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I. Give the correct form of the word given to complete the sentence.
1. The company must reduce costs to compete _____________. (EFFECT)
2. The small blood vessels in the nose _____________ easily. (BLOOD)
3. The barriers gave way under the _____________ of the crowd. (PRESS)
4. Filters do not remove all _____________ from water. (CONTAMINATE)
5. I will use one recent example as an _____________ . (ILLUSTRATE)
6. I’ll need to take your waist _____________. (MEASURE)
7. We no longer talk of the _____________ of marriage. (PERMANENT)
8. There are various _____________ available for this condition. (TREAT)
9. They emit 90% less _____________ than standard models. (POLLUTE)
10. It is important to take precise _____________ of the structure. (MEASURE)
11. The college is close to Edinburgh's _____________ castle. (MAJESTY)
12. The centre offers activities for everyone, whatever your age or _____________
condition. (PHYSICS)
13. _____________treatment with chlorine provides some protection against
contamination. (CHEMISTRY)
14. It was a _____________ conclusion from the child's point of view. (LOGIC)
15. They met to discuss matters of _____________ interest. (TOPIC)
16. I think I'd prefer something a little less _____________. (ENERGY)
17. The students return in October for the start of the new _____________ year.
18. Events could have developed in a _____________ different way. (DRAMA)
19. The breakdown was due to a _____________ failure. (MECHANIC)
20. I suspect that he was dismissed for _____________ reasons. (POLITICS)

I. Give the correct form of the word given to complete the sentence.
1. I was _____________ furious with her. (ABSOLUTE)
2. After the hurricane the country faced the _____________ task of reconstruction.
3. The airfield was bathed in the _____________ glow of a searchlight. (GHOST)
4. There is a _____________ look in her eyes. (HAUNT)
5. John Lennon gained status following his death. (ICON)

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6. Their dedication and Christian charity had made them a _____________figure.
7. The president made an _____________ visit to Tokyo in March. (OFFICE)
8. It's quite a _____________ film. (PUZZLE)
9. TV _____________ know what people want to watch on Sunday nights.
10. She was a _____________ gifted technician. (UNIQUE)
11. The maple tree is one of the most _____________images of Canada. (ICON)
12. Visiting New Zealand, you will have a chance to see a lot of _____________
landscapes. (SCENERY)
13. English is the _____________language of many countries in the world. (OFFICE)
14. Scotland is very famous to the world for its rich culture as well as
its_____________ beauty. (NATURE)
15. The castle looks as charming as a lady with _____________ beauty. (END)
16. The Canadians are native_____________ of English. (SPEAK)
17. English is an_____________ language of France. (OFFICIAL)
18. Jenny_____________ loves the koala in Australia.(absolute) (ABSOLUTE)
19. The violation of that company was_____________yesterday. (EXPOSURE)
20. Do storm water and the atmosphere bring non- point source _____________?

I. Give the correct form of the word given to complete the sentence.
1. He lived on her own in rented _____________. (ACCOMMODATE)
2. Her family insisted she should be given a proper _____________. (BURY)
3. This could have equally _____________ consequences. (DISASTER)
4. No one can accurately predict _____________. (EARTH)
5. There was an emergency _____________ of thousands of people after the flood.
6. She was _____________ and had to put her child up for adoption. (HOME)
7. The heavy rains could cause flash floods and _____________. (MUD)
8. Carlos had a firm _____________. (SHAKE)
9. The boys claimed they were being _____________by the police. (VICTIM)
10. One third of the region has been _____________ in the past decade. (FOREST)
11. The _____________ of the city after the devastating earthquake is being carried.
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12. Visitors are allowed to get close to this volcano because it is_____________. (ACT)
13. Ten years ago, more than 10 thousand people of this area suffered from a
frightening volcano_____________. (ERUPT)

14. After the flood, many people were made _____________. (HOME)
15. We should offer our _____________ hands to aid the victims of natural disasters.
16. New Zealand is an ideal destination for travellers because of its many

tourist _____________. (ATTRACT)

17. People keep throwing rubbish into the lake, and it results in the_____________ of
many fish. (DIE)

18. Noise pollution _____________ people’s hearing ability. (THREAT)

19. The_____________ from Sydney to Wellington has been delayed

because of bad weather. (FLY)

20. A number of cleaning products contain very _____________ chemicals. (HARM)

I. Give the correct form of the word in brackets to complete the following
l. Speech is the fastest method of_____________ between people. (COMMUNICATE)
2. A communication breakdown between two people from different countries may
happen due to _____________ differences. (CULTURE)
3. When a policeman directs traffic, he often uses his arms to tell drivers where to go
and when to stop. This is _____________ communication. (VERBAL)
4. Using telepathy is a way to communicate instantly by thoughts and feelings, without
the need to use speech or _____________. (WRITE)
5. Students need the _____________ to communicate with people within their team.
6. Could you tell that person was angry just by looking at his or her
_____________expression? (FACE)
7. This lesson will focus on _____________ communication skills. (EFFECT)
8. The technology can be used to produce _____________ educational programs.

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9. In free time, Nga often communicates _____________ with her cats. (NON -
10. Nowadays, many young people are using _____________ media such as Facebook,
Twitter, Zalo. (SOCIETY)
11. The _____________ are very concerned about the increasing number of wildfire in
this year. (ENVIRONMENT)
12. Examples of primary _____________ are exhaust fumes from cars, soot from
smoke and ash from volcanic eruption. (POLLUTE)
13. Although the earthquake last only some seconds, but its _____________ really
terrified all the local people. (OCCUR)
14. Niagara Falls, on the border of the USA and Canada, is one of the most
_____________ sceneries in the world. (SPECTACLE)
15. Different kinds of environmental pollution in recent years have destroyed many
_____________ habitats. (NATURE)
16. The birth of emails has made the_____________ among people much easier than
before. (CORRESPOND)
17. The Internet is _____________ again. It is so annoying! (CONNECT)
18. Snail mails seem less _____________than emails. (ADVANTAGE)
19. Being_____________ to watching TV or videos may leads to many health problems
among teenagers. (ADDICT)
20. The Telegraph was one of the most well-known _____________in the 20th.

I. Give the correct form of the word in brackets to complete the following
1. The _____________ of the wheel changed the world enormously. (INVENT)
2. Many scientists have made some important new_____________. (DISCOVER)
3. We are trying to gather everyone's ideas and to form the ideas into a
_____________plan. (REAL)
4. Science and technology have significant impacts on ___________ development.
5. They need to be more _____________ about the matter. (SCIENCE)
6. _____________ in science and technology have changed people's life dramatically.
7. _____________ advances have brought a lot of benefits to people. (TECHNOLOGY)
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8. If there are aliens out there, do you think they are much more _____________
advanced than we are. (TECHNOLOGY)
9. He organized the team with military _____________. (PRECISE)
10. The opposition leader addressed a rally of 50 000 _____________. (SUPPORT)
11. The _____________ of Facebook is useful because it lias helped people
communicate with each other. (INVENT)
12. She wrote a book on _____________ science for prospective doctors. (MEDICINE)
13. _____________ is one of the most important new sources of energy. (ELECTRIC)
14. A new kind of telescope will be invented to help _____________explore the other
planets in our Solar system. (SCIENCE)
15. _____________ said fuel used and carbon dioxide released from vehicles would be
cut down by a new cruise control. (TECHNIC)
16. Einstein was one of the greatest _____________ in the world. (SCIENCE)
17. This is a great _____________ on his previous work. (IMPROVE)
18. She made a career as an _____________ of quick-selling gadgets. (INVENT)
19. Work experience is usually highly _____________ for students. (BENEFIT)
20. This decision marked a fundamental _____________ in policy. (TRANSFORM)
I. Give the correct form of the word in brackets to complete the following
1. You should book your travel _____________ and flights quickly.
2. He's very young and not very _____________. (EXPERIENCE)
3. A _____________ is a garment worn to keep a human alive in the harsh
environment of outer space, vacuum and temperature extremes. (SPACE)
4. Listeria can cause fatal blood _____________. (POISON)
5. _____________ is the capability to trace something. (TRACE)
6. _____________ space, or the space between the planets, is not empty but is filled
with the solar wind. (PLANET)
7. Astronauts work in_____________ conditions. (WEIGHT)
8. People have been _____________ into leaving their homes. (TERROR)
9. They were standing _____________ close to the crocodile. (DANGER)
10. Her interests include anything_____________ or challenging. (ADVENTURE)
11. She's a romantic at heart, a born_____________. (ADVENTURE)
12. This route through the mountains is very_____________. (DANGER)
13. Their villa is surrounded by_____________ gardens. (SPACE)
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14. The leaves of certain trees are _____________ to human being. (POISON)
15. The information has been _____________ recorded and analysed. (SYSTEM)
16. Most telephone calls are _____________. (TRACE)
17. Five suspected _____________ have been arrested so far. (TERROR)
18. Cooking with gas is fast, _____________ and clean. (CONTROL)
19. Thach Kim Tuan is a famous Vietnamese _____________.(WEIGHT)
20. He denied possessing a rifle with intent to _____________ life. (DANGER)

I. Give the correct form of the word given to complete the sentence.
1. effectively 11. majestic
2. bleed 12. physical
3. pressure 13. Chemical
4. contaminats 14. logical
5. illustration 15. topical
6. measurement 16. energetic
7. permanence 17. academic
8. treatments 18. dramatically
9. pollution 19. mechanical
10. measurements 20. political

I. Give the correct form of the word given to complete the sentence.
1. absolutely 1. iconic
2. awesome 2. scenic
3. ghostly 3. official
4. haunted 4.natural
5. iconic 5. endless
6. legendary 6. speakers
7. official 7. unofficial
8. puzzling 8. absolutely
9. schedulers 9. exposed
10. uniquely 10. pollutants
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I. Give the correct form of the word given to complete the sentence.
1. accommodation 11. reconstruction
2. burial 12. inactive
3. disastrous 13. eruption
4. earthquakes 14. homeless
5. evacuation 15. helping
6. homeless 16. attractions
7. mudslides 17.deaths
8. handshake 18. threatens
9. victimized 19. flight
10. deforested 20. harmful

I. Give the correct form of the word in brackets to complete the following sentences.
1. communication 11. environmentalists
2. cultural 12. pollutants
3. non-verbal 13. occurrence
4. writing 14. spectacular
5. ability 15. natural
6. facial 16.correspondence
7. effective 17. disconnected
8. interactive 18. advantageous
9. non-verbally 19. addicted
10. social 20. inventions

I. Give the correct form of the word in brackets to complete the following
1. invention 11. invention
2. discoveries 12. medical
3. realistic 13. electricity
4. economic 14. scientists

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5. scientific 15. technician
6. development 16. scientists
7. technological 17. improvement
8. technologically 18. inventor
9. precision 19. beneficial
10. supporters 20. transformation

I. Give the correct form of the word in brackets to complete the following sentences.
1. accommodations 1. adventurer
2. experienced 2. dangerous
3. spacesuit 3. spacious
4. poisoning 4. poisonous
5. Traceability 5. systematically
6. Interplanetary 6. traceable
7. weightless 7. terrorists
8. terrorized 8. controllable
9. dangerously 9. weightlifter
10. adventurous 10. endanger

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