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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education


Name of Student: _________________________ Section: ___________________

Date: ___________________________________ Score: ____________________

Direction: Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow. Write the
letter of the correct answer.

Strengthening Our Optimism

A true story is told of a woman who was diagnosed as having an
advanced case of cancer and was projected to have six weeks to live.
Instead of hiding in a corner and falling into depression, she started out a
fundraising project to buy the latest hospital equipment that can detect
cancer at its earliest stage. She became so preoccupied with the project
that she forgot about her cancer. Six weeks turned into six years, and she
was breathing. Eventually, she was discovered to have been completely
healed of cancer. The story did not end there. Among the people who
benefited from the newly acquired medical apparatus were two men. The
first one, upon knowing he had cancer, went about preparing for his
funeral; the second continued to take care of his family in a most loving of
ways. The first patient eventually died; the second survived.
We all got our personal concerns; everyone has problems in life.
Yet, no matter how serious we think our troubles are, there is always still
something more important we need to do. One reason why suffering could
be dehumanizing is that it has a way of holding us back and preventing us
from seeing life beyond our misery and further than ourselves. Far from
belittling our worries, keeping our hearts open to helping others could be a
way of boosting our morale and strengthening our optimism.

1. What was discovered by the woman after six months of being diagnosed with cancer?

a. She is very much ill.

b. She is still under depression.
c. She is completely healed.
d. She prepared for her funeral.

2. What attitude is shown by the woman when a terminal disease is diagnosed on her?
a. She got frightened.
b. She got the best physician to find hope.
c. She thought of her illness every now and then.
d. She became optimistic that things will be well.

3. Why are the sufferings that we experience dehumanizing?

a. Suffering drives us to see that life is indeed miserable sometimes.

b. Problems prove that there is always rain after sunshine.
c. No matter how d
ifficult the problem is, we stick together as one.
d. Suffering prevents us from looking at life beyond our misery.

4. How should one prepare when diagnosed with cancer?

a. Prepare a funeral and the expenses to be incurred.

b. Live and love to the fullest.
c. Enjoy life even at its own risk.
d. Travel around the world and be merry?

5. How does optimism help a person to become better?

a. Our indifferences bind us together as one.

b. Boosting our morale is the least that we can do.
c. Dwell in the past and erase doubts and confusions.
d. It reminds us that our hearts should be open to help others even in the most agonizing
moment in our life.

II. Speech Improvement .

6 . Which pair has the same consonant sound?

a. than-thank c. though-thought
b. them-theme d. threat-thorn
7. Which pair has different vowel sound?
a. arc-ask c. weather
b. baffle-bachelor d. chaos-pathos
8. The following underlined letters have the same vowel sounds EXCEPT___________.
a. The land map was accurate.
a. He narrated everything in the court.
b. A plate of bacon and eggs is on the table.
c. His alias sounds funny.
9. “Many peasants are ready to fill the land. “ The underlined letters have the same vowel
sound as ___.
a. near and tear c. least and feast
b. weather and meadow d. reap and rear
10. Which of the following underlined letters sounds differently?
a. challenge c. chapel
b. champion d. charade

III. Reading Comprehension: Arrange the following events according to their sequence. Sentences
are represented by different shapes.
(For questions 11-15)
Initially they visited the National Museum.
There they saw a lot of artifacts having to do with the country’s past like antique pots, and
Finally, at five in the afternoon, they boarded the bus and headed back to school
Next, they went to nearby Intramuros and saw lot of interesting things.
The Grade 9 Pearl students left for their annual field trip.

11.What should be the first sentence?

a. b. c. d.
12.What should be the second sentence?
a. b. c. d.
13. What should be the third sentence?
a. b. c. d.
14. What should be the fourth sentence?
a. b. c. d.
15. What should be the fifth sentence?
a. b. c. d.

IV. Choose the correct modal to complete each of the given sentences. Write the letter of
the correct answer.
16.You ______________ smoke here. It is forbidden.
a. must b. can c. must not d. will
17.You__________ read this book. It is really informative and interesting.
a. must b. have to c. must not d. don’t have to
18.We______________take an umbrella and a raincoat. It is about to rain.
a. could b. will c. might d. should
19.He__________comes to school today after getting sick. He is feeling better now.
a. might b. must c. may d. must not
20.You __________park here. It is illegal and punishable by law.
a. must b. can d. must not d. shall
V. Vocabulary:

A. Context Clues: Choose the correct meaning of the underlined words. Write the letter
of the correct answer.
21. Romeo and Juliet is a story of amorous relationship.
a. enticing b. kind-hearted c. noble-minded d. passionate
22. She has no inhibitions and does not worry about her marriage.
a. hostilities b. inspirations c. problems d. self-consciousness
23. The new president has to deal with innumerable problems affecting the country.
a. important b. few c. many d. serious
24. Businessmen have discovered that it is more satisfactory to be more benevolent than to be
selfish and greedy.
a. generous b. honest c. thankful d. wise
25. There were some erroneous answers on the student’s test paper, but there were not
enough wrong
answers to fail him.
a. correct b. difficult c. incorrect d. perfect

VI . FIGURES OF SPEECH. Identify the figures of speech used in the following lines .Encircle the
letter of the correct answer.

26.” Speech is silver ,but silence is gold.”

a. antithesis b. metaphor c. personification d .simile

27.” Eight mouths await for the food he brings home in the afternoon. “

a. apostrophe b. hyperbole c. personification d. synecdoche

28.” The sun looked upon the ship all day “

a. antithesis b. metaphor c. personification d. hyperbole

29.” The Lord is my shepherd .”

a. hyperbole b. metaphor c. personification d. synecdoche

30. “Her voice is like a roaring lion.”

a. hyperbole b. metaphor c. personification d. synecdoche

31. “The leaves are whispering to one another. “

a. simile b. hyperbole d. metaphor e. irony

32. Which of the following underlined gerund phrases functions as the object of the preposition?

a. Reading an informative book sharpens the mind.

b. Wear your id before entering the office.
c. Pointing to someone is impolite.
d. The secret to success is working hard.
33. The underlined word is a gerund EXCEPT.
a. Thinking is a mental process.
b. The highlight of the evening was dancing.
c. Michael and Luke love watching cartoon movies.
d. He was reading the Bible when the teacher arrived.
34. Marian’s hobby, cooking vegetables, earned her an award in school. The underlined
gerund phrase is
used as _____________.
A. appositive c. subject
b. direct object d. subject complement
35. The old priest living sadly in the monastery is now counting his days.
The underline phrase is a ______.
a. gerund phrase c. participial phrase
b. infinitive phrase d. verb phrase
VII. SUBJECT –VERB AGREEMENT. Choose the correct verb that completes each of the
given sentences. Write the letter of the correct answer.
36 . There __________ a lot of co-curricular activities in my school.
a. are c. has d. have
37 . I would recommend this book to everyone who _________ science-fiction stories.
a. love b. loves c. have loved d. are loving
38 . Rim Garden is one of the latest attractions which tourists ____________.
a. is visiting b. visit c. visits d. visited
39 . The shopping complex which is in Star Street _________ stocked with fashionable clothes.
a. have d. are d. were
40 . Anita who ________ in Hong Kong is a well-known singer.
a. living b. lived d, live d, lives

VIII. Literature:
A. Identification: Terms for Drama and Literature
41. It is the most exciting and important part of the play.
a. climax b. conflict c. plot d. theme
42. A play in which the main character suffers a major downfall
a. comedy b. passion c. tragedy d. vignette
43. Platform on which the actors/ actresses perform
a. coliseum b. hall c. podium d. stage
44. The part of the story’s plot line in which the problem of the story is resolved.
a. act b. exposition c. resolution d. suspense
45. A division or a unit of a drama
a. act b. play c. setting d. conclusion

B. Poem Analysis: Read carefully the poem, then answer the following questions.

(For 46-50)
The Farmer
You who cultivate fields,
Your merit is great.
Wealth flows from your fingers,
The sea gushes out in front of your house.
You share what you produce
With the begging orphan at your door.
For this you receive blessing.
And so ants will not eat your fingers;
After you die, your destiny will be paradise,
As long as you live, you will be blessed.

46. Who are the people with whom the farmer shares his produce?
a. the professionals c. the rich and the famous
b. the workers in the field d. the begging cripple and
47. What does the speaker predict about the farmer in the afterlife?
a. He will be rewarded by God c. The farmer’s destiny will be
b. He will be rich and successful d. He will be given a chance to
live again
48. What does paradise symbolize?
a. chaos and misfortune c. loneliness and poverty
b. beauty and tranquillity d. happiness and fulfillment
49. Which of the following phrases best describes the farmer?
a. nature lover c. the heir to paradise
b. king of the land d. the handicap’s friend
50. What values of the farmer have given appreciation to the poem?
a. simplicity and humility c. laziness and selfishness
b. diligence and generosity d. kindness and resourcefulness

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