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6th grade The Second Written Test Group A

I) Articles a/an, the, / : _____/5

1. _____ Olympic Stadium
2. _____ Oxford Street
3. _____ Buckingham Palace
4. _____ British Museum
5. _____ River Thames

II) Complete the dialogue with the appropriate article a/an, the, / : _____/10
A: Excuse me. Is there (1) _____ hotel near here?
B: Yes.Go along this street till you come to (2) _____hairdresser’s on (3) _____ corner.
Turn left at (4) _____ hairdresser’s and go straight on till you come to (5) ________
roundabout . Turn right at (6) _____ roundabout and there’s (7) _____ hotel in that street.
It’s on (8) _____ left, between (9) _____ café and (10) _____ sports shop.

III) Choose and write the best word: _____/5

nothing something everything anything nobody somebody everybody anybody
nowhere somewhere everywhere anywhere

1. I don’t want ____________________ to drink.I’m not thirsty.

2. ____________________ came on time,except Lewis.He was 10 minutes late.
3. I looked ____________________ but I couldn’t find my watch.
4. Come here.I want to tell you ___________________ .
5. I’m sure I heard a knock on the door, but there was ____________________ there.

IV) Circle the correct word: _____/5

a) Katy bought everywhere/everything she needed at the market.

b) Is anything/anybody living in that house?It looks empty.
c) Tom is very popular.Everything/Everybody likes him.
d) He couldn’t see anybody/ nobody he knew.
e) The woman ate nobody/nothing because she wasn’t hungry.

V) Complete the expressions with these verbs: _____/10

win ride see be drive(2x) visit do write fly

1. _________ a car 6. __________ a competition

2. _________ in a baloon 7. __________ a karate
3. _________ on TV 8. __________ a racing car
4. _________ a horse 9. __________ a film
5. _________ a story 10. __________ a friend

VI) Irregular verbs: _____/10

Infinitive Past simple Prevod


VII) Fill in: Vocabulary _____/10

skyscrapers tailor journey on pavement actress wheel
medieval fountains shall we

1. There are some ______________________________and statues in the square.

2. London Eye is the biggest ______________________________ of its kind in the world.
3. It was a long _____________________________, but after four days, he arrived in
4. A ______________________________ is someone who makes clothes.
5. ______________________________ is a side of a road that people can walk on.
6. ______________________________ go and see that film?
7. ______________________________ are very tall buildings.
8. Angelina Jolie is my favourite ______________.
9. ______________________________ are insects that live on cats dogs and other animals.
10. Cyberspace is _________ this week. Let’s go and watch it this weekend!

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