Case Study of Mely

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Management is a multifaceted concept encompassing a range of activities, including planning, organizing,

coordinating, and overseeing resources like personnel, finances, and materials to attain specific objectives within an
organization. It constitutes a fundamental process essential for the effective operation of businesses, nonprofits,
government entities, and various other entities.

Key facets of management encompass:

 Planning: This entails establishing goals, devising strategies, and delineating the necessary steps to attain
those goals. It involves identifying what must be accomplished, how it will be accomplished, and the
timeframe for completion.
 Organizing: After establishing a plan, management entails the arrangement of resources, tasks, and
responsibilities in alignment with the plan. This encompasses creating an organizational framework,
assigning roles, and ensuring that everyone understands their duties.
 Leadership: Leadership is a pivotal element of management. Effective leaders inspire and lead their teams
toward achieving the organization's goals, providing guidance, assistance, and motivation to their team
 Control: Managers oversee progress and performance to ensure that activities adhere to the established
plan. This includes gauging outcomes, comparing them against objectives, and making necessary
adjustments to remain on course.
 Decision-Making: Managers often bear the responsibility of making decisions, encompassing both strategic
and operational choices that impact the organization. They gather information, assess options, and select
the most suitable course of action.
 Communication: Proficient communication is a fundamental component of management. Managers must
communicate goals, expectations, and information to their teams while also actively listening to feedback
and addressing concerns.
 Problem Solving: Managers frequently confront challenges and issues that necessitate resolution. They
utilize their problem-solving skills to identify problems, analyze root causes, and implement effective
 Adaptability: In an ever-evolving business environment, managers must be adaptable and open to change.
They must possess the capacity to adjust their strategies and tactics to address emerging challenges and
 Ethical and Responsible Conduct: Ethical considerations hold significant importance in management.
Managers should make decisions that not only serve the organization's best interests but also align with
ethical and moral principles.

Management can assume various forms, including top-level executives, middle managers, and front-line
supervisors. Diverse management styles and approaches may prove effective in different circumstances, with
successful managers often demonstrating a blend of skills, including leadership, interpersonal acumen, and
technical proficiency. In summary, management plays a pivotal role in steering organizations toward their objectives
and securing their ongoing success.

I. CASE FACTS: Mely Reyes finds herself in a challenging professional situation marked by unmet
expectations, a toxic work environment, career disillusionment, financial stress, and emotional strain. These
facts set the stage for her to make significant career decisions that will shape her future.

II. PROBLEM: How to overcome career dilemma


To assist Mely in assessing her long-term career goals and personal values to gain clarity on what she truly
seeks in her professional life.

To enable Mely to critically evaluate her current job and the work environment, considering factors such as job
satisfaction, work culture, and professional growth opportunities.

To assist Mely in managing her finances more effectively to alleviate immediate financial stress and create a
foundation for future financial stability.

IV. ANALYSIS OF CAUSES: The situation that Mely Reyes found herself in occurred due to several
interconnected factors: misconception on company’s culture, unsupportive supervisor, career expectation vs.
reality, financial strain, lack of personal fulfillment, challenging job market.


 Encourage Mely to engage in self-reflection exercises and goal-setting activities to gain clarity about her
career aspirations and personal values.
 Assist Mely in critically evaluating her current job and work environment to identify specific issues
contributing to her dissatisfaction.
 Support Mely in exploring various career paths, including staying with the current company, seeking
opportunities in other organizations, considering smaller companies, or contemplating a career change.



1. Remain with the current company Familiarity Limited career growth

2. Seek opportunities in other organizations Fresh start Uncertainty

3.Consider smaller companies Personalized attention Limited Resources


Based on the analysis of the pros and cons of the alternatives, as well as considering Mely Reyes' specific
situation, the recommendation is to explore opportunities in other organizations.


Creating an action plan is crucial to help Mely Reyes execute her decision to explore opportunities in other
organizations effectively. The action plan should outline specific steps and a timeline for each task.

 Self-Assessment (2 Weeks)
 Job Search (Ongoing)
 Application (Ongoing)
 Interviewing (Ongoing)
 Job Offer Negotiation (As Needed)
 Resignation and Transition (As Needed)
 Regular Progress Review (Ongoing)
 Seek Support and Feedback (Ongoing)

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