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‫األخطاء الواردة يف كتاب سامح دوز‬

lower limb: ‫أوال‬

‫رقم الصفحة‬
Adductor longus muscle, adductor brevis muscle and adductor
45 magnus muscle action is : Later rotation of the thigh ( not medial) .
The femoral triangle apex is formed by the meeting point of
47 medial borders of both the muscles sartorius and adductor longus
( not med. & lat. )

flexor hallucis brevis muscle is innervated by the medial planter

71 nerve ( not later planter nerve)

Dorsal interossei muscles action is abduction the 2nd ,3rd & 4th
toes from the middle line of the 2nd toe ( not adduction ).

pelvic splanchnic n. ( parasympathetic from S 2,3,4 )

95 not S 1,2,3.

abdomen :‫ثانيا‬
‫رقم الصفحة‬ Wrong
relations of inferior mesenteric artery On left side
81 superior mrsentric vein ‫هو كتب‬
inferior mesenteric vein ‫والصح‬
‫رقم الصفحة‬ Wrong
Relation in female ‫بالسطر السادس‬
22 Uterovesicle pouch not rectovesicle
-Second line in course and relation of uterine tube ...then it curves
35 forwards (not backwards )

-same page Isthmus forms the med 1/3 (not lateral 1/3)
The apex of ischio rectal fossa directed up ward instead of down
46 ward
Function of perineal body ‫ الفقرة األوىل‬Ant.fibers of levator ani
54 (sphincter vaginae) instead of (pubo coccygeus)

Thorax :‫رابعا‬
‫رقم الصفحة‬ Wrong
The ant. Border >> of the left lung
32 ‫يف اخر سطر بدل‬
6th costochondral junction ,,, { 6th sternochostal junction }
Direction of sternocostal surface downwards not upwards
inflowing part ‫الثان من‬
51 ‫السطر ي‬
Rt.atrium not ventricle
Head&neck :‫خامسا‬
‫رقم الصفحة‬
‫ يف حي أنه ذكرها ضمن عظام‬.. ‫ رغم أنها ظاهرة‬norma lateralis ‫ ضمن عظام ال‬mandible ‫لم يذكر ال‬
7 norma Frontalis ‫ال‬
Asterion is occupied by a membrane called the Posterolateral
9 Fontanelle ( NOT anterolateral )
Lateral pterygoid plate forms the medial boundary of the
14 infratemporal fossa ( NOT the lateral )
‫يوجد نقص حيث‬boundaries of foramen lacerum ‫ضمن ال‬
15 basialr part of the occipital bone Also the body of sphenoid
membranous structures of foramen magnum ‫ضمن ال‬
20 Meninges : dura, arachnoid, and pia mater ( NOT dura again )
-Internal occipital crest extends from Internal occ protuberance (
29 NOT external )
-Transverse sulcus extending laterally from Internal occipital
protuberance ( NOT external )
‫يف السطر الرابع قال‬
89 it receives acomunicating branch from the zygomatico nerve
zygomatico temporal nerve ‫نقص كلمة‬

Submandibular duct arises from the deep part of the gland (NOT
113 superficial part)
‫السطر الثالث من الفقره‬transverse cervical artery ‫يف فقرة‬
152 ‫ الصح هو‬it ends on the levator sqapulae ‫قال‬
it ends at the anterior border of the levator sqapulae
external auditory meatus the outer third is 16 mm long the true is
170 8 mm long

‫طالب الطب ر‬/‫إعداد‬

‫البشي جامعة صنعاء‬

‫أحمد النهاري‬/‫تصميم‬

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