Pre-Intermediate Resource Pack

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PRE-INTERMEDIATE RESOURCE PACK ENS New HEADWAY PRE-INTERMED!ATE UNIT1 A. Ansiver the questions A. What is your nasne? 2. What is your job? 3. Where are you from? 4, How old are you? S, Areyou married or single? 6 What is your father's name? 7. When is your birthday? 8. Where is your home? 9. What is your address? 10. Where are you now! u What is your favourite football team? 12, Who is your favourite singer? 13, Who is the Prime Minister of Turkey? 14, Who is your English teacher? 15, Where is the airport? 16, Is Istanbul University in Oskldar? 17. Whatis your phone number? 18, Is Istanbal a small or big city? 19, is Halig clean or dirty? 20. What colour is snow? 21, What colour are your eyes? 22, What day isit today? 23, Where is the Biffel Tower? 24, What is Firat? 25. 1s your job difficult? SIMPLE PRESENT TENSE 26, What is Sakap Sabanci’s job? 27. 1s the Hilton Hotel expensive or cheap? 28, How much is bread? 29, Are monkeys dangerous animals? 30, Is your flat smal! or big? 3, Ist hot oF cold today’? 32, What ate the days ofthe week? 33. What time is it now? 34, Is your father retired?” 35, Is Eminout quiet or noigy? 36, Are the roads in Turkey safe? 37, Are cats friendly animals? 38, When isit cold? 39, Why isn't Haig blue? 40, Whereis the Maiden Tower? 441, What is the capital city of Beypt? 42. Is English an easy or difficult language? 43, Is Monaco in Europe or Attica? 4, 1s football a popular sporis in Turkey? 45, Whi he first etter in your name? 46, What is Amasya famous for? 47, What colour are soiier” uniforms? 48, What kind of masie ste you fond of 49, ‘re vegetables good fr our health? 50, Why is English so popular? 2 B. Answer the questions, 1, Where do you live? 2 2. What do you do? 3. How many brothers or sisters do you have? 4, How do you goto school / work? '5. How many languages do you speak? 6 Why do you learn English? 7. What time do you usually get up? 8. How many hours do you sleep a day? 9, Do you get up early on Sundays? 10. What do you like doing in your free time? 11.Do you ever go fishing? 12.Do you smoke? 13.Do you eat too much? 14.What kind of programmes do vou like watching on TV? 15.Do you ever watch English programmes on TV? 16.What do you drink in the morning? 17. What drinks do you like? 18,Do you like fastfood? 19.Do you like animals? 20.Do you have a pet? 21,Do you play computer games? 22,Do you stady English after dinner? 23.Do you save money in a bank? 24.Do you play a musical instrament? 25,Do you teach of Jearn English? 26.Do you read 2 lot? 27.Does it snow in istanbul in March? 28, Wher= does the Turkish President live? 29,Do they speak English of French in Canada? 30.Do you like classical music? C. Paula isin the city centre. She is asking a woman some questions about her visits to the local cinema, First, read the answers that the woman gives. Then, write the questions that Paula asks, PAULA; How often do you goto the cinema? WOMAN : Usually once a week. PAULA WOMAN : No, with a friend PAULA Heecereeteaneee : WOMAN :I walk because I live nearby. PAULA WOMAN : £4.00. PAULA :_ WOMAN : At the back of the cinema, PAULA WOMAN : All kinds of films, especially comedies, PAULA film? WOMAN : My favourite is ‘Silent Streets PAULA anything, for example, ice-cream? WOMAN : No, I dont, but I usually have a coke. PAULA. : Thank you for answering my questions. WOMAN : You're welcome, Now serite the woman's answers in a short paragraph. She usually goes to the cinema once a week with a friend. She to the cinema because she nearby. The ticket £4.00 and she atthe back ofthe cinema. She all kinds of films, especially comedies. Her favourite film ‘Silent Streets’. She anything but she usually a coke. D. Getting Information Student A Joy Darling started working as a postwoman ... (When?). She drives a van because she delivers letters to a lot of small villages, She gets up at ... (What time?) and starts work at 5.00. Every day she drives about ... miles (How many miles?). She finishes work at 2.00 in the aftemoon. After work she goes ... (Where?) and has lunch with her husband, Jim. He has a parttime job. He works ... (Where?). They like gardening, so they spend the afternoon outside in their garden, They have ... children (How many’), who both live in California, Last year Joy and Jim went... (Where?) and visited their children and four grandchildren. They stayed for ... (How long?). They're going to Australia next month because ... (Why?). I's their | friends’ wedding anniversary, and they want everyone to be there. | ote] E, Complete the sentences, Use one ofthe question forms inthe bos + is or are. (Where Who What__How Why _Howmuch Whateolour How old | 1 my keys? B: On thetable, 2 As the time, please? Halfpastfive, = 3 3 At your headache now? —_B: Much beter, thank you. 4oAt the holiday photographs? B: In your bag, 5S A: that clock? B: Throo hundred years old. 6 At your new shoes? B: Red 7 At BEE Simon happy today? _B: Because it's his birthday. 8 At Maria from? Bs Spain, I think, 9. As these trousers? B: They're $40, 40, As that man in the car? —-B: My uncle. 1 At the banks closed today? BB: Because it's a holiday. the weather today? ’s very cold cs _the children? B: They're playing in the garden. 14 At eae your teacher? + Mis. White 15, A: that in your pocket? _—B: Nothing. Just, some tickets. 16. A: ‘you late today? Bs Because, the traffic was really bad. a7, At Ht ‘your lessons? B: Not bad. I'm doing OK. 18, A: a tree? B: Of course, it’s green. 19, A: your grandmother? Bz Sho always sleeps, you know. 20, fetEttE _the students? Bs I don’t know. They were here a minute ago. Student B Joy Dailing started working as a postwoman thirty years ago, when she was 22. She drives a van because ... (Why?). ‘She gets up at 3.30 in the moming and starts work at ... (What time?). Every day she drives about 150 miles. She finishes work al... (What time?). ‘After work she goes home and has lunch with ... (Who ... with?). He has a parttime job. He works in a shop. They like ... (What... ike doing?), so they spend the aftemoon outside in their garden. They have two children, who both live in ...(Where?). Last year Joy. and Jim went to’Los Angeles and visited ... (Who?). They stayed for a month. They're going ... (Where?) next month because some friends are having a big party. ... (Why?) 2s F._Picture Text é HELLO PEOPLE OF THE WORLD There are five billion people in the world and they live in all different comers of it. They live on the snow and ice of the Poles and in the tropical jungles on the equator. They have climbed the highest mountains and walked on the sea bed. Some of them have even left the earth and visited the moon, The human species is the most numerous and the most powerful of all the animals on earth. How did this happen? in many ways, animals can do things better than we can. Dogs can smell and hear better than we can. Cats can see in the dark. Birds can fly thousands of miles away and retum to the same place every year. But we are different. No other animal builds cathedrals, plays football, tells jokes, gets married, has prisons, writes symphonies, elects presidents, or goes to the moon. There is one thing above all that makes people and animals different. People love to talk - talk - talk. We are the great communicators! And we can communicate so many things in so many ways - with our faces, ‘our hands, our bodies, and our voices. Most important of all, we can record what we say and think in writing, so that we can communicate through time. We have a sense of past and future, not just present. We are the only species that can change the world, and we are the only species that can choose either to look after our world or to destroy it G. Picture Test - Leaving home [David Snow talking about his daughter — hy daughter dackie-is-tiving-in-tondor-now-We're+ very worried about her, really. London is such a | dangerous piace for a young girl She's only eighteen, and London's so far away. Her mother went down to see her there, but I don't ike London, I don't know why she went there. | think she has some friends there. She says she wants to be a dancer, and she's doing a sort of course, a ballet course or something, but dancing isn't a real job, and you don’t eam much money being a dancer. She's living in a fiat in north London - with her boyfriend, | think, and we don't like that at all We've never met the boyfriend - Tony, his name is. He doesn't have a job. | think she's earning some extra money working as a dancer in a theatre or club in the centre of London, but I'm not sure. I hope it's a nice place. | do worry about her. London is such a big place. I'm sure she wants to come home, really. She phones home sometimes, but not very often, and when we phone her she's always out. We are her parents, and | know we're important to her, but it still makes me sad. Jackie Snow talking about her life in London | to be professional dancer, and the best schools of dance are here in London. 'm doing a course at the National Dance School, which is very hard work, but I'm really enjoying it. The course is expensive, but | work with a theatre group at the weekend. We teach dance to groups of children t'm living with another gid in a flat in north London. It's small, but i's comfortable. My boyfriend, Tony, lives in the same street with his parents. They're very kind, and often cook meals for me, I know my parents are worried about me living in | London, but it isn't dangerous at all if you're careful. t's so exciting here, there's so much to do and see. Itwas difficult in the beginning, especially getting to know the Underground, and | didn't | know many people, butit's fine now. Ihave a lot of good friends. | love my Mum and Dad very much, | but | don't want to live at home for the rest of my life. | phone home every Sunday, and when I go to a museum or art gallery, | aiways send them a | postcard, Mum reads them, but | don't know if Dad does. |-Lcame to Landon two months.ago because. |want | _ Tek Could you live next door to these people? n n 18. 4 18, 16. 1 18. 2. 20. a. n. 23. 28. 26, un. 26, ». 30, aL 2. 3 35. New HEADWAY PRE-INTERMEDIATE UNIT2 Answer the questions How often do you go to the cinema? What kind of films do you like watching? What kind of music do you listen to? Which football team do you like? Who cleans your house? Who washes the dishes at home? Do you ever go on a picnic with your family? How often do you get il? How much tea do you drink a day? ). How many people live in istanbul? How many players play in a football team? Who do you learn English from? When do small children ory? What kind of service do hospitals offer? What age do we start primary school in Turkey? How long does primary school last? How long do men do military service in Turkey? Does anybody in your family go to school? Which do you like better , meat or vegetables? Do you have any posters on the walls of your room? Does your mother help you with your homework? Do you like comic strips on television? Do you sleep until the alarm clock rings? ., Do people pay attention to the traffic signs when they drive? Does your mother go on a diet when she gets fat? Do you get up when the sun rises? Do your family have breakfast as soon as they wake up? Do you understand your teacher when he speaks English fast. Does your mother sing when she does housework? Do you always wash your hands before you have your meals? Who tidies your room? What do you do when you are hungry? What do you do first when you get up? How do you feel when you eat too much? Does your teacher always tell you to practice English? 8 B. Write the questions for the bold typed words inthe following sentences, o _? B: Sabrina speaks English exceltently. :_Who speaks English excellently L + Molly speaks Russian very well, Se ere eee eee eee 2B: Alison works very hard, & }: The children go to the park every day. 4 2B: An accident happens here every day. 5. (7B The flowers ae in the vase. 2 }: They go dancing every Saturday. 2A 7B: She always gocs to bed at ten o'clock, 2B: My son usually goes to school by bus. 2 B: He has money in the bank. 2B: Rose wats for her friends, Tia eos B: The sky becomes dark after the sun sets. Rag SeeeeesveeeLersv reese EPELPEEs EPPS Eee ___2B: They live ina dirty street. Gr Ag Scots [like computers, as ag seers reer -erees eee eees-etoesceLePeons EE fy sister goes to the cinema every week. 15, Ar pe eee eeee eee Yes, Igo to the cinema with my father. 2B: We always goto the cinema with friends 28: They play temas twice a week. Bhi speaks three languages. fy father likes classical music 20. A: his happens here every day. Yes, Lam married with toro children, 22. Ar 2B: My sister sleeps for ten hours a day. 23, At 2B: My name is Elizabeth Taylor. 24, A: 7B: My father comtes from Belgium, 2B: Sylvia is ten years old. 2 : My family has five people. 27, Ay 2 B: The children play in front of the house, 28. A: ? : We stand up when the teacher comes. like bungee jumping because itis exciting, 2B: Jane covers her mouth with her hand when she sneezes. C._Getting information. ‘Name and age [Town and country |Family | Occupation. Free time holds Teresa aciviy —] 7 ; works for a + skling, ae hockey | playing ice Mike, 26 | Vancouver, Canada |asister | computer company|+ Europe hockey ] «reading, going tothe fason and | ti ma washing the Lucy, 38 | Peth, Sootland | 2 Santa, [parttime teacher | cinem ame + Spain of Greece Nicole, 15 deff, 54 and ‘Wendy, 53 D._Picture Test Kimiko - Japan There are now more than two dozen Japanese companies in Tyne and Wear in the northeast of England. Many Japanese families now live there. Kimiko Kinoshita Wood came to Britain as a bride six years ago, ‘There is much more freedom for women here," she says. 'tis sometimes difficult for Japanese women to adjust" For Kimiko, the change was easy because she is a translator and speaks English fluently. Also, she has an English husband, ‘Attitudes to women are very different,’ she says. ‘Japanese wives come to Britain and after a while they discover they can have a life of their own outside the home, They don't have that PRR ese re In Japan it is unusual to see men shopping with their wives, helping in the house, or babysitting. But Kimiko's husband, John. a shipping engineer, happily lends a hand with the children. John says that Japanese husbands soon adapt in Britain, and seem to relax more with their families. Education is one thing that worries Kimiko. In Japan, children go to school six days a week and work much harder than English children. Another complaint is that shops don't have many clothes for small women! Xavier - France When Xavier Dupont came to Britain, his friends in Paris said he'd hate it. However, Xavier, a 26-year-old chef, says they were wrong, ‘French people imagine that Britain is a cold, miserable country where everyone dresses. badly, you can't see anything for fog, and the food is the worst on the planet. | don't agree.’ Xavier insists that the British look good because they don't follow fashion so seriously. He enjoys shopping in Britain because there are ‘so many fresh things in the supermarkets. He particulary likes the street markets. However he has some complaints. He thinks that British men don't show enough ‘consideration or appreciation of the women. Also, he doesn't like British bathrooms where you stand or sit in the bath to | have a shower! Last of all, he feels that shops and restaurants close far too often and far too early. Margaretha — Norway In Britain, Margaretha Simons can be a full-time housewife, at home with her four children. This, she says, is unusual in her native Norway because almost ali Norwegian women go out to work, partly because there are more creches. It is also unusual in Norway to have more than two children. Margaretha, who is 43, met her British husband, Noel, a university professor, while she was leaming English in Cambridge. ‘Iind British people friendly,’ she says. 'New neighbours invite you for coffee, introduce their children, and take you to the shops. The men are more courteous and romantic than Norwegian men.’ However she doesn't ke everything. She thinks British houses are not built well - even modern houses have alot of draughts. Also, there is too much liter on the streets and by the sides of the motorways. She likes fresh British food, but at first she did not like the tea because it looked cloudy and grey. Now she is addicted to it, and has cups of tea all the time! | 10 Thanks a Million Do you need money? Write a letter to Mr. Percy Ross. Maybe he will give you some money. Mr. Ross is a rich man, and he likes giving people money. How does he give people money? People write Ietters to Mr. Ross, In their fetters, they tell him why they need money. Mr. Ross gets 12,000 letters a week. He and his 12 assistants read all of the letters, Then Mr. Ross sends money to some of the people. Every week Mr. Ross chooses three or four interesting letters and answers them in his newspaper column. The column is called "Thanks a Millon." It is in 360 U.S. newspapers. ‘Who gets money from Mr, Ross? Mr. Ross usually. sends money to old people, sick people, and poor children. A mother wrote Mr. Ross, "I have two daughters, ages one and eight. | give the baby one bottle of milk every day. | want to give her two bottles of milk every day, but { don't have enough money. | also ‘want to give my older daughter ice cream sometimes. Can you help me?" Mr. Ross sent the woman @ cheque. DISCUSSION "This cheque will buy much more than milk and ice cream," he wrote. ‘Sometimes Mr. Ross doesn't send people money. He sends people the things they need-shoes, a smoke alarm, @ hearing aid, new pots and pans, or a sewing machine. ‘Who doesn't get money from Mr, Ross? Mr, Ross usually doesr't send money to young, healthy people. A 16-year-old boy wrote, "| need $800 to buy a good used car. | really need it because | like a gil, She doesn't like me because | don't have @ car." Mr. Ross wrote the boy, "You dont need a car. You need a different lrtdend.” ‘Why does Percy Ross give people money? When Mr. Ross was a boy, he was very poor. He worked hard, and now he is a successful businessman. But Mr, Ross. remembers when’ he was poor. He wants to help poor people. And Mr, Ross is getting older. He wants to give all of his money away before he dies. He says, "Who will get my money? | want to decide.” Read these letters. People sent these letors to Percy Ross, Discuss the letters. What do you think? Which people get money from Mr. Ross? Which people didn't get money? 7 Ross? a. einer is 80 years O09 Yoeterday robbers, “SS no money ‘om her. Now I can you the cannot buy food. send her $200? pear Dear Mr. Rose: vy mother is 75 years old. She is in the hospital. The hospital is 25 miles from ny home. I want to visit my mother every day, but I don't have enough money, I cannot buy gasoline for my car. Can you 2. | Send me money for gasoline? WRITING Dear Mr. Ross: Please send me $100,000. T need 3, | tBetoney for my family and for. my business. ‘ Dear Mr. Rosi Tam a 24-year-old w : roman. 1 soing to get married next.” month. My problem is this; 1 5. | $88°C cook. Pleas for cooking school, “"s Ne $500 Write a letter to Perey Ross. Ask him for money for yourself or for someone you know. Tell him why youneed the money. You 1 Are you a private person? Yes No 2 Do you like to talk a lot? YesQ NoQ 3 Do you like to stay at home a lot? YesQ. NoQ 4 Do you have a quiet life? Yes NoQ 5 Do you offen invite friends home? Yes) = No Tidying How often do you. Everyday Once a week Q Other 1 clean the bathroom? Everyday Once a week Other 2 tidy up? Everyday Once a week Q Other 3ddo the washing-up? Everyday Once aweek Q Other Cooking 4 Do you like eating with your tends? Yeu Noa 2.Do you like taking turns to cook the evening meal? YesQ No What time? What time do you... 4 normally use the bathroom? 2eatmeals? —_ breakfast Juneh, dinner 3gotobed? inthe week at weekends 4 get up? in the week at weekends How often? How often do you. 4 play loud music? EverydayQ Once aweekQ Never 2watch TV? Everyday Once aweekQ Never Buse the telephone? Everyday Once aweek — Never 0 Bills Do you think everybody should pay the same money for. 1 the telephone bill? Yes NoQ 2the electricity bil? YesQ NoQ 3 the food bill? YesQ NoQ == —<—— = [ DIALOGUE Language Schools Pre-Intermediate |< Let’s talk. 1. Why do people smoke? 2. Do you smoke? 3. What do you think about smoking? 4. How long have you been a smoker? 3. Why did you start? 6. Do you think smoking should be illegal? 7. Does your father or mother smoke? 8 Would you like them to stop? 9. Do you spend too much money? 70. What do you spend your money on? 71. Do you like shopping? 12. How often do you buy cassettes or perfume? 13. What are you going to do in the future? 14. Would you like to go and live in another country? 18. Where would you like to go? 76. Do you think you will ever be rich? 77. Do you want to get married? 78. How old will you be when you get married? 79. What did you do yesterday? 20. What are you doing this evening? 21, Have you got any plans for next year? 22. Do you agree with divorce? 23. Do you know anyone who is divorced? i 24. Are you lucky? 25, What is success? Is it, ? [ ____ New HEADWAY PRE-INTERMEDIATE UNIT3 | A, Answer the questions 1. Where and when were you born? 2. Were you late this morning? How many hours did you sleep last night? Who was the third President of Turkey? 5, Who told you that "Dialogue" was an extraordinary language schoo!? 6. When was the last time you had a holiday? 7. Where did you go for your last holiday? What did you do? Where did you stay? 8. 9. Who was the most important person in Turkey last year? Why was that person so important? ). What holiday did you like best when you were a child? 19. Who lied you last? How did you feel when you leamt the truth? 11, What were your plans for the future when you were a child? Did your dreams come true? 12, When, where and how did you meet your best friend? 13, What film did you last see? What was it about? Who was the leading actor in it? 14, What did your teacher advise you to do on the first day of your English course? 38, How old were you when you passed your driving test? 16, When did you last have a very stressful day? How did you handle the stress? 17" Where dic yorrtive wher your were child? Howong-die-youtive there? 418, When was the last time you spoke to a foreigner? 19, What did you like doing when you were a child? 20, What was the name of your first teacher at primary school? 21, How many newspapers did you read yesterday? How long did it take you to read? 22, How long did it take you to study English yesterday? 23, How old were you when you got married’? 24, Who wrote "Hamlet"? 25, What frightened you most when you were a child? 26, What was the weather lke in Istanbul yesterday? 21, How old were you when you started erawling? 28, What did you do to improve your English last month? 29, When did you last read a book in English? What was it about? What did you learn from it? 30, What did you think of the govemiment's suggestions? 31. When did the price of bread last go up? 32, Who was the last person you saw before class? 33, How much did you eam last year? 34. What did you hate eating when you were a child? 35, Who did you last buy a present for? 36, What size shoes did you take when you were ten? 37. How long ago did you graduate from schoo! / university? 38, How did you find your present job? 39, When did you fast fall in fove? Did you find Mr / Mrs Right? 440, How long ago did you start this course? a B. Combine the following pairs of sentences with the Conjunetions “When” or “While” using The Simple Past or The Past Continuous. 0, Theard a strange noise. I read the newspaper. a. _Lwas reading the newspaper when I heard a strange noise. b, heard a strange noise while Lwas reading the newspaper. i. 4, Late my breakfast. I received a phone call. a b 2. I saw an accident. I drove home from work a b 3. The students quarrelled, The teacher entered the room. a b 4. Sandra walked along the street, She ran into an old fiend of hers pee 5, Hilda slipped and fell. She walked to school a b 6. My sister took a walk in the park. She lost er wallet. a DoS SERRE Hnnnnnnn EE EEEEE : The Bit fp Oe Ure us TE TOUR ver FA aToNg he TER. a eee EE z 8. We played cards. My father came home. a bo 9. Susan played in the garden. It started to rain. a » 10.A man waited for the bus. He lighted a cigarette a db He a 11. The lights went out, My sister listened to the radio. a. b__ Bee 12.Natalie slept. She had a bad dream, a b. et 13.1 saw a blind beggar. I walked in the street a Essa Ee ELEC SUECELEC! 14, My joother cut herself: She cleaned up the mess. a. b 15, The accident happened. The children played hide and seek in the garden, a 15 C. Put the correct forms of the verbs in brackets either into The Simple Past or The Past Continuous. Ot was having. (have) breakfast when the phone ang_______ (ring). LI (Glip) on the ice while I (cross) the street, 2 Carol (lalk) on the phone when [ (wake up) this morning. 3. My father (have) a bath when the lights (go out) ai (begin) to rain while the children (Play) in the garden, 5 What (ou / do) when your father (come) home ast night? 6 Janet (come) to school by bus, bocause it (cain) hard wT (drink) a glass of milk before 1 (g0) to bed. 8. Linda (play) the guitar when I (enter) the room, 9, Most of the hotel residents (sleep) when the fire (start) on the third Noor. 10, When Alice __ (sce) me, she (Stop) the car and _ _ (get) out of it to have a chat with me, 0. (you /have) a car while you (@e) in London? He __ (alle) in the park to get some fresh i whem he (Geo) his English teacher. 13. While he (ater the flowers, it @egin) to nin 14, Just as 1 (rite) a cheque 1 (cemeniber) that | had nothing in the bank. 45, Who (@tive) the car when the accident uappeny? 16. While T__ __ (walk) to the library, I (find) a gold ring. TV when it in) to rnin? 18.We_ ___@rive) home from the theatre when the potice (stop) us. 19.She (wah in the street when 1 (see) her 20.1 (not / know) that you (live) in London whem 1 (os) there QUESTION TAGS There was a lot of traffic, wasn’t there? ‘You haven’t got a car, have you? ‘You're not going out today, are you? You did your homework, didu’t you? ‘The students don’t study bard, do they’? + The meaning of a question tag depends on how you say it If your voice goes down, you aren't really asking a question; you’re only inviting the listener to agree with you: “W's a Tovey day, REL?” “Ves, lovely.” “Tam doesn't look well today, H@@h\be?" “No, he loks very ire.” She's very pretty, She's got beaoifl eyes, BH she? + But if your question goes up, it's a real question. “YoiPhaven't seen Mary today, havyrF0U?" “No, Vm aftaid not.” Yes, [really enjoyed it, + We often use a negative et + positive tag to ask for things or information, orto ask somebody to do. something. The voice goes up at the end of the tag, “You haven't got a pen, have you?” “Yes, here you ar.” “You coulda't do me a favour, could you?” “It depends what iti." “Yen don’t know where Karen is, do you” “Sony, Fhave no dea." * After Let’s,,, the question tag is ..shall we?: Let's go for walk, shall we? ‘+ After the imperative, the tag is usually ...will your: Open the door, it you? Note that we say ...aren’t I? (= am Inot?) Vmiate, aren't IP THK D. Put a question tag at the end of these sentences, 1. Tom won't be late, No, he's never late. 2. You've gota camera, 2. Yes, why? Do you want to borrow it? 3. You werent listening, 2 Yes, wast 4. Sue doesn't know Ann, 2. No, theyve never met 5. Ann’sapplid forthe job, Yes but sho wot get it. 6. You can speak German, 2 Yes, but not very ently. 1. He wasn't very polite, 2 No, he wasn’t 8 That was a lovely meal 2. Yes itwas delicious 9. He won't mind if I use his phone, _ [No, of course he wont. 2 10. They left last week, 2 Yes, that’s right 11, There area lot of people here, 2 Yes, more than I expected. 12, Tan use this ticket on any bus, 2 Yes, you can a Les ge et eight, ve tet 44, ‘This isn't very interesting, 2 No, not very 45, Tm too impatient, 2 Yes, you are some 46. You won’t tell anyone, _2 No, of course not, 17, Listen, OK, Im tistening. 48, ( shouldn't lose any temper, - Yes, you should be cali, 19, Don't drop that vase, 2. No, doa't worry. 20. He's never met her before, 2 No, itis the first time. FE. Add question tags to the following statements, 4. Let me help you, 9, He never speaks rudely 2 2. Ann called Sam, 2 | 10, Let’s clean the room, 2 3. She won't tell us the truth 2 | 11, Mary didn’t use to smoke so much, 4 Goout, 12, She has breakfast at 7:30, 5. Sally hus a pet cat 413, Let me hay you this shie, 6. They aren't going to Paris, 2 | 14, John spoke to Nick, 7. She can sing well, 15, Hoten wears contact lenses, 8. Past will do the shopping. 2 | 16, Tam thin, oe F. Write sentence with a question tag. In cach situation you are asking your friend to agree with you, A. You look out of the window. The sky is blue and the sun is shining. What do you say to your friend? (beawiifad day) MW $2 2. Youre with a friend outside a restaurani, You're looking a the prices, which are very high. What do you (expensive) It_ 2 3. You've jst come out of the cinema with a fiend, You realy enjoyed the film. What do you sv to your friend? (greaty The film 2 4. You and a friend are listening to 2 woman singing, You like her voice very nuich, What do you say? (a lovely voice) She anneal 5. You are trying on a jacket. You look in the mirror and you don't ike what you see, What do you say 2 (not / Look / very good) Ke 2 6, Your fticn¢'s haie is much shorter than when you last met, What do you say to hethian? (have /haiceut) You Egceeeaeeeegbeeee-Peeee teeeee-EeeeeePeeCeEE 7. You and a friend are walking over a wooden bridge. It is very old and some pant are broken, What do you si (not / very safe) This bridge G. Picture Text 1. Put the words into the correct gap, Put them into the Past Simple. fall MIRACLE ESCAPE ring | Fouryearore Mark Hants tronr erste. ‘S0-feet from-2 bridge into the River Avon. The river carried him towards a waterfall and him onto some rocks. See | Fortunately, three older boys Mark. They quickly pulled him out and throw the police. bogin | PILOTLESS JET CRASHES fly | An American jet pilot wrong The pilot ejected, but the plane didn’t crash. The jet's engines from Fort Worth, but the jet's engines : ae working again. The jet for more than one hour over three = ON | “states. Finaly i crashed near Lincoln, Nebraska, it some trees in a field. e Fortunately no one was hurt Gan) CHANNEL CHAMPION ‘Twelve-year-old Thomas Gregory from London is the youngest person to swim the English drink | Channel. He the 31 miles in just 11 hours 5S minutes. He feel ot tomato soup because he felt so cold in the water, Often he ear not see anything and that was the worst thing. He was very pleased when he finally arrived on the beach in France. 2. The phrases below go in the articles. Which article do they go in? Where exactly do they go in the article? - while he was running after his dog - while he was swimming - where his parents were waiting for him - where a farmer wes working - because the sun was shining in his eyes = while it was flying over New Mexico Ory one andorly Any angel Oryp honey Way cespiration Quay rompin Ow, Youare... O cho moss inporeanc thing tony We O che base chigg that coer happened to-me O ny reason for long my chean come true O cheonly thing Fean think about O che only one forme O ny destiny Q war TF will OD forever O ctbtche sun stopechiing OD for eternity O forever andadey a tilt che ena of the world. QO aatib the end of the time Q O foramilton, billion years ‘aher S want to... Qprow olthwithyaorw O beyour hasband./ayfe OQ bayourffiend be goer boge gical O beyour lover O nargyyow be che fither nother offgour children a wer SFean'e... Qéve withourgow Q go on without you stop lovigg, you O wand to be without. you Owio dreaning aboutyow her Tek New HEADWAY PRE-INTERMEDIATE UNIT4 A. Picture Test MARKS & SPENCER Brit ’s favourite store Marks & Spencer (or M&S) is Britain's favourite store. Tourists love it too. It attracts @ great variety of customers, from housewives to millionaires. Princess Diana, Dustin Hoffman, and the British Prime Minister are just a few of its famous customers. Last year it made a profit of £529 million, which is more than £10 million a week. How did it all begin? It all started 105 years ago, when a young Polish immigrant, Michael Marks, had a stall in Leeds market. He didn't have many things to sell: some cotton, a little wool, lots of buttons, and a few shoelaces. Above his stall he put the now famous notice: DON'T ASK HOW MUCH ~ IT’S A PENNY Ten years later, he met Tom Spencer and together they started Penny Stalls in many towns in the north of England, Today there are 584 branches of M&S all over the world - in America, Canada, Spain, France, Belgium, and Hungary What are the best-sellers? Surprisingly, tastes in food and clothes are international. What sells well in Paris sells just as well in Newcastle. Their best-selling clothes are: + For women: jumpers, bras, and knickers (M&S is famous for its knickers!) + For men: shirts, socks, pyjamas, dressing gowns, and suits. + For children: underwear and socks. Best-sellers in food include: fresh chickens, bread, vegetables, and sandwiches. Chicken Kiev is internationally the most popular convenience food Jeiee, $e oNe Why is M&S so successful? The store bases its business on three principles: good value, good quality, and good service. Also, it changes with the times - once it was all jumpers and knickers. Now it's food, furniture, and flowers as well. Top fashion designers advise on styles of clothes. But perhaps the most important key to its success is its happy, well-trained staff. Conditions of work are excellent. There are company doctors, dentists, hairdressers, and even chiropodists to look after the staff, and all the staff can have lunch for under 40p! pen 1B, Complete the following sentences with “Much” or “Many”. ©, ‘There are __many_ flowers in the vase 1. I-cannot play tennis, I don't have time. 2. How milli there inthe bottle? 3. How cheese do you want 10 buy’? 4, I don't know how glasses thore are in the kitchen, 8. How days are there in year? 6. There are people at the party now, 7. She doesn't have money in the bank. ‘There is not room in the car for you, sorry 9, She doesn't eat bread at breakfast. 10, Is there sugar in the tea, Lwonder? 1, Too coffee is not good for you 12, Have you got friends in Istanbul? 413, ‘That old man hasn't got hai 14, Wedon't'do_____ homework every day. 15, There aren't pictures in this book. 16. Do you learn subjects at school? 31. How rice do you need? 18, I don't know bow bars of chocolate she has eaten. 19, There aren't __ _vegetables and there isn't meat, 20, I don't know how teeth the baby has got. C. Complete the questions with How Much or How Many, -_As_Howe mauy__—_ days. are hora in-a-wock?-Br There are seven days in-a-weck- LA teeth have you got? B: I have got thiny two teeth. 2 {ime has she got? B: She has gota lot of time. 3. milk are you going to buy? B: 1 am going to buy a litre of rail, please 4. ‘ating paper do you want? B: [want some writing paper. 5 students are there onthe bus? B: There are ten students on the bus 6 cats has Rita got? B: Rita has got thee cats, 2 ‘our is there in the jar? B: There is alot of flour inthe jar? ‘money has she spent on her clothes? B: She has spent all her money on her clothes. ater is there in the fridge? B: ‘There is alittle water in the fridge. chairs are there inthe sitting room? B: There are only a exw chairs in the sitting room. D. Answer the following questions in the negative using A Few or A Little, 0. Az Are there many teachers atthe school? (0, _ there are a few teachers at the school 1. At Have you got many friends in Istanbul? 2, Az Do you take much sugar in your coffee? 3. Ar Has your father got many shirts? 4. A: Is there much money in your pocket? ‘5. A: Do you drink much water every day? B: No, 6. At Have you got many pairs of shoes? 7. A: Ate there many eggs inthe fridge? Bs No, 8. A: Has a library got many books? B: No, 9, Az Are there many exercises inthis book? . B: No, 10, A: Have you got much spare time? 11, A: Does a poor man have much money? 12.,A; Are there many passengers on the plane? 13. A: Is there much information in the book? B: No, 14, A: Have you got much time to finish this? 15.A: Are there many flowers inthe garden? E, Putin meh, many, afew, or a ttle, 1, He isn’t very popalar. He has friends, 2. Annis very busy these days. She has___ free time. 3, Didyou ke photographs when you were on holiday’? 4, ['m not very busy today. Thaven’t got todo. '5, The muscum was very crowded, There were too people, 6. Most of the town is modera, These are ‘old buildings 17. ‘The weather has been very dry recently, We've had rain, F, Some of these sentences need a. Put in a where necessar 1. She's lucky. She has__few problems 2, ‘Things are not going well for her. She has __few problems. 3. Can you lend me__few dollars? 4, I.can’t give you a decision yet. I need __litile time to think ‘There was litle traffic, so the journey didn’t take very long, 6. twas a surprise that he won the match, __ few people expected him to win. 7. [don’t know much Spanish ~ only__few words. G. Put in litle, alittle, few, a few. 1, Wemnst be quick We have ____time, 2, Listen carefully. T'm going to give you advice 3, Do you mind if Task you ‘questions? 4, This town is not a very interesting place to visit, so tourists come here, 5, Tedon’t think Jill would bea good teacher. She's got __ patience. 6. "Would you like malk in your coffee?” "Yes, please. Tothisiervery bormgpiucetotive-Fhere’s____tede. 8 “Fave you ever bean to Paris?” “Yes, I'vebeen there times." H, Use "a few" or “a little”, Do you have ___ minutes? I lke to ask you questions. Ineed _ _ information about her. She's very careful, She makes mistakes, He added pepper to the soup. Hio's not a good teacher _students like him. Thave ‘exercises to finish today. ‘They are going to spend days in Sweden. We arrived earlier to the meeting because there was traffic on the road . They've been staying at the hotel for “months, 10.There’s_______ cheese, but nota lot, Tim afta. 11,1 bought postcards to send my pen-ftiend. 12, Susan left minutes ago. 13. people went to the concert 14. Tim not hungry. Just give me chips. 18.They gaveher___ chance in the interview. 16. plants in the room will live because there isn't enough light. 17. if you want me to have an extra shopping for you, P'Ikneed_ __ more money. 18.She has understanding of other people's problems. 19.1 generally use salt in my cooking, 20, When I read texts in English I understand words, so T usually use a dictionary. 21.1 tried to read Shakespeare but I could understand vocabulary. 22. They know about the murder. 23.Wehave ‘minutes before our bus. Let’s go for a coffee 24. His family is poor, so they have clothes, 25.Ihad____doubts about the company. I didn’t accept their offer. ak 2 1 Fillin the blanks with am, i, are, was, were, can, could, can't, couldn't. Jane's Story The year 1974, Jane was bom in a hospital in London ‘There __ four windows in the hospital room It spring. There ‘trees and flowers in the garden, - She good child You __nover see tears in hor ayes. She __ very quiet. There three other children in her family. There two boys and a girl, It a crowded family, When Jane was three years old, she ___ talk, read and write, This amazing, Everybody surprised. Nobody __ believe this. Now Jane a beautiful woman. She 25 years old. She a professor of physics in the “university of London. She still very smart. She. She professor of mathematics. He play the piano beautifully, she speak four languages fluently, She 30 years old, He loves Jane very much, His name is Jonathan. solve very difficult physics problems. martied to a ‘They don’t have any children because they don’t have any time to look after children. J. Song Complete the song Tam (y stam (2), omens mt tee am (3 som ME BRE a ’€ near yous = lam Tam (5) xcs te sq if Tog MO a tke 2 ar you, i i OS igh dots” fice, Can jou hear me, thro, cise ovy? 2° hear ec8 A ig ee sore) eh tes hin agp _© a | We Xe (19) yweare (11) one N08 he seg OA fe stormy Wate go | “ie wea ey MARES bg gest robe free,” 4 _— On Lard year PERE ORL ea ae ! | aa Are You @ shopaholi 1 If want something, | usually buy it, afgree b disagree A 2 New clothes make me feel more attractive and confident. aAgree OG bodisagree 3 Possessions tell me a lot about a person. aAgree QO bbisagree O 4 Credit cards are a bad idea, ADisagree O bagre 2 5 | like hunting for bargains. @Agree boisagree O 6 | like to think carefully before | buy something. ADisagree O bagree O 7 When | buy a present for someone, | buy what | would like for myself. @Agre O b disagree O 8 Everything | buy | use or wear a lot. A Disagree O bagre 9 My home is full of things | don’t really need. aagree 2 b disagree O 10 I still like things | bought years ago. ADisagree O bagree 7 or more (a)s 5-6 (a)s 34 (a)s 2 (a)s or fewer You are a shopaholic| |Shopping helps you to. | You go shopping only _ Possessions aren't You like to spend money | feel good about yourself. |when you need to buy a important to you. Be and often buy things you | You think that lots of | specific thing. You don't _|carefull Other people don't need. Shopping is a| possessions can make _||ose control or buy lots of | might think you are too hobby for you. you more desirable to expensive things. strict. It might be a good other people. idea to relax more when ae _____}you go shopping Tek BEST ADVICE Try to give the best advice to your friends who need help for the following situations. 41. You come from a family of doctors. Everyone expects you to become a doctor too. You don't want to be a doctor, you want to be a musician. 2. You ran over your little sister's cat with your car. You never liked that noisy cat anyway. No one saw what happened. 3. Someone you know, but don't like very much, has invited you to a concert you really want to go to. All the tickets are sold. 4. You let your friend use your apartment while you were on vacation. When you returned the apartment was a total mess. 5. You notice that someone has been standing outside of your apartment for the last three nights. 6. You found a wallet in a phone booth. It contains a lot of money and credit cards. There is no identification of the owner. 7. You saw your 5-year old child hit your car with his bicycle while your car was parked, Now there isa-big- scratch. You-talked to.his parents, but they denied it_ 8. You have a chance for a better job in another city. You don't like the other city, but you hate the job you havé now. Your spouse doesn’t want to move. 9. You went to the hairdresser’s and fall asleep in the chair. When you woke up, almost all your hair was gone. You a$ked for only a little to be cut off. 10. The person who sits next to you in the office is a very heavy smoker. You've asked him/her to smoke in another place but he/she refuses. 411. Your next-door neighbour is a lonely old lady who visits you every evening. You want her to stop visiting so often but you don’t want to hurt her feelings. 412. You've won a one-week free trip to Hawaii, but your boss will not give you time off from your job to go. 13.You have a chance to buy a house very cheaply. The people who own the house moved out because of ghosts. Nobody else will buy the house. 14. Your roommate recently bought a canary for the room. Pets aren’t allowed in the dormitory, but more importantly, you are very allergic to birds. You really like your roommate. 15. Your roommate never does anything around the apartment. You have to do everything. You've discussed this problem several times but it always starts an argument, STOP and CHECK nits 1-4) Questions Make questions about the missing information 0. She cams 1. Peterhas___children. (Two? Three?) 2. I'm reading at the moment. 3. They went to con holiday last year. 4. She works inthe __shop. (Shoe shop? Book shop?) ‘5. [got up early this moming because 6. ‘The supermarket closes at 4. Tgo swimming. 8. [borrowed ‘Tenses (Once a week? Once a month?) car, (Tom's? Ann's?) Complete the sentences with the cortect form of the verb in brackets. a year. How Much does she cam a year 2 4. Emma (spend) every school holiday in Scotland 2. Why are you under the table? you (look) for something? 3. In my country we (not have) lessons on Saturday. Mywife_ “tro tikey footbatt; DOT (Gove) a. a1 (buy) a new pair of shoes yesterday. you ike) them? 6. My grandfather ive) in Belgium when the Second World War (tax), 7. Yuet Tung ____ (live) in the United States, She __ (meet) her husband while she __ (work) for a publisher on Madison Avenue. havefhave got “Make'ten sentences about the two people in the pictures. Say what they havefhave got and what they don't have/haven't got. 10. 0, _He's gota cat, He doesn't have ahouse Deak Past tense ‘What's the past tense forms ofthe following verbs? Some are iregular, and some are regular. ean = break pot catch begin 7 bit leave fall fel build Prepositions ‘Complete the sentences with the correct preposition. Ifno preposition is necessary, write nothing, 1. listened the news the radio, 2. Pll see you 9.00 the moming. 3. I’m looking ‘my neighbour's car while she’s on holiday. 4. What are you doing __this evening? 5. She arrived England two years ago. 6, Pm going home. 1. Tspoke “Mary a few days ago, 8. My sister's coming to stay 18 December. Expressions of quantity I. Complete the sentences with some or any. T1, Theo one mistake in each of the following 1. Pd Tike tea, but I don’t want sentences, Find it and correct it biscuits 1. How many money have you got? 2 (there, ‘sugar? Lean’t see 2. Lomlybave a litle potatoes 3. Tbought____sugar yesterday. 3. [don’t have much time, so [ ean’t help you, Sorry. 4. T didn’t buy coffee, because I dhought 4 ‘In Now Swiat there area lot of shops. webad 5, Close your eyes. I've got anything for you. 5. We need bread, I'l get it later. 6. Jon lives anywhere near Bournemouth, 7. Anybody told me you're getting married. Is it true? Articles Complete the sentences with a, an, the, or nothing. 1, China has biggest population in__ world. 2 ‘Yangtze River flows into__East_ Chine Sea, 3. Do you like Chinese food? 4. We had some for lunch fow days ago. 5. Teome to school by bus, but I get Jift home with fiend. Vocabulary Match the vorbs in A with the phrases in B. A B putoa a parttimejob do avan make milk drive make-up call a decision brun out of sorry say my money wash her wedding anniversary lose ry hair forget the police é New HEADWAY PRE-INTERMEDIATE UNITS Infinitive (to + verb) / Gerund (verb + ing) | to + verb to + verb / verb + ing verb + ing age arrange besin continue enjoy finish decide expect hate like imagine keep bene ie prefer mind recommend plan promise start. ete: stop suggest refuse want... tolerate understand... ete forget ty HE ‘A. Put the verb in the right form, to... 0° -ing- 1. Lenjoy (dance) 2. What do you want (@o) tonight? 3. Goodbye! {hope (ee) you again soon. 4. Lleamt z _____(ewitn) when Twas five years old. 5, Have you finished (lean) the room? 6. Tim tired, I want (Go) to bed, 7. The weather was nice, sol suggested ____@9) for a walk by the sea, 8. Where's Bill? He promised (be) here on time 9. Fm not in a hurry. I don't mind (wait), 410, What have you decided (Go)? 11, George was very angry and refused (peak) to me. 12, Where's Ann? Ineed (ask) her something, 13. I was Very upset and started (ery). 14, I'm trying, (work). Please stop (alk), 45, Teanttimagine ive) in the country, 16, I stopped (play) tennis when I got marred, 411. Have the men finished (repair) the roof yet? 38, Td love ___ (isit) Chine. 19, Peter refs (help) ws. 20, Would you prefer (pay) now or later? 21, Why does Peter keep _ Bate (alld about his mother? 22, don’t want (alk) about hia 23. Stop (ite) your nails. 24, She agreed (end) him $1,000. 28, He started (@o) bis homework at five o'clock B._Complete the sentences using fa... or ng. Use one of the verbs. go help live lose rain read sce send take walt walk watch 1. Tike London bat I wouida' ike there, 2. Like photographs when I'm on holiday. 3, Linda has a lot of books. She enjoys 4, Um surprised that you are here. [didn't expect you. S. Don' forget usa postcard when you are on holiday, 6. "Shall we get a taxi to the cinema "It isn't far F don't mind : 7. This ring is very beautiful. a hate it 8, Julia had a Jot to do, so Toffered her. 9. What shall we do this afternoon’? Would you like to theeach? 10, When I'm tired in the evenings, like television LL, "Shall we go now?" "No, Td prefer a few minutes.” 12, I'm not going out until it stops ye) IK HAVE TO We use the verb "have t + inal tenses, They had to get up early, C. Complete the sentences with the correct form of have fo and one of these verbs. ‘take read speak travel wear answer buy change go walk 1. My es are not very good I glasses. 2. went to the supermarket after work yesterday. I some food. 3. The train doesn't go all the way to London. You. __ at Bristol, 4. Mary is studying literature, She ___a lot of books. 5. Albert doesn't understand much English. You——_very slowly to him, 6. Kate isnot often at home. She Tot in her job 7. We ‘home last night. There were no buses. 8. slate. __now. Ill se you tomorrow. 9, We had an exam yesterday. We __ six questions out often, 10, At the end of the course all the students, ___atest D. Complete the sentences with the correct form of have zo, J. MARK I don't like cabbage. 2. DAVE : We have to write 1000-word essay before next Friday. JILL: What about me? write one, 10? DAVE. : Yes, I think so, Everybody has to do one. 3. PAUL John’s going to the bank late, He needs some money. MICK: He_ ‘80 to the bank. 1 can tend him some, 4. ANN) CAN YOU PASS ME THE SALT, PLEASE? SAM: You___ shout, I'm not deaf. 5. PAT: Did Ruth enjoy her summer job in France? SAM — :No, she hated it. She ‘work everyday, so she couldn't see anything of the country. 6 JOHN. Which job is Hary going to accept? RUTH [don't know. He's going to think about it atthe weekend. He 7. IAN: Ereally enjoyed Jane's party lastnight, bt there were no buses home after midnight, LYNN walk home? JAN: Yes, and it was a long way. 8, BETH: What's the matter with Tim? KATE :T'm not sure, The doctor says he stay in bed for afew days 9. JOS: Was Tina angry when you told er the news? FRED: She already knew it sof tell her 10, PHIL: This book is so boring, I hope { finish reading it soon. CAROL : Wh read it? PHIL: Because 've gota literature exam nest week... AL, JEAN: really must go home now. I have to get up early tomorrow. LIZ: What about Mary? getup early tomorrow? JEAN No, she doesn't, so she can stay a bit longer. 42. SUB: must be at work early tomorrow. | arrived at 10 o'clock this morning. to talk about things that are necessary because of rules that other people oblige us to follow. Thave to pay the rent every month for things that are necessary because of the circumstances. Thave to get a bus to school. There is no ather way to get there. ‘We use "not have to" to say that something is not necessary. We don't have to hurry, we're early. MEG — : What time _ SUE :8301 __ be there normally? Will Future We form WILL FUTURE like this: ieee: POSTIVE T + for actions we decide to do NOW. You silane 1 ike this coat 1 buy it. | ay, op Seats ty. : ee NG fee Semis aegmage, | 4 har oe he ca? Be ae He 7 work yery hard. She + for offers and promises. a 1 carry your case for you. lf) T ‘Lwon't forget your birthday again. (promise) Hsrorfie ded Msopooai you he | eavel with fiends? | fo talc ahout things that we think or belicve wll happen in the future: she | slay at home? T'm sure 1'll enjoy the film. it | finish the work? : roy - Pm sue it won't rain fomorrov. 1 be a sury day. they _ E. Use the verbs in the box with will or won't to complete these dialogues. have lake phone finish be G2) make A: Are you coming to the cinema on Sunday’? Mm not sure.1_ll phone _ you on Saturday 1. Az Don't change your clothes now. We fate. B: No, we won't, We 2, A: George is going to havea party atthe weekend, Bs Whv? ‘A: Its his birthday. He thinty on Saturday. 3. Ar She the tennis match tomorrow. B: Why not? At She mistakes, She always makes mistakes in important matches. 4A Steve ‘the work tonight? B: No, he wont finish, He Put the best phrase from the box in each gap. Start your sentences with I'M. taxi, me, Phone for a taxi Tielp you to Took for it ‘g0 with you sive you the name of a language school eaery-some-oF them ive you some money ask her to phone you tonight open a window rake you a sandwich ©. A: want o take these books home, bt theyre very heavy B: Ill carry some of them I feel sick. It's 60 hot in this room. B: 2. Az I want a cup of coffee, but I don't have any money Bs S.A Yow unry Tt have any hanch, 4. AT want wo Seam Japanese 2 5. As Ivelost my passpon B 6. Asltstenoelock, Ibe lle if wate B 7, A: want to speak to Jane, It's very important, B: i 8, A: Lwant to go to the museum, but I don't know the way B: aK G._Read what George says about his life at the moment and his future: Friday 25" At the moment | hove to work very hard. | study at home every night and tonight 1s the some. fl be ot home 05 usual. fl be in my bedroom with my books. But tomorrow Is Saturday - no cdllege ard no work! So tomorrow merning Ml probably be in the city centre, | want to buy some new clothes. College finishes next month so at the end of the month Il be on holiday In Paris with my friends. A few years from now Ill probably be married, My children will probably be at school. I dor't know where fll be in 2020. Are these statements true about the text above? Correct the sentences that are wrong. Use will and won't 0. George'l be atthe cinema this evening, No he won't. He'll be at home 4. Hell be in his bedroom. 2, Tomorrow morning he'll be at college. 3, Next month be'll be in Paris. 4, Hell be on his own. 5. A few years from now, hell probably be married, 6, Hell be 28 in 2001, 7, His children will probably be at university. 8, Helll be in Paris in 2020. BL. Write questions for the bold typed words in the following sentences. Example : A: Where will you live? B: We will live on the island. LA: 2 3. 4 ‘The tein will arrive a te station atten o'clock. 5A: eee 2B: [will wait here until my friends eome. 6: Sean — 1B: Helen will goto the cinema when she finishes her homework. a ‘They will not go tothe cireus because they don't have any money, BAS nn i eae 1B: (will accompany the lady while she is singing, Saye ve 'B: There wil be twenty Soldiers in the castle tomorrow, 10.A: B: ALA: There will be a quarrel between the to families. When I find enough money will buy that house. BBAS on eee B: Weill vist the Toplaapr Palace when we goto Istanbul BAS cscs ee 1B: We wil have a lot of time to play tennis in the afternoon ISA: es ‘ Bs Iwill do the exercises very carefully. aK 1. Complete the sentences, using the words in brackets and "Il or a form of be going to. 0. A: It's rather hot in here, isn't it? B: Yes, you're right. Ill open (Vopen) a window, 1. As Are you going to watch TV tonight? B: Yes, (Uwateh) my favourite programme at 9 o'clock, 2 As What ______. (oeat tonight? What fod did you buy? Br I didn’t buy any food. ‘At Well, why dont you come tomy house? (Uoook) us something nice to eat 3. A:l'm going into the centre of town tomorrow. ___ buy) some new clots. B: Ob, what__ (gougen? A (Wlock) fora T-shirt and some jeans. B: I'd like to go into the centre too. (Wcome) with you. a (leave) work tate tomorrow. There is a esting a6 pm. B: Oh, I didn't Know that. Well, (Use) you after the meeting s (phone) Tom at 6 o'clock. I promised to phone him this evening. 6, A: Are you going to have a holiday in the summer? Yes, (Utravel) around Europe with a friend, J. Complete the following sentences with "Will" or "Be going to”. 1, A: [think the house ison fire, B: ‘phone the fie brigade right away. 2. A: Wendy, Eove you very much. Will you marry me? B: No, David, Em sorry. I .- marry Michael Jackson. 3. A: The house is very dirty. Bs L know. 1» Clean it this afternoon, 4, Az This room is very cold, 1am freezing. B: Don't worry! Laon lose the windows immediately. 5. A: Do you want this dress or that one? have this one 6. As Lam very cold. B: Put your coat on or you... catch a cold 7. A: That parcel looks very heavy. B: Don't Wony! Las tke ito the Post Ofice fr you. 8, A: The teacher has gota piece of chalk in his hand, B: Yes, HNOW, He ...nsounne Wile something on the board 9. A: Canyou give Molly a message from me? B: Certainly, Lane meet her a the meeting this evening, 10. A: Tam so tired, mother. B: AILHGHY Lo.cnen tke you home by cr. 11, Az Teis Ann's binay party on Savurday. B: Really, hanks... BUY Ree a resent now. 412, A: What is the matter with you? B: I have a pain in my leg. 1 see the doctor on Monday. 13. A: The phone is ringing, B: Okay, I. answer it 44, A: Why do you have an eraser in your hand? B: clean the board 15, A: What is your plan for tomorrow? B: L study English all day. 16, A: There is not any bread in the house, Bs AIL right, Lo... buy a loaf of bread right now i ritweet_ LEAVING HOME Dear Mum and Dad, 'm really sorry, but Im leaving home, When you read this | will be far away. Don't try to find me. Martin ond | are getting married next Saturday. J know you have never liked Martin, You didn't want me to go out with him because you said that was Just @ car salesman and he wasn't good enough for me. | know that you have always wanted the best for me, but Martin is best for me. | love him very much indeed. When | was a little girl, you always gave me everything | wanted - toys, clothes, an expensive education. | know It was a struggle because we didn't have much money, but you wanted to plan my lfe for me. You tried to choose my friends, my job, even my clothes. Now |am going to do what | wart to do, not what you tell me to do. | want to be independent. ove you both very much and | am your only child, so It Isn't easy to leave. | hope you can forgive me and learn +o love Martin. I'd love us all to get on well together. Look after eachother. | promise to write soon, Poula L. 32 How ambitious are you? In ten years do you hope to a be married with a family? b have an interesting but not very wel-paid job? ¢ have a well-paid job that isn't very interesting? {n twenty years’ time do you hope to ‘a have enough money to pay your bills? b have quite a lot of money? have a lot of money? Here is a list of ten jobs. Which would you like to do? nurse builder accountant journalist, teacher artist politician engineer policeman/woman actor/actress/pop star Is improving your standard of living important to you? Do you think people who have money should help 7. When you are playing a gamo, do you always want to win? 8. Can youtell a white lie? 9. Do you think that rich people are happier and more interesting than other people? 10. Do you work hard because you want to be successful? 11. Ifyou have a job to do, do you do it immediately, ‘or do you wait until the last moment? 12, Would you lke to have more money than your parents? 13. Do you agree with the philosophy "Every man for himself? ‘people who don't have money? 44, Do you like hard work? How old do you want to be when you have children? 48, Which ofthe followina is most important to vou? a18-22 love b 23-26 happiness 627-30 money dover 30, heath Answers 1. a0 bSet0 7. Yeot0 Noo 2 a0 sero 8 Yes10 Noo 3. Onuse / artist test 8 Yes10 Noo 2 builder / policeman or policewoman! teecher 10. Yes 10 Noo journalist rst 11. immedistely 10 Last moment 0 5 engineer / actor/actress / pop star tt atti ata. ee een Yes oo : eet 14, Yes40 Noo » Yeso Noto 15. Love O Happiness 5 Money 10 Health 0 8 20 b2esd10 0-50 You aren't very ambitious! You're happy with a quiet life. 50-150 You're quite ambitious, but you don't want to work too hard!» Over 190 You're very ambitious! Good luck, and try to be nice to people... 33 New HEADWAY PRE-INTERMEDIATE UNIT6 COMPARATIVE AND SUPERLATIVE Have you ge ar Tite arene to 3 and ies more expen ‘than the others, You're the mast horsttle [tong > tonger Comparative adjectives: {wo syllables ending in -y, -w, -er happy > happier [two or more syliables modem > more modem one syllable long > the longest Superlative adjectives: [two syllables ending in -y5-w, -er happy > the happiest [two oF more syllables modem the most modern dr) st Adjectives ending in: oy Pier | -iest ‘one stressed vowel between two consonants ~ double the consonant large — larger ~the largest heavy — heavier — the heaviest big — bigger — the biggest trregular Forms “further = more Positive Comparative ‘Superlative ‘good / well better the best bad / badly worse the worst much more the most many / a lot of more the most, Tittle less the feast far further / farther the furthest / the farthest % futher / farther = longer (in distance) I can’t run any further / farther. There is no further news at the moment. % Some adjectives can take either -er /-est or more / most : friendly, unfiiendly, clever, stupid, narrow, gentle... clever - cleverer the cleverest_ OR _ clever - more clever ~ the most clever A. He got up earlier than he usually did. 2. My computer is moderner than yours. 3. Jack is more good at playing tennis than you. 4, Is abit hotter today. 5, [si the more interesting than his first book? 6, My father is oldder than my mother. 7. Istanbul is beautifuler than London. 8, Ann’s headache is badder today. 9, She lives much more far from the office than me. 410. I don't have farther information about the accident. ‘Only two of these comparative sentences are correct. Correct the mistakes where necessary.

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