Tle 6 Ict Week5 TG

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
City Schools Division of Bacoor
City of Bacoor, Cavite
District of Bacoor II

K to 12 Basic Education Curriculum
Technology and Livelihood Education
Information and Communication Technology
Grade 6

Grade Level Standard

At the end of Grade 6, the learner is expected to demonstrate enhanced and

expanded knowledge in entrepreneurship and ICT, agriculture, home economics, and
industrial arts toward the improvement of the family’s economic life and the community.

Learning Competencies

Explains the advantages and disadvantages of using online tools to gather data.
( TLEIE6-0D-8 )
Creates an online survey form. ( TLEIE6-0e-9 )
Disseminates an online survey form. ( TLEIE6-0E-10 )
Process online survey data. ( TLEIE6-0F-12 )

Content Standard

Demonstrate knowledge and skills using online survey tool.

Performance Standard

Conduct a survey using google forms.


In the changing world like ours where in technology took place at its fullest. Learning
in the classroom itself is very linear as well as to the learner’s curiosity on how things
Due to this curiosity, the learners are able to formulate ideas and tend to create an
answer on what they are curious about. In the learning process, we as teachers are to
lead them to the right path and teach them the proper way on how to ask others of
questions that they wanted to give solution into or they are curious about. One way of
doing so, is by creating an on line survey. One of the friendliest application in the internet
today is the so-called google forms of Google.


At the end of the lesson, the learner is expected to:

Define online survey

Explain the advantages and disadvantages of using online tools to gather
Know some interesting topics cover in online survey.
Create an online survey using google form.
Discuss online survey tools.
Discuss how to create online survey using google forms.
Disseminate online survey using google.


Matching Type: Match column A with column B. Write the letter of the
correct answer on the blank before each number.


_______1. Online survey a. Website in the internet used to gather data

on particular issues.
_______ 2. Online survey tools b. An examination of a topic or issue using the
internet and answered by a group of
Internet users.
______ 3. Facebook c. Website that helps you keep track of your
favourite celebrities.
______ 4. Yahoo! d. Where you can find videos on any topic-
food, movies, reviews, and even do-it-
yourself videos.
______ 5. Google e. A website to get in touch with friends and
______ 6. Twitter f. A website containing updated news around
the world. Also used in checking and
sending emails.
______ 7. Youtube g. Saves time and energy in connecting to
people from faraway place.
______ 8. Advantages of online h. Use of Internet can sometimes fall
survey tools
______ 9. Disadvantages of online i. Questions with mixed answers from
survey tools respondents
______ 10 . Open questions j. A website that provides a wide range of
information about places, things, people,
and events.


Day 1

Lesson: Explains the advantages and disadvantages of using

online tools to gather data.


What is Online survey?

Online survey is a study that aims to gather data to get the

particular view, belief, or opinion of a group of respondent about specific
issue or topic. This survey is conducted through the internet using
particular website.

This is a made and self-administered survey since you are the

one who formulated the survey question/item, hence made your own
survey form, posted it on the website of your choice, collected or gathered
the answer (or data) from your respondent, and upon gathering the data,
tabulated them.

By gathering and tabulating the data or answers of your

respondent on the survey questions, you can come up with your findings
and arrive at a conclusion about them.

Some interesting topics you may cover in an online survey and which
readers find interesting are:

1. Comment/Reactions toward a product/good/service.

2. Market research such as product preference.
3. Hobbies or interests of users based on age/gender/schooling.
4. Food preferences of respondents based on
5. Music preferences of teenager.
Online Survey Tools:

There are online survey tools that can be used for online survey.

1. Facebook –this is a website that is used to contact ,friends, relations, and

acquaintances around the globe.
2. Yahoo! – This is a website that contains updates of news around the
3. Google- This is the most common website that is used in searching a web.
4. Twitter – This website is used to keep track of your favourite celebrities
and their daily activities or happenings.
5. YouTube- in this website, you can found videos about various topics such
as cooking, reviews on movies and the like.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Using Online Tools

Advantages of Using Online Tools:

1. It is faster and easier way of gathering data.

2. It is convenient.
3. It saves money, time, and energy.
4. You are exposed to a wider group of people across culture, age, socio-
economicbackground, profession or occupation.

Disadvantages of Using online Tools:

1. Internet connection may not be available al the time when you need it.
2. The used of online tools is limited only to those who have access to the
internet and to those who have the skills to used it.
3. It eliminates the persona touch that you can give in a face-to-face
interview with the respondent.


 Classroom-Based Activity using online Tools .

Let the pupils log in to their Google, Facebook, Yahoo!, Twitter account if they
encounter some advantages and disadvantages using the online tools.


Essay/Situational Analysis

Answer the following questions:

 In what way do online surveys help you as a pupil?

 Is it important to know the advantages and Disadvantages of Using Online Tools ?

Why? or Why not?

 Can you cite at least two examples of interesting topics you may cover in an online


A. Arrange the jumbled letter to form the correct word.

1. OOAHY – This is a website that contains updates of news around the

2. UETBOYU - in this website, you can found videos about various topics
such as cooking, reviews on movies and the like.

3. ELGOGO- This is the most common website that is used in searching a


4. KECFOAOB – this is a website that is used to contact ,friends, relations,

and acquaintances around the globe.

5. TTEWITR – This website is used to keep track of your favourite

celebrities and their daily activities or happenings.
B. Enumerate at least five Advantages and Disadvantages of using Online
Day 2

Lesson: Creates an online survey form. ( TLEIE6-0e-9 )


Creating your online Survey Form

In creating your survey form, it is important to be guided by the following.

1. Write a brief but clear introduction. What is the survey all about?

What is its objective or purpose? How long would it take to answer it? Where will the
data be used? Will the responses be kept confidential? And other related matters.

2. Design your survey form in an attractive, simple and easy-to-read way using
appropriate colors, font size, and arrangement of the parts of the survey so that
the respondent can easily move from one part to another in a logical manner.
3. Keep your instructions in answering the questions using short and simple
4. The format of your survey form should be well organized.
5. Pilot test your survey.
6. Include at the end of the questions a simple “Thank You” in appreciation
7. You are now ready to post your survey form.

Getting Started Using the Google Forms

(The teacher will log on to her deped account : e.g. The children will then access the account
with the supervision of the teacher)

 Classroom-Based Activity creating survey form.

Let the pupils create a survey form using Google form.
1. By clicking the application tab, the applications will then appear.

2. Select the forms.

3. Choose your own template to use.

4. After choosing a template, it will direct to this tab.

5. The tabs in the upper right shows other features of the form.

6. The tab will then show the area where you can write questions for
your survey.

7. You can customize responses base on how would you like your
audiences to answer your question by doing the steps below.

8. You can duplicate and require responses to questions or edit as well

by clicking the following below.

 Essay/Situational Analysis

Answer the following questions:

 How do you make an online survey?

 What is the importance of online survey?


A. Arrange the steps in creating a survey. Write 1-6

______Register on your chosen online service provider.
______Post and disseminate the online survey form to online users.
______Process the online survey data. Collect and tabulate the data.
Summarize and come up with your results.
______Share your findings.
______Know for how many days your survey form is to stay online until
you are able to gather the number of respondents your require.
______Choose a free online survey provider.
Here’s an example of an online survey form.
Day 3

Lesson: Disseminates an online survey form. ( TLEIE6-0E-10 )


Dissemination of online Survey Form

We disseminate online survey forms to gather answers to what we want to

know on how majority thinks about and the opinions they are into. We use the gathered
information to analyze the majority’s stand to some issues.


 Classroom-Based Activity: Dissemination of online survey form

Let the pupils disseminate an online survey form by following the steps below.

1. click the send button in the upper right corner.

2. you can choose from sending through an email,

By typing all the email addresses of the respondents, the survey form will then be
disseminated and would notify the receiver.


By choosing from the links below such as, google, FB and Twitter

 Essay/Situational Analysis

Answer the following questions:

 How do you disseminate an online survey?


B. What are the ways in disseminating an online survey? (5 points)

By: ______________________
By:_________________, _____________,__________________ and
Day 4

Lesson: Process online survey data. ( TLEIE6-0F-12 )


Processing an Online Survey Data

We process an online survey to know the responses of our audiences to a

specific topic and norm. In processing an online data we must then consider the number of
respondents that we input. It is important to process an online survey to determine the
significance of the topic that we use.


 Classroom-Based Activity: Dissemination of online survey form

Let the pupils process the responses on an online survey form.

1. 2.
3. 4.


 Essay/Situational Analysis

Answer the following questions:

 Why do we need to process an online survey?

 What is the importance of the responses in an online


C. What are the ways in disseminating an online survey? (5 points)

What are the 4 steps in processing an online survey form?

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