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Policy and Administration Manual 01-Jul-2022 Rev 9 Page 1 of 2

To outline procedure for handling grievances of seafarers on board the vessel.

11.9.1 Raising Grievances

Read these procedures in conjunction with the complaint handling procedures specified in
Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) or Flag State regulations. If vessel is covered by a
CBA, the grievances procedures contained within the CBA override these procedures.
If the staff believe that they have been mistreated, they may complain to persons on board
or ashore as per the details provided in complaint handling procedures. Fleet Personnel
Department (FPD) will provide a copy of these procedures along with the Seafarers
Employment Agreement (SEA). This will also contain the contact details of the person(s)
handling complaints:
➢ On board
➢ At the Company level
➢ In the Flag state administration
➢ In seafarer’s country of residence
Any staff, accompanied with or represented by another person of their choice may raise a
complaint on board in order of the priorities below:
➢ Superior Officer
➢ Head of department
➢ Master
The Chief Engineer (for deck and catering staff) and Chief Officer (for engine staff) are
authorised to assist seafarers with confidential and impartial advice and process regarding
the complaint.
Responsible officers must provide the seafarer with a copy of documented complaint and
action taken using the Company provided ‘Complaint Form’.
For request of any document / data / information by authorities or any 3rd party, seek Office
approval prior sharing.

Never victimise a seafarer for bringing up a complaint.

Note 1
Seafarers shall have the right to complain directly to Master. Further if considered necessary or the
complaint is against Master then the seafarer can directly complain to the Company, the Flag State or to
appropriate external authorities.

11.9.2 Resolution of Raised Complains

Make an effort to resolve a complaint at the lowest level as soon as possible.
Elevate it to the next level if it cannot be resolved to the satisfaction of the seafarer.
Responsible officer should, as far as practicable, bring about a solution to the grievance
within 24 hours of being reported.
If the complaint is not resolved in this time, forward it to the Master. Master will have a
further 3 days to resolve the complaint. Master should seek assistance of Company
designated persons, if unable to resolve the complaint in this period.
The Company and the seafarer will have further 8 days to bring about conciliation. This
might extend for an additional of 22 days if more time is required to find a favourable
Policy and Administration Manual 01-Jul-2022 Rev 9 Page 2 of 2

If the complaint cannot be resolved through mediation or conciliation, either party can serve
a notice of demand for arbitration in accordance with Flag State requirements.

Forms and checklists: References:


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