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CHAPTER 8 – THE POLITICAL SELF or their spouse’s parents.

Also, they’re
expected to care for their ageing parents
Filipino Values, Traits, Beliefs and Practices instead of sending them to a retirement home.
Filipino value system or FILIPINO VALUES refers This is why it’s common to see different
to the set of values that a majority of the generations or multiple families living in a single
Filipino have historically held important in their residence. The value that Filipinos put into
lives. caring for one’s family can also be seen as one
of the reasons why nurses and caregivers from
It includes their own UNIQUE assemblage of
the country provide their patients and clients
consistent ideologies, moral codes, ethical
with a high level of care.
practices, etiquette and cultural and personal
values that are promoted by their society. Humor and Positivity - Optimism, humor, and
positivity are valued traits in the Philippines.
It is rooted primarily in personal alliance
The country has a long list of national holidays,
systems, especially those based in kinship,
and many provinces and cities have their own
obligation, friendship, religion (particularly
sets of local holidays. At the same time, in the
Christianity) and commercial relationships.
face of difficult or challenging situations,
members of the community are encouraged to
look at the brighter side of things.

The inclination for finding the good in the bad

can be traced to the country’s location, which
lies in the path of typhoons and sits along the
Pacific Ring of Fire. In a place where natural
calamities are commonplace, humor and
positivity work as a coping mechanism, much
like how some children laugh to hide their
embarrassment after slipping or falling.

Flexibility and Adaptability - The term bahala

na, which can be translated to whatever
happens, happens, is one of the more familiar
phrases used in the country and is perhaps the
most representative of how Filipinos value
adaptability and quick thinking. It exemplifies
one’s belief in a higher power and submitting
one’s fate to elements that cannot be
FILIPINO VALUES People who use the term bahala na do not see
anything wrong with it, as it serves as a sort of
Family - The family is at the center of the
positive affirmation that allows them to deal
Filipino community. Children are not expected
with a problem right then and there. However,
to leave their parents’ house until they
those who do see it negatively often view it as a
themselves get married; and even after then,
form of fatalistic submission or a way to absolve
many couples opt to stay with or close to their
one from the responsibility of their actions.
- Mahirap gisingin ang nagtutulog-
Faith and Religion - Spirituality is deeply
- Kung may tinanim,may aanihin.
ingrained in Filipinos. A form of animism was
- Ang magnanakaw ay galit sa kapwa
already being practiced in many pre-colonial
societies and Islam has been firmly established
- Ang hindi lumingon sa pinanggalingan,
in the southern islands even before the Spanish
hindi makakarating sa paroroonan.
brought Catholicism to the country. These days,
religion still plays a big part in society and in the SUPERSTITIONS
everyday lives of Filipinos.
- Belief, or practice with no rational
The Catholic Church’s views still affect the substance.
passing of some laws, most towns still hold - Assumption that a connection exists
fiestas to honor their patron saints, and many between events.
regular non-working national holidays are - Knowledge for their own philosophical
dedicated to celebrating various religious or religious convictions.
activities and events. To many Filipinos, religion - It may be classified roughly as religious,
helps shape their values and principles. cultural, and personal.

Hospitality - Filipinos in the country and around POLITICAL SELF

the globe can be expected to extend a warm
welcome to their guests regardless of where
they come from, how well they know their host, - Rule by the people
and why they’re visiting someone’s home.
Philippine Democracy
Hosts typically provide their guest with food
and entertainment and, if there’s time, a tour - Southeast Asia’s oldest democrac
around the local destinations. Before they Strong Democracy
leave, guests are entreated to take home
pasalubong or souvenirs, which often come in - Equality and everyone’s enjoyment of
the form of delicacies and local sweets. human rights tend to be strong.
- Stability and security


- Hiya (propriety/dignity)
- Pakikisama (companionship/esteem) Spirituality
- Utang na loob (gratitude/solidarity)
Sense of connection to something bigger than
FILIPINO PROVERBS - KASABIHAN Search for meaning in life.
- Hangga’t makitid ang kumot, matutong Spirituality involves exploring certain universal
mamaluktot. themes- love, compassion, altruism, life after
death, wisdom and truth.
Spiritual or transcendent beliefs can refer to a belonging to something that is bigger than
benevolent or to an indifferent force. themselves.

Ethos reinforces the benevolence WITCHCRAFT is the practice of what the

practitioner (“witch”) believes to be magical
Spiritual development requires successive
skills and abilities, and activities such as spells,
degrees of freedom based on the realization
incantations, and magical rituals.
that thoughts are not facts but simply transient
mental phenomena, as indeed are our WITCHCRAFT is a broad term that varies
emotions. culturally and societally, and thus can be
difficult to define with precision.
Historically, the most common meaning is the
Immaterial aspect or essence of human being
use of supernatural means to cause harm to the
Part of the individual which partakes of divinity innocent.

RITUALS AND CEREMONIES Belief in WITCHCRAFT is often present within

societies and groups whose cultural framework
A ritual is a ceremony or action performed in a includes a magical world view.
customary way
Ritual means ‘conforming to religious rites”
Viktor Frankl was born March 26,1905, and died
Ceremony can be also called a ritual September 2, 1997, in Vienna, Austria.
RELIGION, CULTS, MAGIC AND WITCHCRAFTS Frankl believed that humans are motivated by
Religion and spirituality are both rooted in something called a “will to meaning,” which
trying to understand the meaning of life and, in equates to a desire to find meaning in life. He
some case, how a relationship with a higher argued that life can have meaning even in the
power may influence that meaning. most miserable of circumstances and that the
motivation for living comes from finding that
RELIGION is an organized, community-based meaning.
system of beliefs, while spirituality resides
within the individual and what they personally “Logos” is the Greek word for meaning, and
believe.” logotherapy involves helping an individual find
personal meaning in life.
Both religion and spirituality can have a positive
impact on mental health. Core Propertis

In modern English, a CULT is a social group that 1. Each person has a healthy core.
is defined by its unusual religious, spiritual, or 2. One’s primary focus is to enlighten
philosophical beliefs, or by its common interest others to their own internal resources
in a particular personality, object, or goal. and provide the tools to use their inner
According to Siena Fontanesi, a lot of the 3. Life offers purpose and meaning but
recruitment process is about convincing a target does not promise fulfillment or
that they are loved and that any questions they happiness.
are seeking answers to can be addressed by
Finding Meaning
1. By creating a work or doing a deed. Meaning of the Moment
2. By experiencing something or
- The fifth assumption argues that for
encountering someone.
decisions to be meaningful, individuals
3. By the attitude that we take toward
must respond to the demands of daily
unavoidable suffering.
life in ways that match the values of
Basic Assumptions society or their own conscience.

Body, Mind, and Spirit Individuals are Unique

- The human being is an entity that - Frankl believed that every individual is
consists of a body (soma), mind unique and irreplaceable.
(psyche), and spirit (noos). Frankl Techniques
argued that we have a body and mind,
but the spirit is what we are, or our Dereflection - Dereflection is aimed at helping
essence. Note that Frankl's theory was someone focus away from themselves and
not based on religion or theology, but toward other people so that they can become
often had parallels to these. whole and spend less time being self-absorbed
about a problem or how to reach a goal.
Life Has Meaning in All Circumstances
Paradoxical Intentions - Paradoxical intention is
- Frankl believed that life has meaning in a technique that has the person wish for the
all circumstances, even the most thing that is feared most. This was suggested
miserable ones. This means that even for use in the case of anxiety or phobias, in
when situations seem objectively which humor and ridicule can be used when
terrible, there is a higher level of order fear is paralyzing. For example, a person with a
that involves meaning. fear of looking foolish might be encouraged to
Humans Have a Will to Meaning try to look foolish on purpose. Paradoxically,
the fear would be removed when the intention
- Logotherapy proposes that humans involved the thing that was feared most.
have a will to meaning, which means
that meaning is our primary motivation Socratic Dialogue - Socratic dialogue would be
for living and acting and allows us to used in logotherapy as a tool to help a patient
endure pain and suffering. This is through the process of self-discovery through
viewed as differing from the will to his or her own words. In this way, the therapist
achieve power and pleasure. would point out patterns of words and help the
client to see the meaning in them. This process
Freedom to Find Meaning is believed to help the client realize an answer
- Frankl argues that in all that is waiting to be discovered.
circumstances, individuals have the
freedom to access that will to find
meaning. This is based on his
experiences of pain and suffering and
choosing his attitude in a situation
that he could not change.

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