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7th grade The Second Written Test Group B

I) Infinitive or Gerund:Choose the correct answer (a or b) ______/4

1. I promise _________ my mum every day.
a) phoning b) to phone
2. He enjoyed ________ a bike.
a) to ride b) riding
3. I’ve decided ____________ harder this term.
a) to learn b) learning
4.They offered _________ us.
a) to help b) helping

II) Choose and underline the correct form of the adjectives ______/5

1.He’s so bored/boring.He talks too much! .

2.Mum felt worrying/worried when Dad didn’t come home on time.
3.Luke was surprised/surprising when he heard the news.
4.I left the cinema because I was boring/bored.
5.I was so embarrassing/embarrassed when I fell in one of the fountains.

III) Match,write and translate ______/5

1.carbon fires
2.power storms
3.forest stations
4.tropical problems dioxide

V) Complete the sentences.Choose the correct form of the verb in the present simple passive ____/5

1.Rubbish _________ (recycle) here by people.

a) is recycled b) are recycled
2.Brown bears ________ (hunt) for their fur and meat.
a) are hunted b) is hunted
3.Most of the world’s CO2 __________ (produce) by forests.
a) are produced b) is produced
4.Many documentaries __________ (show) by National Geographic.
a) are shown b) are being shown
5.Jam __________ (make) from fruit and sugar..
a) has been made b) is made

VI) Change the sentences from active to passive: _____/6

1.They will build a new hotel on the beach. - __________________________________________________ .
2.Someone stole my mobile yesterday. -______________________________________________ .
3.The police has arrested the robbers. - ________________________________________ .
4.I like chocolate. - ___________________________________________________________________ .
5.People always make mistakes. - ____________________________________________________ .
6.He is taking the rubbish out now. - __________________________________________________________ .

VII) Irregular verbs : _____/10



VIII) Complete with the given words. DO NOT use two words. _____/10
1. hunters recycling van hibernate fur CO2 rare
replaced extinct publicity deforestation so far

______________ usually carry guns.

2. _______________ helps reduce the amount of rubbish.
3. If some animals or plants are ________ that means that they have all died.
4. We’ll catch the thieves ourselves.It will be great _____________ for us.
5. The real award has been ___________ by a fake.
6. __________ species are protected by law.
7. _______________ is cutting down a forest.
8. ___________ is the thick soft animals’ hair.
9. We’ve saved more than a hundred bears _________ .
10. If an animal ____________ ,it sleeps through the winter months.

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