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Human Nature, 3 aspects of personality, the

unconscious - Freud
1. Plato - dual body and soul 28. Medical VS jobless - Downward social
2. Matter and Form - St. Thomas Aquinas comparison with assimilative effect
3. St. Augustine - Relationship with God 29. Gilbert Ryle - Behavior
4. Gilbert Ryle - Certain circumstances 30. Both known and unknown - Self
5. Consistent - persist for quite some time 31. Extrinsic motivation - gifts, crush, admiration
6. Self esteem - what others think of you 32. We construct the self - Immanuel Kant
7. David Hume - empirical approach 33. Self esteem - think feel act
8. Anthropology - ancestors through time and 34. Negative Self Concept - changing verbal
space and nonverbal
9. Difficulty in Tagalog/Bisaya - environmental 35. Social construction - shared assumption
10. Ultimate virtue - ultimate happiness for 36. Self actualized - confidence, creativity
Socrates 37. Merleu Ponty - body and mind
11. Industry VS Inferiority - competence 38. ID pleasure, Ego reality - Sigmund Freud
12. Knowledge through senses - Immanuel 39. William James - social and spiritual self -
Kant belongs to material self
13. DNA - genetic instructions 40. Carl Rogers - genuineness/acceptance and
14. Soul decides - rational empathy
15. Assignment upon birth - biological sex 41. Personal Characteristics social roles and
16. Bundle of impressions and ideas - responsibilities- identity
Immanuel Kant 42. Moi and Personne - Marcel Mauss
17. Heredity - transmission of traits parents to 43. Ego - decision making
offspring 44. Shield Himself- self preservation
18. Unitary Self - center of all experiences 45. High self esteem - worth
19. Operant conditioning - consequences individuals/independent
20. Self concept - experiences 46. Allegory of Character - Plato
21. Doctor VS unemployed - downward 47. Material Self - consumer culture
comparison 48. Questioning of the Self - Socrates
22. Carl Rogers - Self image - Idea Self 49. Appetitive - satisfy oneself/human desires
23. Body and Soul - St. Augustine 50. Evaluating oneself with regards to others -
24. A trait feel about themselves - self esteem Social Comparison
25. St. Thomas - existence to the world 51. Change in physical appearance - sense of
26. John Locke - Tabula Rasa continuity
52. Continuous flow of thoughts - stream of
53. Social self - mental images
54. Protect from physical harm - bodily self
55. Erick Erikson -Psychosocial
56. I, Sell - Susan Harter
57. Authority to others - sense of aging
58. Ivan Paviov - Classical conditioning
59. Brother better - upward social comparison
with assimilative effect
60. Cognitive stimulation - self activation
61. Empirical self - 1. material self, 2. social self
3. spiritual self (lowest to highest)
62. Karen Horny - Ideal, Real and Actual self
and kind
63. Praises - positive reinforcement
64. Western Thought - ego unique individual
self - separate from others

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