Rubric Men's Haircutting

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4 pts 3 pts 2 pts 1 pt

Guide Student worked independantly Student had basic idea of the Student was unsure of where to Guide was established by
20% and started own guide guide and asked for some start the guide and needed instructor with teachers
was able to follow guide needed assistance. assistance throughout haircut assistance.
throughout haircut without any Student needed reassurance
assistance during the haircut throughout
each section

Shears Student handled shears safely at Student had to be reminded at Student had to be reminded more Student did not handle
30% all times. Palming the shears and least one time to handle shears than three times to handle shears shears safely at all times.
not putting them down. safely. safely. Student put shears down and
did not palm shears.
Student was aware of zone and Student was aware of the zone Student cut passed the safety
never needed reminding but needed reminding zone several times Students cut themselves
during the haircut

Blending/haircut -Student blends haircut evenly. -Student blend haircut evenly. Student blends at least half of Student does not blend
30% -Sides and back are even. -The perimeter is even however haircut evenly. haircut evenly.
-The perimeter is even on both some assistance was needed lots of longer pieces
sides and the hair is blended around the face and ears -Sides and back and ears are not throughout the haircut
around the face and ears haircut is slightly shorter than even hair is cut way too short on
Proper length is kept throughout required -The perimetre is uneven top
the haircut top is too short

Setup/Safety/clean up Student sets up and maintains Student sets up and maintains some materials are missing Student does not set up and
20% safe work area at all times. safe work area partically Student maintains safe work area maintain safe work area.
-Student sweeps hair from floor. throughout the haircut. sometimes throughout the haircut. -Student does not sweep hair
-Hair Tools and products are put Student sweeps hair from floor. -Student leaves some hair on from floor.
away in proper location and Hair tools and products are put floor. -Hair tools are not put in the
station and mirrors are properly away in proper location with -Hair tools and products are put right place or sanitized
sanitized. some reminder. away in proper location with some properly.
station and mirrors are sanitized reminder. -Station and mirrors are not
properly with reminder station and mirrors are sanitized cleaned
properly with several reminders



Very Good Good Fair Poor

4 3 2 1

Proper Application
Tools and applicators Tools and applicators Tools and applicators Tools and applicators
were used safely and were used safely and were mostly used safely were NOT used safely.
Foundation correctly to apply makeup. correctly to apply makeup. and correctly to apply Line of demarcation very
Concealer No line of demarcation. Some line of demarcation. makeup. Some line of visible. Not contouring
40% Shading and highlighting Shading and highlighting demarcation. Shading and present.
enhances facial features. somewhat enhances facial highlighting somewhat
features. enhances facial features.

Proper Application
Cheek colour is present Cheek colour present and Cheek colour not well well Cheek colour not present
and well done. Eyes are well done. done. Eyes are not and well done. Eyes are
Eyes complete with liner, Eyes are not complete complete with liner, not complete with liner,
Cheeks shading and mascara. with liner, shading and shading and mascara. shading and mascara.
Lips Both eyes match. mascara. Both eyes match Eyes do not match. Eyes do not match.
40% Lip liner and lip stick well Lip liner and lip stick well Lip liner is missing and lip Lip liner and lip stick are
done. done. stick well done missing.

20% Makeup application is Makeup application is Makeup application is Makeup application is not
correct for the chosen mostly correct for the somewhat correct for the correct for the chosen
style. Make up is in chosen style. Make up is chosen style. Make up is style. Make up is not in
The make up matches the harmony with hair. mostly in harmony with not in harmony with hair. harmony with hair.
hair style. hair.

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