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ુ રાત માધ્યમમક અને ઉચ્ચતર માધ્યમમક મિક્ષણ બોર્ડ , ગાાંધીનગર


ઓગસ્ટ-૨૦૨૩, પ્રશ્નબેંક આધારિત મ ૂલ્ાાંકન માટે અગત્્ની સ ૂચનાઓ.

 શાળાએ પોતાની િીતે બોર્ડ પિ લેખન કા્ડ કિીને, પ્રપ્રન્ટ કઢાવીને, પસાંરિત પ્રશ્નોને

પ્રોજેક્ટિ વર્ે રર્સ્્લે કિીને અથવા મૌખખક િીતે લખાવીને પોતાની અનુકૂળતા મુજબ

મ ૂલ્ાાંકન કા્ડવાહી હાથ ધિવાની િહેશે.

 ૨૫ ગુણના મ ૂલ્ાાંકન કા્ડના ઉત્તિ લખવા માટેનો સમ્ પ ૂિા ૧ કલાકનો ફાળવવાનો

િહેશે. જે તે પ્રવષ્ની પ્રશ્નબેંક પિ પ્રવભાગને ધ્્ાને લીધા પ્રવના પ્રશ્નોના ક્રમ સળાંગ ક્રમમાાં

િાખવાના િહેશે. (િા.ત.પ્રશ્ન નાં. ૧ ,૨,૩,૪,૫,૬,૭,૮,૯,૧૦,૧૧,૧૨,૧૩,૧૪,૧૫,……..)

 પ્રશ્નબેંકમાાંથી અધ્્ન પ્રનષ્પપ્રત આધાિીત સ ૂચનાઓ પ્રમાણે પ્રવભાગવાિ પ્રશ્નો પસાંિ કિી

કુલ-૨૫ ગુણનુ ાં મ ૂલ્ાાંકન થા્ તે િીતે આ્ોજન કિવાનુ ાં િહેશે.

 તા.૦૩/૦૮/૨૦૨૩ અને તા.૧૮/૦૮/૨૦૨૩ના િોજ કોઇ પ્રવાહમાાં મ ૂલ્ાાંકન કા્ડમાાં

પ્રવષ્ોની સાંખ્્ા વધાિે હો્ તો ધોિણ-૧૧ અને ૧૨ સામાન્્ પ્રવાહમાાં જો કોઇ પ્રવદ્યાથીને

બે કિતાાં વધુ પ્રવષ્ની મુલ્ાાંકન કસોટી આપવાની થા્ ત્્ાિે ત્રીજા પ્રવષ્નુ ાં આ્ોજન

બીજા રિવસે કિી શકાશે.

 પ્રશ્નબેંકમાાં કોઇ જોર્ણી, ભાષાિોષ જણા્ તો પાઠ્યપુસ્તકને ધ્્ાને િાખી સ્થાપ્રનક કક્ષાએ

સુધાિો કિવાનો િહેશે. પ્રવષ્ પ્રશક્ષક દ્વાિા સમ્સિ મ ૂલ્ાાંકન કિી પ્રવદ્યાથીઓનુ ાં પ્રનિાન

કા્ડ હાથ ધિવાનુ ાં િહેશે.

 મ ૂલ્ાાંકન બાિ પ્રવદ્યાથી મેળવેલ ગુણની ર્ેટાએન્રી પ્રવદ્યા સમીક્ષા કેન્ર ગાાંધીનગિ ખાતે

ક્ષમતાએપમાાં ર્ેટાએન્રીનુ ાં કા્ડ હાથ ધિવાનુ ાં િહેશે.

 પ્રવદ્યાથીઓની ઉત્તિવહીઓ તેમજ પ્રવદ્યાથીઓનુ ાં સાંકખલત ગુણપત્રક શાળાએ એક વષડ સુધી

સાચવવાનુ ાં િહેશે. અને જજલલા પ્રશક્ષણાપ્રધકાિીશ્રીની ટીમને વાપ્રષિક પ્રનિીક્ષણ વખતે

પ્રનિીક્ષણ માટે આપવાનુ ાં િહેશે.

August 2023

STD- 12 (GENERAL STREAM) Max. Marks:-25

SUB:-ENGLISH (013) Time:-1.00 hour

 Teachers have to prepare evaluation questions for students from

this question bank.
 Read the instructions carefully before preparing the evaluation.
 There are 5 sections and 18 questions in this question bank.
 Marks are allotted to each question in every section.
 Evaluation should be of 25 marks.
Section – A - is of 6 Marks [Questions-1 to 6]
Section – B - is of 4 Marks [Questions-7 to 10]
Section – C - is of 6 Marks [Questions-11 to 12, 13 to 16]
Section – D - is of 4 Marks [Questions-17]
Section – E - is of 5 Marks [Question-18]
 Teachers can give the evaluation questions to students by dictating,
writing on board, giving print copies or as per convenience.

Page 1 of 11
E21219: The learner comprehends and analyses text critically.
 Write whether the sentences are True or False:[Select any two]
[Questions: 1&2] [2]

1. Pessimism stops us to come out from our current problem.

2. Because of stress, we can finish many works.
3. Self-hypnosis can be used to relieve mental stress.
4. The mind helps to make unemotional choices.
5. Exam nerves affect our mind and emotions.
6. Nothing seems easy and positive when life becomes too comfortable.
7. The mind is the counterpart to the emotions.
8. Anticipating Success can open a source of pessimism.
E21202: The learner uses vocabulary in context.
 Find out and write the nearest meanings: [Select any two]
[Questions : 3 &4] [2]
1. Odour : steep - summit - fragrance - stamina
2. Humming : rushing -hurling -hammering -buzzing
3. Yarn : yawn -wool -sheet -cover
4. Strategy : planning -understanding -quarrelling -dispute
5. Conquer : defeat -lose -last -overcome
6. Appreciate : praise -scold -hate -win
7. Mishap : incident -encounter -accident -meet
8. Ecstasy : happiness -sadness -grief -eliminate
9. Regret : tackle -guilt -regain -rebuke
10. Converse : talk -keep quite -discuss -fight

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E21210: The learner asks questions and responds to questions using
grammatical functions.
 Select the most appropriate response:[Select any two][Questions:5 & 6] [2]
1. Raghu: Will you come with me to the market?
Suraj: No,…………………………..(expressing alternative choice)
(A) I’m tired.
(B) I’m not interested.
(C)I will either take rest or watch T.V.
(D) I have nothing to buy from market.
2. Swati : How is your mother’s health ?
Anu: .............................................................................. (Comparing)
(A) She is very weak in the family.
(B) She is not weak as my grandfather.
(C) Very few persons are weak as she.
(D) She is weaker than any other member in the family.
3. Harit: How kindly the doctor treats the patients!

Umang: ............................................(Making supposition)

(A) He treats them like he is the master of his profession.
(B) He treats them as if he were their master.
(C) He treats them very kindly.
(D) He treats them as he like to be.
4. Seema: What do you believe about her performance?
Nayana .............................................................. (Indicating contrast)
(A) She can do well in it.
(B) She speaks too fast to understand her words easily.
(C) Fast as she speaks, she can clear her ideas.
(D) Despite of her fast speech, she can do well.
5. Niraj: Why did you not buy those books yesterday?
Manali: .................................................. (Expressing condition in the past)
(A) I did not have enough money.
(B) If you had reminded me, I could have bought them.
(C) Unless I forgot those books, I can’t complete my homework.
(D) I would like to buy them first and complete my homework.
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6. Patient: What should I do to keep my teeth solid?
Dentist .......................................................... (Giving suggestion)
(A) Consulting a dentist is better than homemade remedies.
(B) Unless you brush your teeth twice a day, your teeth will decay.
(C) If you eat too much sweet, the roots of your teeth get loose.
(D) You should brush your teeth before you go to bed.
7. Mayank: Why didn’t you come by the earlier train?
Nirav .......................................................... (Showing result)
(A) The train was so overcrowded that I couldn’t get it.
(B) No sooner did I come to the station, the train left.
(C) The earlier train was more crowded than other trains.
(D) None of the above.
8.Pilgrim : How is Palitana compared to other historical cities in the world?
Guide : ( Comparing thing)
(A) You should visit Palitana to explore the spiritual aspects of Jainism.
(B) Palitana was built to ‘provide spiritual knowledge of Jainism.
(C) Palitana has more famous Jain temples than many other cities.
(D) The highest number of people are used to visiting this historical city.
9. An agent : Please sign on this form.
A Customer : (Giving Suggestion)
(A) The terms and condition are too complex to understand.
(B) I would rather read terms and condition first.
(C) You ought to allow me to read out the terms and condition.
(D) I need to read the terms and condition in order to sign it.
10. Nisha : How does Disha prepare software programmes?
Visha : . (Supposition of an action)
(A) Disha prepares software programmes as if she were Mark Zuckerberg.
(B) Disha prepares software as good as Mark Zuckerberg.
(C) Disha prepares software like Mark Zuckerberg.
(D) Disha prepares software in the same way as Mark Zuckerberg does.

Page 4 of 11
E21223: The learner reads silently with comprehension and to identify the complexity
of ideas in different types of text and relates learning with personal, social experiences
in writing and speech.

 Read the extract and answer the questions:[Select any two][Questions:7 to 10]
The mind is the rational, logical part of you that helps you to make unemotional
choices, to store and retrieve information and to order and calculate. It is the
counterpart to the emotions. A good example of the interaction between mind and
emotions is exam nerves. Your mental capacity has helped you retain what you have
1. How does the mind help us?
2 ................. is the example of communication between mind and emotion.
Mind, emotions and body are all closely interlinked and always work together. It helps
you distinguish them more clearly if you try to understand them separately. Your mental
capacities are your abilities to concentrate, to take in new information, to remember old
and new information and to be in a position to think logically.

1. How do mind, emotions and body work?

2. Why do we need our mental abilities?

When tasks and pressure start building up, the mind can sometimes go into over
thinking and you come to the thought ‘I wish there was a switch in my head that I
could flick and turn off all the thoughts going around in my mind!’

1. When does the mind go into over thinking?

2. Find out similar meaning of ‘close’ from the paragraph.

The crown pull influences the flow of cerebrospinal fluid in a positive way. It helps
calm your nervous system and can also often take away a headache or stress
induced stomach ache, as well as helping you think clearly.
1. How does the crown pull influence?
2. Does the Crown Pull help us think clearly?

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In order to have maximum energy available at the start of a busy day, use ‘I have no
expectations and I will deal with whatever happens when it happens’ as a form of
mantra. You will notice how your body starts relaxing at the thought of ‘no
expectations’. This relaxation tells you that you have just stopped yourself from
wasting valuable energy. You will feel calmer mentally and emotionally as a
1. What is the result of using mantra?
2. What does the relaxation tell one to do?
When life becomes too hectic, we can end up feeling mentally tied in knots. Nothing
seems easy and positive. Pessimism sets in and we cannot see a way out of current
problems. We can open a source of optimism with the technique of anticipating
1. When do we feel confused mentally?
2. Which thing shows us the way out of our current problems?
When emotions have taken you over, it becomes nearly impossible to think clearly.
Then it becomes very easy to make unwise decisions or to agree to something which
is not to your advantage. The Screen Exercise shows you how to step back and
emotionally detach yourself from your current situation so that you can see more
clearly what is going on.

1. When do we take unwise decision?

2. What helps you to think clearly?
When we breathe, there is a microscope movement of the carnival bones which in
turn allows the cerebrospinal fluid to move freely through the spinal column and the
skull. When tensed of upset and don’t breathe deeply enough, this can result in bones
in the skull becoming slightly stuck together so that the fluid cannot circulate properly.

1. Why can’t the fluid circulate properly?

2. What happens when we breathe?

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E21223: The learner reads silently with comprehension and to identify the complexity
of ideas in different types of text and relates learning with personal, social experiences
in writing and speech.
 Read the extract and answer the questions:[Select Any One] [Questions:11 &12]

There was once a king. If anyone committed a serious crime in the kingdom, the king did
not give condemn him to death. Instead, the criminal would be taken to a large arena. All
the people would come to see the show. In the arena, there were two doors. Behind one
door, there was a fierce and hungry tiger. Behind the other, there was a beautiful young girl.
The man would not know which door was which. He would have to choose one of the two
doors. If he chose well, he had to marry the girl. If he chose badly….the tiger would eat him.

1. Which punishment was not given for serious crime in the kingdom?

2. What would happen if he chose badly?

I remember the day my mother asked that I write a last message from her to each member
of the family. I wrote through my tears. I was aware that while my mother has accepted her
death, I hadn't over the next few days, my mother wanted to talk about her life so we began
our long, final conversation. As we talked, the picture of my mother's life grew stronger.

1. What did the writer's mother accept?

2. What did the writer's mother want to talk?
From my mother's book :
I haven't forgotten what it's like to be young - all the hopes and anxieties and the sensation
in everything you do is going to advance or wreck your life. No in between when you are
young. My ambition was to go on a stage. My sister and I took dancing lessons and
practised difficult steps. In those days I thought I'd be a famous actress! It was all a dream
of course.
1. What did her mother's sister and she take?
2. The writer’s mother didn’t forget …………….., ……………… and ……………….

I was nervous and agitated about being wrong and how people would react to me. My
school and work started to suffer. Because of my inferiority complex, I couldn't go out. I
was afraid of even going for shopping. I couldn't speak to people or make decisions. I hid
myself away and felt like a real loser. Page 7 of 11
1. Why did the writer’s school and work start suffering?
2. What did the writer feel?
I need you both to be with me and understand me about my decisions regarding what’s
wrong and what’s right. I wish to try out my ways to deal with the situations around me. I
recall that when I was learning to walk, I used to fall quite often. But with your love and care,
I learnt to get up and run. While experimenting in my life, I know, I may fail, but I am also
sure that you will be there with me. I have learnt from you that experience generates
strength to begin anew after committing mistakes.
1. Why did the writer want his parents to be with him?
2. How did the writer learn to get and run?

E21233: The learner reads literature from different parts of the world, gives opinion on
the characters, events, traditions and cultural norms of societies, writes with logic,
evidence etc. about Indian knowledge, traditions and practices.

 Read the news clipping and answer the questions: [Select Any One]
[Questions:13 to 16] [4]
Disability no challenge, Rubber Girl Anvi Vijay
Zanzarukia sets example
Express News Service
AHMEDABAD: Anvi Vijay Zanzarukia is a 13-year-old from Surat. Due to a congenital heart
defect, she has 75% intellectual disability. She suffers from other problems too. On Monday,
Anvi became a proud recipient of the Prime Minister’s National Children’s Award. It was
presented virtually by Narendra Modi in the presence of the Surat collector.
Despite having undergone an open heart surgery, her inabilities, Anvi has excelled in
yogasana. Her exploits has earned her the nickname ‘Rubber Girl of Surat’. After taking to
yoga three years ago, she has won gold medals in state and national-level championships.
In all, she has won 51 medals from 40-plus yoga competitions.
Anvi’s father Vijay said her daughter will continue to do what she is. “She has expressed a
desire to do yoga and Surya Namaskar on the same platform with the PM, who has
encouraged Anvi so much. We hope our daughter’s next dream will come true.”
1. What is Anvi’s next dream, according to her father?
2. Which award did Anvi achieve?
3. How has Anvi got the nickname of ‘Rubber Girl’?
4. What are her achievements after doing Yoga?
Page 8 of 11
Widow tries to kill herself at DRT office
Chandigarh: A -45 year old widow tried to commit suicide in the campus of the Debt
Recovery Tribunal (DRY) in sector 17 after a case filed against her by a nationalized bank
for not repaying a loan did not go in her favour. A resident of Karnal in Haryana, Saroj
Verma, alleged consumed a poisonous substance on Thursday noon soon after coming out
of the tribunal’s office.
Ranjit Singh, SHO of sector 17 police station, said Verma had, taken the loan of Rs 15 lakh
to renovate her house in Karnal from the bank. Sources she had not paid back the bank in
years. Bank officials had than filed a case against her in DRT.
1. Where did the widow try to commit suicide?
2. Who filed a case against the widow?
3. Why has the Widow taken loan?
4. Why had the Bank official filed a case against Saroj Verma?

80- year –old woman to get Flood Compensation

Times News Network :
Ahmedabad : It took two years and the intervention of the Gujarat High Court for the state
govt’s compensation to reach 80 year old Shanta Koli, for the loss she suffered due to her
field being washed away during the 2017 floods in Banaskantha district.
The money was released in time, but had been inadvertently deposited in some other bank
1. How long did it take to reach the compensation money to the lady?
2. Who intervented to reach the money to the lady?
3. For what did she get compensation?
4. What was the reason of delay in reaching the money to the lady?

Road safety ideas; win state awards

Ahmedabad : Gujarat State Road Transport Department felicitated individuals, NGOs and
schools for their innovative efforts for a safety on July 31, 2019 at Gandhinagar,
Ahemedabad based road safety seminar organizer and trainer, Amit Khatri won the first
prize in individual category whereas two others winners were : Vadodara based Satyen
Kulabkar and Bhavnagar based Ajay Singh Jadeja. “Amit Khatri demonstrated out of the
box thinking and employed garba, jingles, slogans etc. to reach out to different strata of the
society with the message and also trained drivers for defensive driving. While Kulabkar got
a course on road safety introduced in a university curriculum, Jadeja got the reflective tape
Page 9 of 11
applied to a large number of cattle and bullocks cats to reduce animal vehicle collision.”
EMRI 108 received the first prize in NGOs for saving lives whereas two others recipients
included Netradip Trust, Palanpur and Roger Motors Foundation.
1. Whom did Gujarat State Road Transport Department felicitate?
2. What did Amit Khatri employed?
3. Who were the others winners who won for their innovative efforts for road safety?
4. Which NGOs received the first prize for saving lives?

E21212: The learner uses grammatical items such as connectors, tenses, reported
speech etc. in day to day communications.

 Render the following dialogue into indirect speech: 

[Select Any One Paragraph] [Question:17] [4]

1. "Let's visit the science exhibition", said Raj.

“What a good suggestion! We'll surely go", said Purvi.
“How will we go there?” said Raj.
“By car only.”

2. “What’s the matter, Sunil?” said Sakshi

“I’ve got a headache.” said Sunil.

“Please go into your room and take rest.” said Sakshi.

“Thank you for your suggestion.” said Sunil.
3. “What will you teach us, Sir?” said Priya.
“Today I will teach you ‘Indirect Speech’.” said the teacher.
“What an easy topic it is!” said Priya.
“Be ready for practice.” said the teacher.
4. “What a wonderful movie it is!” said Jalpa.
“Are you talking about ‘Forensic’?” said Nisha.
“Yes. I have seen it three times.”
“Please come with me also.”
5. Darshana: Look at those bangles in the shop.
Rima : I bought it online.
Darshana: How much did you pay for it?
Rima: Only one thousand rupees.

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E21232: The learner speaks on issues related to gender, transgender with logic,
evidence and without any prejudice.
Speech Writing: [Select Any One] [Question: 18] [5]
 Prepare a speech in about 100 words to be delivered by you in your school onthe
occasion of International Yoga Day.
 Prepare a speech in about 100 words on ‘Benefits of Positive Attitude’ in yourschool.
 You are going to deliver a speech on Save Water in your school assembly.Draft a
speech in about 100 words.
 Prepare a speech in about 100 words to be delivered by you in your school onthe
occasion of the Environment Day.
 Prepare a speech in about 100 words to be delivered by you in your school onthe
occasion of the Independence Day.

E21229: The learner writes an application with clarity and precision and using
appropriate vocabulary, expressions etc.

Application Writing: [Select Any One]

 Nupur K. Chauhan from 8, Shanti Society, T.G.Road, Valsad writes an application for
the post of Computer Programmer to the KarvyChemicals, S.G. Highway, Ahmedabad.
Draft an application.

 Sachin Sharma, 101, Ankur Park, Navarangpura, Ahmedabad writes an application

for the post of a librarian to the Secretary, T.J.Library, Ellisbridge, Ahmedabad.
 Writes an application on behalf of Darshana Trivedi from 14, Shahi Society, Gandhi
Road, Gandhinagar for the post of Principal in P.G. Higher Secondary School,
 Niraja Shah, A - 205, Adarsh Society, Bopal, Ahmedabad wants to apply for the post of
Sales Manager to the Director, Kenny Company, C.G.Road, Ahmedabad. Draft an
application of behalf of her.
 Shivanand Patil from 5-Shiv Society, Gandhi Road, Madras applies to the
Madra Bank, Ahmedabad for the post of a Cashier. Draft his application.

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