PPT6 Reading Explanations

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Choice D is the best answer because from the first paragraph, it can be seen that the
party is excited as they walk during their expedition. This implies that they are waiting for
something to happen.
2. Choice C is the best answer because it states that cheerfulness depends on things
around them, indicating that their surroundings and what happens will determine how
they feel. Thus, choice C makes the most sense since this sentence is implying that the
character’s emotions will depend on their surroundings.
3. Choice B is the best answer because the second paragraph starts by saying that a
clergyman should be peaceful and then moves onto describing what the narrator thinks
about a parson or clergyman hater.
4. Choice D is the best answer because this part of the second paragraph is describing
anti-clergymen and through these negative descriptions, it is implied that there is
disapproval of them.
5. Choice C is the best answer because throughout this passage, Moore is described as a
person with excitement and curiousness, indicating that he is waiting for something to
6. Choice C is the best answer because lines 42-47 describe Helstone with many positive
descriptions that ultimately describe him as a righteous citizen.
7. Choice C
8. Choice A is the best answer because as Cossack means being a member of the
Russian military, it makes sense that this comparison illustrates Helstone’s soldier
9. Choice C is the best answer because according to lines 60-62, the men annoy each
other, which best relates to the word “vexing”.
10. Choice C
11. Choice B is the best answer because through the process of elimination, although being
vague, it is the best answer. Choice C and D are ruled out since they have no relation to
the main idea of the passage. Choice A relates to the main idea but takes the opposite
position of the narrator.
12. Choice B is the best answer because according to lines 6-9, it is only appropriate when
discussing prices, such as the value of shoes.
13. Choice B
14. Choice D is the best answer because in this context, it is about education and its role.
Here, education must meet the students’ needs and take on a form they find satisfying.
15. Choice A is the best answer because the author, disagreeing with the idea of cheating
and educational preparation businesses, still mentions these two topics.
16. Choice C is the best answer because in this context, it is talking about specific classes
being enticing or engaging. This best relates to choice C.
17. Choice B is the best answer because it is the only choice that is relevant to what the
question asks. Lines 59-62 mention that the school incorporated fads which became
18. Choice A is the best answer because it makes its claim by stating that education is
trivialized when treated as a commodity, indicating that choice A is the correct answer.
19. Choice C is the correct answer because through the process of elimination, it is the only
answer choice that correctly describes part of the graph.
20. Choice D is the best answer because it can be seen from the graph that from 2011 to
2012, the gap between college tuition and fees and overall consumer prices is the
21. Choice A is the best answer because through the process of elimination, it is the only
answer choice that is relevant and can be depicted from the graph. All of the other
answers cannot be claimed from the graph.
22. Choice A is the best answer because lines 2-5 mention that processed foods have
benefits such as food security and nutrition.
23. Choice A
24. Choice D is the best answer because starting from paragraph 8, it starts to mention the
downsides to food processing and the first one the author states that it is misunderstood
by the public.
25. Choice A is the best answer because this part of the passage is talking about the
downside of food processing where the public generally does not understand the
process. This best relates with choice A.
26. Choice D is the best answer because through the process of elimination, it is the only
answer choice that makes sense as the other answer choices are not mentioned at all in
the passage.
27. Choice C is the best answer because in this paragraph, where the author talks about
profit margins and cost surpluses, it is a paragraph that solely focuses on the economic
effects of processed foods.
28. Choice B is the best answer because after this is stated, the passage ends by saying
that neither point is desirable nutrition wise. Thus, this means that choice B is the best
answer as it basically restates the end of the passage.
29. Choice B is the best answer because both passages talk about processed foods and
their benefits which mostly includes nutrition.
30. Choice D is the best answer because passage 1 mostly talks about the pros while
passage 2 mostly talks about the cons.
31. Choice A is the best answer because both passages focus on the nutritional value of
processed foods, indicating that both authors will most likely agree on choice A.
32. Choice C is the best answer because the end of passage 1 is indicating that processing
does not necessarily have a relation with nutritional value. 84-89 in passage 2 basically
restates the same thing except adding that processing is mostly used to increase
palatability, shelf-life, and transportability.
33. Choice A is the best answer because towards the beginning of the passage, it mentions
that Indiana's photo ID law requires payment, which goes against the constitutional
amendment made about not paying for voting.
34. Choice C is the best answer because after the constitutional amendment was made, the
supreme court still upheld the photo ID law, indicating that they diverged away from the
35. Choice B is the best answer because lines 28-29 mention that the court later agreed with
someone that went against what the court argued, indicating that there is doubt.
36. Choice C
37. Choice D is the best answer because when it is saying the amendment came into force,
it is implying that the amendment started to become functional. This best relates with the
word “effect”.
38. Choice A is the best answer because this part of the passage is saying that the justices
did not agree with what Virginia told the court, meaning that the justices did not accept
their claim as legally reasonable.
39. Choice B is the best answer because this part of the passage is talking about how the
majority might change their mind and go back to the original law, which was deemed
40. Choice C is the best answer because lines 69-72 indicates that the supreme court relied
on a completely different law while talking about the photo ID one.
41. Choice C
42. Choice B is the best answer because it mentions that something like what happened in
the present has never happened before, which sets a contrast between the present and
the past.
43. Choice D is the best answer because it first mentions what the researchers expected
about the overall ice coverage, but then mentions that it might happen way sooner than
44. Choice C is the best answer because this line is talking about an ice free summer that
was expected to happen in many years, but changed to very few years. This expectation
is best altered with hypotheses.
45. Choice B is the best answer because lines 16-21 specifically mention that the tilt of the
earth affects the seasonal differences in the Arctic.
46. Choice B
47. Choice C is the best answer because this part of the passage is talking about the
amount of ice loss over time, which best relates with the word “rate”
48. Choice A is the best answer because lines 50-51 mention that different scientists have
different opinions on the rate of ice loss, while they agree that there is ice loss.
49. Choice A
50. Choice A is the best answer because it shows that throughout the whole graph, there is
a decline.
51. Choice C is the best answer because in a matter of few years, the rate of ice loss
increased drastically, and it is most likely that it will hit 0 before the 22 century.
52. Choice D is the best answer because after 2000, there is a significant decline in ice
coverage, meaning that the arctic ice is definitely receding.

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