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1 How do molar conductivity vary with dilution for KCl and CH3COOH , Explain
with suitable graph

2 Calculate the strength of current required to deposit 1.2 g of Mg from Mg Cl2 for

1 hour

3 Calculate the emf at 250C

Cr / Cr +3 ( 0.1 M )// Fe +2 ( 0.01M ) / Fe

E0 Cr+3/Cr = -0.74V E0 Fe+2/Fe = -0.44 V

4 Calculate the max work done Zn/ Zn+2 // Co+2/ Co

E0Zn+2/Zn = -0.76V E0 Co +2/Co = -0.28V

Group 2

1. How do molar conductivity vary with dilution for KCl and CH3COOH , Explain
with suitable graph

2. Calculate the time required to deposit 2 g of Cu from CuSO4 when a current

of 10 A was passed through it .

3. Calculate the emf at 250C

Ni + 2 Ag + -----→ Ni+2 + 2 Ag

E0 Ni+2/ Ni = -0.25 V E0 Ag+/ Ag = 0.80 V

4. Conductivity of 0.1 M KCl is 2.7x 10-3 cm -1mol Calcualte the cell constant if
resistance is 100 ohm

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