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(EWC 661)









1 JULY 2020


Date: 1 JULY 2020 Group: EE2005A1/A2

No. Names of Team Members
Total Score
Content Language Visuals Mechanics References Overall (40 %)
(10 marks) (10 marks) (5 marks) (5 marks) (5 marks) (5 marks)


2 NUR HAZIQAH AJEERAH BT 4 5 4 2 1 2 18

Overall Comment(s):

This final report has so many mistakes in terms of the format of a research and the information

included. Also, there are many grammatical errors. The report clearly wasn’t done properly or edited

before submitting the final version.


SUB- Excellent Good Fair Weak Very weak Score

5 4 3 2 1
Visuals Presents data excellently Presents data clearly with Present data clearly but visuals Fails to present data clearly Fails to present data clearly
with appropriate visuals appropriate visuals require further improvements due to limited visuals due to poor visuals

Mechanics Displays excellent use of Displays good use of Displays adequate use of Displays poor use of Fails to display numbering
numbering system and numbering system and numbering system and numbering system and system and systematic
presentation of items
systematic presentation of systematic presentation of systematic presentation of items systematic presentation of
items items items

*References All in-text citations and All in-text citations with most Some non-compliance in in-text Fail to cite several references Not able to cite the
references are written parts of references are citations and references accordingly and/or leave out references accordingly and
according to APA format written according to APA according to APA format few cited refences leaves out the list of cited
format refences

Overall Layout Displays excellent overall Displays good layout Displays adequate layout Displays poor layout Fails to display proper layout

SUB- Excellent Good Fair Weak Very weak Score

9-10 7-8 5-6 3-4 1-2
Content Able to excellently write Able to write ideas coherently Able to adequately write ideas Able to write ideas with Not able to write ideas
ideas coherently coherently limited coherence coherently

Includes all the important Includes most of the Includes some of the important Includes few important and Does not include most of the
and relevant details under important and relevant details and relevant details under each relevant details under each important and relevant details
each heading under each heading heading heading under each heading

Demonstrates excellent Demonstrates good Demonstrates adequate Demonstrates limited Demonstrates poor
Language proficiency in writing with proficiency in writing with few proficiency in writing with some proficiency in writing with proficiency in writing with
no spelling, grammar, or spelling, grammar, or syntax spelling, grammar, or syntax many spelling, grammar, or gross language errors
syntax errors errors errors syntax errors

*Do not award any mark if students fail to cite and provide any reference

ABSTRACT Commented [t1]: Too long for an abstract.

In this report, it will be surveying and explain about the Halal Logo, How Far Do We Trust the
Word Written in Arabic Vs English Equivalent among the Muslims student in UiTMPP Kampus
Permatang Pauh. Halal is the origin word for Arab which is “legal” and “permitted”. As a
Muslims, we should know or concern about the Halal issues which is the forbidden food and the
food that we can eat. It already explains and Allah SWT also give a clue for us what is the food
that we are not permitted to eat such as pig and alcohol. However, as we know that Muslims are
the second largest population in the world which the first one is Christianity. So that, the
problems that has been faced nowadays is there are so many Halal Logo are fake and also the
Halal Logo is written in English instead in Arabic. However, the aims for this study is to
investigate whether the Halal Logo is in Arabic or English which one is more reliable.
Furthermore, the finding of this study will benefit higher for the Muslims in Malaysia because
nowadays, there are so many Halal Logo’s that was suspicious and also there are so many Halal
Logo’s which is did not registered with the authorities. With this information given, it will assist
the consumers to make a decision whether to trust more in Halal Logo with Arabic or English
or Equivalent. This study needs to be thoroughly described and demonstrated on certain
limitations. Firstly, the proposed study is limited to 100 respondents and only includes students
from UiTM Pulau Pinang. Second, the study is about the preferred of halal logo in Arabic or
English. The methodology that was been used in this study is, we are using a Google Form to
ask a question to the respondents and the data will be calculated into the Statistical Package for
the Social Sciences(SPSS) and it will be analyze by using the Cronbach’s Alpha. As for the
conclusion, most of student choose halal logo in Arabic because the Arabic words are more
trusted compared to English translation of "Halal" which is "Lawful". Most of students in UiTM
Pulau Pinang Kampus Permatang Pauh choose to trust halal logo in Arabic more than English
translation because they were more comfortable with the Arabic than English halal logo. As for
the recommendations for this study is, the Muslims need to observed more about the food or
product that they choose in the market, if you feel uncertain and doubtful about the food just
leave it. Commented [NJ2]: What is the numerical data here?

CHAPTER 1 .............................................................................................................................................. 6
INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................................... 6
1.0 Background Information ............................................................................................................. 6
1.1 Problem Statement ....................................................................................................................... 7
1.2 Research Objectives ...................................................................................................................... 8
1.3 Research Questions ....................................................................................................................... 8
1.4 Significance of The Study ............................................................................................................. 8
1.5 Previous Study............................................................................................................................... 9
1.6 Limitations of The Study............................................................................................................ 10
CHAPTER 2 ............................................................................................................................................ 11
LITERATURE REVIEW ...................................................................................................................... 11
2.0 Understanding of The Study ...................................................................................................... 11
2.1 The Important of Halal Logo ..................................................................................................... 13
2.2 Recognition of Halal Logo .......................................................................................................... 14
2.3 The Standardise of Halal Logo .................................................................................................. 14
CHAPTER 3 ............................................................................................................................................ 16
METHODOLOGY ................................................................................................................................. 16
3.0 Research Design ................................................................................................................................ 16
3.1 Respondents of Study ....................................................................................................................... 16
3.2 Sampling Method .............................................................................................................................. 16
3.3 Research Instrument ........................................................................................................................ 17
3.4 Data Collection Method.................................................................................................................... 17
3.5 Data Analysis Method ...................................................................................................................... 17
CHAPTER 4 ............................................................................................................................................ 18
FINDING & ANALYSIS........................................................................................................................ 18
4.0 THE RANGE OF PARTICIPANT ................................................................................................. 18
4.1 THE RELIABILITY DATA ............................................................................................................ 22
CHAPTER 5 ............................................................................................................................................ 27
DISCUSSION .......................................................................................................................................... 27
CHAPTER 6 ............................................................................................................................................ 29
CONCLUSION & RECOMMENDATIONS ....................................................................................... 29
CHAPTER 7 ............................................................................................................................................ 30
REFERENCES ....................................................................................................................................... 30


1.0 Background Information

As a Muslims, we must already know and understand the meaning of ‘Halal’ which is already
recorded in our Holy Quran. According to (Zainalabidin Mohamed, Golnaz Rezai, Mad Nasir
Shamsudin, 2008) Halal is a legal or permitted in Arabic term. Furthermore, it is already state
in Holy Quran that Muslims are not allowed to eat food or drinks that contained substances
prohibited by the Almighty (Allah SWT).

Figure 1 : al-Mai'dahh, 5:87

According to (“Muslim Population by Country 2020,” n.d.), there are approximately 1.9 billion
Muslims in the world, so in that case Islam is the second-largest religion in the behind
Christianity. In Malaysia, majority of the residents here were Muslims. Therefore, it is not
possible that Malaysia also concern about the “Halal Logo” seriously especially for the food and
beverage that sold in the market. Once it comes to choose their daily food, they should be
concern about what is “Halal” tends to mean in terms of law, sharia’ and content of the food.

According to the (Mohamed, Shamsudin, & Rezai, 2013), for a Muslims consumer their
confidence built in Halal food related to the ways of the production, processing and how the
consumers handling the food all along with the safety in terms of whole-someness. Halal
certification was introduced to protect Muslims consumers through a comprehensive Halal
Assurance System. Halal certification not only focusing on the materials or ingredients that goes
into the product but however the word of “Toyyiban” or wholesomeness concept that was
applied will also scrutinize by every aspect of the productions. (Ismail, Othman, Rahman,
Kamarulzaman, & Rahman, 2016). Commented [NJ3]: Wrong citation style.

1.1 Problem Statement Commented [NJ4]: Not a clear problem statement with a
clear gap and research importance.
The use of Arabic in Halal Logo is now common for a Muslims around the world. However, even
though as a Muslims which were familiar with the Halal Logo in Arabic, this report also will
survey which is more efficient and trustable between Halal Logo in Arabic or is the Halal Logo
in English form are more reliable. According to the (Zainalabidin Mohamed, Golnaz Rezai, Mad
Nasir Shamsudin, 2008) the food which is consumed by a Muslims must be has a Halal Logo and
Muslims consumers practically are very particular and sensitive about the Halalness of the food
that they consume. The Halal is not just a Logo that is being used by the food producers but as a
Muslims, they need to checked it first how the food was handling, slaughtering and the storage
processes as well as the ingredients has been used in the processing the food products.

The problem being addressed in this study is about the confidence in the Halal Logo between
the Arabic or English. According to the (Benrit & Mudor, 2018) the confidence from the
consumer on the Halal products is still the problem nowadays because, the confidence in Halal
is decreasing as Halal product are produced from a non-Muslim country. Therefore, to determine
the confidence in Halal Logo in the perception of the consumers dropping because they are not
familiar with the brand. The trust issues are depending on the consumer beliefs (Benrit & Mudor,

According to the (Shafiq, Haque, & Omar, 2015) studies, the problem that blown up from the
situation where if the logo does not be able to recognize which if there are a thousands of logos
it will be more confusing the consumers about the authenticity of the halal certification, the
permissibility of food to be consumed and the functioning of the certifying authorities. Within,
this situation here it will bring more lack of trust from consumers and it will confuse among of
them which one they should trust among Arabic or English or they will just trust both of it

Based on the other study that has been research, this topic still not has been discussed because
most of the study it only discussed about the Halal Logo or Brands such as in the paper (Ismail,
Othman, Rahman, Kamarulzaman, & Rahman, 2016) and from the paper of (Shafiq, Haque, &
Omar, 2015) it discussed about the multiple halal logo’s in Malaysia. In that case, this study will
be surveying among the UiTMPP Student Muslims about which is they more prefer between
Halal Logo in Arabic or in English.

1.2 Research Objectives
This research aims to find out the issues of How far do we trusted in Halal Logo between
Arabic and English among Muslims. The objectives were as follows:

1. To investigate whether the Halal Logo is in Arabic or English which one is

more reliable

1.3 Research Questions

1. Which one did the consumer more preferred about the Halal Logo in Arabic or English? Commented [NJ5]: Both research objectives and research
questions are not about the same thing.

1.4 Significance of The Study

The finding of this study will benefit higher for the Muslims in Malaysia because nowadays, there
are so many Halal Logo’s that was suspicious and also there are so many Halal Logo’s which is
did not registered with the authorities. With this information given, it will assist the consumers
to make a decision whether to trust more in Halal Logo with Arabic or English or Equivalent.
The reason that this study has been discussed is because there have an issues when the seller
faking the Halal Logo’s and sometimes the Halal Logo’s with English nor Arabic is all were
trusted. From this study it expected by checking the ingredients or standardize about Halal
Logo’s will help the consumer to get the answer of their doubts these days. Commented [NJ6]: Not relevant to the focus of the study.

1.5 Previous Study

The halal logo issues tend to confuse consumers as they greatly lacked information about the
genuine halal logo. This research aims to find out the knowledge of consumer in which their
preferred of halal logo in Arabic or English. Halal logo tendency to play an important role on
certification, standards and techno science. This study showing how the halal logo main an
important role towards the Muslim consumers. It is important for the Muslim consumer when
they are choosing halal food.

In which, the consumer preferred the halal logo in Arabic or English. Hence, it is part of huge
and expanding globalized market. In which, the consumers are checking the halal food based on
the halal logo if the halal food are from the other country. Sometimes, it is hard for the consumer
to trust the halal food when the halal foods are from another country. Because some of buyers will
choose the halal food if the halal logo in Arabic or English. Furthermore, the consumers are bias
when choosing the food based on the halal logo.

Halal food from the another country can be or cannot be trusted. This is a main issue when the
halal logo can be a fake halal logo where the food has unidentified ingredients. Where the
company make a fake halal logo so that our country accepted the products without checking the
ingredients whether it has a pork or wine in their products. Commented [NJ7]: Where are the citations for all these
According to De Run and Ming (2011) consumers are demand for halal-labeled products which
assist Muslims in choosing products as permeated in Islam. Mahmood (2011) agreed that halal
certification is an official document to display in which help Muslim consumers when choosing
the halal food. According to (Bachok, Jamalluddin, Arsat, Shahril, & Sulaiman, 2011) the
manufacturers and procedures that manage halal food that have certification from Jabatan
Kemajuan Islam Malaysia (JAKIM) providing the consumers assurances that the ingredients use
the processing, preparation and cleanliness procedures complying with halal requirements.

1.6 Limitations of The Study
This study needs to be thoroughly described and demonstrated on certain limitations. Firstly, Commented [NJ8]: Not clear what you mean here.

the proposed study is limited to 100 respondents and only includes students from UiTM Pulau
Pinang. Second, the study is about the preferred of halal logo in Arabic or English. Therefore,
this study is limited to the students in UiTM Pulau Pinang only, not including to consumer
outside from UiTM Pulau Pinang. Finally, this research is also limited to Muslims students
where they preferred halal logo food in Arabic or English. Also, this study only focusing in
UiTM Pulau Pinang only where the capacity Muslim consumer are larger than non-Muslim
students. Almost in UiTM Pulau Pinang students are Muslim people. There will be bias when Commented [NJ9]: Not clear. What do you mean by this?

choosing the halal food in which have halal logo of Arabic and English.


2.0 Understanding of The Study Commented [NJ10]: Not clear. Be more specific with your
literature review topic.
Halal is a term exclusively used in Islam which means permitted or lawful. There are no parties
which can claim the food is Halal without complying with Islamic Law. The wholesomeness
concept of Halal, which covers not only the Sharia’ requirement, but also the sustainability
concept of hygiene, sanitation and safety aspect, makes Halal food readily acceptable by
consumers who are concerned about food safety and healthy life style.

According to a case research of Confidence in Thai Halal Logo (Benrit & Mudor 2019) Halal
originate from Arabic word meaning allowed or permitted by Islamic law, and it’s a term that
encompasses all of a Muslim’s life while it is opposite Haram which means prohibited or
unlawful this phrase is taken from Alam and Sayuri (2011). Continue with the concept of halal
and haram (prohibited) cannot be separated from Islam as a way of life.

Besides halal, we must strongly emphasize on cleanliness, especially in the context of foods
and drinks. That’s why Halal food is very healthy and hygienic because it is approved for doing
good things. (Sharifah, Rosli & Roslilee 2014). Furthermore, food quality seems to be important
as Islam has set two essential criteria for food consumption, namely, halal that is permissible by
Islamic Shariah and toyyib which refers to good quality food as explained by Shaikh Mohd
Salleh (2006). Wan Hassan and Hall (2003 pp. 81–101) has remind that Quran had stressed out
that it will keep them faithfully clean and pure when a Muslim is eating only halal food

In the context of food consumption, the term indicates that a particular food is permissible to
be consumed. A product with Halal logo is deemed suitable for Muslim consumers. The Halal
logo represents a high level of hygiene, cleanliness, safety and nutrition and production under
the strict requirements of Islamic dietary law. Halal foods are visually similar to other foods but
are distinguished by their nature, processing, ingredients, handling and slaughter techniques
(Canadian Council of Muslim Theologians 2007). The term Halal, which is the Islamic
counterpart of Kosher means permitted or allowed to Muslims. Halal logo of food is becoming
increasingly important as the country’s Muslim population grows. It is also important for the
export business (Berry and Donna 2000).

The ‘Halal’ concept is one of these commitments that play an important role in Muslims’
consumption. Today, Islam is the fastest-growing religion on Earth, both by birth and adoption,
with the Muslim population estimated to exceed three billion by 2010. With the global Halal
market estimated to be worth $150 billion a year and the Halal food industry pegged to grow
at a rate of 2.9% annually (Asia Inc, July/August 2007), businesses should indeed be tapping
this growing market segment (Al-Harran and Low 2008).

2.1 The Important of Halal Logo

In Islam's religion, to consume halal products is the entitlement of God to humans, especially
for the Muslims. According to Rahman, Wan Ahmad, Yusof, & Ismail (2011) halal substance
is a concept that encourages Muslims to seek and apply any products or services that
promoted the safety, hygiene, cleanliness and environmental friendly in all aspects of life
Because of halal term has been widely accepted in Muslim society and now it also has been
part of most of the non- Muslim globally. The halal word written in the Al-Quran means
“lawful, permitted, allowed or legal” and the opposite of halal is haram means unlawful or
illegal Therefore it’s important to have halal logo being in every production as a trademark Commented [NJ11]: Citation?

Halal logo is the most common graphic mark use for Halal Malaysia which is a symbol to
indicate the product or business is certified Halal by JAKIM. This is also an indication that
the product or business is Shariah compliance (Wan Rusni, Mohhidin, Russly, Nitty and
Suhaimi, 2015). As being stated in background information (pg 1) before, Halal certification
is not only focusing on the materials or ingredients that goes into the product however the
“Toyyiban” or wholesomeness concept that was applied will also scrutinize every aspect of
productions. This is considered as the Halal certification strength, where sanitation and safety
is also an important part of this certification which is not only important to Muslims but
equally important for non-Muslim consumers and such important features are found to be
important selling point to all consumers’ segment (Ismail, Othman, Rahman, Kamarulzaman,
& Rahman, 2016). However, they also stated that using Halal certificate to attract consumers
as a marketing tool is not very practical thus, a symbol or logo that representing Halal
Malaysia was introduced for that purpose which are now widely use in Malaysia and can be
found in almost all Halal products packaging and displayed at various restaurants premises.
The objective of this paper is to investigate the fundamental of Halal Malaysia brand equity
based on Malay consumers' awareness toward Halal Malaysia brand cue.

2.2 Recognition of Halal Logo

The Halal logo/trademark is an important marketing tool in the international arena,

particularly if a product is intended to penetrate large Muslim segments of the population.
Certified Halal products are accepted domestically, and they open the door to marketing
products globally.

Consumer’s confidence is important in the purchase decision process (consumer decision

process) of goods or services to consumers. Specifically, the product or service relates to faith
and religion such as Halal products. It is vital that the product must be able to form credibility
with consumers. Through Kettani (2010) the size of the Muslim market worldwide is
estimated to be about two billion consumers, and 27.5% of this population is from Asia. The
Halal food market has grown over the past decade and is now worth an estimated $632 billion
per year. This number is expected to increase dramatically by the year 2020. Producers who
have Halal logo can potentially gain a large segment of potential customers from local and
international markets. The existence of such a large, segmented and reachable Muslim Commented [NJ12]: Citation?

market offers significant opportunities for businesses (Turcsik 2001). This mark that halal
logo has been recognized widely.

2.3 The Standardise of Halal Logo

Halal or is an Arabic words which mean permitted or lawful. Things or actions

permitted by Shariah law without punishment imposed on the doer (Ahmad Sahir, n.a). The
recognition of halal certification issued by JAKIM was started in 1974 when it becomes the
first standard use of products that met the halal criteria. Halal certification is to deliberate for
any rights for entrepreneurs to produce products or services that have been audited to be
recognized as halal (Ezanee, Siti Norezam, Noorulsadiqin, & Adam, 2016). They also said
with halal certification this to ensure Muslims practice on dietary must be according to the
Shariah Law and to inspire the Muslims or non-muslims entrepreneurs who produce the
products met the halal standard and requirement. Therefore, a standardization of halal logo
specifically in Malaysia that has been published by JAKIM should be the one to be
recognized. Commented [NJ13]: Not really related to the topic of this

Even so there still confusion lingering among the informers between Halal logo whether they
are clearly shown and the reason there are still informers think that Halal logo 2 is the current
Halal Malaysia logo is due to the words “Jabatan Kemajuan Islam Malaysia” used in the
previous Halal logo even though this logo is no longer valid.
In 2003, the old Halal logo design has been replaced with the new one where the word
“Jabatan Kemajuan Islam Malaysia” has been replaced with the word “Malaysia” which
offer better security features in order to avoid fraud and confusion among consumers (Jakim
perkenal logo halal baru, 2003). Such change is necessary because this brand is not only
catering for Malaysian market instead this brand is also use in almost all products exported to
other countries (Ab. Rahman, 2004). Thus, the simplification of the logo design is necessary
to make it more appealing and stand out in the international market. With the introduction of
new Halal logo in 2003, there was an expectation that the earlier Halal logo that is still in
the market will be slowly reduced and completely diminish at the end of the year 2004
(Ab.Rahman, 2004).

Figure 2 : Original Halal Logo by JAKIM

In Halal Malaysian Portal there stated the characteristic of Halal Logo where this characteristic
is referred to the logo that issued by JAKIM/ JAIN/ MAIN. Halal logo contains an eight cups

star at the center of a circle, the Arabic word is at the center of the star and the word
‘HALAL’ in Roman alphabet is below it. Next, the word Malaysia in Roman and Arabic is
written within the circle of the logo. Lastly, two small five cups star are positioned to separate
the Roman alphabet from the Arabic word mentioned.


3.0 Research Design
There are a few methods of research design that have been used to complete this research. It
is qualitative research design and quantitative research design. Qualitative research is mainly
an exploratory study. This is used to gain insight into the underlying reasons, views and
motives. This gives insight into the issue or helps to generate ideas or theories for future
quantitative research. Thus, quantitative analysis uses observable data to formulate evidence
and discover study trends. Quantitative data collection methods are much more organized Commented [NJ14]: Not necessary to include this info.

than qualitative data collection methods. Quantitative data collection approaches include a Commented [NJ15]: Not clear. This needs more
number of survey types.
Commented [NJ16]: What are the types?

3.1 Respondents of Study

The target population for this research is UiTM Pulau Pinang students. The university is
made up of 6728 students (as of January 2019). The student population data for this study
were obtained by the Student Relation Council at UiTM Pulau Pinang. As a result, simple
random sampling was used. 100 of the 6728 students were used as random samples,
consisting of 50 male students and 50 female students. In addition, the range of ages in this
research varies from 18 years to 25 years. In this study, the research used a cross-sectional
study the measure the relationship between preferred halal logo in Arabic or English with Commented [NJ17]: What do you mean by this? Are you
sure about this?
student’s satisfaction due to the time frame of the research.

3.2 Sampling Method

The survey in the form of a questionnaire was completed by 100 students. By means of the
convenience sampling process, 100 sets of questionnaires were distributed to 50 males and
50 female students of different genders. The questionnaires were on google form which is
the link have been share using WhatsApp and telegram. The questionnaire was limit to 100
students only which is 50 males and 50 female of student. The data was analyzed using google
form. This is the easier way to calculate and get accurate data. The survey is to investigate
the on student preferred of choosing halal logo in Arabic or English.

3.3 Research Instrument
The questionnaire was adopted on the basis of past research relevant to this research topic.
There are three sections included in the questionnaire:

Section A : Purchase halal food in Arabic or English halal

logo Section B : Preferred halal logo
Section C : Demotivated Commented [NJ18]: Not related to the research
objectives and research questions.
For all section, multiple question is used to know the demographic details of the respondents
where the respondent is asked to choose only one response in each question. The questions
in the instrument were adopted from previous studies undertaken by Zainalabidin Mohamed
Mad Nasir Shamsudin & Golnaz Rezai (2013); and Yuhanis Abdul Aziz and Nyen Vui Chok
(2012). In addition, a 5- point likert scale is use to evaluate components in all section, where
5=strongly agree, 4=agree, 3=undecided, 2=disagree, 1=strongly disagree. Likert scale is the
most widely and accurately used tools in researching popular opinion also easy to draw
reports, results and graphs from the responses.

3.4 Data Collection Method

Data Collection is an important aspect of any kind of research study. Accurate data collection
can have an impact on the results of the study and ultimately lead to invalid results. There
are a few methods that have been used for the process of data collection. This work used a
questionnaire to collect data for the collection of primary data. The questionnaire can be
defined as a pre-formulated written question collection used to answer or respond to
questions from the respondents. Commented [NJ19]: Not clear.

3.5 Data Analysis Method

The methodology used is the descriptive analysis. The data is evaluated using the number of
frequencies and the percentage where it is simpler to be reflected in the charts. The data will
be classified on the basis of the query and the frequency count. Frequencies refer to the
number of times various types of a given phenomenon occur, from which the rate and the
average frequency of their occurrence can be easily determined. Descriptive analysis is used
to identify the main features of the data in a sample. This includes simple summaries of the
sample and the steps taken. In a concise statistic, the researcher clearly explains what the
data is or what it reveals. Commented [NJ20]: Not clear.




Base on questionnaire that has been done there are about 106 students that had done the survey.
There are 19 question that must be answered by them. Figure below show the detail on gender,
age and faculty.

Figure 3: Pie chart of the gender that done the survey

Table 1

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent
Valid Female 60 56.6 56.6 56.6
Male 46 43.4 43.4 100.0
Total 106 100.0 100.0

Table 1 and figure 3 above show the detail on the gender that had taken the survey. As can see
on the table above the number of female are higher than male. The percentage of female is
56.6% and the percentage of the male is 43.3% the difference is 13.2%

Figure 4: pie chart of the age

Table 2
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent
Valid 19.00 3 2.8 2.8 2.8
21.00 46 43.4 43.4 46.2
23.00 57 53.8 53.8 100.0
Total 106 100.0 100.0

Figure 4 and table 2 above show the detail the age of student that take part in this survey. The
average age is shown in the box, because it easier to done the analysis. As can see age 23 has
higher frequency than the others. The percentage of age 23 is 53.8% while the age 21 is 43.4%
and the age 19 is only 2.8% because there is only 3 students who done the survey. This show
the eagerness of student age 23 on this topic because they are the oldest as they concern about
the halal concept future

Figure 5: Pie chart of the Faculty

Table 3

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent
Valid Faculty of Chemical 6 5.7 5.7 5.7
Faculty of Civil Engineering 7 6.6 6.6 12.3
Faculty of Electrical 73 68.9 68.9 81.1
Faculty of Hotel 14 13.2 13.2 94.3
Management and Tourism
Faculty of Mechanical 6 5.7 5.7 100.0
Total 106 100.0 100.0

Figure 5 and Table 3 above show the detail of student from different faculty. There are about
5 different faculties from UiTM Penang. From the table, student from Faculty of Electrical
Engineering has the highest frequency with 68.9%. Next, follow in second place are students
from Faculty of Hotel Management and Tourism with 13.2%. The difference between Faculty
EE and Faculty HM is about 55.7%. Lastly, students from Faculty of Civil Engineering with
the percentage of 6.6% and tie together with the percentage of 5.7% are students from Faculty
of Chemical Engineering and Mechanical Engineering.


In this topic, it will show the result of the trusted halal logo whether in Arabic vs English.
Figure below show the bar graph from the questionnaire. 2 question are picked to see which
halal logo in Arabic or in English are more trusted.

Figure 6 : Arabic Vs Percentage of trusted

Table 4
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent
Valid 1.00 4 3.8 3.8 3.8
2.00 7 6.6 6.6 10.4
3.00 32 30.2 30.2 40.6
4.00 30 28.3 28.3 68.9
5.00 33 31.1 31.1 100.0
Total 106 100.0 100.0

Based on table 4 above, the score 5 where it means strongly agree has about 31.1% and
the score 1 which is strongly disagree has 3.8%.

Figure 7 : English Vs Percentage Trusted

Table 5
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent
Valid 1.00 29 27.4 27.4 27.4
2.00 24 22.6 22.6 50.0
3.00 26 24.5 24.5 74.5
4.00 17 16.0 16.0 90.6
5.00 10 9.4 9.4 100.0
Total 106 100.0 100.0

While for halal logo in English detail are based on figure 7 and table 5. The percentage
of score 5 is 9.4% and the score 1 has 27.4%.

This make that halal logo in Arabic is more trusted than halal logo in English. This
proves on the score shows on the above. Student UiTM Penang are strongly agreeing
with score 5 of 31.1% that halal logo in Arabic are more trusted then halal logo in
English. Because the student is strongly disagreeing on halal logo in English with
percentage 27.4%.


Table 6 : Item Statistics

Item Statistics
Mean Std. Deviation N
Halal which is lawful 4.1275 1.04996 102
Ha Lam Alif Lam are more trusted 3.6176 1.25109 102
English is easier to read 2.2157 1.05893 102
More Islamic to represent the product 4.0294 1.12976 102
Familiar with Arabic word 3.9314 1.02696 102
Both word are familiar 3.2745 1.25198 102
Comfortable with Arabic 3.7941 1.20509 102
Muslim buy halal product Arabic halal logo 3.7843 1.19095 102
English logo can be trusted 2.5686 1.30884 102
Arabic logo can be trusted 3.8039 1.06277 102
Muslim trust halal logo in Arabic 3.9608 1.04286 102
Halal Arabic language and Islam originally 4.0196 .96452 102
Arabic halal logo not complicated to read 3.4118 1.05636 102
Both halal logo can be trusted 3.2941 1.46638 102
Don’t trust halal logo in English 3.5294 1.34757 102
Arabic logo are more trusted 3.9216 1.09622 102
English is the primary language 2.5392 1.28719 102
Halal word has a specific meaning 3.4510 1.12247 102
Arabic can be trusted compared to the 4.1373 .92318 102
English version Commented [NJ21]: Not complete sentences taken from
the questionnaire.

Table 7 : Summary Item Statistics

Summary Item Statistics

Maximum /
Mean Minimum Maximum Range Minimum Variance N of Items
Item Means 3.548 2.216 4.137 1.922 1.867 .317 19
Item Variances 1.341 .852 2.150 1.298 2.523 .112 19
Inter-Item .264 -.615 .853 1.468 -1.387 .198 19

Table 8 : Reliability Statistics Commented [NJ22]: Where is the data explanation for
Reliability Statistics
Cronbach's Alpha
Cronbach's Based on N of
Alpha Standardized Items Items
.850 .872 19


The study for this topic is about the Halal Logo How Far Do We Trust the Word Written
in Arabic Vs English Equivalent. As we know, nowadays there are too many food/product
manufacturers are producing food/product and in Malaysia, it also accepts the food/product
import from another country. Therefore, the issues about the halal logo which also has a
different types of forms and also the words that are in Arabic and English. The aim for this
study is to investigate whether the Halal Logo is in Arabic or English which one is more
reliable. Based on the data that have been collected from the survey using the Google Form,
most of the student choose Arabic halal logo as the preference to purchase halal product or
food. This survey has been spread using google form through social media which is WhatsApp,
Facebook and Instagram.
The total of response is 106 responses with different gender which is 46 males and 60
females, age which the majority 23 years old and above and most of it is from the faculty of
electrical engineering. From the survey, most of student choose halal logo in Arabic because
the Arabic words are more trusted compared to English translation of "Halal" which is
"Lawful". It shows that the halal meaning in English which is “Lawful” affect students trust
for choosing halal product or food that using English as a logo. Next, most student also prefer
halal logo in Arabic because Arabic word "Halal" which is in "Ha Lam Alif Lam". Meaning
of halal in Arabic is “allowed”, “permitted” or “permissible” where in English is “lawful”.
However, based on the survey, the meaning of halal in Arabic make most student choose Arabic
logo as a logo.
English was known as the second language which stated in Article 152 in Malaysia. It
is easier to Malaysian for understanding halal logo in English than Arabic. English language
also uses widely in the world. However, most of the student does not agree to choose halal logo
in English even though it is easier to be understanding because they are suspicious if the halal
logo is in English. Furthermore, the halal logo has chosen in Arabic because the response was
think halal logo in Arabic is more familiar and more Islamic. Arabic is known as Bahasa used
in Al-Quran. It is make people more believe Arabic halal logo than English logo.

Moreover, most of the student in UiTM Pulau Pinang Kampus Permatang Pauh are
Muslims that is why most of the students were prefer the halal logo is in Arabic compared to
English words. Thus, they believe that the Arabic language is the language which symbolizes
the truth of Islam. From the survey, the students think that the halal logo in Arabic is not too
complicated to understand and also most of the students prefer Arabic halal logo because they
more confident with Arabic words even though the English is the primary language of the
world. Based on the overall survey, most of the students choose Arabic as a word that should
be used in halal logo. They still choose the Islamic word as the word to be used as preferred
for them to purchase product and food. Last but not least, there are also a few students that also
prefers the halal logo that used both words because they believe and feel more confident if they
purchase the product with both words as the guideline to purchase halal product or food.



As for the conclusion, most of student choose halal logo in Arabic because the Arabic
words are more trusted compared to English translation of "Halal" which is "Lawful". Most of
students in UiTM Pulau Pinang Kampus Permatang Pauh choose to trust halal logo in Arabic
more than English translation because they were more comfortable with the Arabic than
English halal logo. Halal logo in Arabic are really Islamic and familiar for Muslim people.
They are choosing the Arabic halal logo because they were more familiar with the halal logo
since their young age and as Muslims they were already thought to choose the food or any
product with halal logo in Arabic words. Furthermore, halal logo in Arabic is more trusted for
Muslim people because Arabic is the language that used in Al-Quran and Hadith. In fact,
Arabic is the language that widely used in Al-Quran and Hadith that make Muslim people more
trusted to use the product that have halal logo in Arabic. Although, English language is widely
used around the world, Muslims people will be more trusted if the halal logo is Arabic halal
logo. The respondents support the idea if the Arabic halal logo is combined with the English
halal logo for worldwide product. However, most Muslims people more trusted if the halal
logo is in Arabic halal logo because Arabic language mostly used in Al-Quran that they recite
in their daily life.

As for the recommendations for this study is, the Muslims need to observed more about
the food or product that they choose in the market, if you feel uncertain and doubtful about the
food just leave it. Furthermore, as a food producer if the food is meant to be a halal food then
the food producer should be follow the procedures of processing the food correctly. Commented [t23]: Too short


REFERENCES Commented [NJ24]: Wrong reference style.

[1] (Zainalabidin Mohamed, Golnaz Rezai, Mad Nasir Shamsudin, 2008)

[2] (Mohamed et al., 2013)

[3] (“Muslim Population by Country 2020,” n.d.)

[4] (Ismail et al., 2016)

[5] (Benrit & Mudor, 2018)

[6] (Shafiq et al., 2015)

[7] (Bachok et al., 2011)


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