimicry complexes (27). Despite a der Eoarthropleurida Shear & Selden, 1995
diversity of novel chemical defenses with (Late Silurian to Late Devonian, 422–290
proven antimicrobial and insecticidal prop- Mya), and tiny members in the Middle
erties, much remains to be discovered about Devonian (398–385 Mya) order Microdecem-
millipede defensive secretions, their chemical plicida Wilson & Shear, 2000, are controver-
ecology, and potential applications. sial. Only recently were the Arthropleuridea
placed within Diplopoda (69, 97). Wilson
& Shear (97) assigned the Microdecempli-
Fossil Record cida to the Arthropleuridea (97), whereas
Currently, eight orders of extinct milli- Kraus & Brauckmann (53) consider them a
pedes are recognized: the Microdecempli- sister taxon of the millipede clade Chilog-
cida, Eoarthropleurida, and Arthropleurida natha and placed the remaining two or-
(placed in the superorder Arthropleuridea by ders of the Arthropleuridea (Arthropleurida
some authors), the Amynilyspedida (assigned and Eoarthropleurida) as a semiaquatic sis-
to the Pentazonia), the superorder Archipoly- ter to the Pselphognatha (Figure 3b) (bristle
poda with three orders (Cowiedesmida, Eu- millipedes).
phorberiida, and Archidesmida), and the Pentazonian millipedes are represented by
Pleurojulida, placed near the Colobognatha the extinct order Amynilyspedida Hoffman,
(Figure 3a). The earliest known millipede 1969 from the Late Carboniferous, as are
fossils, Cowiedesmus eroticopodus Wilson and millipedes placed in four extinct spiroboli-
Anderson 2004 and Archidesmus macnicoli dan families, as well as some members of
Peach 1882, dating from the mid-Silurian the Spirostreptida and Polydesmida. The • Millipede Diversity and Phylogeny 405

ANRV297-EN52-19 ARI 21 November 2006 10:29



Microdecemplicida (Middle Devonian)

Arthropleuridea: Eoarthropleurida (Late Silurian to Late Devonian)
Arthropleurida (Early Carboniferous to Early Permian)

Amynilyspedida (Late Carboniferous)
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Cowiedesmida (Mid-Silurian)
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Archipolypoda: Euphoberiida (Late Carboniferous)

Archidesmida (Early Devonian)





Juliformia: Julida






Figure 3
(a) Cladogram depicting placement of verified millipede fossils (from References 38, 95, and 97).
(b) Placement of the Arthropleuridea (after Reference 53).

406 Sierwald · Bond

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extinct millipede order Pleurojulida Wilson are cataloged, some electronically. More than
& Hannibal, 2005 (Pennsylvanian) is con- 21,400 type series (including all type cate-
sidered a possible sister taxon of Colobog- gories) were reported by 89 collections. Many
natha (96). Permian millipede fossils are millipede holdings are historic (i.e., without
few and not well studied, whereas Meso- current collection growth) and many harbor
zoic millipedes are usually classified within large amounts of unsorted backlog.
the extant orders and families (76). Poly-
xenida, Glomerida, Polyzoniida, Callipodida,
and Chordeumatida are known from Baltic Taxonomic Diversity and
amber (35–40 Mya), Eocene shales (order Jul- Distribution
ida, 54–33 Mya), and Oligocene deposits (33–
The data presented here are derived from a
23 Mya) (38). Fossils are unknown for the
worldwide millipede species catalog, which
orders Glomeridesmida, Stemmiulida, Platy-
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documents all nominal millipede species and

Annu. Rev. Entomol. 2007.52:401-420. Downloaded from

desmida, Siphonophorida, and Siphoniulida.

their bibliographic details in a relational
database. Millipede species names were drawn
STATUS OF DIPLOPOD from an index card catalog housed in the
SYSTEMATICS Musée National d’Histoire Naturelle (Paris)
and checked against the Zoological Record.
Collections All species records are verified against the
original literature. The millipede species cat-
Millipede specimen collections are known
alog is a work in progress; currently it con-
from 268 biological collection institutions lo-
tains 10,000 verified nominal species records;
cated in 143 countries (79). Nine major col-
species records of the orders Polydesmida and
lections house more than 20,000 specimen
Julida are not yet complete.
series; 77 contain more than 1000 specimen
series (see Table 1). Most millipede collec-
tions are found in North America, with 113
(78 in the United States), and in Europe, with Diplopodologists Past and Present
90 collections (15 in the United Kingdom and Linnaeus (56) listed seven species in the
14 in Germany). Australia, South Africa, and genus Julus. Since 1758 about 200 tax-
Japan report 14, 7, and 5 collections, respec- onomists have described approximately
tively. All other areas are underserved with re- 12,000 millipede species. The authors Attems
gard to millipedes, especially most of Africa, (1868–1952), Chamberlin (1879–1967), and
Central and South America, and Asia. Spec- Verhoeff (1867–1945) each described over
imen collections of the class Diplopoda are 1000 species, followed by Silvestri (1873–
typically housed with other myriapod mate- 1949), who described 684 species, and Carl
rial and are most commonly associated with (1877–1944), Loomis (1896–1976), Schubart
the entomological departments of their in- (about 1900–1962), Brölemann (1860–1933),
stitutions. Only a few millipede collections and Pocock (1863–1947) each described

Table 1 Millipede collections harboring 5000 to over 20,000 specimen series (i.e., lots) (see Reference 79 for
collection acronyms)
Collections Collection acronyms Total
10,000–20,000 lots AMNH, CAS, FMNH, MFS, MHNG, MRAC, NHMW, SMNG, SMNK, ZMAN, ZMB, 12
ZSMC • Millipede Diversity and Phylogeny 407

ANRV297-EN52-19 ARI 21 November 2006 10:29

300 to 400 species. Early millipede workers establishment of 124 synonyms of nominal
Koch (1778–1857), Brandt (1802–1879), De species.
Saussure (1829–1905), Porat (1843–1927), Conversely, recent molecular studies ad-
Karsch (1853–1936), and Cook (1867–1949) dressing species boundaries in a Caribbean
each described between 100 and 200 species. rhinocricid species indicate that population
structuring occurs at a fine geographic scale
and that there is a high potential for cryptic
Diplopod Taxonomy species, as evidenced by reinforcement where
Higher-level millipede classification appears divergent molecular lineages are sympatric
to be oversplit; 12,000 described species are (10, 11). The cryptic nature of these diver-
assigned to 2947 genera (4 species per genus gent molecular lineages with respect to geni-
on average) and 145 families (78), with about talic (gonopod) differences suggests that tra-
68% of all genera being monotypic or con- ditional approaches to delineating millipede
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taining 2 species; 715 generic names are cur- species that rely solely upon genitalic and
rently considered synonyms. This indicates other morphological characters may underes-
a lack of revisionary work; a vast number of timate true species diversity by at least a factor
millipede species are known from their first of three (10, 11). For many nonvagile inverte-
description and have never been subjected brate species such as millipedes we are likely
to further systematic treatment. In 1860, unaware of actual species numbers (9).
100 years after Linnaeus, only 441 millipede Millipede species diversity varies across the
species had been described. The vast majority 16 orders (see Table 2). As an ancient group,
of species, almost 7000, were described be- millipedes inhabited Pangaea (200 Mya) and
tween 1890 and 1960, averaging 100 species as a result occur on every continent except
per year. The number of species descriptions Antarctica; however, most orders are not dis-
per year declined in the second half of the tributed worldwide (Table 2), and distribu-
last century to about 30 per year (1991–2000). tion patterns of higher taxa have been at-
The decline in the annual rate of new species tributed to continental drift (40, 45a, 46, 50).
descriptions is presumably due to a lack of Distribution patterns at the family level show
alpha-taxonomic work and fewer taxonomists; areas of endemism, for example, the callipo-
it is not an indication that species discovery in didan families Sinocallipodidae and Paracor-
millipedes is approaching completeness. tinidae are restricted to the Yunnan Province
of China, whereas the julidan family Paero-
mopodidae is endemic to North America.
Diversity and Distribution Millipedes are nonvagile. They do not tol-
Estimates of true species diversity (currently erate salt water well and cannot fly or bal-
estimated at 80,000 morphological species; loon (such as spiders) and, as macroinverte-
44) are difficult to evaluate. A survey of 35 tax- brates, are less likely to engage in phoresy.
onomic monographs published between 1970 As soil and litter dwellers, millipedes are sus-
and 2004, covering all millipede orders and ceptible to desiccation (88). As a result, milli-
all geographic regions, demonstrated that the pede species are often microdistributed, with
fauna of Europe and North America is well- closely related species occupying small ranges
documented taxonomically (20 studies added in close proximity to each other (58, 91). De-
110 new species and synonymized 66 species). spite dispersal obstacles, numerous millipedes
For both regions, comprehensive revisionary are globally invasive, not only thriving around
work has been more common. Studies inves- human settlements, but also successfully col-
tigating millipedes from poorly known areas, onizing disturbed and natural habitats. Al-
such as Africa and South America, resulted most 50% of Britain’s millipede species are
in the description of 262 new species and the thriving in North America (49), most likely

408 Sierwald · Bond

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Table 2 Biogeography and species diversity of millipede orders

Order Diversitya Distribution
Callipodida 201 North America, Europe, western Asia, southern China, Southeast Asia
Chordeumatida 1237 Worldwide, except for tropical South America and sub-Saharan Africa (present on Madagascar)
Glomerida 271 Northern Hemisphere and Southeast Asia
Glomeridesmida 28 Mexico, northern South America, West Indies, Southeast Asia
Julida 1321 North America to Panama, Europe, Asia north of the Himalayas, Southeast Asia. Mainly
temperate regions
Penicellata 60–70? Worldwide. Dry (not arid) habitats
Platydesmida 69 North and Central America, Europe, Southeast Asia, Japan
Polydesmida 5156 Worldwide
Polyzoniida 127 North America, Caribbean, Europe, southern Africa, Southeast Asia, Indian Ocean Islands,
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New Zealand
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Siphoniulida 2 Currently known only from Mexico and Sumatra

Siphonocryptida 3 Canary and Madeira Islands, Sumatra, Malacca
Siphonophorida 116 North, Central, and South America, Caribbean, South Africa and Southeast Asia, Australia,
New Zealand
Sphaerotheriida 330 Southern Hemisphere: southern Africa and Madagascar, India, Southeast Asia, Australia,
New Zealand
Spirobolida 1248 Western Hemisphere: sub-Saharan Africa, Southeast Asia, Australia. Mainly tropical regions
Spirostreptida 1894 Western Hemisphere: Africa, Asia south of the Himalayas, Australia. Mainly tropical regions
Stemmiulida 124 Tropical South America and Central America, West Indies, central Africa, Sri Lanka and
southern India, New Guinea

Indicates the number of nominal species in each order.

through human activities, such as transporta- nida and Atelocerata Heymons, 1901 ( =
tion of nursery stock and soil. The invasive Hexapoda and Myriapoda). Although milli-
species Oxidus gracilis (Polydesmida) is also pedes were always grouped with the classes
known as the greenhouse millipede. Other ex- Symphyla, Pauropoda, and Chilopoda (cen-
amples include tramp species such as Rhinotus tipedes) as Myriapoda, this inclusive taxon
purpureus (family Siphonotidae, Polyzoniida) was considered artificial (nonmonophyletic)
and Akamptogonus novarae (43). Millipede in- by the earliest millipede workers (3). On
vasions may go unnoticed because of the gen- the basis of a few key characters, two
eral lack of alpha-taxonomic discovery and the schemes of intramyriapod relationships were
lack of ongoing monitoring and survey work proposed.
that includes the identification of millipedes ((Diplopoda, Pauropoda) ((Chilopoda)
(82). (Symphyla, Hexapoda))) invokes the trig-
nath condition of Chilopoda, Symphyla
and Hexapoda as the main character
PHYLOGENY to separate the dignath Pauropoda and
Diplopoda. The competing scheme was
Diplopod Monophyly, Sister-Group, based on the progoneate/opisthogoneate
and Myriapod Relations condition, classifying myriapods as follows:
Prior to the Pancrustacea Hypothesis group- (Chilopoda(Hexapoda(Symphyla(Diplopoda,
ing Hexapoda with Crustacea, millipedes Pauropoda))). The sister group relationship
were considered a member of the taxon Tra- between Pauropoda and Diplopoda has rarely
cheata Haeckel, 1866 encompassing Arach- been questioned, supported by morphological • Millipede Diversity and Phylogeny 409

ANRV297-EN52-19 ARI 21 November 2006 10:29

characters that include the presence of the sister group to nonchilopod myriapods. Much
gnathochilarium, the tracheal pouches, and work remains to resolve the higher-level rela-
collum segment in both groups. tionships within the Myriapoda.

Diplopod Placement within the Historical Development of Diplopod

Arthropoda: Modern Approaches Classifications
At present, the class Diplopoda remains un- Hoffman (41) gave a detailed account of
equivocally positioned within the group Myr- the research history of millipedes, mirrored
iapoda (millipedes, centipedes, symphylans, in the developing and changing classifica-
and pauropods), the monophyly of which is tion schemes of the class. The Chilognatha
supported in most modern phylogenetic stud- Latreille 1810 were the first recognized clade
ies (93, 57). However, despite numerous phy- within the Diplopoda. Brandt (13) produced
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logenetic treatments of the phylum Arthro- the first detailed classification for the then
poda and the broader category Ecdysozoa (1, known 15 millipede genera, most of which be-
33), the exact phylogenetic position of myr- came types of today’s millipede orders, e.g.,
iapods and consequently millipedes remains Polyzonium Brandt 1840. Millipede species
equivocal. As summarized by Mallat et al. (57), discovery and associated progress of its clas-
there are three competing hypotheses with re- sification blossomed between 1890 and 1940,
spect to myriapod placement: sister group to when as many as six highly prolific taxon ex-
the Hexapoda (Atelocerata = “Uniramia”), perts (Cook, Broelemann, Verhoeff, Attems,
sister group to the Pancrustacea (Crustacea Pocock, and Silvestri) were active. Cook (18)
+ Hexapoda) forming the clade Mandibu- produced a classification accommodating 50
lata, and sister group to the Chelicerata form- families and 190 genera, many of the fami-
ing the clade Paradoxopoda [new name pro- lies were monotypic at that time, but rapidly
posed by Mallat et al. (57)]. Recent analyses became more diverse as new species were
using only morphological data (7) and analy- described. Cook’s classification (with refine-
ses that combine morphological and molecu- ments by Silvestri and others) survives to this
lar data (18S + 28S rDNA; 93) support the day and is employed in Hoffman’s Classifica-
Mandibulata hypothesis. Alternatively, recent tion of the Diplopoda (41) (Figure 4). Hoffman’s
molecular studies of arthropod relationships classification, translated into a phylogenetic
employing rDNA sequences (28S + 18S; 57, scheme, recognizes few higher clades, result-
65), mitochondrial protein coding genes (34), ing in a largely unresolved phylogeny for the
and patterns of neurogenesis (47) support the Helminthomorpha.
Paradoxopoda hypothesis. Although millipede orders have remained
Relationships within myriapods seem just stable and their monophyly is assumed (ex-
as contentious, with no real consensus on cept for the position of the spirostreptidan
the relative placement of diplopods. Regier suborder Cambalidea), many of the orders
et al. (68) conducted the most recent molec- appear to be characterized by unique combi-
ular phylogenetic study of myriapod relation- nations of characters, some of which may be
ships based on nuclear protein coding genes plesiomorphic, rather than by explicit autapo-
(EF-1a, Pol II, and EF-2), uniting diplopods morphies (see Supplemental Appendix 1).
and chilopods as sister groups, with Symphyla Taxa of higher inclusivity, such as Pentazo-
basal within myriapods followed by Pau- nia, were proposed on several occasions, but
ropoda. Alternatively, morphological analyses never universally accepted. However, in the
(7) recover millipedes as the sister group to recent phylogenetic literature (29, 80, 61)
pauropods, whereas the combined analyses of these higher taxa tend to survive rigorous phy-
Wheeler et al. (93) recover millipedes as the logenetic analyses.

410 Sierwald · Bond

ANRV297-EN52-19 ARI 21 November 2006 10:29

Penicillata Polyxenida


Limacomorpha Glomeridesmida

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Ommatophora Polyzoniida
Annu. Rev. Entomol. 2007.52:401-420. Downloaded from


Monocheta Stemmiulida

Helminthomorpha Chordeumatida

Merocheta Polydesmida

Anocheta Spirobolida
Figure 4

Spirostreptida Classification
employed by
Hoffman (41), based
Julida on Cook (18).

Diplopod Phylogeny: Current Status der Siphoniulida resulted in a poorly resolved

tree without a monophyletic eugnathan clade.
Higher, ordinal level relationships among the
Phylogenetic analyses of the Diplopoda
diplopod orders remain unresolved. Enghoff
based on an exemplar approach that exam-
(29) presented the first formal cladistic anal-
ines total evidence (e.g., molecular and mor-
ysis of the millipede orders based on mor-
phological characters) are nonexistent. Regier
phological characters using a ground plan ap-
& Shultz (67), and more recently Regier
proach. Major groupings (Figure 5) include a
et al. (68), have attempted the only molecu-
basal Penicillata (order Polyxenida) sister to a
lar phylogenetic analyses that have a broad
grade of lineages, comprising the Pentazonia
enough taxonomic sampling to begin ad-
followed by the Helminthomorpha (compris-
dressing higher-level classification within mil-
ing the clades Colobognatha and Eugnatha).
lipedes. However, conclusions that can be
Ordinal level relationships among the eug-
drawn from these molecular-based phylo-
nathan orders were unresolved. Reexamina-
genies are limited owing to lack of reso-
tion of Enghoff’s character matrix by Sierwald
lution, minimal taxon sampling, and poor
et al. (80) recovered most major clade group-
branch support for deeper nodes within the
ings; however, inclusion of the enigmatic or- • Millipede Diversity and Phylogeny 411

ANRV297-EN52-19 ARI 21 November 2006 10:29





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Colobognatha Siphonophorida


Figure 5
Phylogenetic Chordeumatida
hypothesis of Nematophora
among the recent Stemmiulida
millipede orders, as
proposed originally

by Verhoeff (87),
using today’s clade
labels. Verhoeff Spirobolida
and Attems
employed an older
terminology. Julida
Abbreviations: O, Juliformia
Oniscomorpha; L,
Limacomorpha. Spirostreptida

Diplopoda [note that Regier et al. (68) were a monophyletic lineage, include those orders
primarily interested in myriapod phylogeny]. traditionally placed in the Juliformia and Ne-
In their most recent analysis of the Myri- matophora, which appear as part of an unre-
apoda (68) they examined 28 genera repre- solved polytomy (68).
senting 14 of the 16 extant diplopod orders We present here a novel analysis that
and sampled characters from three nuclear combines a modified version of the morpho-
protein-coding genes (see above). Not sur- logical data matrix presented by Sierwald
prisingly, the analyses recovered a basal Polyx- et al. (80) with the molecular data matrix of
enida, sister to a monophyletic Pentazonia Regier et al. (68). The morphological charac-
and Chilognatha. Within the Chilognatha, ters scored (see Supplemental Appendix 2,
Colobognatha is recovered as a monophyletic follow the Supplemental Material link from
sister group to the Polydesmida. The remain- the Annual Reviews home page at http://
ing Helminthomorpha orders, recovered as are considered

412 Sierwald · Bond

ANRV297-EN52-19 ARI 21 November 2006 10:29

Glomerida 1.0 Cylindroiulus

Glomeridesmida 1.0 Ophyiulus

1.0 Proteroiulus Julida
1.0 Nemasoma
Stemmiulida 1.0 Uroblaniulus
Polydesmida 1.0 Orthoporus
Siphonophorida 1.0 Trachyiulus
Siphonocryptida Hiltonius
Platydesmida 1.0 Narceus Spirobolida
Polyzoniida 0.99
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1.0 Cleidogona
Callipodida Chordeumatida
1.0 Striaria
Abacion Callipodida
Julida 0.96
Spirobolida 0.90 Polyzonium
Pauroposia Rhinotus
0.71 Platydesmus Platydesmida
1.0 Siphonocryptida
Siphonocybe Siphonophorida
1.0 Docodesmus
1.0 1.0 Pseudopolydesmus Polydesmida
Stemmiulus Stemmiulida
1.0 Siphoniulida

1.0 Zoosphaerium
1.0 1.0 Glomeris Glomerida +
Glomeridesmus Glomeridesmida
Polyxenus Polyxenida
0.89 Plesioproctus

0.01 changes

Figure 6
Phylogenetic hypothesis based on total evidence using Bayesian inference [ln = −17722.60 (harmonic
mean, post burnin)]. The analysis was run for 1 million generations, burnin = 500,000 with an average
standard deviation of split frequencies < 0.006. The Jones model of amino acid substitution had the
greatest contribution to the posterior distribution. Numbers at each node are posterior probabilities.
Ordinal level relationships are summarized on inset tree. • Millipede Diversity and Phylogeny 413

ANRV297-EN52-19 ARI 21 November 2006 10:29

homogeneous across each order and thus have pha are monophyletic with a basal Siphoni-
been combined with the generic represen- ulida and Stemmulida. The relatively basal
tatives used by Regier et al. (68). Orders for position of the Stemmulida calls into ques-
which amino acid sequences were unavailable tion the monophyly of the Nematophora. The
(Siphoniulida and Siphonocryptida) were Colobognatha is recovered as a monophyletic
scored as missing in the molecular partition. group but is paired with the Polydesmida,
The final concatenated matrix consisted whereas a monophyletic Juliforma is the sis-
of 1459 amino acid residues (molecular ter group to the Chordeumatida + Callipo-
data and GenBank accession numbers sum- dida clade. Because the composition of major
marized in Reference 68, table 1) and 41 clades in the combined analysis departs signif-
morphological characters scored for 32 taxa. icantly from some long-held views regarding
Phylogenetic analyses employing Bayesian millipede phylogeny (e.g., the Eugnatha), it
inference were conducted with MrBayes presents some difficulties for established char-
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Annu. Rev. Entomol. 2007.52:401-420. Downloaded from

Version 3.1.2 (70). We used the “model acter systems (see character 26 in Reference
jumping” option (aamodelpr = mixed) to 80). Although it would be premature to pro-
estimate the fixed-rate model for the amino pose classification changes on the basis of this
acid partition; the Mk +  model was used analysis, we believe it to be informative be-
for the morphological partition. Analyses cause it demonstrates the equivocal nature and
consisted of two simultaneous runs, each status of millipede higher-level classification
with four simultaneous Markov Chain Monte and exemplifies the challenges faced by future
Carlo (MCMC) chains run initially for 1 workers.
million generations. Estimated nuisance
parameters for each molecular partition
were set to be independent. MCMC runs CONCLUSIONS
were summarized and further investigated Despite the incredible amount of work un-
for convergence of all parameters using dertaken by a few individuals, many issues still
the sump and sumt commands in MrBayes remain largely unresolved in the Diplopoda—
and the computer program Tracer Version from the placement of millipedes within the
3.1 (66). Trees prior to log likelihood sta- Myriapoda, and the relationships and mono-
bilization (burnin) and convergence were phyly of orders, families, and genera, to simply
discarded before producing a majority rule documenting alpha-taxonomic diversity and
consensus tree using the contype = allcompat morphological features as well as their im-
command. pact on soil health and forest ecosystems. Ma-
The combined Bayesian analysis resulted jor groups, for example the Siphonophorida,
in a rather divergent view of diplopod phy- remain terra incognita, with respect to their
logeny (Figure 6). Posterior probabilities for morphology. Recent efforts, supported by
all but two nodes were high—support in the funding through the National Science Foun-
combined analysis is much higher than pre- dation’s PEET program and the use of mod-
viously shown for independent analyses of ern technological advances employing dis-
the two partitions, suggesting the presence semination via the World Wide Web, how-
of substantial hidden branch support (32). ever, generate a significant body of system-
As in previous analyses, the Polyxenida are atic infrastructure for the class, such as genus,
basal, followed by the Pentazonia. Within species, type, and collection catalogs. In re-
the Pentazonia, the Glomerida forms a sis- cent studies scanning electron microscopy is
ter group with the Glomeridesmida, a lin- utilized (59, 80, 91, 92). Such improvements
eage not recovered in previous analyses based will serve as a catalyst for future diplopod
on morphology alone. The Helminthomor- workers.

414 Sierwald · Bond

ANRV297-EN52-19 ARI 21 November 2006 10:29

1. As macroinvertebrates, millipedes are important decomposers, especially in deciduous
forests. Ecological studies on the role of millipedes are limited.
2. Approximately 12,000 millipede species have been described today; a complete species
catalog is forthcoming.
3. Millipedes are the oldest terrestrial organisms recorded to date.
4. Millipedes are considered monophyletic; pauropods are their undisputed sister group.
5. Most of the 16 extant millipede orders are considered monophyletic (except
Spirostreptida), although unambiguous morphological apomorphies are not yet plen-
tiful. The position of the orders Siphoniulida and Polyzoniida is not yet well estab-
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6. The current classification schemes at the subordinal level have not been subjected to
rigorous phylogenetic analyses (with the exception of the order Julida). About 50%
of the 145 millipede families are not identified by putative apomorphies.
7. Entire organ systems are poorly known.
8. Much work on the group’s taxonomy, phylogeny, ecology, morphology, and chemical
defenses remains to be done.

We are grateful to Drs. Richard Hoffman, Sergei Golovatch, and William A. Shear for insightful
discussions about millipede characters. Thomas Wesener, Paul Marek, and Michael Jorgensen
read previous drafts of this manuscript. Drs. Henrik Enghoff and Pavel Stoev shared their
insight into Callipoda characters with us. This work was supported by NSF PEET grants
97-12438 and 05-29715 to Petra Sierwald, William A. Shear, and Jason E. Bond.

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72. Saporito RA, Donnelly MA, Hoffman RL, Garraffo HM, Daly JW. 2003. A siphonotid
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420 Sierwald · Bond

Contents ARI 24 October 2006 17:16

Annual Review of

Contents Entomology

Volume 52, 2007

Charles D. Michener p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p xiv
The Professional Development of an Entomologist
Charles D. Michener p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 1
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Insect/Mammal Associations: Effects of Cuterebrid Bot Fly Parasites

Annu. Rev. Entomol. 2007.52:401-420. Downloaded from

on Their Hosts
Frank Slansky p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 17
Phenology of Forest Caterpillars and Their Host Trees:
The Importance of Synchrony
Margriet van Asch and Marcel E. Visser p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 37
Arthropod Pest Management in Organic Crops
Geoff Zehnder, Geoff M. Gurr, Stefan Kühne, Mark R. Wade, Steve D. Wratten,
and Eric Wyss p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 57
The Sublethal Effects of Pesticides on Beneficial Arthropods
Nicolas Desneux, Axel Decourtye, and Jean-Marie Delpuech p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p81
Impact of Extreme Temperatures on Parasitoids in a Climate Change
Thierry Hance, Joan van Baaren, Philippe Vernon, and Guy Boivin p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 107
Changing Paradigms in Insect Social Evolution: Insights from
Halictine and Allodapine Bees
Michael P. Schwarz, Miriam H. Richards, and Bryan N. Danforth p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 127
Evolutionary Biology of Centipedes (Myriapoda: Chilopoda)
Gregory D. Edgecombe and Gonzalo Giribet p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 151
Gene Regulation by Chromatin Structure: Paradigms Established in
Drosophila melanogaster
Sandra R. Schulze and Lori L. Wallrath p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 171
Keys and the Crisis in Taxonomy: Extinction or Reinvention?
David Evans Walter and Shaun Winterton p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 193
Yellow Fever: A Disease that Has Yet to be Conquered
Alan D.T. Barrett and Stephen Higgs p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 209

Contents ARI 28 September 2006 19:28

Molecular Mechanisms of Metabolic Resistance to Synthetic and

Natural Xenobiotics
Xianchun Li, Mary A. Schuler, and May R. Berenbaum p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 231
Group Decision Making in Nest-Site Selection Among Social Insects
P. Kirk Visscher p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 255
The Role of Allatostatins in Juvenile Hormone Synthesis in Insects and
Barbara Stay and Stephen S. Tobe p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 277
Nectar and Pollen Feeding by Insect Herbivores and Implications for
Multitrophic Interactions
Felix L. Wäckers, Jörg Romeis, and Paul van Rijn p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 301
Biology and Evolution of Adelgidae
Nathan P. Havill and Robert G. Foottit p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 325
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Annu. Rev. Entomol. 2007.52:401-420. Downloaded from

Biology of the Bed Bugs (Cimicidae)

Klaus Reinhardt and Michael T. Siva-Jothy p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 351
The Use of Push-Pull Strategies in Integrated Pest Management
Samantha M. Cook, Zeyaur R. Khan, and John A. Pickett p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 375
Current Status of the Myriapod Class Diplopoda (Millipedes):
Taxonomic Diversity and Phylogeny
Petra Sierwald and Jason E. Bond p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 401
Biodiversity Informatics
Norman F. Johnson p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 421
Cockroach Allergen Biology and Mitigation in the Indoor Environment
J. Chad Gore and Coby Schal p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 439
Insect Conservation: A Synthetic Management Approach
Michael J. Samways p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 465
Interactions Between Mosquito Larvae and Species that Share the
Same Trophic Level
Leon Blaustein and Jonathan M. Chase p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 489


Cumulative Index of Contributing Authors, Volumes 43–52 p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 509

Cumulative Index of Chapter Titles, Volumes 43–52 p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 514


An online log of corrections to Annual Review of Entomology chapters (if any, 1997 to
the present) may be found at

viii Contents

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