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Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Ministry of Education ‫المملكة العربية السعودية‬

University of Tabuk ‫وزارة التعليم‬
Applied College ‫جامعة تبوك‬
Computer Science Department ‫الكلية التطبيقية‬
‫قسم علوم الحاسب‬

ACCS 1101 Computer Skills

Lecture 2.1 : Identify the History of Computer
Prepared by:
Course Coordinator: Eman Alofi
Academic Year: Second Semester 2022

• Introduction
• What is a Computer
• Computer History
• YouTube Link about Computer History
• Summary Questions

• Welcome to the world of computers.

• We are firmly in the Digital Age.

• Movie you see, the music you listen to , and most of the products you buy
have all been created – in some part – by computers
Introduction Cont.

• Computers are used to help make predictions about:

• What you’ll buy
• When you’ll make a purchase.
• The weather conditions.
• How many calories you will burned per month, per year.. And etc.
What is a Computer ?

• A computer is an electronic device that operates through a set of specific

instructions stored in memory.
• The computer processes and stores data for use at a later time.
• How the computer processes data depends on the instructions
• For example, In school, or perhaps in your home, you have different
instructions from parents and teachers about how to do something:
cook a meal, ride a bike, solve a math problem.
What is a Computer ? Cont.

• Computer have instructions via programming languages.

• The computer’s language it communicates to the computer
• For example:
• When you turn on your computer and you see the Windows 10 login screen (that
is, if you set a password for your login), there could be hundreds of instructions –
or more – in a computer programming language that tells the computer what to
show on your screen.
What is a Computer ? Cont.

• Personal computers didn’t appear until the last 20-30 years of the 20th century.
• Apple Company has desktops that are called “all in-ones” where the computer
screen (the monitor) also has the processing circuitry required to run the software
• processing circuitry- or Computer tower(the casing that holds the electrical
circuitry, memory card, atc.).
What is a Computer ? Cont.

Most of what you see in offices and at home are the traditional desktops that have a
separate “tower” attached to the monitor.

Computer tower
What is a Computer ? Cont.

• Laptops gained in popularity during the 1990’s.

• A majority of important work – such as typing a school essay or using an Excel
spreadsheet – is performed on a desktop or laptop

• Cell phones and tablets, which are small computers, are everywhere.
• While tablets and cellphones (also called smartphones) can do many things,
• There often too small and still less powerful than the larger desktops and laptops.
Computer History
Computer History

The essential purpose of a computer has – historically – been for the

use as a complex calculator.
These are and example of ancient computer using for complex
calculation Ancient

Calculation Pascals Stepped

Italy sticks ABACUS Slide Rules
Table Calculator recover
Computer History YouTube Link

• The following YouTube link Describe the How the computer

Historically used for complex calculation :

After watching the videos:

Q: Please summarize the history of computer.
Summary Questions

What is Digital Age ?

What can computers predict ?
What is a Computer ?
Computer can communicate via _____
What does “all in ones” computers mean ?
What does Computer tower mean ?
Historically, the essential purpose of computer is _______
The following computer is an example of ____

• All information listed in this lectures are mainly from the

following text book:
• Computer skills and Application, 2018, Abdulaziz M. Almehmadi,
PhD & Bandar B. Alotaibi, PhD

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