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Lesson activities:

1. Looking at the graph - in 1841 what % of people worked in:

Agriculture: 21%


Services: 36%

2. Describe the change in industrial structure from 1941 to 2011?

3. Define Deindustrialisation: decline in manufacturing

4. Define Globalisation: increasing interconnectivity between countries

5. Classify the impacts of globalisation into benefits and problems:

Uk specialises in high value manufacturing Migrants come to the uk
Foreign countries invest in the uk Less imports of manufactured goods are
Many things we buy are cheaper Jobs that used to be done in the uk csn be done
somewhere else internationally
UK economy grows by 1-2% which makes us The gap between low paid and high paid skilled
richer workers is increasing

6. Overall do you think globalisation is GOOD or BAD for the UK? Give reasons
I believe that globalisation has helped overall because everything we buy is now cheaper
meaning that people will have more spare imcome to use for luxuries

7. Explain the causes and impacts of de-industrialisation in the UK. (6 marks)

After ww2 demand for traditional resources declined massively. This is because they used up
all of their resources meaning that they couldn’t manufacture good and textures. They took
advantage of other countries such as china meaning that worker could be payed less. This
mean that textile manufacturers in the uk such as Mark and Soencer had a decline in
productivity because people were loosing their jobs

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