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E 3
Activity 1

1. What is the concept of leisure and recreation?

It's not always clear what leisure time is, and it's not usually given importance. In fact, many
pursuits that are seen as pastimes in high-income nations—like fishing and handicrafts—are
regarded as means of subsistence in low-income nations. Age, gender, the local
environment (e.g., rural vs. urban), and socioeconomic position all play a role in
determining the kind of leisure and sporting activities that people in most communities
engage in. For instance, children in underprivileged areas are more likely to play games with
abandoned produced products like rope and tyres or with natural objects like sticks or
stones. Cultural pursuits like traditional dance, storytelling, religious festivals and
celebrations, as well as roving entertainment troupes, are also likely to dominate leisure

2. What is individual and dual sports?

In individual sports, no partner is required to compete or play the game, while dual sports
are sports that require two players on each side. Some sports, such as tennis, can fall into
both categories. Marathon running and snowboarding are examples of sports that have just
one competitor. People may compete as part of a team in these sports, or represent a
certain state or country, but they are still judged and evaluated based on their own
individual performance. Some sports, like tennis, can fall into both categories. This is the
case with singles tennis and doubles tennis. In singles tennis, the game is played one-on-one
with two participants on the court. In doubles tennis, the game is played by two players on
each team, which amounts to four people competing in total on the court. Along with single
and dual sports, there is another category of sports called team sports. Team sports are
those that have more than two players or participants per side. Crew, soccer, football and
hockey are examples of team sports that require the collaboration of several individuals
working together in a game or tournament.
3. How can you support instruction in recreation and leisure in school?
Recreation, exercise, and leisure skills are an essential component of the enlarged core
curriculum for children who are blind or low vision, as they are for everyone, regardless of
aptitude or personal interests. TVIs and O&M instructors deliberately and purposefully assist
these students in learning about things they may enjoy because they find it challenging to see
how others use their free time.
Youths with blindness or low vision can strengthen their social, professional, and problem-
solving abilities by participating in recreation, fitness, and leisure activities. Participating in
this core curriculum expansion also improves one's sense of self-worth, independence, and
general wellness.
Students who are given challenges and succeed in tasks they once believed to be too difficult
or unattainable grow confident, which has a good effect on many aspects of their lives. To
that end, TVIs should be able to modify a variety of leisure pursuits for these kids and
coordinate with PE teachers to make sure they are included in their PE sessions.
adolescents who are blind or have low vision should participate in recreational, fitness, and
leisure activities with their peers in order to develop the skills needed to make informed
decisions about their lives. We do not want these adolescents to be passive bystanders.

4. Why is leisure and recreation is important in our daily life?

Taking part in recreational activities, especially outdoors, can greatly improve physical health.
People who take part in park activities such as walking, hiking, or skiing, schedule fewer office
visits, maintain lower body fat percentages, and have lower blood pressure and cholesterol
levels. Mental wellness is critical to overall physical health. Participating in recreational
activities helps manage stress. Taking time to nurture oneself provides a sense of balance and
self-esteem, which can directly reduce anxiety and depression.It’s all about balance.
Americans are busier than ever. Finding a way to balance the pressures of work and family
with physical and mental wellbeing is important.

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